HomeMy WebLinkAbout031775-Regular Session"' . ....... City~ Commissi°n, Sanford, Florida. ::'~. · .~ '.: March 17 at 4: 00 P.M. 19. 75 MIDSTATE LEGAL SUPPLY COMPANY ' · The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met:in regular session in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 4:00 o'clock P. M. on March 17, 1975. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Lee P. Moore Commissioner John G. Morris Commissioner A. A. McClanahan Commissioner Julian L. Stenstrom Commissioner Gordon T. Meyer / City Attorney C. Vernon Mize, Jr. City Manager W. E. Knowtes City Clerk H. N. Tamm, Jr. Absent: Police Chief Ben E. Butler The 'meeting was called to order by the Chairman. Commissioner Meyer moved to approve the Modernization and Operating Budgets for the Sanford Housing Authority. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. On 'motion of Commissioner Stenstrom, seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried, minutes of March 3 and March 10, 1975 were approved. On recommendation of the Board of Adjustment and Appeals, Commissioner Meyer moved to appoint Mr. Samuel Wright, 1122 Locust Avenue, to said board to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Hulan Ray. Seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried. The City Engineer submitted a tabulation of bids for traffic equipment for use at the French Avenue and 14th S~reet Fire Station and the South 17-92 Fire Station, as fol- lows: For SR 15/600 North of Lake Mary Boulevard: Control Specialists Co Lump Sum Signal Engineering $7,956.30 partial bid only Comparing unit prices of those items bid by each firm: Control Specialists Co. Signal Engineering $5,605.80 $7,596.45 The apparent low bidder being Control Specialists Co. For SR 15/600 and 14th Street: Control Specialists Co. Signal Engineering Lump Sum $3,271.95 partial bid only Comparing unit prices of those items bid by each firm: Cnntrol Specialists Co. Signal Engineering $1,314.30 $1,483.65 On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Morris 'moved to accept the low bid from Control Specialists Company in amount of $11,228.25. carried. Seconded by Commissioner Meyer and Request submitted from the Rotary Club to close the intersection of Park Avenue and Seminole Boulevard for a 'memorial service, May 26, from 12:00 noon to 1:30 P. M. recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Stenstrom moved to authorize same. by Commissioner McClanahan and carried. On Seconded · MI N U T E:S iCily Commission; sanford, Ftorida~ .~March 17 at 4:00 P. M. The City Manager submitted recommendations for substitute use of Pinehurst Park /as follows: a. Construction of a new field on Celery Avenue, utilizing some old material but not having restrooms or drainage. The total cost is estimated at $25,000 with ~materials at $16,827 plus a contingency of $1,000. b. Temporary use is available at the stadium with City paying for lights, clean up, and preparation. (For Senior League). c. City can use one of Naval Academy fields for Junior League games. City to put field into shaPe and maintain. On recommaendation of the City Manager, Commissioner McClanahan moved to authorize items (b) and (c.), and to consider item (a) in the budget for next year. Seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried. Request submitted from Herbert Cherry for a 180:day time extension on Condemnation No. 74-559; Group 29; 1403 West 14th Street. On recommendation of the Minimum Housing Code Inspector and the City Manager, Commissioner McClanahan 'moved to authorize a 90 day time extension. Seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried. The Suggestion Review Committee?submitted two suggestions as follows: 1. Mr. Jack Greaves - to improve parking in lot West of City Hall to increase capacity. 2.Mr. Red Tayman - to post pickup date on each suggestion box. Commissioner Stenstrom 'moved to authorizel;the suggestions. Seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried. Commissioner McClanahan ~moved to ask the Suggestion ReviewCommittee to 'make a recom- mendation to the Commission as to the amount and type of compensation to be given for sugges- tions that are utilized. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. The City Manager was authorized to inform Darrell Dilmore, Senior Planner for Semi- nole County, that the consulting engineers have completed a drainage plan for the city and further, to convey the city's support for a county wide drainage study. The next order of business was a Forum with Builders and Developers to hear any suggestions as to problems with city regulations. J. Brailey Odham appeared and outlined items to reduce the cost of constructing houses, as follows: !i 1 Underground electric requirement: Florida Power Corporation does not charge to lay the electric wiring underground. Florida Power and Light Company, which services Sanford, eharges $100 per house. 2. Straight up curb requirement: Miami curb would be less expensive. Also~ hold designation of curb cut until building time. i 3. Sidewalks: The City does not require sidewalks, but FHA and VA financing ii requires a four foot sidewalk. Request city to reduce to four feet to comply 19.75 ',MINUTES :.:': ...... City Commission, Sanford, Florida'~ : '. ,...:: March 17 at 4:00 P.M. 19 75 Stabilization materials and underdrains: S~il Cement less expensive than limerock with underdrains when the water table is within three feet of the street. 5. Aluminum wire: less expensive than copper. 6. Eliminate underground drainage where appropriate. Paul Jarvis, Cardinal Industries, outlined items to cut the cost of construction as follows: 1. 2. Reduce the square foot requirements. Charge utility fees fo~ services rendered only. 3. Pro rata charge for paving streets to other users in addition to the abutting property owner. W. Garnett White: 1. Fees for sanitary facilities excessive for industrial buildings. 2. Site plan approval costs extra per house. Don Howe: 1. Reduce square foot requirements for duplexes to compete with effeciency apart- ments in Multi-Family Districts. Herbert Cherry: 1. Reduce side yard set back from 7~ feet to 5 feet in some cases. Art Harris: 1. Investigate new type construction; such as concrete plRnk construction instead on concrete slab. 2. Set up committee to discuss line items and suggestions. A fire'man committee, composed of one builder or developer'appointed by each com- · missioner was authorized to 'meet with the City Engineer, Building Depart'ment Employees and a representative from the Planning and Zoning Commission to study the suggestions, and to report at the ~meeting of April 7, 1975 at 4:00 P. M. There being no further business, the 'meeting was adjournedc~ MAYOR ATTEST: jd