HomeMy WebLinkAbout082668MINUTES 567 City Commission, Sanford, Florida ' August 26at 8 P. PI. 19 68 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the gity Hall in the City Of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. on August 26, 1968. Present: Commissioner Earl Higginbotham, Acting Mayor " Lee P. Moore " M. L. Raborn, Jr. ~ " A.L. Wilson City Attorney W. C. Hutchison, Jr. City Manager W. E. Knowles City Clerk H. L. Whelchel i! Police Chief Ben E. Butler Absent: Commissioner W. Vincent Roberts, Mayor The meetingw~s called to order by the Chairman. The first item of business was the appearance of Vincent F. Holmwood, Sanford Flotilla. Gommander ~l, Coast Guard Auxiliary of the Seventh United States Coast Guard District requesting permission for said organization to lease the city-owned building on Seminole Boulevard formerly occupied by the Navy Fleet Reserve and recently vacated as a teenage dance !recreation facility and more commonly known as the "Old Legion Hut" building. After consideration, Commissioner Moore moved that the city-owned building be offered to the Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla for their use and that said organization be responsible for the maintenance and insurance coverage of the building and property. Seconded by Commissioner Raborn and carried. On motion of Commissioner Raborn, seconded by Commissioner Moore and carried, the Tax Equalization Board meeting was adjourned to September 9, 1968, to hear tax valuation complaints. Sidney L. Vihlen, Jr., Chairman, Sanford Scenic Beautification Improvement Board, appeared to inform the Commission of the present endeavours of the Board in working with the Orange-Seminole-Osceola Joint PlaB~ing Commission on specifications fora professional beauti-li i!fication plan and a planner, and in turn introduced George R. Huffman, Assistant Director, !Tri-County Planning Commission, who presented a study outline for a proposed 10ng,range Beautification Plan for the Sanford area in cost increments for a total of $4,500.00 with said plan being a requirement by the Department of Housing and Urban Development for assist- ance under the federal funding programs. Appearing next was M. M. "Ben" Franklin, Executive Director, Florida Conservation International, Inc., Winter Park, Florida, presenting to the Commission a proposal for an ecological study, and further, recommending the relocation of the municipal zoo as a Zoologi- cal Park under a plan of relocating on no less than 1,2~0 acres of property as an educational and conservation site and paralleling the funding along with federal funds and foundation donations. The Commission took no official action on the services rendered by Mr. Franklin, but advised that the beaugification and zoo relocation proposals would be taken under con- sideration at the 1968-69 Budget Meetings. After consideration, Commissioner Moore moved to approve the request of the Southerni Fiber Glass Products, Inc., to lease the municipal Civic Center with alcoholic beverage privi-~ leges for their 1969 Cobia Boa~ Show Preview on August 27 and 28, 1968, at the regular fee of $250.00 per scheduled event. Seconded by Commissioner Raborn and carried over the dis- senting vote of Commissioner Wilson. Consideration was next given to a request of the Rotary Club for permission to use the City property, including the two parking lots, on the marina lakefront development site as authorized the previous year relative to the sponsorship by said organization of the J~h.eA~Dv f/i I o. r an o a. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida August 26 at 8 P. M. 19 68 annual Central Florida Labor Day Regatta on September 2, 1968, and on recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Moore moved that said request be approved. Seconded by commis- sioner Wilson and carried. A discussion was next held on a requeSt of William Reck, Jr., local WTRR Radio Station, for the City to'donate $50.00 to defray expenses and to sponsor a welcoming broad- cast for the Rotary sponsored Labor Day Regatta to be held on the lakefront on September 2, 1968, and on motion of Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried, same was denied. After consideration, Commissioner Wilson moved to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Quit Claim deed to Thomas L. Sullivan and Bonnie L., his wife, on property legally described as Lot 7, Speir's Addition, according to plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 74 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida,~ to validate the tax records relative to a tax sale, after review and approval by the City Attorney. Seconded by Commissioner Moore and carried. After consideration and on recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Raborn moved to approve the payment of $350.00 to Ardaman and Associates, engineering laboratories, Orlando, Florida, for subsurface s0il investigation, analysis and recommendatiOns of the Goldsboro Recreation Neighborhood Facilities Building site, as evidenced by Invoice No. 2042, dated August 6, 1968, and as authorized under Agreement dated July 8, 1968, with John A. Burton, IV, Architect. After consideration, Commissioner Raborn moved that approval be given to transfer budgeted funds within the Engineering Division accounts to balance current deficit, as follows: (a) $50.00 from Account No. 5005, Automotive Expense to Account No. 5008, Telephone and Telegraph. (bY $100.00 from Account No. 5001, Salaries, to Account No. 5009, Miscellaneous Expense. Seconded byilCommissioner Wilson and carried. Consideration was next given to a complaint by the abutting property owner re- garding the condition of a structure owned by Arthur N. Blasdell, 417 Sixth Street, and removed from the proposed Group 14 Condemuation List under Public Hearing of August 12, 1968, and more particularly designated as Condemnation Report No. 68-246. The City Commission authorized the City Manager to instruct the Building Official to discuss with the property owner the condition of the property and the expediting of the needed repairs. Considered~nexl~was~:requests for annexation by property owners of property located as follows 2805 South Park Avenue 1601 Southwest Road South side of Onora Road between SR 17-92 and Sanford Avenue and more particularly west of the Pinecrest Baptist Church (d) Eleven lots on the no~th side of Lake Jennie and south of SR 17-92 and 27th Street and tabled at the regular meeting of August 12, 1968. Due to the properties not being contiguous to the present boundary lines of the City limits, the Commission instructed the City Manager to work with the respective property owners in an attempt to acquire the signatures of those property owners in between those 569 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida ' Au, gust 26 at 8 P.M. 19 68 desiring annexation and the City limits boundary line in that larger areas needed to be annexed in order to "square up" the boundary lines of the City limits. Commissioner Raborn next introduced Ordinance No. 951, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF S~NFORD, FLORIDA~ AMENDING CHAPTER 18, THE CODE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, 195~, AS AMENDED, BY ADDi'NG THERETO SECTION 18-30.1, TEMPORARY QUESTIONING OF PERSONS IN PUBLIC PLACES; SEARCH FOR WEAPONS. On motion of Commissioner Raborn, seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried, Ordinance No. 951 was placed on its first reading and read in full. A discussion was held regarding the previous authority for the City Attorney to prepare a Resolution setting forth the procedures for the implementation of a street paving assessment lien project in the Goldsboro area for a Workable Program, and on motion of Commissioner Raborn, seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried,.the City Manager was iauthorized to correlate the necessary information for preparing the appropriate resolution. Consideration was next given to a letter from Executive Manager John Krider, Semi- nole Chamber of Commerce, clarifying a newspaper headline in that said organization did not endorse a bid for the Montreal National Major Baseball League relative to said team using the municipal stadium for spring training and stated only that "if requested, a letter would be written to the officials of said Club asking them to come to Sanford and present a pro- posal". Appearing next was William Scott, Sanford Herald reporter, to discuss the matter with the Commission and the Commission indicating that upon a proper proposal from the Montreal Baseball Club being presented to the City for the use of the stadium facilitieS, the proposal would be given consideration. A discussion was next held on a request from John Y. Mercer, representing the ~Sanford Plaza Merchants Association, for the additional paving of the south half of State Street within the Sanford'Plaza Shopping Center. The City Manager outlined that the entire street pavement of State Street is off-set to the north right-of-way line; that there is ipresently a full 24-foot width of street pavement within the State right-of-way but it is all on the north side and made a part of the~parking lot pavement; this cZntinuity of paving places the Unite State Bank building immediately against the street paving and is creating traffic problem between the bank drive-in window and the intersection of 17-92; the problem i~was created prior to the annexation of the sh~pping center property when the City would not ilaccept the street plan and paving in this manner; the street was constructed and paved by the Plaza developer and contractor with full knowledge that it would create a congestion; and the property was then annexed into the City limits. The City Manager was authorized to reply to the letter and familiarize the merchants and Mr. Mercer, Executive Vice President, United State Bank of Seminole, by giving a detailed outline of the situation and its creation. Consideration was next given to the impending costs for repairs to the tractor- dozer in addition to those expended over the past five years, and on motion of Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Raborn and carried, the City Manager was authorized to advertise for bids to replace the 1963 International TD 175 with ~-in-1 attachment, City vehicle No. 52, with partial payment of same to be made on November l, 1968, from funds authorized to be allocated in the 1968-69 Budget, Refuse Division, Account No. 4926, MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida August 26 at 8 P. M. .19 Equipment-General, in the amount of $7,500.00 There being~no further business, the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: mm