HomeMy WebLinkAbout052278-Regular Session.MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida . May. 22 at 7' oo P. M. MIDSTATE LEGAL SUPPLY COMPANY 1978 The City Commission of.the City of Sanford, Florida, met .in Regular Session in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on May 22, 1978. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Lee P. Moore Commissioner John G. Morris Commissioner Julian L. Stenstrom Commissioner A. A. McClanahan Cor~issiormr Eddie O. Keith CityAttorney C. Vernon Mize, Jr. City Manager W. E. Knowles City Clerk H. N. Tamm, Jr. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. A public hearing was held to consider condemnation of six structures or buildings on Report Numbers 78-827 through 78-832, Group 49, in accordance with notices authorized at meeting of April 24, 1978. %he Chairman announced that the Commission would hear from any property owner or representative thereof. A review of each individual report was as follows: Number 78-827 78-828' 78-829 78-830 78-831 78-832 Address 615~ Park Ave. (on alley) 922½ W. llth St. 1503 W. llth St. 616 E. Third St. 1006 Wo 25th St. 603 Oak Ave. Owner Robert and Mossie C~ Bateman Clarence and Nellie M. Fisher W. D. Powell Abdel J. and Amneh Baker Lloyd C. and Gloria J. Tate James P. McMahon After consideration, Commissioner Stenstrom moved ~that finding the buildings under Reports Nos. 78-827 through 78-832 to be unsanitary, unsafe and delapidated, that said structures be condemned and the owner given anotice of 90 days in w~ich to repair or give just cause why same has not been repaired or demolished; and after 90 days to authorize the City to demolish the structures and levy a lien against the property for said removal. Seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried. The next order of business was a public hearing tabled from meeting of April 24, 1978, to oonsider rezoning a portion of property between French Avenue and Editha Circle and between 20th Street and Colonial Way from RC-1 to GC-2, described as Lots 16, 17, 18 and 19, less the West 8 feet of each, Block 1, Highland Park. Mr. Bill Heffernan, Attorney representing George Smith, owner of Guy!~s Bar-B-Que, stated he wished to appeal the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendation to deny the rezoning of the property, and submitted petitions for and against the rezoning. Those appearing in opposition were as follows: Mr. John Cullum, 412 Editha Circle, owner of Lots 24 and 25, Block 1, Highland Park, property directly behind Guy's Bar-B-Que. Mr. A. A. McClanahan, 409 Editha Circle, submitted a petition from residential property owners in the area· who opposed the rezoning. 386 ....................... City~Commission;."San~ord; Florida':: ', ../May, ~22 .~;~at 7: 00 P. M. COMPANY 19. 78 V// Mrs. Chorpening, 407 Editha Circle, rstated she had been in £avor of permitting Guy's Bar-B-Que to expand, with the understanding that there would be no Beer and Wine served. On recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Commissioner Keith moved to deny the rezoning. Seconded by Co~m~issioner Stenstrom and carried. Commissioner McClanahan abstained from voting. Max Levine, G and L Liquidators, 115 North L~urel Avenue, was present to support his request for package sale of Beer and Wine. Letter submitted from First Federal of S~minole authorizing G & L Liquidators use of their parking lot ThUrsday and Fridays between 6:30 P. M. and midnight. Commissioner Stenstrom moved to authorize package sale of Beer and Wine at the above premises. Seconded by Commissioner K~ith and carried. Request submitted from Harold Hunziker, Chairman, Agri-Business Committee, Greater Sanford Chamber of Commerce, to use the Southeast one-quarter of the City parking lot at First Street and Park Avenue, and use the sidewalk in the block East of Park Avenue, on the~ North side of First Street for the display of produce for the Farm City Day celebration Friday, May 26, 1978. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Morris moved to authorize the request and~to authorize the City Manager to work out the details. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. Commissioner MdClanahan moved to authmrize.time extensions:_as follows: Group Report Min Housing Code No. No. Address Owner Insp Recommends 40 75-721 1516 W 7th St Lois James 90 days ~ 47 77-809 211 S French Ave Evelyn,Peacock 90 days 47 77-814 320 Qak Ave L~nda Cammarasana 90 days Approved by the Acting City Manager. Seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried. On motion of Commissioner Stenstrom, seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried, Emergency Ordinance No. 1439, entitled: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD,. FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 166.041, (3) (b), FLORIDA STATUTES, .(1977); SAID ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CON- TINUED DEVELOPMENT OF PLATTED PROPERTY IN THE PRESENTLY EXISTING AREAS WHICH ARE ZONED PUD (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT), SAID ORDINANCE REQUIRING THAT APPLICANTS FOR BUILDING PERMITS SIGN DOCUMENTS AGREEING TO COMPLY WITH EI%HER THE PRESENT DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN SUCH DISTRICTS - OR SUBMIT NEW DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR CONSIDER- ATION 'BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND APPROVAL BY THE CiTYi:.~COMMISSION, PROVIDING AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Was introduced and adopted. Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the Commission had passed and adopted said Emergency Ordinance No. 1439, entitled: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 166.041, (3) (b), FLORIDA STATUTES, (]Q77~ · ~AT~ ~P~T~A~ ATTTI4~PT~T~ TI-I~ ~N- MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida : May 22 at 7:00 P. M. 1978, TINUED DEVELOPMENT OF PLATTED PROPERTY IN THE PRESENTLY EXISTING AREAS WHICH ARE ZONED PUD (PLANNED UNI% DEVELOPMENT), SAID ORDINANCE REQUIRING THAT APPLICANTS FOR BUILDING PERMITS SIGN DOCUMENTS -AGREEING TO COMPLY WITH EITHER THE PRESENT DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN SUCH DISTRICTS OR SUBMIT NEW DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR CONSIDER- ATION BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND APPROVA~L BY THE CITY COMMISSION, PROVIDING AND EFFECTIVE DATE. On motion of commissioner Stenstrom, seconded by Corr~nissioner Keith and carried, Resolution No.. 1245 was adopted and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to execute same. Said resolution being in wor~ids and figures as follows: A RESOLUTION AU%HORIZING AND APPRovING THE NEGOTIATED AND PRIVATE SALE OF THE $750,000 CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1977(KELLER INDUSTRIES, INC, PROJECT); AWARDING SAID BONDS .TO THE PURCHASER THEREOF IN CONSIDERATION OF THE AMOUNT OF MONEY SET OUT HEREIN; SAID BONDS %0 MATURE AND BEAR INTEREST AS SET OUT HEREIN: SETTING A DATE ON WHICH THE DELIVERY 20 THE PURCHASER SHALL BE MADE; DIRECTING THE TRUSTEE TO AUTHENTICATE SAID BONDS; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CLERK TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR THE DELIVERY OF SAID BONDS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, has previously authorized the issuance of $750,000 City of Sanford, Florida, Insustrial D~velopment Revenue Bonds, Series 1977 (Keller Industries, Inc. Project) (the "Bonds") to pay the cost .of the construction or acquisition of a capital project consisting of an industrial plant for the processing, rep.rocess- ing, smelting and recycling of aluminum to produce aluminum billet; and WHEREAS, the issuance of said Bonds and all proceedings instant thereto were validated and confirmed by judgment of the Circuit Court of Seminole County, Florida, rendered on March 28, 1978; and WHEREAS, it is the determination of the City Commission that the purposes of the City will he best facilitiated and accom- plished by mlling the Bonds through the means of a negotiated and private sale; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, THAT: SECTION 1. The negotiated and private sale of the Bonds is hereby authorized and approved. SECTION 2. The said $750,000 City of Sanford, Florida, Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, Series 1977 (Keller ',,,,,., ........ ,i · Citx~Commission'~ :,Sa~ford,. Florida': ,May .:22~,~at. 7: 00 P. M. 19. 78 Burnett & Knight, Inc., Lexington, Kentucky, at par, plus accrued interest from June 1, 1978, said Bonds bearing interest at the rates and maturing on December 1 in. the years and amounts as follows: :': . . i C~. INTEREST INTEREST yEAR AMOUNT RATE YEAR AMOUNT RATE 1978 $30,000 1979 35,000 1980:: 35,000 1981 40,000 1982 40,000 1983 45,000 1984 45,000 1985 50,000 5,00% 1986 $50,000 5.70% 5.00 1!987 55,000 5.,85 5S10 1988 -55,000 ~.6.00 5.20 1989 60,000 6.10 5.30 1990 65,000 6.20 5.40 1991 70,000 6.25 5.50 1992~ 75,000 ' 6.25 5.60 SECTION 3~. The Trustee, Flagship B~nkT.Of Orlando,.is hereby authorized and directed to authenticate the Bonds and deliver them to or upon the order of the purchaser thereof upon payment of the purchase price.. : SECTION 4. The Mayor and Clerk.of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute any and all documents necessary for delivery of the Bonds. SECTION 5. The Bonds .Shall be. delivered to the purchaser on or about June 7~ 1978 , at 9:00 A2M. ,, at the offices of the Trustee in Orlando, Florida, or such other time and place as may be agreed.upon by the Mayor and the purchaser. SECTION 6, This'Resolution shall take.effect immediately ~ upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, at a duly called meeting at which a quorum was present held in Sanford, Florida, on May 22 , 1978. CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA s/~ Lee P. Moore Mayor-Commissioner SEAL ATTEST: s/ H. N. Tamm~ Jr. City Clerk On motion of Commissioner Stenstrom, seconded by Commissioner McClanahan an~d carried, Re~olution No. 1246 was adopted and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to execute same. Said resolution being in wor~s~ and figures as follows: A RESOLUTION AMENDING A :RRSOLUTION ~EN%ITLED: "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION BY THE CITY OF SANFORD OF A CAPITAL PROJECT CONSISTING OF AN INDUSTRIAL PLANT FOR THE PROCESSING, REPROCESSING, SMELT- ING AND RECYCLING OF ALUMINUM TO PROJECT ALUMINUM BILLET; PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF ~ITC~ MANI~ACTITRTNG PI,ANT TO KELLER INDUSTRIES. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida ____ MiDST~TM LE~AJ~ ~L~t~y~ May 22 at 7:00 P. M. EXCEEDING $750,000; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS' OF THE HOLDERS OF SUCH BONDS;-PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF; PROVIDING CERTAIN OTHER AGREEMENTS AND COVENANTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF SUCH BONDS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE" BY AMENDING SECTIONS 2, 7, 11, 12, 13 and 15 THEREOF;,! AND AMENDING THE FORM OF INSTALLMENT PURCHASE TRUST AGREEMENT WHICH WAS APPROVED BY %HE ABOVE-ENTI~LED RESOLUTION · AND TO MAKE IT CONFORM TO THE RESOLUTION AS AMENDED; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of.the City of Sanford, Florida, on February 13, 1978, adopted a.Resolution authorizing the issuance of not to exceed $750,000'Industrial Development Revenue Bonds which Resolution set forth details of the bond issue; and WHEREAS, the City Commission now deems it desirable to amend and supplement certain provisions of said Resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. Section 2 of the Resolution is amended by deleting the definition for :!~Reser~e FUnd..''~ - ... · SECTION 2. The definition for "Trustee" contained in Section 2 is amended to read ~as follows: "TRUSTEE" shall mean Flagship Bank of Orlando, a banking and trust company having its principal office in the City of Orlando, Florida.~ · · SECTION 3. Section 7 of the Resolution is supplemented by inserting "Orlando" in :the:: blank.appearing in the second paragraph of Section 7, being the City in which the Trustee bank is . located. SECTION 4. The first paragraph of Section 11 of the Resolution is amended to read as follows: SECTION 11. .PROVIiS%.ONS FOR REDEMPTION, Bonds maturing on December 1, 1978, through December 1, 1987, shall not be callable for redemptiOn. BondS maturing on or after December 1, 1988, may be.~redeemed at 103% of ~.~ par plus accrued interest on any interest payment date on or after December 1, 1987. 'SECTION 5;' ~The 'form of BOnd contained in.Section 12. of the Resolution is amended to conform to the changes made by this resolution. '~' SECTION 6. Section 13 of the Resolution is-amended to delete Subsection (C). SECTION 7. Section 13 of the Resolution is amended by changing subsection (D) to (C) and the last paragraph of the new subsection (C) is amended to read as follows: MINUTES City Commission,~Sanford;':'Florida, <~ <~.~.~. ~ay 22 at 7:00 P. M~ 1978 A~y bal'an~ce ~f un'~expended~ m.0neys in the ' C~stguctiOn .and ACquis:f'tion'~Fund 'after com- pletion, of the Project in accordance with said plans and specifications .shall be deposited by the Trustee into the Bond Fund. SECTION 8. The First paragraph of Section 15 of the Reso- lution is amended to read as follows: SECTION 15. COVENANTS OF THE ISSUER. For as long as any of the principal of and interest on any of the Bonds shall be outstanding and unpaid or until there shall have been set apart in the Bond Fund a sum sufficient to pay when due the entire principal of the Bonds remaining unpaid together with interest accrued and to accrue thereon, the Issuer covenants with the holders of any and all of the Bonds as follows: SECTION 9, Subsection (A) of Section 15 of the Resolution is amended to read as follows: (A) BOND FUND. Ail of the Proceeds, as defined herein, as soon as the same are ree!eived by the Trustee, shall be forthwith deposited in the Bond Fund. - SECTION 10. Subsection (B) of Section-1~5 of the Resolution is amended to read as follows: (1) On each June 1 and December t, to the payment of the interest on the Bonds coming ~ne and payhble on such date. (2) On each December 1, to the payment of the principal amount of the outstanding Bonds maturing on such date. (3) To the payment of all reasonable fees and expenses of the Trustee which may be. charged in connection with the performance of its duties and services with respect to such current payments of principal and/or interest and as otherwise required or indicated herein and in the Agreement. (4) To the reimbursement of the Trustee and the Issuer of all reasonable expenses and expenditures made or incurred by the Trustee and the Issuer by reason of any advance made pursuant to Section 8.08 of the Agreement. (5) To the payment of all deficiencies in prior payments due by reason of the provi- sions of this subsection. Money on deposit in the Construction and Acquisition Fund and Bond Fund may be invested as hereafter provided. Any and all income received .by the Issuer from investment of the Construction and Acquisition Fund ~hmll remain in the Construction and Acquisition Fund for the purposes thereof until completion of the project. Thereafter, any investment earnings ~ or other moneys in the Construction and Acquisition Fund shall be transferred to the Bond Fund. SECTION 11. Subsection (C) of Section 15 of the Resolution is amended to read as follows: All :39 MINUTES citY,Commission, Sanford, Florida May 22 at ?~00 P.M. 19 78 ~IiD~ATE~ ~ ~ '~ ? as municipal deposits are authorized to be secured by.the laws of Florida and shall, at the written request of~,~the Company, be invested and reinvested by the Trustee as specified in such requests in direct obliga- tions of, or obligations the principal of and interest on which are guaranteed by, the United States of America, or in obligations of the Federal National Mortgage Association, the Federal Intermediate Credit Corporation, or Federals_Home Loan Banks, or commercial paper of the quality which.has a Standard and Poor rating of A-~i, or in time deposits in banks having ~capital and surplus of not less than $1,000,000 evidenced by certificates of deposit secured by the obligations of the~ above federal agencies, such certificate:~ of deposit maturing not later than ten (10) days prior to the respective dates on which such moneys will be needed, to the extent such investments qualify under Florida law. SECTION 12. Flagship Bank of Orlando, Florxda, has heretofore been named as Trustee and the form df Installment Purchase Trust Agreement (hereinafter called "Agreement") attached as Exhibit A to the Resolution is supplemented to add the name of the Trustee in the appropriate blanks , appearing ~ in the Installment Purchase Trust Agreement. SECTION 13. The_definition for "Reserve Fund'~ appearing on page 5 Of the form of Agreement is deleted.. . ,, SECTION 14. Section~2.02 of the Agreement is amended to read as follows: . ,~ ...... SECTION,2.03. APPLICATION OF CONSTRUC- TION AND ACQUISITION FUND MONEYS. The Issuer has in the.Resolution authorized and directed the Trustee to use and,distribute the moneys on deposit in the Construction and Acquisition Fund,only for the purposes-and in. the manner provided in the, Resolution.~ Any ~ amount remaining in the Construction and Acquisition Fund after payment or provision for payment of all of the costs of~the Project shall be, deposited to the Bond Fund. SECTION 16. Section 3.08 (B) is amended to reflect that the opinion required by that subsection will be by counsel for the Issuer instead of coUnSeI for the Company. SECTION 17. Section 4.03 of the Agreement.is amended to read as follows: SECTION~4.,03. PURCHASE ~PRICE PAYABLE IN INS%ALLMENTS~ CommencingNovem~r 15, 1978, and at least fifteen (15).days before June 1 ~and DecemB~eim; 1..of each year until the.princi- pal of and interest on the. Bonds shall been fully paid or provision for the payment thereof shall have beenmade in accordance with the Resolution, the Company shall pay to the Trustee in the manner provided in Section 4.02 above, an,amount equal.to the sum of the, following: ........... ~:: ...................................Ci~y..commis~ion,:i~S,anf°rfl~ l~lo~ida, :i, ', ."~M } 2~ ~ ,at 7: O0 P. M. 19.78 (A) ~The:principal amount of':outstanding Bonds maturing on the firSt d~y of the nex~ succeeding month; and (B) Th& ~ambunt' of .incerest becomihg payable on~ the ,outshanding"BondS on the' first day Of Such next Succeeding month; and (C) The amOunt~Of all ~easonable "fees and expenses., of the'::TruSfiee named ih the Bonds which may be charged in connection with the performance of their dutie~ and services with respect to such current payments of principal and/or interest and- as",Othe~wise'required or indicated~bY the ReSolution and this Agree- ment; and (D) The amount of all reasonable expenditures and.expenses *~ not Previously reimbursed, 'm~de and incurred by the Trustee and by the Issuer by reason of any advances made pursUant to Section 5.06 hereof or made or incurred by the Issuer pursuant to section 8.0.7 hereof by ~eason of default on the part of the Company hereunder; and (E) The amount of deficiencies in prior payments due hereunder. Not later than each :May. 1 and November 1, the Trustee shall furnish' to the Company an itemized statement of the Payments due to be made by the Company to the Trustee fifteen (15) days, p~ior' to the first day of the next succeeding month; but the Trustee's failure to furnish such a statem&nt shall nOt affect the Company's unconditional obligation to pay when (B) ~of this S~ction. If the Trustee shall ':.., fail~ furnish such a statement when due, the Company shall pay within thirty (30) days of receipt of such statement the sums required by paragraphs (C), (D) and (E) of this Section. In the event an installment payment date falls on a non-banking day of the Trustee, the installment payment involved shall be due and payable at the time of opening for business on the next succeeding day that is a banking day. SECTION 18. Section 6.01 .(D) of the Agreemmn~ is amended to read as follows: (D) Any moneys held by the Trustee under the provisions of this Section may, at the written request of the Company, be invested or reinvested by the Trustee as specified'by the Company in such request in such investements as are authoriZed for investment of~Bond or Con~ struction and Acquisition Fund moneys pursuant to the provisions of Section 15 (C) of the Resolution, maturing not later than the date or dates-specified in writing by. the comPany that such moneys-~b_all be needed for the purposes"herein p~ovid&d. Any earnings or profits on such investments shall be con- 'side~d as. pa~t ~of'.~the~qd~d'~mn~tion proceeds and the a¢ount of any lossess on such invest- ments'shall be forthwith reimbursed to the Trustee by the Company. SECTION 20. Section 6.05 of the Agreement is amended by inserting in the Blank appearing therein the number "IL" M'INUTES · , City Commission, ....................................................... Sanford, Florida.. May. 22 at 7: 00 r. M, 19 78 SECTION 21. Section 6.06 of the-Agreement is amended by inserting in the blank appearing therein the number "11." SECTION 22. Section 7.06 of the Agreement is amended by inserting in the blank appearing~therein the number "11." SECTION 23. Section 8.08 of the Agreement is amended by inserting in the blank appearing therein the number "11." SECTION 24. The form of the Installment Purchase Trust Agreement attached to the Resolution as Exhibit "A" is hereby amended to conform to the amendments made by this Resolution. SECTION 25. Except as amended by this Resolution, the resolution adopted February 13, 1978, shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 26. This Resolution shall ~ake effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOP%ED by.the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, at a duly called meeting at which a quorum was present held in Sanf~rd, Florida, on May 22 , 1978. CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA (SEAL) s/ Lee P. Moore Mayor - Commissioner ATTEST: s/ H. N. Tamm? Jr.~ City Clerk A public hearing was held in accordance with notice published in the Evening Herald on May 11, 1978 as follows: NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. NOtice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the commission Room*in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on May 22, 1978, to consider the adoption of an or- dinance by the City of Sanford, Florida, title of which is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1436 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF~SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1097 OF SAID CITY; SAID ORDINANCE BEING A ZONING PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA; SAID AMENDMENT CHANGING~ THE ZONING OF A PORTION OF TM_AT PROPERTYLYING BETWEEN COUNTRY CLUB ROAD AND WEST 25TH STREET AND BETWEEN HARDY AVENUE AND THE VACATED ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY FROM RC-1 (RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL) DISTRICT TO GC-2 GENERAL COMMERCIAL) DISTRICT; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. "MINUTES .................. City Commissior/, San£ord/F10~da May 2.2 at 7: 00 P. M. NIID~'I'~cYrE-LEC4AL ~uPPLY (]l~l~n~l~' 1978 A copy shall be available :at the Office Of the Ci'ty Clerk for all persons desiring to examine the same. Ail parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at said hearing. By order of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. · ~H. N;-Tatum, Jr' City Clerk Publish: May 11, 1978. Ordinance No. 1436, entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 1436 AN ORDINANCE OF 7HE CITY OF SANFORD. FLORIDA~ AMENDING ORUINANCE NO.'1097 OF SAID CITY;·"S~ID ORDINANCE BEING. A ZONING PLAN WITHIN %HE CItY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA;~SAID AMENDMENT CHANCING THE ZONING OF A POR2ION OF 7HAT PROPERTY L~ING BETWEEN COUNTRY CLUB ROAD AND WEST 25TH STREET AND BETWEEN HARDY AVENUE AND THE VACA2ED ATLANTIC COAST LINE R~tLROAD RIGI~T-OF-WAY FROM RC-1 (RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL) DISTRICT TO GC-2 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL) DISTRICT; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. introduced amd placed on its first reading, and-read in fB1L'a~t.meeting of May 8, 1978, was next placed on its final reading. After being read b.y~ititle, .the Chai=man announced that the Commission would hear from those~ pe:rsons'pres&nt tn:speak in favor of, or in opposition to, the?p~.Oposed ordinance.~ Mr. Ness was present to supportf tt{e-request~ Commissioner. Keith moved on its passag~'and adoption. McClanah~n and carried~ Seconded: b'Y Commis s ioner Thereupon, the~C~airman-announCed-that'fihe City Commis~io!n o{ _the City of Sanford, Florida, had passed and adopted S'aid Ordina~ce'NO~ 1436,l':entit. led: AN, ORDINANCE OF THEiCITY~ OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING. ORDINANCE NO~ t09~ OF SAID CITY;~ SAID ORDINANCE BEING A ZONING PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA; SAID AMENDMENT CHANGING THE ZONING OF A PORTION~OF TH~'PRoPERTY 'LYING BE.T~EEN COUNTRY CLUB RoADAND WEST 25~TH STREET AND BETWEEN-HARDY..AvENUE AND THE .'VACATED'' ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY FROM RC-'i _~RESTRIC.~ED COMMERGIAL).,.~ISTRI~T TOGC-2 (GE~'ERAL_.COMI~ERCIAL)',DISTRICT;'>.'PROVID~NG:'AN EFFECTIVE'-DATE.. A public heaY~ng Was held in~.accordan'ce with nOtice published in the'Evening Herald on May 1i, 1'978, as. follows: NOTICE OF ~;P~BLiC HEARING'TO:'CONSIDER THE:ADOPTiON 'oF'AN ORDINANCE BY THE cITY-OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. Notice<is h~r~by given that a 'i~ibl£C'~aring·will. Be held at the Commission Room in ~the City Hall in 't~ City ~f_~'an~for~, Flor{ida, at 7:00 o'clo~'k P. M. on May 22, 1978, tO consider the adoption of an or- dinance by the City-of SanfOrd, Florida, title of which is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1437 AN ORDINANCE OF T~E CITY OF ·SANFORD, FLORIDA,~ CLOSING, VACATING AND ABANDONING A PORTION OF AN EAST-WEST ALLEY LYING tN THE NORTHWEST P~aRT OF THAT CERTAIN BLOCK LYING BETWEEN FIRST STREET AND COMMERCIAL STREET AND PARK AVENUE AND OAK 395 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida May 22 at 7:00 P. M. A copy shall be available at the Office of the City Clerk for all persons desiring to examine the same. Ail parties in interest and citizens shall have an oppor- tunity to be heard at said hearing. By order of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. H. N. Tamm, Jr. City Clerk Publish: May 11, 1978. Ordinance No. 1437, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CLOSING,. VACATING AND ABANDONING A PORTION OF A EAST-WEST ALLEY LYING IN THE NORTHWEST PART OF THAT CERTAIN BLOCK LYING BETWEEN FIRST STREET AND COMMERCIAL STREET AND PARK AVENUE AND OAK AVENUE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. introduced and placed on its first reading and read in full at meeting of May 8, 1978, was next placed on its final reading. After being read by title, the Chairman announced that the CommissiOn wamld hear from those persons present to speak in favor of, or in apposition to, the proposed ordinance. Mr. Gutmann and Mr. Leffler were present ~ support the adoption of the ordinance. Commissioner Stenstrom moved on its passage and adop~ion. Seconded by Commissioner K~'ith and carried. Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 1437, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CLOSING, VACATING AND ABANDONING A PORTION OF A EAST-WEST ALLEY LYING IN THE NORTHWEST PART OF THAT CERTAIN BLOCK LYING BETWEEN FIRST STREET AND COMMERCIAL STREET AND PARK AVENUE AND OAK AVENUE; PROVIDING AN. EFFECTIVE DATE. A .public hearing was held in accordance with notice published in the Evening Herald on May 11, 1978 as follows: NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION QF~ AN oRDIN~CE BY~ ~-T¥..OF~SANFORD, FLORIDA. Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the Commission Room in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on May 22, 1978, to consider the adoption of an or- dinance by the City of Sanford, Florida, title of which~is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1438 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CLOSING, VACATING AND ABANDONING THOSE CERTAIN RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENTS SITUATED IN THE NORTHWEST ~ AND THE SOU~WEST ~ OF~.SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH,.RANGE 30 EAST,~ SAID EASEMENT BEING FURTHER DESCRIBED:'AS THOSE EASEMENTS RUNNING FROM AND BETWEEN AIRPORT BOULEVARD ON THE NORTH, U. S. HIGHWAY 17-92 ON THE WEST AND LAKE MARY BOULEVARD ON THE SOUTH; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A copy shall be available at the Office of the City Clerk for all persons desiring to examine the same. 396 'MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, MaY 22 at 7:00 P.. M. MISSTATE L~SAL ~Up~ 19, 78 Publish: May -11, 1978. H. N. Tamm, Jr. City Clerk Ordinance No. 1438, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA~ CLOSING, VACATING AND ABANDONING THOSE:CERTAIN RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENTS SITUATED IN THE NORTH- WEST k AND THE SOUTHWEST k OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST, SAID EASEMENT BEING FURTHER DESCRIBED AS THOSE EASEMENTS RUNNING FROM AND BETWEEN AIRPORT BOULEVARD ON THE NORTH, U. S. HIGHWAY 17-92 ON THE WEST AND LAKE MARY BOULEVARD ON THE SOUTH, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. introduced and placed on its first reading and read in full at meeting of May 8, 1978, was next placed on its final reading. After being read by title, the Chairman announced that the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, the proposed ordinance. ~No one appeared. COmmissioner Stenstrom moved on its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried. Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission~of the City of Sanford, Florida, had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 1438, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY DF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CLOSING, VACATING AND ABANDONING THOSE CERTAIN RI~HT-OF-WAY EASEMENTS SITUATED IN THE NORTH-.~ WEST k AND THE SOUTHWEST k OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST, SAID EASEMENT BEINGFURTHER DESCRIBED AS THOSE EASEMENTS RUNNING FROM AND BETWEEN AIRPORT BOULEVARD ON THE NORTH, U~.S. HIGHWAY 17-92 ON THE WEST AND LAKE MARY BOULEVARD ON THE SOUTH, PROFIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. On motion of Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried, Resolution No. 1247 was adopted. Said resolution being in words and figures as 'follows: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE CONVEYANCE OF THREE GRANTS OF EASEMENT FROM MOD PROPERTIES, LTD., A FLORIDA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, TO THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA; SAID GRANTS OF EASEMENT CONVEYING UNTO THE CITY OF SANFOR~ CERTAIN EASEMENTS FOR UTILITY PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, has adopted on this date, Ordinance No. 1438, which said ordinance vacates and abandons certain easements for utility purposes, and WHEREAS, in order to provide utility services within the area whereby the easements specified in Ordinance No. 1438 were vacated and abandoned, it.is necessary that the City of Sanford, Florida accept new easements to replace the easements which have been vacated and abendened. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida -May 22 at 7: 00 396-A P. M. 19. 78 ~'~A-~ ~GA~ ~;V--~ CoMPANy ' ................................................................................................................................................. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Commission · f the City of Sanford, Florida, that the three Grants of Easement dated May 23, t975 between Mod Properties, Lt~., a Florida limited partnership and the City of Sanford, Florida, be and the same are hereby accepted and the City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to record said Grants of Easement. PASSED AND ADOPTED ~his 22nd day of May, A. D., 1978. At~:eS t': Lee P. Moore Mayor s/ John G. Morris s/ H. N~-Tamm, Jr. City Clerk s/ Julian L. Stenstrom s/ A. A. "Mac" McClanahan ' s/ Edwin O. Keith As .the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida 'MINUTES. City Commission, sanford,' Florida' 19__ .MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida. ~ · MY .22.'at 7:00 P. M. 1978 On motion of Commissioner Stenstrom seconded by Co~m~issioner McClanahan and carried, minutes of May 8, 1978 were approved. ~. The City Manager reported that the Police Department and Building Department had inspected .the premises at Seminole Paint and Body ShOp, 2540 South Myrtle Avenue, and there appears to be no violations of the building, sanitary or zoning codes. The City Manager submitted a report on the feasibility and costs of the city operating an ambdlance service, and recommended not to undertake same. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner McClanahan moved to authorize positions to be removed from the Administrative Pay.Schedule and placed in the Hourly Pay Sched~te as follows: Proposed May 1, 1978 Position Name Grade Salary Howard Killen Rosa Rotundo Francie Wynalda William Braceland Richard Quigley Ben Butler 46 E , ..,~ $11,320.68 51 F , 15,198.98 47 .B 10,500.00 53 F 16,756.88 55 B 15,189.97 55 F 22,145.64 Licensing Official Assistant Finance Director Equal Employment Officer Building Official Asst. To the City Manager Asst. to the City Manager for Public .Safety and, further, to authorize a 2% merit increase in salaries for positions as follows: Position Name Robert:Kelly Mack LaZenby Jim Jernigan Henry Tamm Wallace LaP~ters G. M. Harriett W. E. Knowles Director of Public Works Director of Utility/City Engr. Director of Recreation and Parks Director of Finance Police Chief Fire Chief City Manager May 1~ 1978 Salary $19,622.86 28,934,44 20,594.28 22,814.43 20,000.00 22,588.55 31,620.55 Seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Stenstrom moved to authorize the City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to prohibit the riding of bicycles on sidewalks. Seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner McClanahan moved to authorize Robert Lee Robinson to be reclassified from Recreation Superintendent D to E, $8,536.46 -annual. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. The City Manager reported that re-routing cirCuits at the utility plant ha~ resulted in a $10~00 savings and recommended using some of these funds to purchase an ad- ditional truck in the utility department. Commissioner McClanahan moved to authorize trans- fer of funds within the utility department for said purchase. Seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried. . :.:' :: ,.M':'INUTES : ...... CA~g,.Comraission, .Sanford,,Florida ,', .... .Ma,.,y 2,2 at 7:00 P. M. MIo~'rA'T~"'~GAL b~ '-: . '' 19 78 The Commission authorized the old animal control truck to be transferred to the Parks and Recreation department when the replacement truck is received and put into operation. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Morris moved to authorize transfers as follows: Sanford Airport-~Authority To: From: 8605 Office Supplies & Expenses ~. $ 400.00 8608 Telephone 1,000.00 8609 Miscellaneous : 1,000.00 8614 Advertising 1,000.00 8830 Lighting, Taxiways & Patrol Road 7,500.00 $10,900.00 8627 Equipment Procurement $ 3,400.00 8850 Special Project 2-77 (T-Hangars) 7~500.00 $10,900.00 Recreation and Parks To: 2-01~50358-8 2-01-50301-8 2-01-50533-6 2-01-50584-9 2-0t'~5t349~6 2-01-51359-5 2-01-51368-6 Installed Building Repairs Office Supplies Printing & Binding Dues & Memberships Non~Class. ified Other Repair Parts Other Material/Miscellaneous $ 350.00 o;bo 4O. 00 2..00 30.00 175.00 160.00 $ 1,007.00 From: 2-01-50175-6 2-01-50176-4 2-01-50334-9 2-01-50553-4 2-01-50555-9 Conference Regis tration Conference T~.ave 1 Janitorial Supplies Heating & Cooking Water & Sewer $ 110.00 65.00 500.00 100.00 232.00 $ 1,007.00 Seconded by .Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. The City Manager .submitted a repo~rt:of:the City's :experience with unemployment compensation claims. On recommendation of .Mr. Blacksheare, Chairman. of the Commission of the Sanford Housing Authority, Commissioner :McClanahan moved to.re-appoint-~John Colbert to the Board. Seconded by Cor~m~issioner Stenstrom and carried. The City Manager~was authorized to work on the 78-79 budget at home untfl 3:30 or 4:00 P. M. on weekdays, and come in to his office after that. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. MAYOR ATTEST: