HomeMy WebLinkAbout010873-Regular Session MINUTES City Commission, S:anford, Florida .. ,J~nuary 8 at 7:00 P. M. 19. 73 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on January 8, 1973. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Lee P. Moore Commissioner A. A. McClanahan Commissioner Gordon T. Meyer Commissioner John G. Morris Commissioner Julian L. Stenstrom City Attorney C. Vernon Mize, Jr. City Manager W. E. Knowles City Clerk H. N. Tamm, Jr. Police Chief Ben E. Butler The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. The first order of business was the consideratinn of an appraisal of City property at a value of $475.00, and tabled at meeting of December 26, 1972, as follows: East ~ of Lot 5, Block 10, Tier C, E. R. Trafford's Map of Sanford. Offers submitted for purchase were as follows:' 1. St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church 2. Elsie Menendez $300.00 $500.00 After discussion, Commissioner McClanahan moved to declare the above property to be no longer of public necessity and of use to the City and, further, to accept the offer from Elsie Menendez at a price of $500.00, and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Quit Claim Deed for same. Seconded by Commissioner StenStrom and carried. Alfred DeLattibeaudiere voiced objection to sale of said property. Letter next submitted from Reverend Father William Ennis, resigning as a member of the Board of the Sanford Housing Authority; and after consideration, Commissioner Meyer moved to accept same with regrets.and to authorize a letter of commendation for his past services. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. Commissioner Meyer moved to authorize the City' Manager to write a letter requesting the Sanford Housing Authority Board to hold an election of all tenants residing in all the public housing units to recommend a representative on said Board. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. Alfred DeLattibeaudiere stated the tenants council submitted the name of Johnnie L. LaTraille, Apartment 67, Lake Monroe Terrace, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Father Ennis and same was taken under consideration. Request submitted from Thomas S. McDonald to vacate and quit claim a pipeline ease- ment at Lake Jennie. The City Manager reported that the City had removed the pipe and sold the land. Commissioner Meyer moved to approve the request and to authorize the Mayor and Ci!ty Clerk to execute a Quit Claim Deed for same. Seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried. On motion of Commissioner Meyer, seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried, Ordinance No. 1102, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO AND INCLUDING WITHIN THE CORPORATE AREA OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, THE AREA DE- SCRIBED THEREINAFTER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 57-1815, LAWS OF FLORIDA, ACTS OF 1957. Was introduced ~hd i!!.placed on its first reading andread in full. MTI')~q~A'I~ LF, GAL RU'PPL~,,,COMPA1VY' MINUTES City commission, S~nford, Florida, January 8 a~ 7:00 P. M 19 73 Thereupon, the question recurred on the waiver of the second reading, the roll was called and the vote stands as'follows: Mayor Moore Commissioner McClanahan Commissioner Meyer Commissioner Morris Commissioner Stenstrom Yea Said Ordinance No. 1102 was then placed on its final passage and adoption, the roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Mayor Moore Commissioner McClanahan Commissioner Meyer Commissioner Morris Commissioner Stenstrom Yea Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote, had passed.and adopted said Ordinance No. 1102, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO AND INCLUDING WITHIN THE CORPORATE AREA OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, THE AREA DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER INACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 57-'1815, LAWS OF FLORIDA, ACTS OF 1957. C. Vernon Mize, Jr., Attorney, Gerald Tannenbaum, owner, and Ernest Wilson, Architect, appeared to present development and site plans for projected cOnstruction of a 200 unit condo- minium in the first phase; and outlined that all drainage work had been reviewed by the City Engineer and had the approval of the Zoning and Planning Commission. After consideration, Commissioner McClanahan moved to hold a Public Hearing on Janu- ary 22, 1973, to consider rezoning and to authorize the City Clerk to advertise same as follows: (East and West of 17~92 and including Jr. College) me Lot 2 and Lots 4 thru 12, Lake Minnie Estates to be zoned MR-l, Multiple Family Residential Dwelling District. b. Parcel 1. Beg at int of W line of St Rd 15 & 600 & S' line of Sanford Grant 737.4 ft NELY alg Rd for POB, Run N 64~ deg W 896 ft N 25~ deg E 710 ft S 64~ deg E 896 ft SWLY alg Rd 710 ft to POB, Sec 11-20~30 AND Beg 51 ft N 25~ deg E of int Wly R/W H/W 17-92 & S line Sanford Grant Run N 25½ deg E 88.87 ft N 64~ deg W 10 ft N 25~ deg E 391.53 ft N 64~ deg W 960 ft S 25~ deg W 241.4 ft S 64~ deg E 100 ft S 25~ deg W 290 ft S 64~ deg E 495.87 ft S 25~ deg W 101.3 ft S 64~ deg E 164 ft N 25~ deg E 15,1.19 ft S 64~ deg E 210,25 ft to beg, Sec 11-20-30 AND 3. Lot 29 less W 300 ft & S 20 ft for Rd, Lake Minnie Estates, PB 6 Pg 9 AND 4. ELY 17077 ft of Lot 30 Lake Minnie Estates, PB 6 Pg 92 AND Beg N 65 deg W 125 ft of int WLY R/W 17-92 & NLY R/W St Rd 419 Run N 65 deg W 85 ft N 25~ deg E 151.19 ft$ 65 deg E 85 ft S 25½ deg W to beg, Sec 11-20-30 AND 6. Beg int WLY R/W 17-92 & S Line Sanford Grant Run N 25~ deg E 51 ft MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, FlOrida January 8 at 7:00 P. M. 19. 73 Parcel 7. Beg 200 ft S of NE cor of SW~ of SE~ Run W to H/W SWLY alg H/W 100 ft E to E line of SW~ of SE~ N to beg, Sec 11-20-30 AND 8. Beg at int WLY line H/W 17-92 & N line of SW~ Run SWLY alg Rd 100 ft N 59 deg 26 min W tO N line'of SW~ E to POB, Sec 14-20-30 AND 9. All NE~ of SW~ W of St Rd less beg at int WLY line H/W 17-92 & N line SW~ Run SWLY alg Rd 100 ft N 59 deg 26 min W to N line SW~ E to POB, Sec 14-20-30 . AND 10. Beg NE cor of NW~ of SW~ Run S 351 ft to US 17-92 N 22 deg 25 min W 379.9 ft' to pt W of Beg E 144.7 ft to beg, Sec 14-20-30 AND 11. ElY' 250 ft of : 'Beg 144.7 ft W of NE cor of NW~ of SW~ Run W 1172.7 ft S 300 ft S 59 deg 39 min E 1054.9 ft to US 17-92 N 41 deg 18 min E 650 ft N 22 deg 25 min W 379.9 ft to beg, Sec 14-20-30 AND 12. Ely 250 ft of: Beg 300 ft S of NW cor of SW~ Run S 1025.3 ft E 477.7 ft to US 17-92:.N 41 deg 18 min E 650 ft N 59 deg 39 min W 1054.9 ft to beg less St Rd Sec 14-20-30 13. W 6 3/4 ch of SW~ of SW~ N of St Rd, Sec 14-20-30 14. AND Beginning at the NEcorner of the SE~ of Section 11, Township 20S, Range 30E, run S 89031' 19" W 10091~73 ft to a point of beg. Con- tinue thence westward 400 ft to ai~point of the E ROW Line of US 17 & 92. Run thence S 20°48':41"'W 214.64 ft.; run thence N 89o31' 19" E 166.16 ft.; run thence due south 460.92 ft., run thence N 89° 31' 19" E 310.I1 feet; thence run North to the point of beginning· to be zoned GC-2, General Commercial District. c. Parcel i~1. Lots 1, 2,:&'3 less roads Browning & Heppe SurVey PB 162 Pg 49 AND Beg 144.7 ft W of NE cor of NW~ of SW~ Run W 1172.7 ft S 300 ft S 59 deg 39 min E 1054.9 ft to US 17-92 N 41 deg 18 min E 650 ft N 22 deg 25 min W 379.9~ft to beg, less ELY 250 ft, Sec 14-20-30 AND Beg 300 ft S of NW cor of SW~ RUn S 1025.3 ft E 477.7 ft to US 17-92 N 41 deg 18 min E 650 ft N 59 deg 39 min~W 1054.9 ft to beg less St Rd, less~Ely 250 ft, Sec 14-20~30 AND 4. E~ of SE~, less St Rd, Sec 15-20-30 AND Lots 52 to 64 & Vacated~Roads less beg SW cor Lot 56 Run N 636 ft E 2054.72 ft S .635.99 ft W;2055.1 ft to beg & Rds Sanford Substantial Farms, Pb 5, Pg. 84 NW~ of SW~ less Rd, Sec 15-20-30 AND AND That part of lots 53 to 57 beg SW cor lot 56 Run N 636 ft E 2054.72 ft S 635.99 ft W 2055.1 ft to beg 'less Rd Sanford Substantial Farms AND MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida -~ January 8 at 7:00 o ' clock P. M. 19 73_ Parcel 8. NLY 240 ft of Lot A less NLY 20 ft for Rd Lake Minnie Estates, PB 6 Pg 92 AND o S 75.52 ft of Lots 1 & 3 less beg SE cor Lot 1 Run NELY alg rd 100 ft W 275 ft S 12 deg 26 min W 59.5 ft S 59 deg 24 min E to S line lots 1 & 3 E to beg, Lake Minnie Estates, PB 6 Pg 92 AND 10. Beg SE cor Lot 1 Run NELY alg Rd 100 ft W 275 ft S 12 deg 26 min W 59.5 ft S 59 deg 24 min E t.o S line Lots. 1 & B E to beg, Lake Min- nie Estates, PB 6 Pg 92 AND 11. Lot 1 less S 75.52 ft & that part of Lot 3 E of a line P/W & 250 ft W of WLY R/W of H/W 17-92 less S 75.52 ft, Lake Minnie Estates, PB 6 Pg 92 to be zoned MR-l, Multiple Family Residential Dwelling District. de Parcel 1. Govt Lot 1 & all S~ of SE~ of SE~ W of E line Sanford Grant, Sec 11-20-30 AND 2. Lots 8 & 9, Block S, Sunland Estates, PB 11, Pgs 16 through 22 AND The Northerly 200 ft of the SW~ of the SE~ lying east of US 17 & 92 and the N~ of the SE~ of the SE~ LESS Beginning at the NE corner of the SB~ of Section 11, Township 20S, Range 30E, run S 89o31' 19" W 1009.73 ft to a point of beginning. Continue thence westward 400 ft to a point of the E ROW line of US 17 & 92. Run thence S 20048' 41" W 214.64 ft.; run thence due south 460.92 ft., run thence N 89o31' 19" E 310.11 feet; thence run North to the point of beginning. to be zoned MR-2, Multiple Family Residential Dwelling District. Seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried. The Building Official next submitted reports of inspection of buildings or structures found to be in a dilapidated, unsanitary and unsafe condition, as follows: Group 24: Re' Re' Re' Re' Re' Re' Re' Re' Re' Re' Re' Re' ~ort No. 72-408, 300 North Myrtle Avenue )ort No. 72-409, 311 North French Avenue ~ort No. 72-410, 516 West First Street ~ort No. 72-411, 201 Persimmon Avenue >ort No. 72-412, 514-516 Sanford Avenue >ort No. 72-413, 1301 Sanford Avenue >ort No. 72-414, 615~ East Third Street >ort No. 72-415, 615 3/4 East Third Street >ort No. 72~416, 500 Cypress Avenue >ort No. 72-417, 518 East 6th Street >ort No. 72-418, 606 East 5th Street >ort No. 72-419, 605 Pine Avenue Report No. 72-420, 801 Pine Avenue Report No. 72-421, 803 Pine Avenue Report No. 72-422, 805 Pine Avenue Report No. 72-423, 608 Locust Avenue Report No. 72-424, 610 Locust Avenue Report No. 72-425, 705 Locust Avenue Report No. 72-426, 804 Locust Avenue Report No. 72-427, 813 Locust Avenue Report No. 72-428, 815 Locust Avenue Report No. 72-429, 817 Locust Avenue Report No. 72-430, 1011 Locust Avenue Report No. 72-431, 904 Cypress Avenue Report No. 72-432, 906 Cypress Avenue Report No. 72-433, 1108 Pine Avenue Report No. 72~434, 1101 East 7th Street Report No. 72-435, 506 East 10th Street MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florid~ Janvary .8 ~ at 7: 00 P. M. ~TT~.~ Aq~. T.~A~. ~ ,~PT.V I~,OMP ^~Y 19 73 183 Group 24: Report No. 72-440, 1205 West llth Street. Report No. 72-441, 1005 Pecan Avenue Report No. 7!2-442,-t319Williams Avenue. Report No. 72-443, 1205 West 16th Street Report No..72-444, 1806 West 16th Street Report No. 72-445, 1320 Oleander Avenue Report No. ~2-446, 1313 West 13th Place Report No. 72-447, 1614 Persimmon Avenue Report No. 72-448, 1710 Persimmon Avenue Report No. 72-449, 1604 Pear Avenue Report No. 72-450, 1702 Peach Avenue Report No. 72-451, 1606 Strawberry Avenue Report No. 72-452, 1608 Strawberry Avenue Report No. 72-453, 1610 Strawberry Avenue Report No. 72-454', 1612 Strawberry Avenue Report No. 72-455, 1702 Strawberry Avenue Report No. 72-456, 1730 Strawberry Avenue Report No. 72-457, 1802 West 18th Street After consideration, Commissioner Meyer moved to authorize a public hearing to be held on January 22, 1973, to consider said reports to determine the condition of the structures for condemnation; to authorize a notice to be placed upon each structure; and a notice of said hearing directed .by registered mail to the owner of the property at the last known address as shown by the Tax Assessment Roll of the City. Seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried. Harold R. Kennedy, President, Central Florida Builders, appeared to request the Com- mission to review Ordinance #1065 setting fortha utility tap fee of $550.00 for a townhouse unit versus the sliding scale fee for multiple family apartments of $550.00 for first unit; $275.00 for second unit; $137.50 for each additional unit. Mr. Kennedy stated in his opinion that at the sale of the townhouses at Park Avenue and 23rd Street the purchaser would own the townhouse unit but not the grounds and felt the townhouse did not contribute as much of a load to the water, sewer and drainage problem as an individual home. The City Manager outlined that Mr. Kennedy had signed a promissory note for utility tap fees in the amount of $2,475.00 covering construction of 10 apartment units in two buildings however, he has constructed townhouses and the Commission has held that townhouse units would be $550.00 each. Gerald Dake, City Planner, recommended to the Commission that the utility tap fee for apartments be amended to be established at $590.00 per unit. After discussion, Commissioner Stenstrom moved to table until January 15, 1973, con- sideration of utliity tap fees on various structures. Seconded by Commissioner Meyer and car- ried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner McClanahan. Periodic Estimate No. 8 in the amount of $76,559.10, next submitted from Lee Construc- tion Company, covering work on the secondary sewer treatment plant for period of November 27, through December 28; and on recommendation of the project engineer and the City Manager, Com- missioner Morris moved to approve payment of same. Seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried. Request submitted from Seminole County Tax Assessor for authorization to refund the amount of $27.60 to William T. Cavanaugh due to an error in assessment of 1970 taxes against Lots 1 and 2, Block 11, Wynnewood. On motion, of Co~nissioner McClanahan, seconded by Commis- sioner Morris and carried, same was approved. ' MINUTES ~ City Comraissio.n, Sanford, Florida . Ja~nuary 8 at 7:00 P. M. MIDSTATE LIE~AI. SUPPLY COMPANY,, · 1973 Seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried. The City Manager recommended that .the City and certain developers participate to oversize from 8 inches to 12 inches the propoSed water main on Lake Mary Boulevard to serve the southwest section of the City. After discussion, Commissioner Morris moved to table action until engineering studies and costs are available. Seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried. On motion of Conm~issioner Morris, ~seeonded~ by Commissioner McClanahan and carried, minutes of December 6, 1972, were approved. Application next submitted from Robert and William D'Allessandr°s, dba D'Allessandros Restaurant, for permit for sale of beer and wine for consumption on premises at 2401 South French Avenue; and on motion of Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and- carried, same was approved subject to approval of the Chief of Police. Richard W. Blount, T. W. Blount, Jr. and Son Contracting Company, Jacksonville, ap- peared to report on the progress of the final work on the reconstruction of Pier A, Marina. The City Manager directed Mr. Blount's attention to certain floating units that were in need of further attention and repair for completion of the contract. Chester E. "Bud" Merrill and A. J. Thomas appeared to request annexation of approxi- mately 14 acres of land located on the north side of Country Club Road, abutting Tee N'Green Estates on the west and across Country Club Road from the City's Water Plant and golf course. Mr. Merrill presented site plans for Mayfair Villa and drawings showing the style of townhouses to consist of 125 units with a density of 8 units per acre; and requested city water and sewer service. The City Manager stated that the development would require construction of a lift station and force main to serve the property. The Commission indicated favorable action to the petitioners and requested the development plans be presented to the .Zon~i~g and Planning Com- missiOn. Consideration next given to the Chapter 197.356(4) Florida Statutes of 1972 requiring the City to deliver to the'Tax Collector of Seminole County the delinquent tax roll and Certi- ficate Book and outstanding tax certificates sold to the City. Commissioner Meyer moved to authorize the City Clerk-Tax Collector to comply with said statute. Morris and carried. Seconded by Commissioner After discussion, Commissioner Stenstrom moved to authorize the City Manager to con- tact the County Engineer and County Co[~ission Chairman to request a cooperative effort to clean a portion of a drainage ditch lying along the easterly City Limits line of Scott Avenue and Mayfair subdivision and extending to Lake Monroe. Mayor Moore abstained from voting. Seconded by Commissioner Meyer and Carried. After discussion, Commissioner Morris moved to direct the City Manager to take what- ever steps are necessary to examine the City Sewer and drainage system to determine the problem areas and develop a practical and economical solution to them, and authorize employment of addi- ~lmnml nmr,qonnml to accomolish same. Seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried. : MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida_____January5 8 at 7:00 P. M. .1973 On motion of Commiss~ner Stenstrom; seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried, the salary for the position of City Attorney was established at $10,000.00 per annum; and further, that litigation expense and legislative matters would be considered for gdditional compensation. After discussion, Commissioner Meyer moved to authorize the expense money for each member of the City Commission to be increased $50.00 per month, effective January 1, 1973. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried over the dissenting votes of Mayor Moore and Commissioner McClanahan. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: jd AYOR