HomeMy WebLinkAbout012769 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Jalluary, 27 at 8 P.M. 19, 69 4:3 DO~OW OFFICE ~tJI'PLY COMPANY The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. on January 27, 1969. Present: Commissioner Lee P. Moore, Mayor " James H. Crapps " Earl Higginbotham " W. Vincent Roberts " A.L. Wilson City Attorney W. C. Hutchison, Jr. City Manager W. E. K~owles City Clerk H. L. Whelchel Police Chief Ben E. Butler The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. The first item of business was consideration of a request by the Sanford Police Department for the use of the Municipal Civic Center on Saturday, March 15, 1969, for the aBoual Policemen's Ball with alcoholic beverage privileges, and on motion of Commissioner ~Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried, the request was approved at the standard rental fee of $250.00. Presented next was a sketch rendered by John A. Burton, IV, Architect, of the posed addition to the Municipal Civic Center for dressing room facilities. The sketch pro- jected a~,;addition of 66p square feet of floor space to the north of the stage vault wall in keeping with the original architectural design of the building, with an estimated construction cost of between $15-$16,000.00. After consideration, Commissioner Higginbotham moved to authorize the City Manager to negotiate with Architect John A. Burton, IV, on the fee for said plans and specifications as presented and report said information back to the City Commission for further consideration Seconded by Commissioner. Roberts and carried. The City Manager next submitted the following tabulation of bids which were opened publicly at 2:00 o'clock ~P. M. on January 20, 1969, for furnishing two police cars; one stand- ard sedan car; two pickup trucks; one refuse dump truck; one street dump truck; seven two-way radio units; one leaf sweeper; recreation equipmenti tables, chairs, racks, office equipment, kitchen equipment, and public address system for the Goldsboro Recreation Neighborhood Facili- ties Building; in accordance with the specifications in the Invitation for Bids published in the Sanford Herald on December 20, 1968. I II BID TABULATION Two - 1969 Police Cars Jack Prosser Ford Company Delivery - 45 days - no specs Joe Creamons, Inc. - Chevrolet Delivery - 6 to 8 weeks Seminole County Motors - Dodge Delivery - 40 to 60 days Jim Lash Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc. Incomplete bid and not comparable One - 1969 Standard Car, 6..C~linder Joe Creamons, Inc. - Chevrolet Delivery - 6 to 8 weeks Jack Prosser Ford Company Delivery - approx. 45 days - no specs Seminole County Motors - Dodge Delivery - 40 to 60 days Jim Lash Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc. Incomplete bid and not comparable $5,421.76 5,422.24 5,599.00 $1,995.87 2,068.26 2,179.00 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida January 27 at 8 P.M. 19 69 III IV V VI VII VIII TwO -.1969 Pickup.. Trucks Seminole County Motors - Dodge Delivery - 30 to 60 days ,470. O0 Joe Creamons, Inc. - Chevrolet Delivery - 6 to 8 weeks 5,554.92 Jack Prosser Ford Company Delivery - approx. 45 days - no Specs 3,7~[. 98 Superior GMC Trucks Delivery - 60 days 1.5,796.42 One - Re fuse Dump Truck Jack Prosser Ford Company Delivery - 45 to 60 days - no specs $3,602,21 Joe Creamons, Inc. - Chevrolet Delivery 6 to 8 weeks 3,820.14 Seminole County Motors - Dodge Delivery - 45 to 75 days 5,978.00 Superior GMC Trucks, Inc. Delivery -60 days 4,227.95 One - Street Dump Truck Joe Creamons, Inc. - Chevrolet Delivery ' 6 to 8 weeks $5,455.00 Jack Prosser Ford Company Delivery - 45 to 60 days - no specs 5,562.88 Seminole County Motors - Dodge Delivery - 60 to 90 days 5,860.96 Superior GMC Trucks, IBc. Delivery - 60 to 75 days 5,975.22 ~even Un~.ts of 2-wa7 Radio Equipmqn.~ Q. ompa~¥ ~-lowband $1,755.00 RCA Delivery 45 days GE Delivery 65 days 2,207.40 2-highband $1,278.00 2-portable $1,028.00 1,220.00 (1 watt) Motorola Delivery 45 days 2,241.00 1,~80.00 1,198.00 Dumont Delivery 45 to 60 days 1,118.15 Johnson and Aikens One..Leaf Sweeper (1 bid received) Tresca Turf Equipment, Inc. Delivery - approx. 2 weeks 1,245.00 9HPModel 12 HPModel $1,460.00 $1,570.00 Recreation Building Equipment (a) Recreation Items Item 2 billiard tables Orlando Billiard $1,150.00 Fla. Athletic & C'lothinE Co.. Inc. $1,555-00 sets billiard balls 76. O0 121.60 wood triangles table covers 7.00 5.oo 12.96 8.9~ 2 cue racks lO.00 16.10 cue sticks 72. O0 99.60 Miscellaneous supplies 46.50 69.00 2 table tennis tables 225.00 255.00 MINUTES. DOT~:I~.OW OFFICE SUPPLY COMPAI~¥ City Commission, Sanford, Florida Januar7 27 at 8 P. FI. 19, 69, (b) Tables and Chairs Sweeney's Universal Monroe Company Powell (Orlando) Bela (c) tables ~0~ chairs ~,,,raCks 975.00 $1,292.00 $225.00 1,110.O0 1,540.00 516.29 1,140.O0 1,720.00 254.50 1,025.00 --- --- --- 1,560.00 --- Office Equipment (one bid) Sweeney's (d) Kitchen Equipment - 2 legal size 4-draw file I swivel chair i desk i typewriter table no bids 6 card tables $156.oo 90.50 102.00 $170.00 59.95 128.50 ~.00 After consideration and on recommendation of the City Manager, it was moved by Com- missioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried, to accept the bids on ~quipment of Items I through VII, as follows: COMPANY Seminole County Motors Sanford, Florida (Dodge) Two Police Cars Two Pickup Trucks BID COST $5,1599:00 5,470.00 Joe Creamons, Inc. anford, F~orida Chevrolet) Jack Prosser Ford Company Sanford, Florida (Ford) One Standard Car with no extra accessories One Street Truck (25,000 GI~ One Refuse Dump Truck 19,000 GVW $1,995.87 5,455.00 $5,602.21 Radio Corporation of America Camden, N. J. (RCA) Seven Two-Way Radio Units $4,061.00 Tresca Turf Equipment Compa.ny Jacksonville, Fla. (Rodgers) One Leaf Sweeper 12 HP $1,570.00 After consideration, it was moved by Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by Commis- sioner Wilson and carried, to:accept the bids on Item VIII for the Goldsboro Recreation Building equipment, as follows: COMPANY EQUIPMENT BID COST Orlando Billiard Supply Co. Orlando, Florida Billiard tables, balls, triangles, table covers, cue racks, sticks, tennis tables $1,622.50 Sweeney's Office Supplies Sanford, Florida Tables-chairs-racks Office Equipment $2,490.80 582.45 Miller Radio Company Sanford, Florida Public address system $ 282.05 Sanford Electric Company Sanford, Florida Stove and refrigerator (no bid received; price quotation) $ 468.00 The next item of business was the holding of a Public Hearing to consider the recom- mendation of the Zoning and Planning Commission for an amendment to Ordinance No. 847, present control on the keeping of junk automobiles in residential zoned areas only, and advertised in the Sanford Herald on January 17, 1969. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING OF PROPOSED CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS TO THE CODE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REGARDING THE ~EPING OF JUNK AUTOMOBILES. Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the Commission Room in / 46 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida January/27 at 8 P. lq. 19 69 DOT~,OW OFFICE SUPPLY COMPANY amending Chapter ll, Code of the City of Sanford, Florida, 195~, Section ll-18, as follows: hearing. Amend Ordinance No. 847, which prohibits the keeping of "Junk Automobiles" in Residential Areas, to read prohibit the keePingof "Junk AUtomobites" in all areas within the City Limits, with certain exceptions. All parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at said By order of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, this 13th day of January, 1969. H. L. Whelchel As City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida The Chairman announced that the Commission would be glad to hear from anyone in favor of, or against, the proposed amendment, as advertised in the foregoing notice. There being no opposition, Commissioner Roberts moved to authorize the City Attorne to p~epare an ordinance for the said amendment as recommended and advertised. Seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried. Consideration was next given to requests for time extensions on condemned property, as follows: (a) Report No. 68-259 - Group 15 O~ner: Estelle Davis Location: lll2 West l~th Street Condemned on October 21, 1968 (b) Report No. 68-279 - Group 15 Owner: Jeanette Laing Location: 1002 West 12th Street Condemned on October 21, 1968 (o) Report No. 68-249 - Group l~ Owner: H. E. Taffer, Trustee Location: 1317 Douglas Avenue Condemned on August 21, 1968 and on motion of Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Crapps and carried, a ninety day time extension to the date of April 27, 1969, was granted on all three reports with the stipulation that there would be no fur~er consideration or time extension given on same. Commissioner Crapps next introduced OrdinanCe No. 959, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO AND INCLUDING WITHIN THE CORPORATE AREA OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, THE AREA DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 57-1815, LAWS OF FLORIDA, ACTS OF 1957. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full. commissioner Crapps then moved on the waiver of the requirement of the second reading of Ordinance No. 959, and that same be placedon its final passage and adoption. Motion seconded by Commissioner Roberts. Thereupon, the question recurred on the waiver of the second reading, the roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Crapps Yea " Higginbotham " " Moore " " Roberts " " Wilson " Said Ordinance No. 959 was then placed on its final passage and adoption, the roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Crapps Yea " Higginbotham " " Moore " ,~ 19,,, 69. DO~r~OW OFFICE SUPPLY COMI~ANY · · '~ ' · ' MINUTES City Commission, sanford, Florida ...~January 27 at 8 P. Fi. Thereupon, the Chairman annonnced that the City Commission of, the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote had paSsed and adopted said Ordinance No. 959, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO AND INCLUDING WITHIN THE CORPORATE AREA OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, THE AREA DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 57-1815, LAWS OF FLORIDA, ACTS OF 1957. Commissioner Crmpps next introduced Ordinance No. 960, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO AND INCLUDING WITHIN THE CORPORATE AREA OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, TIKE AREA DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 57-1815, LAWS OF FLORIDA, ACTS of 1957. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full. Commissioner Crapps then moved on the waiver of the requirement of the second reading of Ordinance No. 960, aM that same be placed on its final passage and adoption. Motion seconded by Commissioner Roberts. Thereupon, the question recurred on the waiver of the second reading, the roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Crapps Yea " Higginbotham " " Moore " " Roberts " " Wilson " Said Ordinance No. 960 Was then placed on. its final passage and adoption, the roll was called and the vote stands as follows:' Commissioner Crapps Yea " Higginbotham " " Moore " Roberts " " Wilson " Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 96©, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO AND INCLUDING WITHIN THE CORPORATE AREA OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, THE AREA DESCRIBED HEREINAETER, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 57-1815, LAWS OF FLORIDA, ACTS OF 1957. After discussion of the request by the City Manager, Commissioner Roberts moved to authorize the payment of $100.00 from Contingency Account No. 8150, to the !osurance Company of North America to cover the cost of $2.00 per employee for 25 City employees to participate in an insurance sa£ety program for defensive driving. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried. After consideration, Commissioner Higginbotham moved to authorize that the Seminole County check in the amount of $215.05 and dated January 51, 1968, representing a portion of $784.00 that was billed to the County under their written agreement to pay for street lighting outside the City limits at the location of Sanford Avenue and Onora Road, be released and deposited and the balance of $568.95 be billed to the County of Seminole for same. Seconded by Commissioner Crapps and carried. On motion of Commissioner Roberts, seconded by CommisSioner Higginbotham and carried, minutes of December 25, 1968, and January 7, 1969, were approved. After consideration and on motion of Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried, authorization was given to transfer the sum of $1,242.00 from MINUTES . CitY Commission, Sanford, Florida .January 27 at 8 P.M. .19 69 OFFICE SUPPLY COMPANY Contingency Account No. 8150, to Maintenance Account No. ~626, Equipment-General, to cover the insurance difference on the replacement cost of a 1963 GMC pickup truck, City vehicle No. 122, totally demolished in an accident on November 20, 1968, at Sanford Avenue and East 25th Street, said vehicle replacement authorized on November 25, 1968. After consideration, Commissioner Roberts moved to approve the payment of $1~,485.00 to Mauuel Builders, Inc., Orlando, Florida, as evidenced by Certificate No. ~, dated January 21, 1969, covering construction work from December 25, 1969, on the Goldsboro Neighborhood Recreation Facilities Building, as approved by the City Manager and Architect John A. Burton, IV, and authorized under Contract dated September 2~, 1968. After discussion of same, Commissioner Wilson moved to authorize the City Manager to notify the Florida League of Municipalities to represent the City of Sanford in the City's protest and opposition to the implementation of House Bill ll7 entitled Labor Union, imple- menting Article I, Section 6, of the new State Constitution, during the public hearing scheduled on February ~, 1969, at Tallahassee. Seconded byCommissioner Higginbotham and carried. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: mm R, ~ Whelchel, Cit~ C~er~ MAYOR