HomeMy WebLinkAbout011077-Regular Session MI N U T E S . City Commimsion~ 8a~ford,~.Florida January 10 at 7: 00 P.M. 19. 77 MIDSTAT~~ LEGAL. s~P~LY COMP-AN~ ~ The City Commission of~.the: City'bf San'ford~~ Fl'orida,,'~met~ in, Regular Session in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock, P. M.: on,'January 10, 1977. Present: ,- ~ Acting Mayor-Commissioner .Julian, L. Commissioner John G. Morris Comm£ssioner A. A Commissioner Edwin O. Keith City Attorney_C~ Vernon ~Miz'e~,, Jr. · · City Manager W. E. Knowles City Clerk H~. N. Tamm~, Jr'.~ ~' Police Chief Ben E. Butler Absent: Mayor-Commissioner Lee P. Moore The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. The first item of business was discussion of a request submitted from Amos C. Jones, Executive Director, Seminole Community Action, and tabled at meeting of December 13, 1976, for the Commission to appoint a representative to the Seminole Community Action Board of Directors. On motion of Commissioner McClanahan, seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried, the Commission moved not to appoint anyone at the present time. The City-Man~ger was authorize¢ to direct a letter to Amos C. Jones, stating the Commission's objection to action by their staff, prior to authorization by the Board of Directors, and to the form used in presentation of fiscal reports. Requests submitted for time extensions on condemnations, as fOllows: Group Report Min Housing Code No. No. Address Owner Insp' Recommends 42 76-759 1316 Persimmon Mrs. Willie M. Clark 90 days 42 76-751 813 Pecan Rufus L. McClain 90 days Approved by City Manager. On motion of Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried, same were approved. On motion of Commissioner McClanahan, seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried, Ordinance No. 1373, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1097 OF SAID CITY, SAID ORDINANCE BEING A ZONING PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, SAID AMENDMENT CHANGING THE ZONING OF A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY ABUTTING SOUTH SANFORD AVENUE AND LYING BETWEEN 26TH STREET AND LEMON STREET TO GCc2 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL) DISTRICT. was introduced and placed on its first reading and read in full. On motion of Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried, Ordi- nance No. 1374, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ARTICLE V OF CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, SAID ORDINANCE ADOPTING CERTAIN LAND USE REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE FOR THE PROTECTION OF STRUCTURES AND INHABITANTS FROM THE DANGER OF FLOODING IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, SAID AMENDMENT ADDING REQUIREMENTS FOR MOBILE HOMES IN FLOOD PRONE AREAS, REQUIRING THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS FROM STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES BEFORE THE ISSUANCE ~'G" T.(]~.AT. P~.PMTT.R- P'~.CiTTTPTlq~ RA.~. TPT.(](]T~ MI N U T E S City Cornmission~Sanford, Florida ' January 10 at 7:00 P.M. 1977 ~_~A~~ ~n__~_~r~.v---?~r~Nv ~ ~ INFORMATION FOR ALL SUBDIVISION PROPOSALS AND OTHER PROPOSED ~DEVELO~S WHICH;:,~AREGR~TER THAN FIFTY LOTS OR FIVE ACRES, WHICHEVER IS LESSER; PROVIDING THAT THE AMENDED ARTICLE SHALL TAKE PRECEDENT OVER EXISTING BUILDING AND ZONING ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. was introduced and placed on its first reading and read by title.~ On motion of Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried, minutes of December 12, 22, and 27, 1976, were approved. On motion of Commissioner McClanahan, seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried, vouchers for the month of December, 1976, were approved as follows: General Fund, Flagship Bank of Sanford, Voucher No. 7837 through 7841; Water & Sewer Revenue Fund, Flagship Bank of Sanford, Voucher Nos. 1621 thrOugh 1624; Policemen's Pension Fund, Flagship Bank~'~of Sanford, Voucher Nos. 491 and 492; Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, Flagship Bank of Sanford, VOUcher No. 343; Revenue Sharing Trust Fund, Flagship U. S. Bank of Seminole, Voucher No. 59 through 61; Central Paying Account, Flagship Bank of Sanford, Voucher Nos. 10207 through 10582; Utility Service Tax, Atlantic National Bank of Sanford, Voucher No. 99; Public Projects, Flagship U. S. Bank of Seminole, Voucher Nos. 43 and 44; City Hall Construction Fund, Flagship of Sanford, Voucher No. 9; Utility Trust Fund, Flagship U. S. Bank of Seminole, Voucher No. 32. A Public hearing was held in accordance ~with.notice published· in the Evening Herald on Decembe=~27~ 1976~as,follows·: NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION ;~ OF ·AN ORDINANCE BY; THE! CITY OF SANFO ,RD; FLORIDA ~ Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the Commission Room in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on January 10, 1977, .to consider the adOption of an ordinance by the City of Sanford, Florida, title of which is as fol- lows: -~ ORDINANCE NO. 1372 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, VACATING AND ABANDONING A PORTION OF A UTILITY EASEMENT LYING BETWEEN HIAWATHA AVENUE AND IROQUOIS iAVENUE AND BETWEEN ORLANDO DRIVE AND SANTA BARBARA DRIVE. A copy shall be available at the Office of the City Clerk for all persons desiring to examine the same. ~· . Ail parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at said hearing. By order of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. H. N. Tatum, Jr. City Clerk .~Publish: December 27, 1976. · Mil N UTE S City C~~~"g~m~ord, ~d~" ~ '~ January 10 at 7:00 P.M. 19.77 MiDSTATE LEGAL SUppLy COMpANy ' . : ...... Ordinance No. 1372, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, VACATING AND ABANDONING AffeCTION OF A UTILITY EASEMENT LYING BETWEEN HIAWATHA AVENUE AND IROQUOIS AVENUE AND BETWEEN ORLANDO DRIVE AND SANTA BARBARA DRIVE. introduced and placed on its first reading and read in full at the meeting of December 27, 1976, was' next,placed on its final reading. After being read in full, the Chairman announced that the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak in favor of, or in oppo- sition to, the proposed ordinance. No one appeared. Commissioner McClanahan moved on its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried~ Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 1372, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, VACATING AND ABANDONING A PORTION OF A UTILITY EASEMENT LYING BETWEEN HIAWATHA AVENUE AND IROQUOIS AVENUE AND BETWEEN ORLANDO DRIVE AND SANTA BARBARA DRIVE. The City Manager reported that ~consultant services for interior design and land- scaping for the proposed City Hall are not budgeted in the federal grant. Commissioner Mc- Clanahan moved to authorize the City Manager to obtain a list of consultants interested in the work, and report back to the Commission. Seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried. The City Manager reported that the dedication 'ceremony for Coastline Park, Ninth Street and Poplar Avenue, had been arranged for February 4, 1977 at 10:00 o'clock A. M. The City Manager was authorized to write a letter to David C. Hastings, Vice-President, Sea- board coastLine Railroad, and B. B. Vaughn, Superintendent, Seaboard CoaSt Line Railroad, to invite them as guests of honor; to obtain a key to the City for presentation; to obtain a plaque for the park; and further activities for the dedication. The City Manager submitted appraisals for property for a mini-park at Seventh Street and Orange Avenue, Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, Block 9, Tier F, Town of Sanford, Plat Bobk 1, page 56, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, as follows: Appraisal A - $23,935. Appraisal B - $23,720. and recommended to purchase the property at the offered price of $23,500, and pay the appraisersll $200 each. Commissioner McClanahan moved to authorize same, with payment from the US Open Space Grant, Eastside Recreation Development. Seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried. The City Manager submitted a report on Rex Liquors, 410 Sanford Avenue, setting forth Life Safety Code violations existing since November 22, 1976. Commissioner McClanahan moved to authorize a public hearing to be held on January 24, 1977 to consider same. Seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried. On motion of Commissioner McClanahan, seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried, Resolution No. 1220 was adopted. Said resolution being in words and figures as follows: M. INUTES City Co..mmission~ Sanford,,,Florida . .. .. January 10 at 7:00 P.M. 19.77 RESOLUTION NO. 1220 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 125.01 (6) , FLORIDA STATUTES, IDENTIFYING CERTAIN SERVICES RENDERED SPECIALLY ~ FOR THE BENEFIT OF PROPERTY OR RESIDENTS OF UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ~ AND FINANCED FROM COUNTY-WIDE REVENUES; REQUEST TO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO DEVELOP AN APPROPRIATE MECHANISM TO FINANCE ACTIVITIES FOR SUCH SERVICES BY TAXES, SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS OR SERVICE CHARGES TO BE LEVIED SOLELY UPON RESIDENTS OR PROPERTY IN THE UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, Chapter 125.01 (6), Florida Statutes, provides that the governing body of a municipality may by resolution identify services rendered specifically for the benefit of property owners and residents of unincorporated areas and financed from county-wide revenues, and WHEREAS, Article VIII, Section l!.(b) of the Constitution of the, State of Florida specifically provides that property situated within municipa- lities shall not be subject to taxation for services rendered by the County exclusively for the benefit of the property or residents in unincorporated areas, and - WHEREAS,-~it..is apparent to the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida that property within the City of Sanford, Florida is being taxed by Seminole. County, Florida for services rendered by the County exclusively and specially for the benefit of property and/or residents in the unincorporated areas of Seminole County, Florida as evidenced by indepen- dent investigation and evaluation by the City of Sanford, Florida and, further, by the report of the Special Double Taxation Commission appointed by the legislative delegation of Seminole County, and WHEREAS, it is necessary that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, take whatever action may be necessary to protect the interest of the citizens and property owners within the City of Sanford, Florida from double taxation, and WHEREAS, the City of Sanford, Florida has determined that numerous and varied services are provided ~by Seminole County, Florida which provide substantial benefits and in some cases exclusive benefits for the benefit of the property and residents of the unincorporated areas of Seminole County, Florida, said services including but not limited to the following areas of County government: Building Department Planning and Zoning Department Environmental Services Subdivision Street Maintenance Traffic Engineering Road Resurfacing and Grading Arthropod Solid Waste Control Public Works, Refuse & Disposal Sheriff's Department M.I N U T E S ...... City .Co~_m_~sion .Sanford, F~orida . January 10 at 7: 00 P.M. 19. 77 MIDSTATE LEGAL SUPPLY C6~PANY -- 2 ~ ' ~: ~ : the City of Sanford, Florida that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 125.01 (6), Florida Statutes, the City Commission hereby petitions the Board of County Commissioners of SeminOle .County, Florida to' afford relief: to the citizens and property owners of the 'City of Sanford, Florida.for that portion of real property taxes that are allocated to the services ;performed specially for the benefit of the property or residents in unincorporated areas of~Seminole County, Florida. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole CountY, Florida is hereby requested to'give immediate considera- tion to this problem and to develop an appropriate mechanism to assess taxes for the services identified in this Resolution by the establishment of a municipal service taxing or benefit unit pursuant to Florida law or by remitting the identifiE cost of service paid by the taxes levied upon property situated within the City of Sanford, Florida to the City of Sanford, Florida. THIS RESOLUTION ADOPTED THIS 10th DAY OF JANUARY, 1977. Attest: s/ H. N. Tatum, Jr. City Clerk s/ Julian L. Stenstrom Acting .Mayor:., ~ . · .... ~.~s/; John G..Morris s/ A. A. "Mac" McClanahan ~ ' s/ Edwin O.-Keith. As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida Commissioner McClanahan moved to authorize the City Manager to request the Legis- lative Delegation to consider general statements as follows: 1. Permit annexation of unincorporated areas totally within the City. 2. Require any county to sit and objectively discuss double taxation. 3. Require county construction to comply with city regulations for buildings and zoning within the City. Seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried. The Minimum Housing Code Inspector submitted reports of buildings or structures found to be in a delapidated, unsanitary and unsafe condition, as follows: INDEX 77-762 77-763 77-764 77-765 77-766 77-767 77-768 77-769 77-770 77-771 77-772 77-773 807 Pine 719Pecan 820 W. 13th St. .1320 Lake Ave. 314 W. 3rd St. 703 E. 9th St. 308 E. 13th St. 1807 W. 15th St. 1116 Hickory 1013 Oleander 210 S. French Ave. 410 Sanford Ave. Elsie Manendez Joyce Wilson George Hess C. E. Bolen S id~ay Vihlen Scipio Bracey Jessie Thacker I s iah Akins Eddie Williamson Lethan Williams Michael Jackson Commissioner Morris moved to authorize a public hearing to be held January 24, 1977 to con- d M! I N U T E S City Commission, i Sanford, Florida', ~,,, .,-, MiDSTAT~. LEOA~. SUPpnY COMPANY :January 10 at 7:00 P.M. 19 77 by the Tax Assessment Roll of the City. Seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried. Commissioner McClanahan moved to authorize the Mayor to execute the purchase con- tract for approximately 86 acres at $3,750 per acre, for a sanitary landfill on Paola Road and Oregon Avenue, subject to approval by the Florida Department of Environmental Regulations for said purpose. Seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried. Charles Boykin, 300 East Airport Boulevard, appeared to request permission to operate a private club, which would be open to the public for a bottle club, at 400 Sanford Avenue. He stated this was a non-profit organization, to raise money to promote sports and physical fitness. The City Attorney stated that if this club meets the regulations for a private club in the city, in the proper zone, the Commission neither gives permission, nor refuses it. The City Manager was authorized to meet with the petitioner to determine if the total operation meets city requirements for a club. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: CITY C~k~K / (L~ .... jd MAYOR