HomeMy WebLinkAbout011270 MINUTES City. Commission, Sanford, Florida Januar7 12 at 8:00 ?. Ft. lO ?0 DOTHEROW OFFICE SUPPLY COMt'A-NY The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. on January 12, 1970. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Lee P. Moore Co~missioner James H. Crapps " Thomas S. McDonald " Gordon T. Meyer " W. Vincent Roberts City Attorney W. C. Hutchison, Jr. City Manager W. E. Knowles City Clerk H. N. Tamm, Jr. Police Chief Ben E. Butler The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. The first item of business was a Phblic Hearing continued from the date of Decem- ber 8, 1969, for the City Commission to consider and determine if approval would be granted to the Sanford Housing Authority to construct and operate on the east side of the City in the area abutting Locust Avenue, from the alley south of East Second Street to Sixth Street, a lO0-unit low rent Public Project 16-6 for the elderly. Prior to hearing from the Citizens in attendance, Commissioner Meyer outlined the prior supporting actions taken by the City Commission regarding the site locations of the two proposed public housing projects, and further, that he found the prior preparation and pre- sentation by the responsible p.arties for the project to be inadequate as presented to the'~ public and property owners residing in the immediate area. The architect had on display to the public scale models and color renderings of the two proposed Public Housing Projects. In attendance were the members of the Sanford Housing Authority; also Gordon Bradley, ExeCutive~Director of the Sanford Housing Authority; Architect John A. Burton, IV, and personnel from his staff; and George Andrew Speer, Attorney for the Sanford HoUsing Authority. The Chairman stated that the Commission would be glad to hear anyone in favor of or against Project 16-6, to be named Redding Gardens, Inc. A petition bearing nine signatures of persons residing on thewest side of Chapman Avenue, facing the proposed project to be constructed on the east side of Chapman Avenue, was presented and recorded as being in favor of the project for the elderly. Mrs. Cheryl Jessup, 805 East Second Street, presented a petition bearing approxi- mately 66 signatures of residents living within 500 feet of the project site and same was recorded as opposing for ~easons of creating a traffic Droblem; adding to existing drainage and sewage problems in the area; and an understanding that the lO%unappropriated by federal funds would require a bond issue. J. C. Trawick, ll05 East Fourth Street, registered his individual opposition on similar basis as set forth in the aforementioned petition. George Andrew Speer, Attorney for the Sanford Housing Authority, gave a clarifica- tion that: one street would be vacated and closed; all streets within the project and all perimeter streets would be paved; utilities would be furnished by the City to the property line of the project site in addition to adequate drainage; and that all money requirements would be at no cost to the City wherein the Sanford Housing Authority would borrow under loan procedures from the Federal Government all monies that were unappropriated and that were necessiated DY the projects. After consideration Commissioner McDonald moved to approve the Sanford Housing MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida January 12 at 8:00 P. M. 19. 70 DOTHEROW OFFICE SUPPLY COMPANY ] [ Authority Public Housing Project 16-6 for the elderly, as advertised. Seconded by Commissione: Meyer and carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Crapps. The next item of business was the continuation of a Public Hearing from the date of December 8, 1969, for the City Commission to consider and determine if approval be granted to the Sanford Housing Authority to construct and operate on the west side of the City between Third and Sixth Street and between Avocado and Jessamine Avenues, a lO0-unit low income Public Housing Project 16-5. The Chairman announced that the Commission would hear anyone in favor of or against Project 16r5, to be named Lake Monroe Terrace. J. E. Stemper, 1305 West Third Street, spoke in opposition with particular reference to the proposed site layout in that it would tend to make the area congested. Commissioner Crapps then made reference to Mr. Stemper's situation being that of eminent domain proceedings with only the family home property being excluded f~om the project site which then situates the project on three sides of his remaining proper~y and, therefore, would recommend that the Housing Authority consider purchasing the entire Stemper property, including the corner of Olive and Third Street. Attorney Speer advised the Commission that the Housing Authority was aware of the situation and related the high cost factor involved to purchase the remainder of the Stemper property versus the actual valuation and possibility of it ever being utilized, but assured the Commission that the Housing Authority would make every effort through the appropriate office in Atlanta that consideration be given to Mr. Stemper's plight. Commissioner Meyer moved to approve the Sanford Housing Autho~ity~Public Housing Project 16-5 for'low income families, as advertised. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried with Commissioner Crapps abstaining. On motion of Commissioner Meyer, seconded by Commissioner McDOnald and carried, appointment to the Sanford Industrial Commission was tabled. Consideration was next given to the renewal of the expired lease of the Municipal Stadium previously held by,the Seminole County School Board for football games, and the City Manager related further information would be available sometime after February l, 1970; and on motion of Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner McDonald and carried, the matter was tabled. Consideration was next given to the question of increasing voter turnout by having more than the Civic Center being designated as polling places for the purpose of voting in municipal elections, and based on past experience in furnishing city widespread locations, Commissioner Roberts moved to indefinitely table same. Seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried. Under the requirement of the new state law that the 1970 municipal tax assessing, billing, and collection will be consolidated with the rolls of the respective county, the City Clerk reported that discussions on the respective combining have been held with County person- nel and there appears to be no major transition problems involved; in addition that the fiscal year of both the City and County are the same. After discussion, Commissioner McDonald moved that the City of Sanford will under- take all administrative procedures to ¢onselidate the tax assessing and tax collecting rolls with the County of Seminole as set forth in the 1969 General Laws of the State of Florida. MINUTES .... Ci~ Commission, Sanford, Florida J.annary 12 at 8:00 P. M. 19. 70 DOTHEROW OFFICE SUPPLY COMPANY Consideration was next given to the present policy requiring property owners living outside the City limits and desirous of City water to 'sign an annexation petition prior to receiving the utility, and the present need for a more stringent and legal bi~ding require-~ ment on the property owner for the consumation of annexation at such time that is feasible to the City. The City Manager cited the recent filing of a letter by certain property owners in the Mayfair Section, outside the City limits, who had obtained City water through the signing of annexation petitions, but had now requested their signature be withdrawn from the petition. On the aspect of the legality of the City severing the utility service under these conditions of withdrawal, the City Manager recommended that the Commission consider the drawing up of an Annexation Contract and use of same was discussed with the City Attorney. After discussion, Commissioner Roberts moved that the petitions for the extension of City water outside the City limits be denied until the property is annexed into the cor- porate City limits. Seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried. Consideration was next given to a letter of December 30, 1969, from the Farm Bureau Insurance Company, Montgomery, Alabama, with reference to their insured, James B.~ Holmes and automobile driven by Janice Moore Holmes, being involved in a two-car traffic accident on June 29, 1969, at the intersection of Park Avenue and 20th Street, resulting in the Holmes vehicle striking a City traffic light pole and causing damages in the amount of $150.58, and the company stating that upon investigation of the loss, the driver of their insured vehicle was not the proximate cause of the loss. The City Manager reported that the Municipal Judge had nol-prossed all charges in the case of Collis C. Morgan and Janice Moore Holmes, however, the pOlice accident report showed that the Holmes vehicle was the ultimate cause of damage to the traffic light pole and recommended that effort to recover the damages be instituted throu the filing of a civil suit; and on motion of Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Crapps and carried, the City Attorney was authorized to proceed with the necessary legal action toward the collection of said damages. Submitted next was a letter of December 29, 1969, from H. J. Raymond, Attorney, State of Florida, Department of Air and Water Pollution Control, Tallahassee, and attached thereto a Final Order setting forth a schedule of requirements for the City of Sanford to hav completed or under construction by the date of January l, 1973, an additiOn of a secondary sewage treatment plant to the existing sewage treatment plant. The order further outlined that the City is to provide the State with a plan of construction within ninety days from the date of December 29, 1969. The City Manager pointed out the need to consider selection of engineers, fiscal agent, and provision for legal ser- vices. Further, that upon the retention of an engineering firm, a preliminary report re- quiring 90-120 days, is necessary to provide the State with the type of secondary treatment to be used; the scope of the construction; a time schedule of the engineering and the con- struction; and cost estimates. This material would then be available and necessary for use in the application for assistance under federal funds as the State does not participate in the granting of federal funds but the program is administered by the State. After discussion, and on motion of Commissioner Roberts, seoonded by Commissioner Meyer and carried, authorization was given for the City Manager and the City Attorney to negotiate with'the engineering firm of Clark, Dietz and Associates, Sanford, Florida, for MINUTES .......... City Commission, Sanford, Florida .January .12 at 8:00 P. M. 19 70 SUPPLY COMPANY the proposal of engineering work for the addition of secondary treatment facilities to the existing sewage treatment plant. The City Manager submitted a redraft of a proposed Community Antenna Television ordinance~with regard to the feasibility of granting a CATV franchise to operate the system in the City of Sanford and providing the service to citizehs who are desirous of paying for it, and on motion of Commissioner McDonald, seconded by Co~missioner Crapps and carried, the matter was tabled until the next regular meeting. On motion of Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Crapps, Ordinance No. 980, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER ll, THE CODE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, 195~, AS ~tENDED, PROVIDING FOR THE CONTROL OF GARBAGE, TRASH AND WEEDS, SAID AMEND- MENT ADDING THERETO A NEW SECTION DESIG- NATED AS SECTION ll-19 PROHIBITING THE KEEPINGOF JUNK CARS, PARTS AND DEBRIS IN COMMERCIAL AREAS. was introduced and same was placed on its first reading and read in full. Commissioner Roberts then moved on the waiver of the requirement of the second reading of Ordinance No. 980, and that same be placed on its final, passage and adoption. Motion seconded by Commissioner Crapps. Thereupon, the question recurred on the waiver of the second reading, the roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Mayor Moore Yea Commissioner Crapps " " McDonald " " Meyer " ~" Roberts " Said Ordinance No. 980 was then placed on its final passage and adoption, the roll was called and the vote~stands as follows: Mayor Moore Yea Commissioner Crapps " McDonald " Meyer " " Roberts " Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 980, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 11, THE CODE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, 195~, AS AMENDED, PROVIDING FOR THE CONTROL OF GARBAGE, TRASH AND WEEDS, SAID AMEND- MENT ADDING THERETO A IIEW SECTION DESIG- NATED AS SECTION ll-19 PROHIBITING THE KEEPING OF JUNK CARS, PARTS AND DEBRIS IN COMMERCIAL AREAS. On motion of Commissioner Crapps, seconded by Commissioner Roberts, Ordinance No. 981, entitled: AN ORDinANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REPEALING SECTIONS 16-125, 126, 127, 128 and 129 OF ARTICLE VIII, CHAPTER 16, THE CODE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, 195~, AS AMENDED, SAID SECTIONS RELATING TO REGISTRATION, LICENSING AND TRANSFER OF BICYCt,ES. was introduced and same was placed on its first reading and read in full. Commissioner Crapps then moved on the waiver of the requirement of the second ~eading of Ordinance No. 981, and that same be placed on its final passage and adoption, MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida .January 12 at 8:00 P.M. .19 70 DOT~:[~OW OFFICE SUPPLY COMPANY Thereupon, the question recurred on the waiver of the second reading, the roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Mayor Moore Yea Commissioner Crapps " " McDonald " " Meyer " Roberts '~' Said Ordinance No. 981 was then placed on its final passage and adoption, the roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Mayor Moore Yea Commissioner Crapps " " McDonald "~ Meyer " " Robert s " Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida,' by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 981, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REPEALING SECTIONS 16-125, 126, 127, 128 and 129 OF ARTICLE VIII, CHAPTER 16, THE CODE OF TEE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, 1954, AS AMENDED, SAID SECTIONS RELATING TO REGISTRATION, LICENSING AND TRANSFER OF BICYCLES. On motion of Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Crapps and carried, current vouchers and payrolls were next approved as evidenced by Sanf0~d ~tlantic~Nationa~. Bank General Fund Voucher Nos.-15759 through 15949 and Voucher Nos. 5693 through 5748;'Sanford Atlantic National Bank General Fund Voucher Nos. 1182 through 1187 and Voucher Nos. 1189 through 1210 Florida State Bank Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund Voucher Nos. 127 through 132; Florida State Bank Policemen~s Pension Fund Voucher Nos. 231 through 256; Florida State Bank Water and Sewer ReMen~e~.Fund Voucher Nos. 495 through 500; Sanford Atlantic National Bank Public Projects Fund Voucher No. 153-A; Sanford Atlantic National Bank Board of Bond Trustees Voucher Nos. 365 through 572; United State Bank of Seminole Sanford Airport Voucher Nos. 259 through 259; Sanford Atlantic National Bank Water and Sewer 1953 Sinking Fund Interest Voucher Nos. 41 and 42; Florida State Bank Board of Bond Trustees 1937 Bond Redemption Fund Voucher No. 10. On motion of Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Crapps and carried, minutes of December 22, 1969, and January 6, 1970, were approved. After consideration and on motion of Commissioner Meyer, seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried, the request of Hrs. Eugene Meadors for the service of City water the City limits at a location at west of the City; south of Highway t7'92; on an~extension of Terwilliger Lane; was denied until such time as the property in'between the site and the City limits was annexed. The City Manager advised the Commission ~hat Joe Creamons, Inc., Chevrolet dealer- Ship, could not provide factory air conditioning in two six-cylinder automobiles, awarded by City under low bid, due to the factory no longer providing same in cars with six C and as an alternate could provide the same automobile with eight-cylinder and factory air conditioning at an additional cost of $90.00 per car. The next low bid was that of Jack Prosser Ford Company at a cost of $327.91 per car higher. After discussion, Commissioner Meyer moved to accept the proposal of Joe CreamonS, Inc., to furnish two Chevrolet eight-cylinder vehicles with factory air conditioning at an additional cost, above bid price, of $90.00 each. Seconded by Commissioner Crapps and