HomeMy WebLinkAbout060673-Special SessionN U T E S 19 77 MIDSTATE LEGAL.SUPPLY COMPANY ~ ~ ~? ~ ~ June 6 at 7:00 P M. : City,...COmmission~ :Sanford~. plOrida,::: , ~ :;, .,, · · The City Commission of, the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Special Session in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on June 6, 1977. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Lee P. Moore Commissioner John G. Morris Commissioner Julian L. Stenstrom _' ' :Commis:sioner A. A. LMcClanahan~ Commissioner Eddie O. Keith , .'City Attorney C.:Vernon. MiZe~':Jr, City Manager W. E. Knowles ~ '~. '. · city Clerk H.-N. :Tamm, ~:Jr.: : Absent: Police Chief Ben E. Butler The meeting was called t:o order by the Chai:rman. The City Manager submitted a list of seven interior designers, who had requested to be cOnside'red for interior design services in the new City Hill. Commissioner McClanahan moved to designate the City Manager 'and .one. Commissi.oner as a screening .Committee to~ review and recommend three interior designers to the Commission. Seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner: Morris. The City Manager submitted a salary survey of: 19 government ':entities .and businesses in the area reflecting Sanford to be consistently below the average and recommended to con- sider a mid-year adjustment with' the use: o~f federal fund, s. lower than average in frin~ge ~bene,fit~s ..for: employees.', Hei...also stated that Sanford is Ms. Sandra Ga ine.si~.lll9 H~ckor~y A~enue, Sanfor'd,..r,epre~sen~ting Seminole Neighbor- hood United Council, Inc.~; s~:ated thez:e'~a:re, four member:s~.who.would speak On basic areas which they feel need to be remedied.as follows: Housing. Affirmative Action Citizen Participation Ms. Jacquelyn Toomer, 1314 0live Avenue, Sanford, read a report on Housing, stat- ing additional public housing units are sorely needed in the City; and that they'.would like to explore with the Commission avenues whereby a substantial impact can be made in the reduc- tion of blighted housing within the City. Ms. Debborah Haynes, 1309 Williams Avenue, Sanford, read a report on Affirmative Action. The Mayor explained that the City does have an Affirmative Action Plan, and will be implemented after budget preparation is completed. Ms. Rosalia Cook, 1412 Lake Avenue, Sanford, read a report on street paving. The Mayor explained the street paving had been completed with Federal Revenue Sharing Funds, and that he knew of no request for street lights. Ruthea Hester read a report on Citizen Participation. The Mayor explained that copies of the Grantee Performance Report and the income and disbursements accounts of Community Development Block Grant funds are available for review by any interested citizen. He also stated Districting for the Commission had not been approved in a city election. On reoommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Morris moved to authorize pay- ment from City Hall Grant fund in amount of $163,667. to Williams Development Company for ......... City. Cornrni_ssio. n~, Sanford,..:Florida~.~.. ;... JUne .,6.. at 7: 00 P.M. 1977 construction of the new City Hall. Seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried. Commissioner McClanahan moved to remove from table consideration of petition to annex Lots 13 and 14, Block 13, Dreamwold, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Furley. sioner Stenstrom and carried. Seconded by Commis- Commissioner McClanahan moved to authorize the City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to annex the property. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. The City Manager reported that the newspaper had failed to run the legal ad for a public hearing to be held on June 13, 1977 to consider rezoning approximately 23 acres on 46A to AD (Agricultural) District; that Planning and Zoning Commission has recommended against the rezoning; that Florida Department of Environmental Regulation requires zoning prior to issuance of a landfill permit; that Seminole County may decide to relocate their landfill to a more central location and reduce their rate structure; and that the attorney for the property owner has demanded the City complete the purchase of the 86 acres prior to June 13, 1977. Commissioner Morris moved to notify the property owner, Sanford 86' Limited, that the City is withdrawing the offer to purchase and request the return of the $10,000 deposit. Seconded by Mayor Moore. Motion failed to carry over dissenting votes of Commissioner Sten- strom, Commissioner McClanahan and Commissioner Keith. Mr. Bud Kirks, Attorney for 46-A Environmental Committee, supported the recommenda- tion to table consideration of same. The Mayor stated that the news media had advised him that the Sanford Police Depart- ment had voted to be represented by the Police Benevolent Association of Orange County. The City Manager recommended to take no action at thi~. time and to consider retain- ing a management oriented attorney. The City Manager reported that a tenant had occupied a building at the Marina for a year without a lease from the Marina operator. The City Manager and City Attorney were authorized to obtain all of the information and report to the Commission on June 13, 1977. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner McClanahan moved to authorize payment from City Hall grant fund in amount of $7,800 to Watson and Company, Architects, for work on the new City Hall. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. M~.A Y 0 R ATTEST