HomeMy WebLinkAbout122374-Regular SessionM I': N U T E S ~: .... City~ Commission, Sanf0rd, FlOrida · ....~i'. D~cember 23 at 7:00 P.M. 19 74 MIDSTATE LEGAL SUPPLY COMPANY ' : '. ' ~ The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session in the City Hall of the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on December 23, 1974. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Lee P. Moore Commissioner John G. Morris Commissioner A. A. McClanahan Commissioner Julian L. Stenstrom Commissioner Gordon T. Meyer City Attorney C. Vernon Mize, Jr. City Manager~M. E. Knowles City. Clerk H. N. Tamm, Jr. Police Chief Ben E. Butler The 'meeting was called to order by the Chairman. A public hearing was held in accordance with notice published in the Evening Herald on December 6, 1974, as follows: NOTICE OF PROCEEDING FOR VACATING AND CLOSING AN ALLEY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You will take notice that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on December 23, 1974, in the City Commission Room at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, will consider and determine whether_ or not the City will close, vacate and abandon any right of the City and the public in and to an alley lying between Glenway Drive and Paloma Avenue,~ described as follows: That certain alley abutting the south line of Lot 1, Block 2, San Lanta, 2nd Sec. Replat, PB 9, Pg 42. Persons interested may appear and be heard at the time and place specified. City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida By: H. N. Tamm, Jr. City Clerk Publish: Decembe=~.6, 1974. The Chairman announced that the Commission would hear from those persons present i!to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, the proposed alley closing. Mr. J. R. Dunaway, 1815 Paloma, owner of Lot 2, appeared and stated that the alley iwas the only access to .the rear yard of his property. Those appearing in favor~of closing the alley were as follows: Mr. Spillman, petitioner, owner of Lot 1. Mrs. Lilly Eubanks Holt, 659 Glenway Drive. Mr. William Harriett, 469 Glenway Drive, stated he was not in favor of opening the alley all the way through. Mr. Middleton, ~1900 Locust Avenue,- owner of Lots 89 and 90, stated he does not want it Used as an alley~ Commissioner McClanahan 'moved to deny the request to close the alley. Seconded iby Commissioner Meyer and carried. A public hearing was held in accordance with notice published in the Evening Herald December 6, 1974. as follows: MI'NUTES City Commissionq Sanford, Florida December 23 at 7:00 P. M. 19 74 NOTICE.OF PROCEEDING FOR VACATING AND CLOSING A PORTION OF A STREET TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You will take notice that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on December 23, 1974, in the City Commission Room at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, will consider and determine whether or not the City will close, vacate and abandon any right of the City and the public in and to part of Lake Minnie Drive west of Highway 17-92 and wouth of Lake Mary Boulevard, de- scribed as follows: That portion of Lake Minnie Drive lying between Lots 5 through 12, Lake Minnie Estates, PB 6, Pg 92. Persons interested may appear and be heard at the time and place specified. City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida By: H. N. Tamm, Jr. City Clerk Publish: December 6, 1-974. The Chairman announced that the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak in favor of, or against, the proposed street closing. No one appeared. Planning and Zoning Commission reported this closing complies with the site plan .on file with them. Commissioner Meyer 'moved to authorize the City Attorney to prepare the proper ordi- nance to close the street as described in the foregoing notice of public hearing. Seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried. A public hearing was held in accordance with notice published in the Evening Herald on December 9,1974, as follows: NOTICE OF'-A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the Commission Room in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on December 23, 1974, to consider the adoption of an ordinance by the City of Sanford, Florida, title of which is as fol- lows: ORDINANCE NO. 1269 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO AND INCLUDING WITHIN THE CORPORATE AREA OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, THAT PROPERTY LYING SOUTH OF CORNWALL ROAD, EAST OF ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD AND WEST OF MELLONVILLE AVENUE; AND THAT CERTAIN PROPEITY LYING SOUTH OF CORNWALL ROAD, WEST OF ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD AND NORTH OF ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD SPUR; AND THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING EASTERLY OF ATLANTIC COAST LINE ~RAILROAD AND NORTH OF PINE OAK DRIVE; AND THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING NORTH OF PINE OAK DRIVE AND SOUTH OF SILVER LAKE DRIVE; AND THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING SOUTH OF SILVER LAKE DRIVE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 73-620, LAWS OF FLORIDA, 1973. MIN U T E S City Commission, ,Sanford, Florida, ' . :: December 23 at 7:00 P. M. 19 74 MIDSTATE LEGAL SUPPLY CO~I--~-I~ ~ ': '7 7 ~ be heard at said hearing. By order of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. H. N. Tamm,Jr. City Clerk Publish: December 9, 1974. Ordinance No. 1269, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO AND INCLUDING WITHIN THE CORPORATE AREA OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, THAT PROPERTY LYING SOUTH OF CORNWALL ROAD, EAST OF ATLANTIC COAST ~LINE RAILROAD AND WEST OF MELLONVILLE AVENUE; AND THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING SOUTH OF CORNWALL ROAD, WEST OF ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD AND NORTH OF ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD SPUR; AND THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING EASTERLY OF ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD AND NORTH OF PINE OAK DRIVE; AND THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING NORTH OF PINE OAK DRIVE AND SOUTH OF SILVER LAKE DRIVE:; AND .THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING SOUTH OF sILVER LAKE DRIVE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 73-620, lAWS OF FLORIDA, 1973. introduced and placed on its first reading and read in full at the 'meeting of December 9, 1974 was next placed on its second and final reading. After being read by title, Commissioner Meyer l~moved on its passage and adoption. Seconded by Co'mmissioner Morris and carried. Thereupon, the Chairman. announced that the City .Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, had passed and adopted Ordinance No. 1269, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE.CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA ANNEXING TO AND INCLUDING WITHIN THE CORPORATE AREA OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, THAT PROPERTY LYING SOUTH OF CORNWALL ROAD, EAST OF ATLANTIC.~COASTLINE RAILROAD AND WEST OF MELLONVILLE AVENUE; AND THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING SOUTH OF CORNWALL ROAD, WEST OF ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD AND NORTH OF ATLANTIC COAST LINE RIALROAD SPUR; AND THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING EASTERLY~ OF.ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD AND NORTH, OF PINE OAK DRIVE; ANB THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING NORTH OF PINE OAK DRIVE AND SOUTH OF SILVER .LAKE DRIVE; AND THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING SOUTH OF SILVER LAKE DRIVE IN ACCORDANCE WlTH~THE PROVISIONS~ OF CHAPTER 73-620, LAWS OF FLORIDA,. 1973. A public hearing was held in accordance with notice published in the Evening Herald December 9, 1974, as follows: NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. Notice is hereby, given that., a Public .Hearing will .be held at the Commission RoOm in the City Hall in the CitY of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on December .13, 1974, to consider the adOption of an ordinance by the City of Sanford,~ Florida, title of which is as fol~ lows: ORDINANCE NO. 1270 AN ORDINANCEOF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO AND INCLUDING WITHIN THE CORPORATE AREA OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, THAT PROPERTY LYING SOUTH OF THEEASTERLY EXTENSION OF PINE OAK DRIVE AND EAST OF THE SOUTHERLY MI N U T E S .... : ~: ~iCity. Com.mission~ Sanf0rd; Flo~'ida: :. :: !i . :~: .D.~ecember 23 at 7: 00 P.M. 1974 A copy shall be available at the office of the City Clerk for all persons desiring to examine the same. All parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at said hearing. By order of the City commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. H. N. Tamm,Jr. City Clerk Publish: December 9, 1974. Ordinance No. 1270, entft'ied: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY'OF 'SANFORD, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO. AND INCLUDING WITHIN THE CORPORATE AREA OF THE ciTy'0F SANFoRD, FLORIDA, THAT PROPERTY LYING ~SOUTH OF THEEASTERLy EXTENSION OF PINE OAK DRIVE AND EAST OF THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION OF OHIO'AVENUE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER'73-620, LAWS OF FLORIDA, 1973. introduced and placed on its first reading and read in full at the meeting of December 9, 1974 was next placed on its second and final reading. After being read by title, Commissioner Meyer moved on its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 1270, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO AND INCLUDING WITHIN THE CORPORATE AREA OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, THAT PROPERTY LYING SOUTH OF THE EASTERLY EXTENSION OF 'PINE OAK DRIVE AND EAST OF THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION OF OHIO AVENUE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 73-620, lAWS OF FLORIDA, 1973. A public hearing was held in accordance with notice published in the Evening Herald on December 9, 1974, as follows: NOTICE OF A PUB~ C HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the Commission Room in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on December'23, 1974, to consider the adoption of an ordinance by the City of Sanford, Florida, title of which is as fol- lows: ORDINANCE NO. 1271 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CLOSING, VACATING AND ABANDONING A UTILITY EASEMENT AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF 25TH STREET AND iHOLLY AVENUE. A copy shall be available at the office of the CitY Clerk for all persons desiring to examine the same. Ail parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at said hearing. By order of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. H. N. Tatum, Jr. City Clerk Publish: December 9, 1974. N U T E S .............. City_iCommission~ iSarff, ord~ Florida, ~,, ',, ~ December 23 at 7:00 P. M. 19 74 MIDSTATE LEGAL SUPPLY COMPANY · · Ordinance No. 1271, entitled: .~ .. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY.OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CLOSING, VACATING AND ABANDONING A UTILITY EASEMENT AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF 25TH STREET AND HOLLY AVENUE. · introduced and placed on its first reading and read in full at the meeting of December 9, 1974, was next placed on its second and final reading. After being read by title, Commissioner Mc- Clanahan moved on its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 1271, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CLOSING, VACATING AND ABANDONING A UTILITY EASEMENT AT THE ~NORTHEASTCORNER OF 25TH STREET AND HOLLY AVENUE. A public hearing was held in accordance with notice published in the Evening Herald on December 9, 1974, as follows: NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the CommiSsion Room in. the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on December 23, 1974, to consider the adoption of an ordinance by the City of Sanford, Florida, title of which is as fol- lows: ~ ...... ~ ORDINANCE NO~,, 1272 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1097 OF SAID CITY, SAID ORDINANCE. BEING A ZONING PLAN'WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, SAID AMENDMENT CHANGING THE ZONING OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING EAST OF SANFORD AVENUE AND BETWEEN AIRPORT BOULEVARD AND CORNWALL ROAD TO PUD (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOP- MENT) DISTRICT. A copy shall be available at the office of the City Clerk for all persons desiring to examine the same. Ail parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at said hearing.. By order of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. Pub lish: H. N. Tamm, Jr. City Clerk December 9, 1974. Ordinance No. 1272, entitled: AN ORDINANCE. OF THE.CITY. OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1097 OF SAID CITY, SAID ORDINANCE BEING A ZONING PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, SAID AMENDMENT CHANGING THE ZONING OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING EAST OF SANFORD AVENUE AND BETWEEN AIRPORT BOULE- VARD AND CORNWALL ROAD TO. PUD(PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT.~ introduced and placed on its first reading and read in full at the-meeting of December 9, 1974, was next placed on its second and final reading. After being read by title, Commissioner Meyer ~moved on its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner StenstrOmand carried. MINUTES ' City. C0mmission~'Sanford, Florida' '~ December 23 at 7:00 P. M, 19:74 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1097 OF SAID CITY, SAID ORDINANCE BEING A ZONING ~PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, SAID AMENDMENT CHANGING THE ZONING OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING EAST OF SANFORD AVENUE AND BETWEEN AIRPORT BOULE- VARD AND CORb~WALL ROAD TO PUD (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT. A public hearing was~held~in~accordance with~notice published in the Evening Herald on December 9, 1974, as follows: NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the Commission Room in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on December 23, 1974, to consider the adoption of an ordinance by the City of Sanford, Florida, title of which is as fol- lows: ORDINANCE NO. 1273 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1097 OF SAID CITY, SAID ORDINANCE BEING A ZONING PlAN WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, SAID AMENDMENT CHANGING THE ZONING OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING WEST OF SANFORD'AVENUE AND BETWEEN ROSE DRIVE AND FERN DRIVE TO MR-2 (MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING) DISTRICT. A copy shall be available at the office of the City Clerk for all persons desiring to examine the same. Ail parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at said hearing. By order of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. H. N. Tamm, Jr. City Clerk Publish: December 9, 1974. Ordinance No. 1273, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1097 OF SAID CITY, SAID ORDINANCE BEING A ZONING PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, SAID AMENDMENT CHANGING THE ZONING OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING WEST OF SANFORD AVENUE AND BETWEEN ROSE DRIVE AND FERN DRIVE TO MR-2 (MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING) DISTRICT. introduced and placed on its first reading and read in full at the 'meeting of December 9, 1974, was next placed on its second and final reading. After being read by title, Commissioner Stenstrom moved on its passage a~d adoption. Seconded by cOmmissioner Meyer'and carried. Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 1273, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1097 OF SAID CITY, SAID ORDINANCE BEING A ZONING PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, SAID AMENDMENT CHANGING THE ZONING OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING WEST OF SANFORD AVENUE AND BETWEEN ROSE-DRIVE AND FERN~DRIVE TO MR-2 (MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING) DISTRICT. M,INUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida. ...December 23 at .7:00 P.M. 1974_ ................................. i~.i~DSTA~I~I'; L.F..(.L.~.L $~JI~P[~Y C.0MPA.X.~' . to GC-2. Recommendation submitted'from Planning and Zoning Commission for approval, with the stipulation that site plan approval must hinge on engineering ~esign to retain for percola- tion all water that falls on this area. On 'motion of Commissioner Stenstrom, seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried, same was tabled. A ~ public hearing was continued from the 'meeting of December 9, 1974, to consider rezoning property at the Southwest corner of the intersection of Paola Road and Rantoul Lane to MR-1. Recommendation submitted from Planning:~and Zoning Commission for approval, with the stipulation that site plan approval'must hinge on engineering design to retain for percola- tion all water that falls on this area. On 'motion of Commissioner Stenstrom, seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried, same was tabled. Commissioner Morris 'moved to remove from table a public hearing tabled at 'meeting of December 9, 1974, to consider rezoning property East of Persimmon Avenue and between Third Street and Fourth Street to GC-2. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. On recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Commissioner Morris moved to deny the request to rezone the property to GC-2. carried. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and On 'motion of Commissioner Meyer, seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried, ~minutes of December 9, 1974, were approved. On recommendation of the City Manager, Co'mmissioner Meyer 'moved to authorize payment !to Clark, Dietz and Associates in amount of $20,464.69 from Revenue Sharing Trust Fund, for work on the street paving project through November 29, 1974. Seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried. On 'motion of Commissioner McClanahan, seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried, the City Manager was authorized to serve as Chairman of the Urban Administration Committee, of the Florida League of Cities. Commissioner Stenstrom 'moved to authorize the City Manager to execute a contract iwith Gulf Oil Company for furnishing to the city for year 1975 of lead free gasoline at $.3123 a gallon. Seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried. ~ Commissioner Meyer 'moved to authorize a 'mobile ho~e for a security guard to be set up on the building site of the Sanford Christian School. Seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried. Commissioner McClanahan abstained from voting because of his membership on the ~Board of the Sanford Christian School. Commissioner Stenstrom was authorized to transmit the approval for the General Sanford Memorial Library Board of Trustees to install a telephone in the Library through the iswitchboard at the City~ Hall, with the Trustees to pay all costs. There being no ~ifurther business, the meeting was adjourned. MAYOR