HomeMy WebLinkAbout061069MINUTES = D THEROW OFFICE SU Y CO City Commission, Sanford, Florida ' 'June 10 at 8:00~P. M. _19_ 69 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in adjourned session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. on June lC, 1969. Present: Commissioner. Lee P. Moore, Mayor " James H. Crapps " Earl Higginbotham City Attorney W. C. Hutchison, Jr. City Manager W. E. Enowles Acting City Clerk Rosa M. Rotundo Police Chief Ben E. Butler Absent: Commissioner W. Vincent Roberts " A.L. Wilson The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. .The first item of business was the consideration of an appointment to the Civil Service Board, and on motion of Commissioner Crapps, seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried, Dr. John F. Darby was reappointed to said Board for a two-year term, effective June 50, 1969. Next presented for consideration by Paul Grishaber, age 12, student of Westside Grammer School, was a signed petition of approximately 150 names for the reopening of the Fort Mellon Swimming Pool, A discussion period then followed regarding same and it was pointed out that there is presently no appropriation of funds in the 1968-69 Budget for the operation of the two municipal pools and that an estimated cost of $14,156.00 would be re- quired for a t-month period. Commissioner Crapps recommended that the Commission consider the possibility of opening the two municipal swimming pools on a trial basis of 60 days depending on the attend- ance and the City's financial status with the Commission instructing the City Manager to present a report for consideration by the entire City Commission at the next regUlar meeting as to the present status of funds for the operation of the pools as outlined. Julia Mae Keeton, representing the Strip Blazers Club, requested that the Commis- sion consider leasing't'he municipal Goldsboro Swimming Pool on a $1.00 a year basis to be operated and maintained by said organization and open to the Public, and Commissioner Higgin- botham moved to approve same. Upon conferring with another representative of said organization, Miss Keeton with- drew her request. Thereupon, Commissioner Higginbotham.withdrew his motion. After consideration and on motion of Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by Commis- sioner Crapps and carried, authorization was granted to transfer funds within the Fire Department in ~he amount of $475.00 from Account No. 2545, Fire Hose, to AccoUnt No. 2316, Uniforms, to purchase a total of fifteen day fire coats. On motion of Commissioner Crapps, seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham, Ordinance No. 969, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO AND INCLUDING WITHIN THE CORPORATE AREA OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, THE AREA DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 57-1815, LAWS OF FLORIDA, ACTS OF 1957. was introduced and same ~as placed on its first reading and read in full. On motion of Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by Commissioner Crapps and carried. minutes of May 12, 1969, were approved. On motion of Commissioner HigginbOtham, seconded by Commissioner Crapps and carried current vouchers and payrolls were next approved as evidenced by General Fund ~Florida State MINUTES City, Commission, Sanford, Florida' June lO at 8:00 P. M. 19 6~. DO~r~ow OFFICE SUPPLY COMPANY .... , : Bamk Vouchers Nos. 14123 through 1~335; Sanford Atlantic National Bank General Fund Vouchers Nos. 739 through 802; Florida State Bank Water and Sewer Fund Vouchers Nos. 385 through 400; United state Bank of Seminole Renewal and Replacement Fund Voucher No. 45. After consideration and on motion of Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by Commis- Sioner Crapps and carried, the Mayor and the City Clerk were authorized to execute a Utility Agreement between the Sanford Housing Authority and the City of Sanford regarding an amendment to include the housing project of Cowan-M°ughton Terrace to reflect the current utility rates. Consideration was next given to a request of property owner, Gertrude Caldwell, for a time extension on five structures under Condemnation Report Nos.-68-232 through 68-236, Group 14, location at 1310-1318 West llth Street, and on motion of Commissioner Crapps, sec- onded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried, at time extension of 90 days was granted. Consideration was next given to a request of the Trustees of the First Born Church of the Living God, Inc., for annexation of church-owned property legally described in metes and bounds and located in the general area north of San SemKnolls Subdivision, West 20th Street, and south of 18th Street, and on motion of Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by Commissioner Crapps and carried, same was denied with further consideration given only if abutting property owners to the north and south of said property would agree to sign an annexa. tion petition. After consideration, Commissioner Higginbotham moved to approve salary reclassifi- cation on two City employees, as'follows: Jack Davis, Streets-Heavy Equipment Operator Fro~ Class C - $90.62/week To: Class D - $96.71/week Joe Thomas, Refuse-Laborer From: Class C-II - $80.00/week To: Class D-II - $82.00/week Seconded by Commissioner Crapps and carried. On motion of Commissioner Crapps, seconded by CommissiOner Higginbotham and carried, minutes of May 26 and June 9, 1969, were approved. On motion of Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by Commissioner Crapps and carried, the Mayor was authorized to sign a Resolution pertaining to the City of Hialeah, Florida. After discussion, Commissioner Higginbotham moved to authorize the Mayor, Airport Personnel and any other personnel deemed necessary to travel to Washington, D. C., to meet with the appropriate officials relative to expediting the City's receipt of the Deed to the former Sanford Naval Air Station property recently acquired by the City of Sanford under a iRight-of-Entry and operating as the Sanford Airport with said authorization to include the expenses incurred for same. Seconded by Commissioner Crapps and carried. Commissioner Higginbotham moVed that an appropriate Resolution be drawn for Florida Governor Claude R. Kirk, Jr., regarding his visit to the City of Sanford on June 25, 1969, in- cluding a presentation of a "Key to the City". Seconded by Commissioner Crapps and carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting adj6urned. lty lerk