HomeMy WebLinkAbout103068 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford,.Florida. ,10¢tober ~0 at 8 P. M. DO'I'~OW OFFICE '8UFt'LY COMPANY ~ - 19. 68 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Adjourned Session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. on October 50, 1968. Present: Commissioner W. Vincent Roberts, Mayor " Earl Higginbotham " Lee P. Moore " M.L. Raborn, Jr. " A.L. Wilson City Attorney W. C. Hutchison, Jr. City Manager W. E. Knowles City Clerk H. L. Whelchel Police Chief Ben E. Butler The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. Hubert Jones Ware, 2519 Princeton Avenue, a disabled veteran, appeared before the Commission requesting consideration of an exempt occupational license to operate a retail store. After consideration and on motion of Commissioner Raborn, seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried, the exempt occupational license was approved. Consideration next given the request of Bernhard'Edwards and Leo S. Edwards, his wife, for the City to give clear title to property acquired through a City real estate de- linquent tax sale. The City Clerkgave verification that the tax rolls show said persons to be the owners of the property and that they have continually paid the taxes on same. After discussion, Commissioner Higginbothammoved to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execUte a Quit Claim Deed to Bernhard Edwards and Leo S. Edwards, his wife, as owners of Lots 165 and 166, Sa~fo Park, according to Plat Book 5, Page 562, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried. A request of James E. Terwilleger, Jr., owner of Miracle Concrete Company, for the City to place redi-mix concrete on an annual bid, was next considered. During discussion, it was explained that the amount used aBn_ually is in small lots, delivery time'on the job is most important and it should not be tied down to one supplier. Commissioner Moore moved that the request be denied. Seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried. Consideration was given to a proposal from Ben H. Dickens, associate~i~with the law office of Sanchez & Dickens, Tallahassee, Florida, regarding assistance in preparing enabling legislation for the City to finance industrial plants through the issuance of tax-free in- dustrial b~ndS~Un~er,~existing federal and state legislation and under the proposed new Florida Constitution at a cost not to exceed $767.00. Said assignment to he'undertaken u~der the guidance of the City Attorney. After discussion, Commissioner Moore moved to authorize the City Attorney to retain the services of Ben H. Dickens for assistance in preparing 1969 enabling legislation for use of industrial bonds by the City of Sanford at a fee not to.exceed $767.00 and that cost be paid from the Sanford Industrial Commission appropriation accounts. Seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried. After considerat;ion, Commissioner Moore moved to authorize the City Attorney to prepare drafts of the appropriate documents for the 1969 legislation to allow the City of Sanford to establish a locally appointed board as a Municipal Airport Authority for the operation and management of the Sanford Naval Air Station property, and to place the required advertisement on local legislation. Seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried. The City Attorney gave a brief resume on the proposed revision of the State Consti- tution and a recommendation of opposition was noted by the Florida League of Municipalities with reference to certain sections on the approach and standpoint of affecting municipal gov- ernment. After discussion. Commissioner Higginbotham moved to authorize the City Attorney to MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida. October ~0 at 8 P. M. _19. 68 prepare a Resolution in that the City of Sanford goes on record as opposing the adoption of the proposed new State Constitution. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried. Consideration next given the engineering cost as submitted by Clark, Dietz and Associates, engineers, on the paving project of the Georgetown area lien assessment program, covering the field and design work for the streets and surface drainage in the area: Entire area, $18,000.00; North-South streets only, $13,500.00. After discussion, Commissioner Raborn moved to authorize the City to enter into a Contract with the firm of Clark, Dietz and Associates for the engineering and survey work for all streets and surface drainage in the Georgetown area at the estimated fee of $18,000.00 wit~ fee to be covered under the paving assessment. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried. After further consideration of the outlined engineering fees with reference to de- sign work for streets in the Georgetown area, Commissioner Moore moved that the p~oposed con- tract for engineering and survey work for all streets, including surface drainage, be placed on open proposals to engineering firms. Seconded by Commissioner Raborn and carried. After consideration, COmmissioner Moore moved that equipment requirements for the Goldsboro Recreation Facilities Building, now under construction at the site of Persimmon Avenue and McCracken Road a~d authorized under Contract dated September 24, 1968, be placed on / bids. Seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried. Consideration was next given to .a request of Jack H. Standifer, Jr., disabled vet- eran, for an exempt occupational license to operate a service station on the northwest corner of 20th Street and French Avenue; and on motion of Commissioner Raborn, seconded by Commis- sioner Moore and carried, same was'approved. A request of Dynatronics Corporation, Highway 17-92, South, for use of the Municipal Civic Center on Sunday, December 22, 1968, for an employee Christmas Party with alcoholic bev- erage privileges, was next considered. After discussion, Commissioner Higginbotham moved to approve the request at the standard fee of $250.00. Seconded by Commissioner Moore with motio] failing to carry over the dissenting votes of Commissioner Raborn, Commissioner Roberts and Commissioner Wilson. After further'consideration, Commissioner Moore moved to approve the aforementioned request upon said Company selecting a date other than a Sunday. Seconded by Commissioner Raborn and carried over the ~issenting vote of Commissioner Wilson. On motion of Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried, City Clerk H. L. Whelchel was appointed Acting City Manager during the absence of City Manager Knowles on November 12, 1968. The City Manager related to the Commission that under the General Conditions of the Contract for the construction of the Goldsboro Recreation Neighborhood Facilities Building, the City, as owner, is required to provide insurance coverage in addition to that required by the Contractor, and on motion of Commissioner Raborn, seconded by Commissioner Wilson and car- ried, the matter was referred to the City Attorney for study and recommendations. There being no further~..~business, the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: ity Clerk