HomeMy WebLinkAbout082371 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida August 23 ~t 8:00 19 71 449 OFFICE SUPPLY ~OMPANY ~' The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the CitY of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. on August 23, 1971. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Lee P. Moore Commissioner James H. Crapps Commissioner Gordon T. Meyer Commissioner W. Vincent Roberts Commissioner ~ul'~an~:~k'~:~:S~ehstVom City Attorney W. iC. HutchiSon, Jr. City Manager W. E. Knowles City Clerk H. N. Tamm, Jr. Police Chief Ben E. Butler The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. The Reverend Joseph Smith, spokesman for the Goldsboro Area Communities, submitted recommendations for improvements in the Goldsboro area and requested that consideration be given to appointments to serve on the Airport Authority, names as follows: John Daniels, Dr. J. C. Ringling, Richard Evans, Edward Wilson, and D. C. McCoy. After discussion, the Commissior requested that consideration of'these recommendations be placed on the agenda for the Comm~ sion meeting of September 13, 1971. Ruthia M. Riggins, Executive Secretary, Seminole Joint Tenant Council, next appeared to submit recommendations for service on the Board of Commissioners for the Sanford Housing Authority.. Several tenants residing in the projects presented grievances relating to mainte- nance. The Commission recommended the matter be held in abeyance until the City receives a report of hearings held in Sanford by the state and the federal housing investigating teams. Application next submitted by F. T. Hage, d/b/a Iowa Meats, for permit for sale of beer and wine for consumption off premises at 2108 South French Avenue, and on motion of Com- missioner Meyer, seconded by Commissioner Roberts and Carried, same was approved. John Dragash and Richard Matz of Gutmann, D~agash and Matz Architects, Inc., pre- sented the results of soil probings by Ardamann & Associates and an evaluation of two sites for a police security complex, as follows: 1. Ninth Street and French Avenue - site is too confining to warrant initial investment; no future potential; and not sufficient land for one-half of parking requirements. 2.Fourth Street and French Avenue - could meet present parking requirements, but not sufficient land to meet future parking requirements.. 3. South of 25th Street between Marshalt and HartweI1 Avenues'~- would lend itself to future parking; depth~of muck ~extends from one to four feet. Site preparation to completely de-muck area and fill with approximately seve~ feet of clean sand and bring up-to 'grade and installation of culvert, would cost approximately $38,.000.00 for present.building including $8,000.00 for the parking area. For complete site:preparation of the entire area of 7.64 acres, the cost would run approximately $208,000.00. After .discussion, the ;Commission set a Workshop Session to be held at 12 Noon on Thursday, August 26, .1971-, to, further:consider site selection for a 'police security complex. 450 MINUTES _ ~ '. City Commission,'Sanford, Florida iAugust:23 at 8:00 P. M. 19 71 DOTHE~OW OFFICE SUPI~LY COMPANY Request'submitted by Philip Zeuli and tabled at last meeting, to utilize the south Portion for a borrow pit of a city park located south of West 25th Street between Hartwell and Marshall Avenues, next considered, and on motion of Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commis- sioner Crapps and carried, same was denied. Consideration given to request of Philip Zeuli, d/b/a Orman Construction Company, for the City to participate in the cost to extend water lines to 18 lots-west of Granada Avenue and south of 25th Street; and on motion of Commissioner Meyer, seconded by Commissioner Sten- strom and carried, same was denied. Application of owners John Whelchel and Mike Whelchel for transfer in business name only of license No. 807 for sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on premises, from Lui Club & Lounge, to Club Lui, Inc., 300 East Commercial Street; and on motion of Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried, same was approved. Application for transfer from Charlie Hampton to Thomas W. Oates, d/b/a Cool Breeze, of license No. 306 for sale of beer and wine for consumption on premises at 412 South Sanford Avenue; and. on motion of Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried, same was approved. Letter next submitted from Dr. Charles W. Hardwick, Hargar, Inc., developer of Fairway Shopping Plaza at US Highway 17-92 and 27th Street, requesting the installation of a traffic light at said intersection, and after consideration, Commissioner Meyer moved to authorize the City Manager to initiate action on same to the State Department of Transportation and Seminole County. Seconded by Co~missioner Roberts and carried. Consideration given to a request from Ida B. Crochet for consideration for annexation of Lots 7 and 8, Block 10, Marvania, 2nd Section, 2002 East Fourth Street; and on motion of Commissioner Meyer, seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried, same was denied, due to the Property not being contiguous to the City. Appraisals next 'submitted by Herbert Stenstrom and W. Dietrichs in amount of $1,800 for a fair market selling price for three small parcels of city-owned land of approximately one-third acre, used for test well sites on the Old Lake Mary Road; and on motion of Commis- sioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried, sale was authorized at a price of $1,850.00, including the $50.00 appraising fees. Agreement dated May 11, 1963, between Edward Higgins, Jr., and City of Sanford per- taining to alley right-of-way located within the block east of Sanford Avenue between 20th Street and Grandview Avenue, next considered; and on motion of Commissioner Stenstrom, seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried, pursuant to a Public Hearing held May 10, 1971, the. City Attorney was authorized to prepare an ordinance to vacate the East-West alley described as: The north 12 feet of the lot described as beg. 984 feet South and 25 feet ~ East of the NW corner of the SW~ of Section 31, Township 19 South, Range 31 East,run East 167 feet, South 86 feet, West 167 feet, North 86 feet to POB. with the stipulation that the City receive a north-south alley easement in exchange. 451 MINUTE'S City Commission, Sanford, Florida ,'.A_ugust~,23 at 8:00 P. M. 19. 71 POWWOW OFFICE sUPPLY ~OMPANY : After consideration of ballots cast by the City Commission, and on motion of Commis- sioner.Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried, members of the Airport Authority, to be effective October 1, 1971, were designated as follows: Dr. Robert M. Rosemond, Joe B. Baker, John Daniels, W. Scott Burns, A. R. Shoemaker, Jr., John Y. Mercer, John M. Fitzpatrick. Letter next submitted from Harry A. Miller, president of Yellow Cab Company, setting forth recommended changes in the taxicab ordinance. Recommendations next submitted from the Zoning and Planning Commission as follows: 1. Rezone from R-1AA (Single Family Dwelling) District to R-lA (Single Family Dwelling) District,'Lots 5, 6, and 7,.Block 24, Dreamwold; west side .of Mohawk Avenue between Santa Barbara and Osceola Drive. 2. Rezone from R-1AA (Single Family Dwelling) District.'to R-5 (One and Two Family Dwelling) District, Lots 8 and 9, Block 8, Pine Level; West 18th Street and Strawberry Avenue. and on motion of Commissioner Crapps, seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried, a public hearing was authorized to be held on September 13, 1971, and the City Clerk authorized to advertise same. Consideration next given to requests for transfer of funds, as follows: Engineering:$405.00 from Account No. 5007.1, Travel Expense, to Account No. 5006, Printing & Office Expense. Finance: $3,300.00 from Account No. 1497, Data processing, to non-lapsable Account No. 986, Public Projects Fund. and on motion of Commissioner Roberts and carried, same was approved. Application next submitted for transfer of taxicab license No. 880, from George Cambridge, d/b/a Midway Taxi, to Bennie Boozer, to operate a 1966 Ford; and on motion of Com- missioner Crapps, seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried, same was approved. .Request next submitted ~y~:prop~rty:~owners to remove old whiteway lights and install new 4,500 lumen street lights, and on motion of Commissioner Crapps, seconded by Commlssioner M~y~sand carried, the City Manager was authorized to remove the old whiteway system and to install nine 4,500 lumen street lights throughout San Lanta Subdivision.:~. On motion of Commissioner Crapps, seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried, Commissioner Roberts and Commissioner Meyer were appointed as voting delegates for the City of Sanford to attend the Florida League of Cities annual convention in St. Petersburg, October 23- 26, 1971. ~ ...... ~ On motion of Commissioner. Crapps, seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 771-.OF SAID CITY~-~AS AMENDED, SAID ORDINANCE BEING A ZONING PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, SAID AMENDMENT PLACING CERTAIN TERRITORY IN ~THE DISTRICT DELINEATED BELOW. Ordinance No. 1034, entitled:- 452 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida August 23 at 8:00 P. M. 19 71 was introduced and placed on its first reading and read inf'f~tl. '' !. ~ Commissioner ~Crapps~'then moved on the~.waiver of the requirement of the second reading of Ordinance No. 1034, and that same be placed onits final passage and adoption; Commissioner Roberts. Seconded by Thereupon, the question:recurred on the waiver of the second reading, the;roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Yea - Mayor Moore Commissioner Crapps Commissioner Meyer Commissioner Roberts Commissioner Stenstrom Said Ordinance No. 1034'was then placed on its final passage and'adoption, the roll Yea was called and the vote stands as follows: Mayor'Moore Commissioner Crapps Commissioner Meyer Commissioner Roberts Commissioner Stenstrom Thereupon, the.,Chairman announced,that the .City Commission of the City of:,Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote, had passed and adopted said Ordinance No.- 1034-, entitled:' AN oRDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 771 OF SAID CITY, AS AMENDED,. SAID ORDINANCE BEING A ZONING PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, SAID AMENDMENT PLACING CERTAIN TERRITORY IN 'THE DISTRICT DELINEATED BELOW. On motion of Commissioner Crapps, seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried, Ordinance No. 1035, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA., VACATING ,AND ABANDONING UTILITY EASEMENT AS DELINEATED BELOW, IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA., was introduced and placed on its first reading and read in full. Commissioner Crapps then moved"on ~theo:waiver of the-requirement of the second reading of Ordinance No. 1035,'and,~that same'be:,placed:~on.its final passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner:~Roberts' Thereupon,~the question recurred on the waiver of the second reading, the roll was called and the vote stands as follows: .' Mayor;Moore -" '~ Yea, ' Commissioner Crapps " Commissioner Meyer " Commissioner Roberts " Commissioner Stenstrom: " Said Ordinance No. 1035 was then placed on its final passage and adoption, the roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Mayor Moore Commissioner ,Crapps Commissioner Meyer Commissioner Roberts Commissioner Stenstrom Yea Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission.~.'of the City of Sanford, MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida August 23 at 8:00 P. M. 19 71 453 DOTIiP.~OW OFFICE SOPPLY ~OMPAlq~ Florida, by unanimous vote, had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 1035, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, VACATING AND ABANDONING UTILITY EASEMENT AS DELINEATED BELOW, IN THE CITY .OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. On motion of Commissioner Meyer, seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried, minutes of August 4, August 9, August 12, and August 16, 1971, were approved. On motion of Commiss~ner Crapps, seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried, current vouchers and payrolls were next approved as evidenced by General Fund, Florida State Bank, Nos. 6842 through 6898; General Fund, Sanford Atlantic National Bank, Nos. 19904 through 20096; Water and 8ewer Revenue Fund, Florida State Bank, Nos. 782 through 796; Policemen's Pension Fund, Florida State Bank, Nos. 280 through 282; Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, Florida State Bank, Nos. 182 through 184; Sanford Airport, United'State Bank of Seminole, Nos. 849 through 888; Utilities Service Taxes Fund, Sanford Atlantic National Bank, Nos. 31 and 32; and Public Improvement Revenue Sinking Fund, Florida State Bank, No. 20. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. MAYOR