HomeMy WebLinkAbout120474-Regular Session, :'M IiN U T E S City Commission, :Sanford, Florida:, ~ ..... December 4 at 12:00 noon 19 74 MID_~_S_T.TATE LEGAL SUPrLY COMPANY The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 12:00 o'clock noon on December 4, 1974. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Lee P. Moore Commissioner John G. Morris Commissioner A. A. McClanahan Commissioner Julian L. Stenstrom Commissioner Gordon T. Meyer City Attorney C. Vernon Mize, Jr. City Manager W. E. Knowles City Clerk H. N. Tamm, Jr. Police Chief Ben E. Butler The 'meeting was called to order by the Chairman. The returns of the General Election held December 3, 1974 for the election of two City Commissioners were canvassed. Returns ~made by the Clerk and Inspectors of the election were examined and the absentee ballots opened and examined by the City Clerk and the City Commission, and recorded as follows: Seat No. 3: VOTES A. G. DeLattibeaudiere A. A. "Mac" McClanahan Guy Thornton Stella Wo0dhouse 362 978 250 253 Seat No. 4: Delbert J. Euga E. O. (Eddie) Keith John G. Morris 250 605 864 Commissioner Stenstrom-moved that the returns of the Clerk and Inspectors of the election held December 3, 1974 be accepted and the Absentee Ballots be approved as recorded. Seconded by Commissioner Meyer!~iand carried. Commissioner Morris 'moved to pay the Inspector and Clerks working the December 3, 1974 General Election at the rate of $2.00 an hour. carried. Seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and Mr. Tom Riggs, General Manager, Semoran Management Corporation, appeared to support the request to extend the hours for s~ale of alcoholic beverages at the Pizza Hut. Commissioner McClanahan moved to deny the request. Seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried over the opposing votes of Commissioner Stenstrom and CommiSsioner Morris. Request submitted from Campbell Lossing Post No. 53 for an exempt license to hold the Seminole County Fair, Commissioner Meyer 'moved to authorize to issue an exempt license. Seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried. Fadel Elbadramany appeared to support an application for transfer of taxi cab license no. 142 from Blue Cab, to Sanford Transit Company d/b/a Yellow Cab Company to operate a 1974 Checker Cab. Mr. iliE~adramany stated his company operates seven taxi cabs daily, and needed the additional license. ; iM'I,N U T E S City. Commission,' Sanford~ Florida ', : .,:,December 4 at 12:00 Noon Commissioner McClanahan'moved to table the request until junked cabs are removed from the Sanford Transit Company premises and the area cleaned up. Seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried. On 'motion of Commissioner Stenstr~m, seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried, ·minutes of November 18, 1974, were approved. Letter of resignation from the General Sanford Memorial Library Board of Trustees submitted from Mrs. Marie Richter. Commissioner Meyer ~moved to accept same with regrets and to authorize a letter of appreciation to be sent to her. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. The City Manager reported that a flood prone area 'map of the city has been approved by the city'and returned for final draft. Commissioner Meyer 'moved to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute two resolutions required by HUD for flood insurance, and to submit an application to HUD. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Morris 'moved to authorize the purchase of materials for two traffic control signals and two mobile fire units, from Federal Revenue Sharing Funds; and one mobile fire unit from 74-75 Budget as per bid price. Seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Meyer moved to accept 'maintenance from the county of the park at the south end of French Avenue in Pinecrest, under the same conditions as other city parks. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom. Commissioner Morris moved to amend the motion to accept the park only if there is no reverter clause in the title. Seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried. Commissioner McClanahan ~moved to table consideration of a fee schedule for rezoning and annexation items. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. Commissioner Stenstrom was authorized to convey the city's desire for Seminole County ' to have a separate 911 System, and not 'merge with Orange County. Commissioner McClanahan 'moved to authorize the City Manager to negotiate and submit a new telephone franchise to the Commission for approval. Seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried. The City Manager reported that engineering plans were complete for converting the No. 2 Fire Station info a Central Fire Station. Commissioner Meyer moved to authorize same to be submitted for bids. Seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried. Commissioner McClanahan 'moved to authorize payment to the City Physician of $10.00 for each employee examined for driver qualifications as required by Travelers Insurance Com- pany. Seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried. Requests submitted for time extensions on condemnations as follows: Group Report No. No. Address Owner Min Housing Code Insp Recommends 74-569 600 East 7th Street Atlantic Nat'l Bank <Wyche) 90 days 974 , ~:~M IN U T E S City Com.mission~/.Sanford,~Florida.; -~ ~; . ;~ , ~December 4 at 12:00 noon. 1974 On 'motion of Commissioner McClanahan, Seconded by Commissioner Meyer~and carried, same were approved. A letter was submitted from the General Sanford Memorial Library Board of Trustees expressing thei~ appreciation for the additions to the General sanford Memorial Library buildin There being no further business, the 'meeting was adjourned. MAYOR ATTEST: ~ CITf~C'LERK <-~-/ jd