HomeMy WebLinkAbout050575-Regular Session 'MINUTES CitY: Commission; '~anford, Florida:.. May 5 at 4:00 P. FI. 19 75 The City Commission:of the City of Sanford, Fl'orida, 'met in regular session in the Cit'y Hali'Of the City of SanfOrd, Flori~da, at 4:.00 o':clock P. M. on May'5, 1975.' Present: ......... Absent: Mayor-Commissioner'~Lee P; Moore Commissioner John G. Morris Commissioner A. A. McCl'anahan Commissioner Julian L. Stenstrom Commissioner'~Gordon T.'-Meyer City Attorney C. Vernon Mize, Jr. Acting City Manager O. 'Sam Ackley City Clerk H.~ N. Tamm, Jr. City Manager W. E. Knowles Police Chief'Ben E. Butler The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. Richard Harry, President', 10-7'ClUb, appeared to invite the Commissioners to become honorary members of the city 'emPloyee"s recreation club. The Commission accepted and thanked Mr. Harry for the invitation. ~'~' ~' Request submitted by A.B,'Cf Liquors, Inc. for sale of alcoholic beverages for con- sumption on premises, as a conditional use in the GCc2 (General Commercial) District on the east side of 17-92, between State Street and 27th Street,.at the San-Situs Development. Ron Black, Realtor, appeared in support of the request. On recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Commissioner Meyer ·moved to authorize the request. Seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried. Request next submitted from Newburgh Development Company to annex approximately 48 acres south of the city, described as follows: . The NEk of the SWk of said Section 13, less the westerly 33 feet for road purposes, and also that portion of the SEk of the SWk of the NWk of said Section 13, less State Road 427 right of way. David Adams and Joe Crum appeared in support of the petition. Commissioner Meyer moved to deny the request. Seconded by Commissioner McClanahan. Commissioner Stenstrom 'moved to table consideration of the'~equest until the City Attorney arrives at the ·meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried. Commissioner Stenstrom ~moved to authorize extensions on condemnations as follows: Group Report No. No. Address Owner Min Housing Code InspRecommends 28 74-546 NE cot Narcissus Ave Central Florida 90 days and Terwilliger Lane Builders 31 74-615 1017 Holly Avenue Samuel Wright 90 days Recommended by the Acting City Manager. Seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried. Recommendations dated April 17 and May 2, 1975 submitted from the Planning and Zoning Commission, as follows: April 17, 1975: Request the following clerical errors be reported for the next scheduled revision of the Zoning Ordinance. MINUTES May 5 at 4:00 P. M. 19 75 .... City. Commission~ ,Sanford, Florida ~LD~. ~.ATS _L~_GAL purply CP~ANy (1) D. (1) Section 7. A. (1) B. (1) D. (1) Should read: subsection 5.A vice 5.(1) Density Controls Should read: subsection 5.D vice 5.(4) RMOI, Multiple-Family ResidentialD Office and Institutional District Uses Permitted Should read: subsection 6.A vice 6.(1) Conditional Uses Permitted Should read: subsection 6.B vice 6.(2) Density. Controls Should read: subsection 5.D vice 5..(4) Section 11. RI-iD Restricted Industrial District A. Uses Permitted (5) Should read: Section ll.F vice 11.(6) May 2, 1975: 1. Recommend to the City Commission to rezone from RC-1, Restricted Commercial, to GC-2, General Commercial, Lots 11 and 12, (less road) Block 15, 3rd Section Dreamwold. More generally described as 2400 S. French Ave., for the purpose of a Retail Bakery. 2 Recommend to the City Commission, the following changes and amendments to the Zoning Ordinance: Article V. -Section 8,,RC-1D Restricted Commercial Distric,tD Paragraph B, Conditional Uses Permitted, Add: (8) Single-family and two-family dwellings. Article V, Section 9, GC-2D General Commercial District, Paragraph B., Condi- tional Uses Permitted~ amend .to read: ~ ..~ ~(1) .... Any conditional use permitted in the RC-1, Restricted Commercial District, or any use permitted in RI-iD Restricted Industrial Dis- trict. Add: (9) Multiple-Family housing structures conforming to the require- ments of the RMOI District. AND Article VIII, Section 6, Paragraph (2), Add to last sentence,...including any special limitations, requirements, or conditions where the site is within an area of prime water recharge as designated by the Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission, adopted , 1975. Recommend to the City Commission approval of a conditional use in a GC-2 Dis- trict for consumption of alcoholic beverages on premise, East Side of 17-92, between State Street and 27th Street, North corner of 17-92, and proposed ........ City Commission;: Sanfbrd; Florida,,: ':~,, ,,',May 5 at 4:00 p. M. .... 19 75 as follows: Reconstruction of sub-station into central station: a. Chief's office furniture b. Assistant Chief's office c. Training officer and fire prevention office furniture d. Classroom furniture e. Communication desk f. Personnel lockers for stations g. Recorder for telephone Equipping three 'mobile fire units: a. 3 - C-J-2 Jack A ladders b. 3 - closet hooks c. 3 - Hooligan tools d. 3 - fire axes e. 3 - Novex fire suits f. 3 - life belts g. 3 - crash axes h. 3 - bolt cutters i. 200 feet of 5/8" nylon rope j. 3 - radio monitoring units k. 3 - industrial first aid kits 1. 3 -manual resuscitators m. 3 - Yardney lights with Charges Seconded by.Commissioner McClanahan and carried. $1,122.75 812.50 1,156.85 1,606.40 528.50 1,448.00 520.00 $ 375.00 88.50 153.00 40.50 737.25 229.50 44.85 94.50 130.00 539.85 134.04 165.75 680.00 The Acting City Manager submitted a bid tabulation for fire hydrants, as follows: 1. Low Bidder Sewer and Water Utility Supply Company, Longwood, Florida (Waterous WB-67 Hydrant) $3,437.48 2. Next Low Bidder B & H Sales, Inc., Orlando, Florida (Kennedy K10-B Hydrant) $4,068.00 3. Next Low Bidder Hughes Supply, Orlando, Florida (Mueller A-24015 HYdrant) $4,189.50 4. Next Low Bidder S. O. U. S., Inc., Ft. Lauderdale, Florida (Waterous WB-67 Hydrant) $4,230.00 5. Next Low Bidder Moore Utility Supply Co., Jacksonville, Florida (Kennedy K10-B Hydrant) $4,545.00 On recommendation of the Director of Utilities, Commissioner Meyer moved to authorize purchase from Hughes Supply, as iow bidder 'meeting specifications. Seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried. M IN U T ES · ~;.. · City Cornmission,',Sanford~ Florida '.~' : May 5 at 4:00 P.M. 19 75.. Commissioner Morris moved to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute resolu- tions numbered 1187, 1188, 11.89 and !190 Opposing proposed state legislation affecting pub- Seconded by Commissioner McC!anahan and lic employee relations and. collective bargaining. carried. Said resolutions being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 1187 ..~RESOLUTION OF:THE. CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REQUESTING THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TO DEFEAT HOUSE BILL 1063, WHICH SAID BILL PROPOSES TO PROVIDE BINDING ARBITRATION, REMOVAL FROM THE RIGHT oF THE LOCAL GOVERN- MENT TO REFUSE TO FUND COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS AND FURTHER PROVIDES FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN ARBITRATION COMMITTEE TO MAKE DECISIONS AS TO WAGES, HOURS AND WORKING CONDITIONS EVEN WHEN SUCH FACTORS OPERATE AS A DETRIMENT TO THE CAPITAL AND EMERGENCY EXPENDITURES OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT. WHEREAS, House Bill 1063 proposes to provide binding arbitration, removal from~the right of the local government to refuse to fund collective bargaining agreements and further provides for the establishment of an arbitra- tion committee to make decisions as to wages, hours and working conditions even when such factors operate as a detriment to the capital and emergency expenditures of the local government, and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford is charged with the protection of its employees and citizens inalienable rights, including, but not limited to, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and WHEREAS, in order to secure that the rights of the employees and citizens, local government 'must be free from taxation i'mposed by the parties other than duly elected representatives of the citizens of the local government. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that the Florida Legislature is hereby urged and requested to carefully consider t.he provisions of House Bill 1063, and to defeat the passage of said proposed legislation. THIS RESOLUTION adopted this 5th day of May, 1975. s/ Lee P. Moore Mayor Attest: s/ H. N. Tamm, Jr. City .Clerk ~ RESOLUTION NO. 1188 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REQUESTING THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TO DEFEAT HOUSE BILL 1374, WHICH SAID BILL PROPOSES TO INCLUDE ALL FIRE FIGHTERS AND POLICE OFFICERS, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE CHIEF .OF THE DEPARTMENT AND HIS~ ASSISTANTS ?MI NUTES ...... · Citer Commission, 8anford,, Florida ~ ~-~ay~- 5 at 4:00 P.M. 1975 .............. MIDS'ISVI'I'] I'.EF;AI. SU I'PLY 'CO.M~'ANY ' WHEREAS, House Bill 1374 proposes to provide for the inclusion of all fire fighters and police officers in the proVisions of the Flori~da Public~ Employees Labor Relations Act with the exception of the chief and his assistants who report directly to him, and WHEREAS, the passage of this legislation would include officers of fire and police departments in the classification of public employees, and WHEREAS, an officer of a fire or police department ~by reason of his position in authority as an officer 'may exert undue Pressure and influence on lower ranked employees who are philosophically opposed to organized labor, and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the citizens of Sanford and in keeping with the democratic principle of government to allow local citizens to decide what units are in their best interest in accordance with local priorities and traditions, and WHEREAS, fire fighters and law enforcement officers are not considered in the caregory of 'managerial employees, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that the Florida Legislature is hereby urged and requested to carefully consider the provisions of House Bill 1374, and to defeat the passage of said proposed legislaticm. THIS RESOLUTION adopted this 5th day of May, 1975. s/ Lee P. Moore Mayor Attest: s/ H. N. Tamm~ Jr. CITY CLERK RESOLUTION NO. 1189 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REQUESTING THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TO DEFEAT HOUSE BILL 1246 WHICH SAID BILL PROPOSES THE CREATION OF AN AGENCY SHOP WHICH WOULD REQUIRE EVERY PUBLIC EMPLOYEE TO PAY A FE'E TO THE UNION REPRESENTING THE EMPLOYEES OF THE PARTICULAR PUBLIC AGENCY, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT THE EMPLOYEE IS A UNION MEMBER. WHEREAS, House Bill 1246 provides for the creation of an agency shop which would require every employee of any governmental agency to pay a fee to the union representing the employees of said agency even in cases where the employee is not a member of the union, and WHEREAS, the intent and effect of this proposed legislation will circumvent and violate the constitutional right to work clause of the State of Florida, and WHEREAS. the City Commission of the City of Sanford wishes to MI NUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida MIDSTATE LEGA-~ -~P-~Y ~-~ " May 5 at 4:00 P. M. 19. 75 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that the Florida Legislature is hereby urged and requested to carefully consider the provisions of House Bill 1246, and to defeat the passage of said proposed legislation. THIS RESOLUTION adopted this 5th day of May, 1975. s/ Lee P. Moore Mayor Attest: _~/ H. N. Tamm, Jr. CITY CLERK RESOLUTION NO. 1190 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REQUESTING THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TO DEFEAT HOUSE BILL 1375 AND SENATE BILL 164, WHICH SAID BILLS PROPOSE TO REPEAL THE LOCAL OPTION PROVISION FROM THE FLORIDA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES LABOR RELATIONS ACT. WHEREAS, House Bill 1375 and Senate Bill 164 propose to repeal the local option provision from Section 447.203, Florida Statutes, and thereby delete the ~ight of the local government to determine the unit that will be appropriate for,.collective~-bargaining with~public employees, and WHEREAS', this legislation would remove local option even though other states with longer .and.more extensive public sector collective bargaining experience have supported local options,and WHEREAS, it is to the best interest of the citizens of Sanford to have a voice in their affairs if they choose, the citizens of Sanford being best able to determine what is appropriate for their City, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that the Florida Legislature is hereby urged and.requested to carefully consider the provisions of House Bill 1375 and Senate Bill 164, and to defeat the passage of said proposed legislation. THIS RESOLUTION adopted this 5th day of May, 1975. s/ Lee P. Moose Mayor Attest: s/ H. N. Tamm~ Jr. CITY CLERK Commissioner Meyer 'moved to authorize salary reclassification of Clifford Anderson, Jr., to Equipment Operator III-D - $7,716.80 per year. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. Commissioner McClanahan moved to authorize purchase of a Hurst rescue power tool MINUTES Cit~ CommisSion, :Sanford, Flo~da:' . ~ - ~ay. 5 at 4: 00 P. ~. 19. 75 new method of collection of the franchise fee as required by the Florida Public Service Com- mission. He Stated that the franchise fee has been part of the base rate, and now the Florida Public Service and Commission has ruled that in the this franchise must be combined area. on the bill with the City Utility Tax, charged to customers Commissioner Morris 'moved to remove from table the consideration of the annexation of Newburgh Development property~ Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. The City Attorney stated the Florida Statutes required for annexation that a sub- stantial area of the property proposed for annexation be contiguous to the city, and was silent as to contiguity by cornering; however, case history has held that properties are not contiguous if abutting by corners only. Commissioner Meyer called for the vote on his ~motion to deny the request for annexa- tion. The 'motion was carried, Commissioner Meyer moved'td aUthorize purchaSe ~from LOU Louwsman Ford Company of a 14-yard dump truck for the Street Department,'~bid in 1973' in'the~amount of $19,570.50, and to finance for period of four years. Seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried. On recommendation"of'the City E~gineer,~commi~sioner~Morris moved to authorize payment of statements as follows: (1) Clark, Dietz and Associates for engineering work on the Street Paving Project, in amount of $6,179,'43 fro'm Revenue Sharing Trust Fund. (2) Clark, Dietz and AssOciates for conSultation services on improvements to the city water supply, treatment, pumping and distribution system, in amount of $459.77. Seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried. Request submitted from Mike Fordham for water service to residence on Lots 35 and ~ 36, Wolfer's Lakeview Terrace, outside the City of Sanford. Commissioner McClanahan moved to authorize same, upon the payment of the Water, Sewer and Drainage Control Fee in amount of $500.00. Seconded bY Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. Request submitted from the Downtown Business Association to use downtOwn sidewalks for display and sale of vegetables and 'merchandise; and to close the west side of Magnolia Avenue between First Street and Second Street, for the Greater Sanford Chamber of Commerce Farm City Festival on May 13, 1975. Commissioner Meyer ~moved to authorize same. Seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried, i The City Attorney submitted an opinion re: effects of Chapter 73-522, Laws of Florida,ii creating the City of Lake Mary on boundaries of the City of Sanford. He stated he felt the City of Sanford had a reasonable chance of success in seeking a judicial determination that the annexation of the property in question by the City of Sanford took precedence over the inclusion of the property in the City of Lake Mary. Commissioner Meyer 'moved to authorize the City Attorney to contact the Lake Mary City Attorney to request that city to de-annex the property involved, and if not, to pursue MINUTES 19 75 City Commission,~.Sanford, Florida-. May 5 at 4:00 P. M. MIDSTATE LEGAL SUPPLY COMPANY tures found to be in a delapidated, unsanitary and unsafe condition, as follows: R,epor,t 75-650 75-651 75-652 75-653 75-654 75-655 75-656 75-657 75-658 75-659 75-660 Address 511 Elm Avenue 413 Bay Avenue 1317 Douglas Avenue 2521 Orange Avenue Palmetto and 28th Place 17-92 and Airport Blvd. 905 West llth Street 1121 West 12th Street 1220 West 8th Street 907 Avocado 905 Avocado Owner Galetta Coalter Dykes Leo Aalvail R. F. Robinson Inter Urban Merridith Sara Mae Bass Sara Mae Bass Ocie Morgan Ocie Morgan Commissioner McClanahan moved to authorize a public hearing to be held May 27, 1975, to considez said reports to determine the condition of the structures for condemnation; and to authorize a notice to be placed upon each structure; and a notice of said public hearing directed by registered mail to the owner of the property at the last known address as shown by the Tax Assessment Roll of the city. Seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried. Commissioner McClanahan moved to tabte consideration of the Barrett Marine sub- lease at Monroe Harbour until the City Manager returns to the city. Seconded by Commissioner Meyer and carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Morris. Commissioner Morris reported that at the last meeting of the committee on Environ- mental Protection Agency Regional Sewer Plant Project Study, costs of $35,000 were allocated as follows: 3/7 City of Sanford 3/7 Seminole County 1/7 City of Lake Mary Commissioner Morris 'moved to authorize the additional funds for same, to designate this to be an item not to be included in discussion of double taxation. Seconded by Commissioner i McClanahan and carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. MAYOR iATTEST: jd C~ITY C LEI~K~ ~/