HomeMy WebLinkAbout072478-Regular Session MINUTES City Commission,. Sanford~ Florida. July 24, at 7:00 P. M. MIDSTATE LEGAL SUPPLY COMPANY 19 7,8,,, The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Session in the , City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on July 24, 1978. ~ Present: Mayor-commissioner Lee P. Moore Commissioner John G. Morris Commissioner Julian L. Stenstrom Commissioner A. A. McClanahan. -- Co~nissioner Eddie O. Keith City. AttO~n~y.~ C.~ vernon~ Mize, Jr. C$tY~-~Manager W.. E. Knowles City Clerk H. N. Tamm, Jr. The.meeting was called to order by the Chairman. The first item of business was presentation of plaques for service to the City as follows: Robert E. Karns, 22 years service on the Planning and Zoning Commis s ion. Orian L. "Boots"'Walker, 20 years service at the City Li- brary, and three years service at the Seminole County Li- brary. Sara M. Harrison, 24 years service at the City Library, and three years service at the Seminole County Library. Lieutenang John T. Bennett, 34 years service at the Fire Department. Requests~submitted from Bernie and Annette Lewis, Sanford Seafood Center, 1219 French Avenue, as follows (1) Use of a mobile sign, between the sidewalk and the building, for 60 days. ~ (2) A 60 day time extension to pave the parking~area. The City Clerk reported that the Planning and.Zoning Corf~e~ission had approved the site plan with the required number of parking spaces. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Stenstrom moved to authorize the requests. Seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried. Request submitted froTM G. Troy Ray, Jr., Tax Collector for Seminole County, for refund in amount of $21.25 for 1973 and 1974 taxes paid.by AFC Industries, Inc. Keith moved to authorize same. Seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried. Commissioner Request submitted from Thelma J. Rouse, owner, for a time extension on condemned property at 210 Lakeview, Condemnation Report No. 78-821, Group 48. On recommendation of the Minimum Housing Code Inspector and the City Manager, Commissioner Stenstrom moved to authorize a 90 day time extension. Seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried. Memo dated July 19, 1978 submitted fmom the Building Official, recommending re- appointments to boards as follows: Board of Adjustment Expire Larry Blair Robert E. Karns W. Garnett White 1915 S. French Ave. P. O. Drawer I ~. O. Box 1210 Sept. 1978 SePt. 1978 Feb~ 1978 Central Examining Board .................................... Eity..Commission~'Ma~forii; ','Florida:":":" July.,;24, &~7 ~: 00 P. M. E. C. Harper, Jr. George.Millis Bobby Harvey Terry Futrell t00 N:f; Maple~ P. O. Box 1031 216 Melissa Court Apr. 1978 Apr.~ 1978 Apr. 1978 July 1978 Commissioner Morris moved to re-appoint Larry Blair, Robert Kmrns, and Garnett White to the Board of Adjustment. SecOnded by Commissioner MCClanahan and carried. Commissioner Morris moved to re-appoint~William ~alback, E. C. Harper, George Millis, Bobby Harvey and Terry FUtrell to the Central Examining Board. Seconded by Commission- er Stenstrom and carried. Recommendations dated JUly 21, 1978 sUbmitted from the Planning and Zoning Commission Rs follows: Public Hearing to change and amend the Zoning Ordinance: (1) Article V, Use Provision 1. SR-1AA~ Single-Family Residential District B. Conditional Uses Permitted Add: (5) Factory-built houses Add: (6) Carports not closer than ten feet'to any property line. (2) Article V~ Use Provision 2. SRilA, Single-FamilyR~sidentiaI!District~ A. Uses Permitted Add: (2) Single Family Dwelling with Carport B. Conditional Uses Permitted Add: (2) Single Family Dwelling with 1000 square feet minimum living area. (a) As a condition to granting of such conditional use, the Planning & Zoning Board shall conduct a Public Hearing with notification of such Public Hearing to be given to all property ~wners located within 200 ft. of the property for which the conditional use is being considered. The applicant for such eon- ditional use shall be charged a fee as may from time to time be established by the City Commission of the City of Sanford. (3) Article V, Use Provision 5. MR-i~ MulCi.ple-Family Residential Dwelling ~iStrict A. Uses Permitted Change (1) to read: (1) any use permitted in the SR-1, Single-Family Residential Dwelling District. 2. Recommend a fee of $50.00 for the above notification of Public Hearing, under ArtiCle V, Use ProVisions, S~'-iA, B;~ (2) (§). Commis s ioner Mcclanahan moved! 'to :au~h-O~ ize ~ ,;p,~bti¢ .h~ar~mg ~o, be held AuguSt :.'2~ ~2:!!97~ :,t~i:..-~ ~sider~'-%~m .(1):.'::~Seconded by Commissioner 'StenStr0m and carried. Commissioner McCianahan moved to remove from~ table, discussion of case of Walsh& Johnson vs. City of Sanford. Seconded by Commissioner Stmnstrom and carried. The City Attorne~ rePorted~that~ m'o isUit has been filed. On recommendatiOn of the City Attorney and the City Manager, Commissioner McClanahan moved to authorize to offer $2,750.00 as settlement. Seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried. On motion of Commissioner Keith, seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried, Ordinance No. 1442, entitled: MIN UTES " · City Commission, Sanford, Florida July 24 at 7:00 P. M. MIDSTATE LEGAL SUPPLY COMPANY 19 78 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, PROHIBITING ANY PERSON FROM USING A SKATE BOARD ON ANY SIDEWALKS ON PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAYS IN ANY DISTRICTS WITHIN THE CITY WHICH HAVE A COMMERCIAL CLASSIFICATION; PROVIDING A PENALTY; PROVIDING FOR THE ORDINANCE TO BECOME A PART OF THE CITY OF SANFORD CODE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. was introduced and placed on first reading and read in full. On motion of Commissioner Stenstrom, seconded by Cor~issioner Keith and carried, minutes of J~ly 10 and 19, 1978 were approved.. Commissioner McClanahan moved to clarify the minutes of..Juty 17, 1978, as follows: authorize the~City Manager to assume responsibility of the Police function, with the authority to designate the Assistant to the City Manager for public safety to handle the day to day operation .of .'~he Police Department. ~econded by Cor~m~issioner Keith and carried over dis- senting vote of Commissioner Morris. Commissioner Stenstrom moved to approve the minutes of July 17, 1978, as clarified. Seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried. · ~The City Manager reporte& that the federal grant for sewer evaluation work had been increased in amount of $65,881.00, for total amount of $422,203.00. Commissioner McDlanahan moved to authorize the City Attorney to prepare the proper resolution accepting the increased amount, and to authorize the ~Mayor to execute same. Seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried. The City Manager reported that Joyce Sellen, Senior Planner, Seminole County, had inquired if the City would be interested in forming a Joint Land Planning Agency. .Commissioner z~ McClanahan moved to decline participation. Seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried. -The City Manager was authorized to work out a one year lease agreement with the HumE-ne Societ~ to lease.~'.the~iimai. C~m~o~d~,~ ~i~'the.Humane~Society to maintain the facility in the same condition it is in when they take over., and to include a cancellation clause effective upon 30 day notice. The City Manager reported that the City of Longwood has requested the City Manager's services after hours to assist with their budget preparation. Co~'~m~issioner Morris moved to authorize same. ~econded by C6w~.iis~ioner Stenstrom and carried. The Co~nission asked for a report from City staff on equitable application of the City p~ticy on utility connection fees for grouped residential use at reduced rates when the sliding ~scale is used. The City Manager reported that ~he Gulf Life Insurance medical and hospitalization policy effective July 1, 1978 does not include maternity benefits and recommended the City pay $150.00 for each maternity claim for pregnancies existing prior to July 1, 1978, for those employees who had family coverage under the former Blue Cross-Blue Shield policy.. Commissioner McClanahan moved to authorize same. Seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried. CitY Commission, S"anford~:F10rida. ::...~July ':24, at 7:00 P. M. .19 7 8 The City Manager submitted a proposed longevity pay program. Commissioner M¢Clanahan moved to authorize same and to include $6,550.00 in the 1978-79 budget for said implementation. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. The City Manager reported that the Florida League of Cities had requested him to serve as the League's representative on the State of Florida Unemployment Advisory Council. Commissioner McClanahan moved to authorize same.. Seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried. The next item of business was further study on the 1978-79 budgets. Commissioner McClanahan m~ved to reduce ~he tax millage from 6.99 to 6.90 for 1978-79 General Fund Budget; Seconded by Conm~issioner Morris and carried. Commissioner McClanahan moved to authorize a 5% across the board pay increase for city employees, including the City Attorney and City Physician, for the 1978-79 Budgets. Seconded by Commissioner Morris and. carried. Commissioner Stenstrom moved to authorize public hearings to be held August 28, September i1 and 25, 1978, to consider the 1978-79 budgets. Seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried. The City Attorney reported that Wilco Construction Company had not responded to his letter regarding using the proceeds from sale of four lots in Geneva Terrace to purchase other park property, and that he would call them. The City Mangger and Assistant to the City Manager for Public Safety were authorized to obtain cos.ts for purchase of bullet-proof vests for the Police Auxiliary and to submit a recommendation. Commissioner McClanahan moved to authorize a reduction in .the work week for the personnel-in the Police Department who work 44 hours per week to 40 hours .per week, effective October 1, 1978. Seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. MAYOR ATTEST: