HomeMy WebLinkAbout030970214 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida March 9 at 8:00 P. M. 19 70 DOTti/a~OW OFFICE ~UF~'L¥ COMPAIqv The City Commission of the City of Samford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City.of Sa~ford, Florida, at 8:00 o,clock P. M. on,arch 9, 1970. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Lee P. Moore Commissioner James H. Crapps Commissioner Thomas S. McDonald Commissioner Gordon T. Meyer Commissioner W. Vincent Roberts City Attorney W. C. Hutchison, Jr. City Manager W. E. ~_owles City Clerk H. N. Tamm, Jr. Police Chief Ben E. Butler John Kader, spokesman for a group representing the Samford Yacht Club, appeared to support the organization's letter of March 5, 1970, requesting a 20-year lease of the Band- shell Pier located at the north end of Park Avenue, or an acre of the Sanford Lakefront Pro- jeot north of the dry storage building. Said land to be used for the construction of a yacht club, as represented by a colored rendering and a proposed layout sketch. The club proposed to pay the City an ,~ual lease fee of $350.00. Docking of boats adjacent to the bulkhead during the day by members but no overnight docking or storage was proposed. Mr. Ks21er stated that only the building would be for private use and that the remaining area would be availabl, for public use. Mrs. LOu Woodruff, Chairman of the Scenic Improvement Board, cited the $5,000.00 City fu~is recently expended for beaugifioatio~ plans for certain areas throughout the City and pointed out that the b~Bdshell pier, Memorial Park, was submitted as first priority; a~d further, objected to private, limited membership use of public property. Discussion also presented that the bandshell pier serves the purpose of leisure use for all citizens; con- flict of use with existing operations on Holiday Isle; aud parking and traffic problems. After further discussion, Commissioner Meyer moved to deny the request for use of both sites by the Sanford Yacht Club. Seconded by Commissioner Crapps and carried with Com- missioner Roberts abstaining. The Commissiont:suggested that the Yacht Club pergo~el approach the Coast Guard Auxiliary, presently leasing a City building on Seminole Boulevard smd Myrtle Avenue, for a possible combined use of the premises by the two organizations. A Public Hearing was next held to consider amending the Zoning Ordinance in accord- a~oe with notice published in the Sauford Herald on February 23, 1970, as follows: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING OF PROPOSED CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS IN CERTAIN DISTRICTS AND BOUNDARIF~ OF Tw~ ZONING ORDINANCE OF TEE CI~ OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the CommiSsion Room in the City Hall in the City of Sauford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. on March 9, 1970, to consider the following changes and amendments to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Samford, Florida: That property lying between French Avenue and Hyrtle Avenue and between Fulton Street and Seminole Boulevard is proposed to be rezoned from M-1 (Light T~dustrial) District to C-2 (General Commercial) District. Said property being more particularly described as ~ollows: Begin at a point 82 ft E of SE cot Blk 1 NTr 9 E. R. Trafford's Map of Towm of Sanford, Ru~E 908 ft ! to W R-W of Myrtle Ave, N 6#0.91 ft to S R-W Seminole Blvd, Wly along S R-W Seminole Blvd to E R-W French Ave, S 810 ft ! to POB Section 25 Tow~ship MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Fla..ch cj at 8:00 P. Fl. 19 70 hearing. Ail parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at said By order of the City Comm!ssion o~ the City of Sanford, Florida, this 9th day of February, 1970. H, N. T~mm, Jr. As City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida The Chairman stated that the Commission would hear from anyone in favor of, or against, the proposed amendment. Thomas G. Freeman, Jr., attorney, representing the Murphey Oil Company, appeared to register objection on the basis that the change in zoning was for aesthetic reasons only;. restricting the rights of the owners to use their property or sell i~ under the classification as presently utilized; and use could be only under non-conforming conditions. He ex~ressed the opinion that the City was handling the matter indirectly through procedure of eminent domain wherein the property owner could receive value for property of a restricted nature. C. Vernon Mize, Jr., attorney, representing the objections of Standard 0il Company and Eastern Seabo~d Petroleum Company, appeared to object to the proposed zoning. Also in attendance were: Alvin Watson, Chester Fulkerson, Jim Anderson and W.. J. Puckett.. Hr. Mize gave past history of the operation of the companies and outlined that Eastern Seaboard Petroleum Company is presently operating during October to Harch, and because of economical reasons, Standard 0il Company's facility is on a stand-by basis only. He furthe~ stated that Eastern Seaboard Petroleum Company proposes to lease a portion of Standard 0il Company's facilities. Hr. Mize gave the following major hardship reasons as opposing the rezoningin that as a non-conforming use the companies could not (1) expand; (2) fully restore in case of severe damage; (3) re-establish the operation after six months abandonment of the operation. Further, that the cost of moving the facilities would be prohibitive and indicated the companies' willingness to cooperate regarding upgrading beautification aspects of the properties. ~ The City Hanager related the reasons for the Zoning Board's recommendation to up- grade the area by citing that portion of the Comprehensive City Plan of 1961 relating to a foregone conclusion that the lakefront complex was~rapidly changing and industrial use of the area would not be continued; the housekeeping of the oil companies was not in compliance with the fire standards; dikes and tanks were allowed to deteriorate. Randall Chase, owner of six vacant acres of land spoke in opposition of rezoning the area at thiSmtime. After lengthy discussion, Commissioner McDonald moved to uphold the recommendation of the Zoning and Pl~ing Commission and to authorize the City Attorney to prepare an ordi- nance to rezone from M-1 (light industrial) to C-2 (general commercial) that p~operty describe~ in the aforesaid notice of public hearing. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Crapps. The Reverend Richard L. Marshall, President of the Ministerial Association, and the Reverend James Cain, Program Chair~man, appeared to request use of the Municipal Civic Center on Sunday, March 29, 1970, for Easter Sunrise Services by churches of all denominations. The City Manager cited a Commission policy established in 1961 that no religious services would be held in the municipal auditorium. DOT~.,,'~I~OW OI~'FI~3P,, ~Uk'FI.,¥ COMFANY MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida March 9.at 8:00 P. M. 19 70 After consideration and On motion of Commissioner Meyer, seconded by Commissioner HcDona[dand carried, the request of the Ministerial Association to hold the 1970 Easter Sunrise SerVices in the Civic Center was approved. Consideration was next given to the. June, 1970, expiration of City leases for off- street parking lots located on Second Street and Oak Avenue and on Third Street and Magnolia AvenUe with owners Chase and Companyand'Frederick Williams, respectively; and on motion of Commissioner Crapps, seconded by Commissioner McDonald and carried, the Commission authorized cancellation of the two leases at the expiratiOn date and proper notice given to the owners. ConSideratiOn was next given to a request from the Police Chief to raise from $200.00 to $500.00 the Charter limitation on the fines and/or appearance bonds for docket cases of Driving WhileInt~xicated amd of Aggravated Assault, and on motion of Commissioner Meyer, seconded by Commissioner McDonald and carried, same was approved for placing on the ballot of the next City Election. A letter of resignation from Sid- L. Vihlen, Jr., member of the City's Scenic Im- provement Board, for reasons of health, was next considered. Commissioner Meyer moved to accept the resignation with regrets and to authorize a letter of commendation for his service: and further, that the Scenic Improvement Board be advised to submit a name recommendation to fill the vacancy. Seconded by Commissioner Crapps and carried. Consideration was next given to letter from Municipal Judge Berry informing of am over-expenditure of municipal courtroom alterations in the amount of $62.6~, and~on motion of Commissioner Crapps transfer was approved imthe amount of $100.00 from Municipal Court Account No. 2126, Equipment-General, to Account No. 21~, Building Repairs and Maintenance. Seconded by Commissioner Meyerand carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner McDonald. After consideration and on motion of Commissioner Meyer, seconded by Commlssioner Crapps and carried, persons appointed to serve on a Charter Revision Committee were as follows: Hrs. Jean Baker, George D. Bishop, Jr., George W. Touhy, Dr. John F. Darby, B. C. Conklin, I. E. Estridge, EoghanN. Kelley, W. E. Kirchoff, Jr., JohnS. Krider, John W. Williams, and W. Garnett White, and Bert B. Hollingsworth, Jr. COnsideration next given to a letter dated March $, 1970, from the Travelers In- surance Company, setting forth that the eligibility for pension coverage of Airport personnel should .be from the date they were financed by City funds. The City Manager. reported that the City had obtained right of entry to 'khe Airport on March 15, 1969, and had started employment of Airport personnel after that date. After discussion, Commissioner Meyer moved that aviation department employees be recognized as starting their eligibility period for participation in the City's General Employees Pension Plan as of the date of their employment bY the City. SecOnded by Commis- sioner Crapps and carried. Commissioner HcDonald reported that he had been advised that j~or college students are presently working out satisfactorily in employment Lu.the refuse department for the City of Daytona Beach .and suggested that the City HaBager explore this possibility through the Seminole ~m~or College. Commissioner Crapps moved to explore all sources of employment to relieve the pres- ent refuse labor shortage situation and that the City Manager submit a report regarding same at the next meeting. Seconded by Commissioner McDonald and carried. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida . . March 9 at 8: O0 P. I-I. OFFICE SUPPLY COMPANY · ' ' 1970 217 ~etter next submitted from Housing Authority of City of Sanford advising of securing of an option on the Stemper homesite in Project 16-5 and requesting consideration of rezoning to R-3 (Multiple Family) District that property described in Projects 16-5 and 16-6; and further, a recommendation received from the Zoning and Planning Commission for same. After discussion, action was tabled until next regular meeting. The City Attorney submitted a proposed stadium lease as authorized by the City Commission on February 25, 1970, to lease Municipal Stadium to the Seminole County School Board for the annual fee of $1.00 with School Board to provide all costs of operation and mainte~_ce,~and on motion of Commissioner Meyer, seconded by Commissioner McDonald and carried, same was approved to be forwarded to the lessee for execution, After discussion, Commissioner Meyer moved to authorize a letter to the Seminole- Orange ~egislative Delegation in support of proposed legislation under Representative Conway's H.B. 2555, ~exation; and a p~oposal by the Dade League of MunicipalitieS amending County Millage for Municipal Purposes. Seconded by Commissioner Crapps and carried. Consideration was next given to the schedule for Seminole County projects from the Department of. Transportation for July 1, 1969, through July 1, 1970, which does not reflect a completion date for three traffic signals on SR 15-600 (17-92) at-the locations of Onora Road, 25th Street, and First Street~. On motion of Commissioner Meyer, seconded by Commis- sioner McDonald and carried, the City M~ager was authorized to direct a letter to the Chair- man of Seminole County Commission expressing the City's interest that these .traffic lights be scheduled for modern, standard redesign construction under the current program. Consideration was given a letter from Willard T. Enight, Chief Deputy State Fire Marshal, Tallahassee, relating to their development of a documentary film and requesting the City's_co, oration in making available a local structure ~o be burned under the assistance of the Sanford Fire Department on the dates of April 7-8-9, 1970. On recommendation of the City l~ger, Commissioner Meyer moved that a letter of permission be given pertaining to a con- demned structure located at 1608 West 18th Street, under Condemnation Report No. 69-303, Rosa Jones Estate. Seconded by Commissioner McDonald and carried. After consideration and on recommendation of the City ~smager, Commissioner Crapps moved to authorize the payment of $11,969.28 to State Tractor and Equipment Company, Inc. Orlando, Florida, from Contingency Account No. 8150, to cover the repairs of fire damage to a TD-I?5 bulldozer and front-end loader used at the sanitary landfill, a~d that upon payment of the claim by the insurance company, Contingency Account No. 8150 be reimbursed in said amount. Seconded by Commissioner McDonald' and carried. On motion of Commissioner Neyer, seconded by Commissioner McDonald and carried, current vouchers and payrolls were next approved as evidenced by Sanford Atlantic National Bank GeneraI~ ~tmd.Nos,~ ~l~I?~f:through 1637~; Florida State Bank General Fund Nos. 5818 through 5876; Florida State Bank Water and Sewer Revenue Fund Nos. 520 through 530; Florida State Bank Policemen's Pension I~nd Nos. 240 through 2~2; Florida State Bank Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund Nos. 136 and 137; Florida State Bank Utility Sinking Fund Series "B" Bonds No. 53; Florida State Bank l~blic Improvement Sinking Fund Nos. 13 and l~; Sanford Atlantic National Bank Board of Bond Trustees Nos. ~75 through 379; Sanford Atlantic National Bank Public Projects Fund Nos. 157 and 158; United State Bank of Seminole Sanford Airport Nos. 288 through 21.8 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida March 9 at 8:00 P. M. _19 70 DO'l'l~.a~OW OFFICE BU~I~L¥ COMt'A.NX On mOtion of Commissioner Crapps, seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried, minutes of February 23 and February 25, 1970, were approved. On motion of Commissioner~Donald seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried, Ordinance.No. 985, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 771 OF SAID CITY, AS ABENDED, SAID ORDINANCE .BEING A ZONING PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, SAID AMENDMENT PLACING CERTAIN TERRITORY IN C-2 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL) DISTRICT. was introduced and same was placed on its first reading and read in full. Resolution No. 1068 was next introduced and after being read in full, commissioner HcDonald moved on its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried. Said Resolution No. 1068 being in words and figures, as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO~ISSION OF ~ CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, SUPPORTING THE CROSS-FLORIDA BARGE CANAL AND URGING ITS RAPID C~TION. ~REAS, the City of Sanford is located at the head of navigation on the St. Johns River, connecting said City with Jacksonville, Florida and Eastern Seaboard points, and WEEREAS, the St. Johns River and its c~necting waterways have longserved the people of Central Florida, ~O~h co~ercially and recreationally, but with the limitation of having no access to Texas and Mississippi Valley p~rts; and ~REAS, the Cross-Florida Barge. Canal has been examined from every conceivalbe aspect for more than thirty years prior to the beginning of construction in February of 196~, the completion of which is of vital.concern to Central Florida, both commercially and recrea- tionally; and WHEREAS, the City o$ Sanford has invested in excess of One Million Dollars of public funds in development of waterfront recreational facilities and in addition, has actively lent its support toward the location and construction of the Seminole County Barge Port Facility, all in contemplation of the construction and completion of the Cross-Florida Barge Canal, and it is the feeling of the City Commission of the City of Sanford should be cognizant of the urgency and importance of the completion of the Canal to the economy of Central FlOrida; NO~, ~TME. REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of San£ordthat its support for the Cross-FloridaBarge Canal is re-affirmed for the folloWing reasons: 1. Canal construction will provide badly needed water conservation and recrea- tional facilities. 2. The Canal will co~ect the Central Florida area with economical protected water transportation to Mississippi Valley and Texas ports enhancing the commercial and industrial development of Central Florida amd improving the economy through provision for more jobs and increased economic activity. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Conserva- tion.together with all other appropriate agencies and individuals be urged to lend support to ~the expeditious completion of canal construction. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of March, A.D. 1970. Attest: s/ H. N. T~mm, Jr. City Clerk s/ Lee P. Moore J. H. Crapps T. S. McDonald Gordon Me,er As t~ city Commis~i'o~"O'~'~h~ MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, March c~ at ~: 00 P. M. 19 ?0 219 \ DQ~-ms~Q~r QFFICE ~t~I~PLY COMPANY After consideration and on motion of Commissioner Meyer, seconded by Commissioner Crapps and carried, a commendation was authorized to personnel upon completing a sixteen-week supervisory course presented by the Orange County education system to the following: Robert Kelly, Director of Public Works; Edward Bryan, Street Superintendent; Arnold Hood, ~ainte--nce Superintendent; Harry Smith, Recreation Superintendent; Jack Greaves, Utility Plants Superin- tendent; Gerald Mitchell, Water Distribution Superintendent; and also to S. M. RiChard, Jr., Utility Director, on being selected as one of Twenty-two persons from the entire state for a special course in Operation Instruction Training to be held at the University of Florida and sponsored by Florida Water and Sewage Works Operators Association. On motion of Commissioner McDonald, seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried, the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to execute a City deed to Johnnie and Joella B. Singleton for Lot 3, Block 13, Tier F, E. R. Trafford's Map of the Town of Sanford, as recoreded in Plat Book 1, Pages 56 to 6~, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; in accordance with terms of the bid sale on February 3, 1969. After consideration, Commissioner McDonald moved to approve travel expemae transfer from Contingency Account No. 8150 for the City Attorney to deliver to Tallahassee, Florida, Resolution No. 1068, pertaining to the Cross-Florida Ba~ge Canal. Seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried. Commissioner McDonald reported that he had received several complaints of deficien- cies in the maintenance of the facilities and grounds of the Municipal Golf Course leased to the Mayfair rrm, InC.; and after discussion moved to authorize a letter to be directed to the lessee pertaining to same. Seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: mm MAYOR