HomeMy WebLinkAbout092578-Regular SessionMINUTES, City Commission, Sanford, Florida September 25 at 7: 00 PM 19 78 MIDSTATE LEGAL SUPPLY COMPANY The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Session in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on September 25, 1978 at 7~00 o'clock P. Mo Present: Mayor-Commissioner Lee P. Moore Commissioner John G. Morris Commissioner Julian L. Stenstrom Commissioner A. A. McClanahan Commissioner Eddie O. Keith City Attorney C. Vernon Mize, Jr. City Manager W. E. Knowles City Clerk H. N. Tamm, Jr. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. Mr. W. C. Hutchison, Jr., Attorney, appeared to request amending the Zoning Ordinance to permit sale of Beer and Wine for Consumption on Premises, in conjunction with a restaurant, as a Conditional Use in any district where a restaurant can be established. Commissioner McClanahan moved to refer same to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a recommendation. Seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried. Mr. Hutchison appeared to support a request to vacate and abandon part of a drainage easement and a utility easement in Hidden Lake Subdivision as follows: a.10 foot utility easement lying between Lots 3 and 4, Block J, Hidden Lake Unit 1-C b. The Northerly 2 feet and the Southerly 2 feet of a 10 foot drainage and utility easement lying between Lots 5 and 6, Block J, Hidden Lake Unit 1-C all in Plat Book 17, pages 55 and 56, Seminole County Public Records. He stated that the description in item (b) was in error, that it is actually a 20 foot drainage and ~utility easement. Commissioner Morris moved to authorize a public hearing to be held on October 23, 1978 and notices to be sent to abutting property owners. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. follows: Commissioner Stenstrom moved to authorize time extensions on condemnations as Group Report No. No. Address Owner 'Min Housing Code Insp Recommends 45 77-785 1223-1229 W 13th St Henry McAlister 90 days ** 48 78-822 604½ Laurel Ave Geo. S. Bennett 90 days 49 78-829 1503 W llth St Thomas J Powell 90 days 50 78-843 310 S Magnolia Ave Rossiter Heirs 90 days Recommended by the City Manager. **Minimum Housing Code Inspector and the City Manager recommend this be the final extension. Seconded by ~Commissioner Keith and carried. Mr. Tom Wilson, III, Executive Director, Sanford Housing Authority, was present to & discuss an Urban Development Action pre-application grant. He stated the Sanford Housing Authority proposes to use HUD funding for a neighborhood facility, to house health, mental health, branch offices for various business and administrative offices for the Sanford Housing Authority. Commissioner Keith moved to adopt Resolution No. 1255, and to authorize the City Manager to execute the grant documents. Seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried over -?MI NU TES - = i~ September 25 at 7:00 P. M. 19 78 C t~ Commission, ~S~nford. Ylorida ....... ~ ' MIDSTATE LEGAL SUPPLY COMPANY A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COlqMISSIO~RS OF THE CITY OF-SANFORD,~.FLORIDA,.APPROVI'NG THE SUBMISSION OF A PRE-APPLICATIOM FOR AN URBAN DEVELOPMENT ACTION GRANT PROGRAM FROM THE DEPARTMEb~ OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOP- MENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. WHEREAS, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development has received congressional appropriations for the implementation of Urban Development Action Grant Programs, hereinafter called UDAG; and WHEREAS, pursuant to regulations promulgated by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, the City of Sanford, Florida, has determined that eligibility criteria established therein has been met, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that the City Commission of the. City of San~ rd, Florida hereby adopts this resolution approving the submission of a pre-application for UDAG funding. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we approve of plans, concepts, and methods incorporated into the pre-application, and direct the City Manager to execute the' document as prescribed. Commissioner Keith moved that:'the resolution be adopted, and the motion was seconded by Commissioner McClanahan. Upon calling for a roll call vote, ayes and hayes were as foltows: Ayes: John G. Morris Nayes: Julian L. Stenstrom A. A. "Mac" McClanahan Eddie O. Keith THIS RESOLUTION ADOPTED this 1978. Lee'.P. Moore 25th day of September, A.D. ATTEST: s/ L.e.e p., Moore s/ H. N. Tamm, Jr. City Clerk Requests submitted for exempt licenses as follows: a. A BENEFIT CONCERT at Lake Golden, November 25, 1978, from 12:00'noon until 8:00 P. M. b. The AMERICAN LEGION ANNUAL FAIR, November 16 through 26~ 1978. c. "Going Out of Business, Sale September 26 through October 1, 1978 at T. C. 'S TACKLE SHOP, 2100 French Avenue. Mary Russell was present to support item (a) above, and the Mayor stated that the date and time had been changed to November 18, t~m 12:005noon to 12:00 midnight. M'INUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, September 25 at 7: 00 19 78 The City Clerk reported that the Certificate of Insurance has been submitted for item (b). Commissioner McClanahan,movad to authorize the exempt licenses. Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. Requests submitted for use of mobile trailer signs as follows: a. Seconded by Sanford Salvage, South 17-92, for 60 days until a permanent sign can be erected. Recommended by the City Manager. Ron Schwab, Realtor, representing J. B. Steelman, Inc., Realtor, for grand opening of new residential homes at Sanora South, for 60 days beginning September 29, 1978. Sherman Wilder, owner, The Tent Restaurant and Lounge, 2700 Sanford Avenue, for 60 days, to advertise re-opening of his business. same, provided no flashing ligh~ are used. Commissioner Stenstrom moved to authorize ed by Commissioner Morris and carried. Second- Resolution No. 1252 was read in full and adopted. as follows: On motion of Commissioner Keith, seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried, Said resolution being in words and figures A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, APPROPRIATING UNEXPENDED CASH SURPLUS ON HAND AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR 1977-1978 THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL GOVERNMENT OF SAID CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1978-1979 FOR USE OF ORDINARY PURPOSES IN OPERATING EXPENSES OF SAID CITY, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, deems it necessary, expedient and for the best interest of said City that any unexpended cash surplus as of September 30, 1978 of the operating revenues of said City for the fiscal year 1977-1978, be appropriated for the ordinary purposes and operating expenses of said City in the budget for the fiscal year1978-1979. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the. City of Sanford, Florida, that any unexpended cash surplus as of September 30, 1978 of operating revenues of said City for the fiscal year 1977-1978, be and the same is hereby appropriated to the Department of General Government of said City for the ordinary purposes and operating expenses of said City for the fiscal year 1978-1979, and said cash surplus shall be incorporated in the budget of revenues and expenditures of said City' for said fiscal.year 1978-1979 for the ordinary purposes and operating expenses of said City. BElT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall become effective as. of the first day of OCtober, A. D~, 1978. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of September, A. Do, 1978. M:I N U T E S ...................... City. Com.mission;~.~San~ord, Flordda'.",,:. ...... ...:,~Sept. ember 25 at 7:00 P. M. 19 78 ATTEST: s/ 'Lee P. Moore Mayor s/ H. N. Ta. mm~ Jr. City Clerk s/ John G. Morris s/ Julian L. Stenstrom S/ A. A. "Mac" McClanahan s/ Edwin Oo Keith As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida On motion of Commissioner Stenstrom, seconded by ~ommissioner McClanahan and carried, Resolution No. 1253 was read in full and adopted. and figures as follows: Said Resolution being in words A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A BUDGET OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1978, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1979; AND CAPITAL BUDGET, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, in accordance with Article VI of the Charter, as amended, of the City of Sanford, Florida, the City Manager of the City of Sanford, Florida., has made and submitted to the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, an estimate for budget of revenues and expenditures of the City of Sanford, Florida, for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1978, and ending September 30, 1979, and a Capital budget, such estimates or budget having been made with particular application to the various departments of the City, a true copy of which is hereto attached and by referencemade a part of this resolution; and WHEREAS, each and every item contained and set forth in said budgets prepared by the City Manager has been carefully considered by this Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that said budget as prepared and sub- mitted by the City Manager to the City Commission, be and the same is hereby adopted as the budget for the City of Sanford, Florida for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1978 and ending September 30, 1979; and the Capital budget as prepared and submitted by the City Manager to the City Commission be and the same is hereby adopted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon collection of any MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida September 25 at 7:00 P. M. 1978 COMPANY funds for purposes for which the same are hereby authorized and approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall become effective as of the first day of October A. D., 1978. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of September, A. D., 1978. ATTEST: s/ Lee P. Moore Mayor s/ H. N. Tamm~ Jr. City Clerk s/ John G. Morris s/ Julian L. Stenstrom s/ A. A. "Mac" McClanahan s/ Edwin O. Keith As the".~ity Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida 1-01-11100-3 1-01-11200-1 1-01-13100-9 1-01-13200-9 1-01-13400-5 1-01-13500-2 1-01-13901-2 1-01-13902-0 1-01-14000-2 1-01-19090-8 1-01-21010-2 1-01-210Z0-1 1-01-2~080-5 1-01-21090-4 1-01-22010-1 1-01-22020-0 1-01-22030-9 1-01-22090-3 1-01-29050-0 1-01-35110-4 1-01-35120-3 1-01-35140-1 1-01-35150-0 1-01-35170-8 1-01-35410-8 1-01~38110-1 1-01-38410-5 1-01-39010-2 1-01-41200-5 1-01-41300-3 1-01-43410-8 1-01-43810-9 1-01-43910-7 1-01-43920-6 1-01-47211-6 1-01-47530-9 1-~l-~ll~A-A ANTICIPATED REVENUE General Government 1978 - 79 General Operating-Current Year/Real Estate General Operating-Prior Years/Real Estate Electric Franchise Telephone Franchise Gas Franchise CATV Franchise Marina Franchise Motel Franchise Utility Service Tax Penalty/Int-Delinquent Taxes Professional & Occupational Occupational Registration CTF License & Permit Transfer Fee Penalty on Delinquent Licenses Building permits Plumbing Permits Electric Permits Certificate of Competency Miscellaneous Permits Cigarette Tax Revenue Sharing Mobile Home License Beverage License Additional Homestead Exemption Fuel Tax Refund Occupational Licenses Road & Bridge Taxes Sanford Housing Authorit'y Public Hearing Fees & Ads Sale of Supplies-Maps Refuse Collection Care of Cemetery Lots Lot Cleaning Demolition of Condemned Bldgs. Non-Resident Recreation Civic Center Use Fees 1,003,527. 2,200. 350,000. 20,800. 4,200. 20,000. 8,450. 15,000. 833,200. 1,000. 63,200. 1,600. 100. 1,500. 24,500. 2,600. 5,000. 8,400. 10. 96,500. 787,000. 7,OO0. 13,450. 27,500. 6,600. 18,500. 8,550. 4,100. 1,400. 550. 436,446. 3,950. 650. 1,000. 1,400. 11,200. .......... ~:,: ................. · · · ~ ~, :, ...... ~':~..~ ..... .~ S~eptember 25 at 7'00 P. M. . .......................................... CA~y~,Con~nms~on~ ~ant~ord, Florada .... · MIDSTATE LE-~-~ SUPPLY COMPANY ::~ ''': ~: ?: ~'~ ~' 19 78 1-01-62000-3 1-01-64410-2 1-01-64420-1 1-01-66900-0 1-01-69910-6 1-01-82002-5 1-01-82005-8~~ 1-01-89010-1 1-01-99901-9 Rents Sale of Fixed Assets-Other than Land Insurance claims Compensation for Loss Contribution-Private Sources Sale of Material & Contract Contribution from Refuse Fund Contribution from Utility Fund Non-Operating Revenue Cash Balance Brought Forward SUB-TOTAL Less: - Refuse Eund as Separate Fund General Fund Total $ 6,000. 3,500. 1,500. 300. 1,500. 35,516. 40,000. 1,150. 27,000. $ 3,982,549. 436,446. $ 3,546,103. EXPENDITURES GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1978-79 City Commission City Manager's Office Division of Legal Expense Finance Department Assistant to City Manager/Staff/Personnel Assistant to City Manager for Public Safety EEO Office Civil Service City Engineering Building, Codes, Zoning Office Public Health Fire Department Police Department (total) Administrative Div. Uniform Div. Investigation Div. Animal Control-Div. $ 243,200. 607,523. 156,381. Public Works (total) Administrative Div. Sh6p Division Maintenance Div. Street Div. Refuse Div. Recreation & Parks Department Recreation Administration Parks & Cemetery Div. $ 31,326. 80,630. 245,982. 267,905. Special Fund (total) $ I24,64L. 158,138. Insurance (total) Personnel Property $ 144,971. 12,365. Publicity & Special Funds Special Projects Debt Service Contingency 21,050. 47,280. 49,659. 35,799. 27,482. 13,534. 49,158. 73,862. 15,711. 731,583. 1,007,104. 625,843.. 282,779. 157,336. 350,000. 57,923. GENERAL GOVERNMENT TOTAL $ 3,546,103. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida :. ~ : ~. September 25 at 7.'00 P. M. 19 78 Plus: - Refuse Fund as Separate 436,446. COMPARABLE GENERAL GOVERNMENT TOTAL 3,982,549. CITY COMM].SSION 1978-79 2-01-01101-2 Salary $ .... ~12,600. 2-01-01105~3 Other Personal Sevices 3,900. 2-01-01523-7 Conference - Registration 150. 2-01-01522-9 Conference - Per Diem & Travel 1,000. 2-01-01583-1 Dues & Membership 1,400. 2-01-01589-8 Miscellaneous 2,200. CITY i~GER ~2r01-02101-1 2-01-02524-4 2-01-02523-6 2-01-02522-8 2-01-02301-7 2-01-02349-6 2-01-02350-4 2-01-02355-3 2-01-02513-7 2-01-02517-8 2-01-02511-1 2-01-02533-5 2-01-02561-6 2-01-02583-0 2-01-02584-8 Salary Schooling - Tuition, Books, Per Diem & Travel Conference - Registration Conference - Per Diem & Travel Office Supplies_ Non Classified Supplies Gasoline & Lubricants Motor Vehicle Repair Parts Telephone & Telegraph Radios & Base Station Maint. Postage Printing & Binding Mainto Contracts - Office Equip. Dues & Membership Subscriptions & Books TOTAL $ 21,250. TOTAL 40,046. 25. 345. 1,495. 1,100. 135. 400. 170. 1,930. 130. 500. 250. 259. 300. 195. 47,280. DIVISION OF LEGAL EXPENSE 2-01-03101-0 2-01-03523-5 2-01-03522-7 2-01-03301-6 2-01-03504-5 2-01-03513-6 2-01-03582-1 2-01-03590-4 2-01-03591-2 2-01-03592-0 Salary Conference - Registration Conference - Per Diem & Travel Office Supplies Special Legal Services Telephone Judgements & Damages Labor Relations Workmen's Compensation Double Taxation - suit expense Total in Federal Revenue FINANCE DEPARTMENT Sharing 2-01-04101-9 2-01-04524-2 2-01-04523-4 2-01-04522-6 2-01-04301-5 2-01-04349-4 2-01-04350-2 2-01-04355-1 2-01-04501-0 2-01-04511-9 2-01-04513-5 2-01-04531-7 2-01-04533-3 2-01-04561-4 2-01-04583-8 2-01-04584-6 2-01-04754-5 2-O]-O&Sgq-5 Salary Schooling - Tuition, Books, Per Diem & Travel Conference - Registration Conference - Per Diem & Travel Office Supplies Non-Classified Supplies Gasoline & Lubricants Motor Vehicle Repair Parts Audit Postage Telephone & Telegraph Advertising Printing & Binding Maint. Contracts - Office Dues & Membership Subscriptions & Books Office Equip./F~rn. Replacement Equip. TOTAL 12,307. 50. 100. 100. 2,000. 75. 200. 4,000. 200. 6,000. 25,032.* 100,057. 50. 310. 1,100. 2,350. 25. 380. 90. 6,000. 1,750. 2,050. 1,100. 2.729. 1,000. 140. 152. 223. ...... Mil: N U T E S ...................................... City Comrnission,'.Sanford,.~F. lorida.~,,~~:, ..... ,.September 25 at 7:00 P, M, 19 78 Debt Adm. Sal. 70,000. 83,930. TOTAL $ 49,659. CIVIL SERVICE 2-01-05101-8 Salary 9,041. 2-01-05523-3 Conference - Registration 50. 2-01-05522-5 Conference - Per DEem & Travel 170. 2-01-05301-4 Office Supplies 175. 2-01-05302-2 Printed Forms 100. 2-01-05511-8 Postage 250. 2-01-05513-4 Telephone & Telegraph 225. 2-01-05531-6 Advertising 200. 2-01-05533-2 Printing & Binding 250. 2-01-05561-3 Maint. Contracts - Office Equip. 50. 2-01-05583-7 Dues & Membership 60. 2-01-05589-4 Other Miscellanous 25. TOTAL 10,596. ASST. TO CITY MGR./STAFF/PERSONNEL 2-01-06101-7 2-01-06524-0 2-01-06523-2 2-01-06522-4 2-01-06301-3 2-01-06302-1 2-01-06349-2 2-01-06350-0 2-01-06355-9 2-01-06511-7 2-01-06513-3 2-01-06517-4 2-01-06533-1 2-01-06561-2 2-01-06583-6 2-01-06584-4 2-01-06589-3 Salary Schooling - Tuition, Books, Per Diem & Travel Conference - RegiStration Conference - Per Diem & Travel Office Supplies Printed-Forms Non-Classified Supplies Gasoline & Lubricants Motor V~hicle Repair Parts Postage Telephone & Telegraph Radio Printing & Binding Maint. Contracts - Office Equip. Dues & Membership Subscription & Books Other Miscellanous :i TOTAL 31'} 109. 100. 255. 455. 1,615. 90. 50. 340. 200. 195. 785. 30. 35. 260. 95. 60. 125. 35,799'~ EEO OFFICE 2-01-07101-6 2-01-0752:4-9 2-01-07523-1 2-01-07522-3 2-01-07301-2 2-01-07513-2 2-01-07533-0 2-01-07561-1 2-01-07583-5 2-01-07584-3 Salary Schooling - Tuition, Books, Per Diem & Travel Conference - Registration Conference - Per Diem & Travel Office Supplies Telephone & Telegraph Printing & Binding Maint. Contracts - Office Equip. Dues & ~embership Subscription & Books TOTAL $ 11,618. 300. 275. 326. 175. 325. 250. 55. 60. 150. 13,534. ASST. PUBLIC SAFETY ADMIN. 2-01-08101-5 2-01-08110-6 2-01-08223-7 2-01-08301-1 2-01-08350-8 2-01-08355-7 2-01-08513-1 Salary Incentive Pay Pension Contribution Office Supplies Gasoline & Lubricants Motor Vehicle Repair Parts Telephone & Telegraph 23,253. 300. 2,879. 100. 550. 100. 300. TOTAL $ 27,'482. 'MINUTES City Commission, sanford, Florida September 25 at 7:00 P. M. 19 78 MIDOL S--~U~L-y~~ ENGINEERING DE PARTMENT 2-01-10101-1 2-01-10524-4 2-01-10523-6 2-01-10522-8 2-01-10301-7 2-01-10349-6 2-01-10350-4 2-01-10355-3 2-01-10511-1 2-01-10513-7 2-01-10517-8 2-01-10533-5 2-01-10561-6 2-01-10583-0 2-01-10584-8 2-01-10589-7 Salary Schooling - Tuition, Books, Per Diem & Travel · Conference - Registration Conference -Per Diem & Travel Office Supplies Non-Classified Supplies Gasoline & Lubricants Motor Vehicle Repair Parts Postage .~ Telephone & Telegraph Radio Printing & Binding Maint. Contracts - Office Equip. Dues & Membership Subscriptions & Books Other Miscellaneous BUILDING~ CODES & ZONING DIV. 2-01-11101-0 2-01-115,24-3 2-01-11523-5 2-01-11522-7 2-01-11301-6 2-01-11302-4 2-01-11349-5 2-01-11350-3 2-01-11355-2 2-01-11511-0 2-01-11513-6 2-01-11517-7 2-01-11531-8 2-01-11533-4 2-01-11561-5 2-01-11583-9 2-01-11584-7 2-01-11589-6 Salmry Schooling - Tuition,Books Per Diem & Travel Conference - Registration Conference - Per Diem & Travel Office Supplies Printed Forms Non-Classified Supplies Gasoline & Lubricants Motor Vehicle Repair Parts Postage Telephone &:Telegraph Radio ~. Advertising Printing & Binding Maint. Contracts/OffiCe Equip. Dues & Membership Subscriptions & Books Other Miscellaneous PUBLIC HEALTH 2-01-13101-8 2-01-13105-9 2-01-13332-9 2-01-13341-0 2-01-13350-1 2-01-13355-0 2-01-13357-6 2-01-13370-9 Salary Other Personal Services Chemicals - Insect Control Protective Clothing Gasoline, Diesel & Lubricants Motor Vehicle Repair Parts Equipment Repair Parts Small Tools & Minor Equipment POLICE DEPARTMENT - ADMINISTRATION:., 2-01-22101-7 2-01-22110-8 2-01-22223-9 2-01-22524-0 2-01-22523-2 2-01-22522-4 2-01-22301-3 2-01-22334-4 2-01-22340-1 2-01-22349-2 Salary Incentive Pay Pension Contribution Schooling - Tuition, Books, Per Diem & Travel Conference -Registration Conference - Per Diem & Travel Office Supplies Janitor Supplies Uniforms Other Supplies - Ammunition C~al~ne & l.ubr~cants TOTAL TOTAL $ TOTAL 1978-29 44,345. 75. 100. 200. 435. 362. 365. 350. 200. 1,050. 72. 1,225. 65. 219. 45. 50. 49,158. 1978-79 66.417. 170. 185. 595. 780. 50. 55. 1,300. 800. 460. 1,345. 360. 555. 300. 80. 190. 195. 25. 73,862. 1978-79 5,460. 5,400. 3,300. 51. 850. 400. 210. 40. $ 15,711. 1978'79 173.,283. 4,035. 15,570. 50. 120. 550. 2,811. 730. 300. 6,134. 2.500. CitT,Gomrmsszon~:.Sa~i~orfl,: Flomda · .... MIDsT-ATE LEGXL suFPEY CO~IpANY sePtember 25 at 7:00 P. M. .19 78 2-01-22355-9 2-01-22357-5 2-01-22358-3 2-01-22359-1 2-01-22369-0 2-01-22370-8 2-01-22391-4 2-01-22392-2 2-01-22511-7 2-01-22513-3 2-01-22517-4 2-01-22533-1 2-01-22551-3 2-01-22553-9 2-01-22555-4 2-01-22561-2 2-01~22569-5 2-01-22583-6 2-01-22584-4 2-01-22589-3 2-01-22700-6 Motor Vehicle Repair Parts Equipment Repair Gun Parts Installed Bldg. Equip. Repair Pt. Other Repair/Mainto Supplies /Pt. Pistol Ragge Bldg. Material &.Supplies Small Tools & Minor Equipment Crime Scene Technical Supplies Non-Classified Supplies/Photo Postage Telephone & Telegraph Radios & Base Station Printing & Binding Electricity Heating, Cooking & Other Fuels Water & Sewer Services Maint. Contracts/Office EqUip... Other Maintenance Contracts Dues & Membership Subscriptions & Books Miscellaneous Non-Classified Supplies ,175. 400. 500. POLICE DEPT. UNIFORM DIV. 2-01-23101-6 2-01-23105-7 2-01-23110-7 2-01-23223-8 2-01-23250-1 2-01-23340-0 2-01-23350-9 2-01-23355-8 2-01-23359-0 2-01-23370-7 2-01-23513-2 2-01-23517-3 2-01-23589-2 2-01-23803-7 Salary Other Personal SerVices Incentive Pay Pension Contribution Unemployment Compensation Uniforms & Clothing Gasoline & Lubricants Motor Vehicle Repair Parts Other Repair/Maint. Supplies/Pt Small Tools & Minor Equipment Telephone & Telegraph Radio Miscellaneous Notes Payable - Radios 400. 400. 100. 600. 1,000. 450. 9,324. 1,000.. 1,350. 18,050. 25. 350. 300. 785. 119. 389. 200. 200. TOTAL $ 243,200. 478,760. 1,000. 22,095. 45,141. 500. 10,460. 29,000. 15,740. 519. 200. 1,100. 2,360. 200. 448. TOTAL $ 607,523. POLICE-DEPARTMENT - INVESTIGATION DIV. 2-01-24101-5 2-01-24105-6 2-01-24110-6 2-01-24223-7 2-01-24340-9 2-01-24341-7 2-01-24350-8 2-01-24355-7 2,01-24359-9 2-01-24370-6 2-01-24511-5 2-01-24513-1 2-01-24517-2 2-01-24521-4 2-01-24561-0 2-01-24573-5 2-01-24583-4 2-01-24584-2 2-01-24585-9 2-01-24589-1 2-01-24755-8 2-01-24759-0 Salary Other Personal Services Incentive Pay Pension Contribution Uniforms & Clothing Protective Clothing Gasoline & Lubricants Motor Vehicle Repair Parts Other Repair/Maint. Supplies/Pt Small Tools & Minor Equipment Postage Telephone & Telegraph Radio Travel - Other than Employee Training Maint. Contracts - Office Equip. Rental/Lease Machinery & Equip. Dues & Membership Subscriptions & Books Information Services Miscellaneous & Bonds Office Equip./Furn. Addition Machinery/ Equip. Additional 1978-79 $ 122,536. 300. 6,240. 11,487. 1,400. 140. 3,225. 2,300. 100. 100. 200. 3,874. 1,120. 500. 250. 198. 60. 36. .2~000. 210. 39. 66. TOTAL $ 156,381. at 7:00 P. MINUTES _. City Commission, Sanford, Florida _ September 25 M. 19 7~ MIDSTATE ~ifG-~L~ ~ ~-O-IV~P-AN~' FIRE DEPARTURE NT 2-01-30101-7 2-01-30110-8 2-01-30222-1 2-01-30524-0 2-01-30523-2 2-01-30522-4 2-01-30301-3 2-01-30332-8 2-01-30333-6 2-01-30334-4 2-01-30338-5 2-01-30340-1 2-01-30341-9 2-01-30349-2 2-01-30350-0 2-01-30355-9 2-01-30358-3 2-01-30369-0 2-01-30370-8 2-01-30511-7 2-01-30513-3 2-01-30517-4 2-01-30533-1 2-01-30551-3 2-01-30553-9 2-01-30555-4 2-01-30561-2 2-01-30581-0 2-01-30583-6 2-01-30584-4 2-01-30594-3 2-01-30754-3 Salary Incentive pay Pension Contribution Schooling - Tuition, Books Per Conference - Registration Conference - Per Diem & Travel Office Supplies Chemicals Drugs, Medical & Lab Supplies Janitor Supplies Household/Institution Supplies Uniforms & Clothing Protective Clothing Non-Classified Supplies Gasoline & Lubricants Motor Vehicle Repair Parts Installed~Bldg. Equip. Repair Pt. Building Material & Supplies Small Tools & Minor Equipment Postage Telephone & Telegraph Radio & Base Station Printing & Binding Electricity Heating & Cooking Fuels Water & Sewer Service Office Equip. Maint. & Service Laundry & Sanitation Services Dues & Memberships Subscriptions & Books Hydrant Rental Office Equip./Furn. Replace Diem & Travel TOTAL $ 1978-79 599,212. 2,640. 56,907. 550. 75. 495. 250. 765. 425. 500. 546. 6,060. 2,050. 500. 7,225. 7,440. 400. 728. 225. 25. 4,225. 2,100. 250. 7,OOO. 175. 420. 50. ,_ 1.~648. 535. 212. 27,650. 300. 731,583. PUBLIC WORKS - ADMINISTRATION 2-01-4.0101-5 2-01-40524-8 2-01-40523-0 2-01-40522-2 2-01-40301-1 2-01-40302-9 2-01-40349-0 2-01-40350-8 2-01-40355-7 2-01-40511-5 2-01-40513-1 2-01-40517-2 2-01-40533-9 2-01-40561-0 2-01-40583-4 2-01-40584-2 2-01-40589-1 Salary Schooling - Tuition, Books Per Diem & Travel Conference- Registration Conference-Per Diem & Travel Office Supplies Printed Forms Non-Classified ~Upplies Gasoline & Lubricants Motor Vehicle Repair parts Postage. Telephone & Telegraph. Radio & Base Station Printing & Binding Office Equip. Maint. & Service Dues & Membership Subscriptions & Books Other MiscellaneOus 28,404. 10. 80. 220. 325. 25. 25. 360. 150. 175. 1,025. 175. 150. 100. 57. 20. 25. TOTAL $ 31,326. PUBLIC WORKS - SHOP DIVISION 2-01-42101-3 2-01-42105-9 2-01-42524-6 2-01-42301-9 2-01-42334-0 2-01-42340-7 2-01-42341-5 2-01-42349-8 2-01-42350-6 2-01-42355-5 Salary Other Personal Sergi~es Schooling - Tuition, Books Per Diem & Travel Office Supplies Janitor Supplies Uniforms & Clothing Protective Clothing Non - Classified Supplies Gasoline, Diesel & Lubricants Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 1978-79 69,629. 1,000. 462. 150. 488. 954. 75. ~25. 1,100. 1,000~ 4470 I ...... .................................... Cit.y,,.C.ommission~:::Sanford,:Florida,~ i:,~ ...... :i: ,.,September 25 at 7:00 P. M..19 78 ~ M][DST~TE LEGAL sUPpLY (~OMPAI~' ' -- ~ ~ ? [ - - "!' 2-01-42357-1 2-01-42358-9 2-01-42359-7 2-01-42369-6 2-01-42370-4 2-01-42511-3 2-01-42513-9 2-01-42517-0 2-01-42533-7 2-01-42551-9 2-01-42553-5 2-01-42555-0 2-01-42583-2 2-01-42584-0 Equipment Repair Parts Installed Bldg. Equip. Repair PT. Other Repair/Maint Supplies/PT Building Material & Supplies Small Tool & Minor Equipment Postage Telephone & Telegraph Radio Printing & Binding Electricity Heating Fuel Water & Sewer Services Dues & Membership Subscriptions & Books PUBLIC WORKS - MAINTENANCE DIVISION 2-01-46101-9 2-01-46524-2 2-01-46301-5 2-01-46334-6 2-01-46340-3 2-01-46349-4 2-01-46350-2 2-01-46355-1 2-01-46357-7 2-01-46358-5 2-01-46359-3 2-01-46369-2 2-01-46370-0 2-01-46511-9 2-01-46513-5 2-01-46517-6 2-01-46551-5 2-01-46553-1 2-01-46555-6 2-01-46569-7 2-01-46589-5 Salary Schooling - Tuition, Books, Per Diem & Travel Office Supplies Janitor Supplies Uniforms & Clothing Non - Classified pupplies Gasoline & Lubricants Motor Vehicle Repair Parts Equipment Repair Parts Installed Bldg. Equip Repair PT Other Repair/Maint. gupplies/PT Building Material & Supplies Small Tools & Minor Equipment Postage Telephone & Telegraph Radio Electricity Heating Fuel Water & Sewer Service Other Maintenance & Service Other Miscellaneous PUBLIC WORKS - STREET DIVISION 2-01-47101-8 2-01-47105-9 2-01-47250,3 2-01-47524-1 2-01-47301-4 2-02-47302-2 2-01-47332~9 2-01-47334-5 2-01-47340-2 2-01-47341-0 2-01-47349-3 2-01-47350-1 2-01-47355-0 2-01-47357-6 2-01-47358-4 2-01-47359-2 2-01-47368-3 2-01-47369-1 2-01-47370-9 2-01-47511-8 2-01-47513-4 2-01-47517-5 2-01-47533-2 2-01-47551-4 2-01-47555-5 2-01-47561-3 Salary Other Personal Services Unemployment Compensation Schooling - Tuition, Books Per Diem & Travel Office Supplies Printed Forms Chemicals Janitor Supplies Uniforms & Clothing ~' Protective Clothing Non-classified Supplies Gasoline & Lubricants.~ Motor Vehicle Repair Parts Equipment Repair Parts Installed Bldg. Equip. Repair Pt. Other Supplies - Street Signs Street & Sweeper Materials Building Material & Supplies Small Tools & Minor Equipment Postage Telephone & Telegraph Radio Printing & Binding Electricity Water & Sewer Services Office Equip. Maint. & Service TOTAL $ 615. 120. 1,100. 30. 350. 25. 605. 75. 100. 1,730. 575. 245. 30. 147. 80,630. TOTAL 64,957. 30. 15. 2,000. 725. 50. 1,500. 3,825. 175. 200. 1,300. 1,200. 300. 25. 520. 400. 162~298. 100. 2,425. 3,912. 25. 245,982. 197,572. 1,000. 800. 67. 75. 50. 2,211. '200. 2,363. 271. 150. 16,327. 3,100. 14,000. 200. 4,160. 10,073. 25. 753. 15. 670. 300. 30. 1,67~. 100. 60. 79 MINUTES .......... City Commission, Sanford, Florida -MI-~-~'~' ~ suPPLY COMPANY September 25 at 7:00 PM 19 7.8. 2-01-47583-7 2-01-47584-5 2-01-47803-9 2-01-47804-7 Dues & Membership Subscriptions & Books Notes Payable-Equipment Interest on Notes Payable RECREATION - 2-01-50101-2 2-01-50105-3 2-01-50250-7 2-01-50523-7 2-01-50522-9 2-01-50301-8 2-01-50302-6 2-01-50334-9 2-01-50340-6 2-01-50349-7 2-01-50350-5 2-01-50355-4 2-01-50358-8 2-01-50359-6 2-01-50370-3 2-01-50511-2 2-01-50513-8 2-01-50517-9 2-01-50531-0 2-01-50533-6 2-01-50551-8 2-01-50553-4 2-01-50555-9 2-01-50561-7 2,01-§0569-0 2-01-50571-6 2-01-50583-1 2-01-50584-9 ADMINISTRATION Salary Other Personal Services Unemployment Compensation Conference - Registration Conference - Per Diem & Travel Office Supplies Printed Forms Janitor Supplies Uniforms & Clothing Non-Classified Supplies Gasoline & Lubricants Motor Vehicle Repair Parts Installed Bldg. Equip. Repair PT Other Repair/Maint. Supplies/PT Small Tools & Minor Equipment Postage Telephone & Telegraph Radio Advertising Printing & Binding Electricity Hea~ing & Cooking Fuels Water & Sewer Services Office Equip Maint/Smrvices Other Maintenance & Service Rental/Lease-Land/Bldg. Dues& Membership Subscriptions & Books RECREATION - PARKS & CEMETERY 2-01-51101-1 2-01-51105-2 2-01-51250-0 2-01-51301-7 2-01-51331-4 2-01-51334-8 2-01-51340-5 2-01-51341-3 2-01-51349-6 2-01-51350-4 2~01-51355-3 2-01-51357-9 2-01-51359-5 2-01-51368-6 2-01-51370-2 2-01-51511-1 2-01-51513-7 2-01-51517-8 ..2-01-51531-9 2-01-51551-7 2-01-51555-8 2-01-51569-9 2-01-51583-0 Salary Other Personal Services Unemployment Compensation Office Supplies Agriculture Supplies (plants, shrubs & fertilizer) Janitor Supplies Uniforms & Clothing Protective Clothing Non Classified Supplies Gasoline, Diesel & Lubricants Motor Vehicle Repair Parts Equipment Repair Parts Other Repair/Maint Supplies/PT Other Material Small Tools &Minor Equipment Postage Telephone & TelegraPh Radio Advertising Electricity~ Water & Sewer Services Other Maint/Service Contracts Dues & Subscriptions TOTAL $ TOTAL $ 30. 50. 10,,~893. 614. 267,905. 81,653. 12,785. 2,000. 84. 114. 750. 150. 1,600. 56. 2,906. 1,250. 960. 1,245. 1,645. 50. 615. ]!,618. 144. 65. 75. 11,550. 1,535. 960. 295. 126. 250. 130. 30. 124,641. 126,480. 1,560. 250. 20. 3,467. 370. 931. 357. 357. 2,700. 1,200. 1,380. 3,129. 1,495. 350. 30. 534. 72. 2. 9,142. 425. 10. TOTAL $ 158,138. M:!I; N U T E S ............................................. City..C~mmission, '~Sanford; Fl~rida~ :'~,:.:-: ~,~:~. · September 25 at 7:00 P. M. 1978 MIDSTATE LEGAL SUPPLY COMPANY INSURANCE 1~78-79 2-01-80210-5 2201-80226-1 2-01-80225-3 2-01-80231-1 OASI Employees Pension (prior to FRS) Pension system FRS Medical/Hospital/Life 132,100. 1,814. 87,118. 11,057. SUB -TOTAL 232,'089. Anti-Recession fiscal assistance-FRS Pension Transferred to Refuse Fund: NET TOTAL (1) OASI 11,230.00 (2) Pension System FRS 16,420.00 (3) Med./Hospital/Life 9,440.00 87,118. 144,971. (Amended to reflect 9.1% of salaries) INSURANCE 2-01-80541-3 2-01-80544-7 2-05-80545-4 2-01-80545-4 2-01-80240-2 Building & Contents Firemen/Policemen Life Public Liability & Operations A~tomotive.& Equipment Workmen's Compensation 11,290. --1~.550. 22,085. 43,440. 8,000. Revenue Sharing-Insurance SUB - TOTAL NET TOTAL 86,365. 74,000. 12,365. Transferred to Refuse Fund: (1) P.L. & Operations (2) Auto & Equipment (3) Workmen's Comp. 2,620.00 12,340.00 2~500.00 17,460.00 PUBLICITY & SPECIAL FUNDS 2-01-81001-7 Chamber of Commerce 2-01-81004-1 Industrial Promotion TOTAL 1978-79 15,000. 6,500. 21,500. SPECIAL PROJECTS 2-01-86001-2 2-01-86002-0 2-01-86003-8 Memorial Library Election Expense Utilities - Water & S ewer 4,400. 2,250. 4O5. DEBT SERVICE 2-01-87101-9 2-01-87102-7 Public Improvement Bonds 1965 Public Improvement BondslI~7tl TOTAL TOTAL 7,055. 56,628. 293,372. 350,000. 2-01-89001-9 Contingency 57,923. City Commission, MIDSTATE LEGAL SUPI~LY COMPANY MI'NUTES Sanford, Florida.... ...... September 25 at 7:00 P, M. 1978. REFUSE COLLECTION & DISPOSAL FUND ANTICIPATED REVENUE: 1-02-43410-7 Refuse Collection APPROPRIATIONS: 2-02-49101-5 Salary 2-02-49105-6 Other Personal Services 2-02-49250-0 Unemployment Compensation 2-02-49523-0 Conference - Registration 2-02-49522-2 Conference - Per Diem & Travel 2-02-49301-1 Office Supplies 2-02-49332-6 Chemicals 2-02-49334-2 Janitor Supplies 2-02-49340-9. Uniforms & Clothing 2-02-49341-7 Protective Clothing 2-02-49349-0 Non - Classified Supplies 2-02-49350-8 Gasoline & Lubricants 2-02-49355-7 Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 2-02-49357-3 Equipment Repair Parts 2-02-49358-1 Installed Bldg. Equip Repair PT 2-02-49370-6 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 2-02-49511-5 Postage 2-02-49513-1 Telephone & Telegraph 2-02-49517-2 Radio 2-02-49531-3 Advertising 2-02-49533-9 Printing & Binding 2-02-49551-1 Electricity 2-02-49555-2 Water & Sewer. 2-02-49561-0 Office Equip ~aint.& Service 2-02-49569-3 OtherMaintenance & Service 2-02-49583-4 Dues & Membership 2-02-49592-5 County Landfill Fees (61,852.) 2-02-49750-9 Vehicular Equip Replacement 2-02-49758-2 Mach. & Equipment, Replacement 2-02-49592-5 EXPENDITURES County Landfill Fees INSURANCE FUND TOTAL 1978-79 436,446. 191,669. 5,000. 1,100. 130. 445. 75. 500. 250. 2,480. 470. 200. 12,300. 18,285. 500. 200. 150. 25. 536. 90. 150. 50. 1,405. 50. 60. -72. 30. 57,264. 1,079. 294,565. 61,852. 2-02-80210-4 2-02-80225-2 2-02-80231-0 OASI Pension System FRS Medical/Hospital/Life TOTAL 11,230.00 16,519.00 10,760.00 ..:38,509.00 2-02-80545-3 2-02-80546-1 2-02-80548-7 2-02-88601-6 Public Liability & Operations Automotive & Equipment Workmen's Compensation TOTAL Contribution to General fund Total Refuse Fund ~,620!.:00 12,340.00 2~500.00 17,460.00 24,060.00 '436'446.00 City Commission, 'Sa~for~l, ,' Florida M----IY_I~TATE LE~'A-L-SUPPLY COMPANY ,September 25 at 7:.0.0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 I ~-- ~,~ · ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 .~ 0 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, - MIDSTATE LEGAL SUPPLY CO1V~ANY September 25, at 7:00 PM I9 78 o o o o o o o 0 o City Conunission,..:~anford; Florida ..... · ~. ~ ~. S epgember 25 at 7:00 P. M. ~M-~-D~rATE LEGAL suPPLY coMpANY 19 78 UTILITY DEPARTMENT Water & Sewer Utility Fund 1-05-35410-4 1-05-43611-7 1-05-43612-5 1-05-43515-8 1-05-43617-4 1-05-43618-2 1-05-43651-3 1-05-61100-8 1-05-62010-8 1-05-69910-2 1-05-89010-7 1-05-89030~5 1-05-99901~5 ANTICIPATED REVENUE Fuel Tax Refund Sewer Charges Metered Water Sales Hydrant Rental Sewer Service Fee Water S~rvice Charges Utility Connection Fee Interest Earned Rent on Generators Material & Contract Work Non-Operating Revenue Collection on Bad Accounts Cash Balance Brought Forward 1978-79 UT ILITY ADMINISTRATION 2-05-10101-7 2-05-10105-8 2-05-10111-6 2-05-10523-2 2-05-10522-4 2-05-10301-3 2-05-10302-2 2-05-10349-2 2-05-10350-0 2-05-10355-9 2-05-10504-2 2-05-10511-7 2-05-10513-3 2-05-10517-4 2-05-10533~1 2-05-10561-2 2-05-10571-1 2-05-10573-7 2-05-10583-6 2-05-10584-4 2-05-10589-3 2'05-10591-9 2-05-10754-3 2-05-10755-0 900. 684,200. 590,174. 27,450. 3,200. 24,000. 55,000.. 50,000. 2,400. 3,000. 300. ( 10,000. 70,533. TOTAL $ 1,501,157. UTILITY PLANTS 2-05-20101-5 2-05-20524-8 2-05-20301-1 2-05-20302-9 2-05-20333-4 2-05-20334-2 2-05-20340-9 2-05-20341-7 2-05-20350-8 2-05-20355-7 2~05~20357~3:.~~ 2-05-20369-8 2-05-20370-6 2-05-20511,5 2-05-20513-1 2-05-20515-6 2-05-20517-2 1978-79 Salary $ 186,093. Schooling/Tuition/Books Per Diem & Travel 918. Office Supplies 125. Printed Forms 293. Laboratory Supplies 787. Janitor Supplies 473. Uniforms & Clothing 615. Protective Clothing 379. Gasoline, Diesel, Lubricants $ 3,260. Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 1,400. Equip. Repair Parts 1,100. Building Material/Supplies 384. Small Tools/Minor Equipment 453. Postage .~2. Telephone & Telegraph 2,442. Telemetering 500. Radio 312. TOTAL $ 127,652. Salary 62,480. Other Personal Services 19,981. City Commission Expense 9,300. Conference-Registration 220. Conference-Per Diem & Travel 417. Office Supplies 1,428. Printed Forms 15. Non-Classified Supplies 25. Gasoline & Lubricants !82. MotOr Vehicle Repair Parts 72. Special Legal Services 900. Postage 9,497. Telephone & Telegraph 1,861. Radio 130. Printing & Binding 900. Office Equip. Maint/Service 305. Rental/Leases Land/Buildi~ng 6,000. Rentals/Leases/Mach. & Equip. 1,952. Dues & Membership 20. Subscriptions-Books Publications 12. Miscellaneous 275. Data Processing 10,250. Office Equip/.Furn. Replacement 172. Office Equip/Furn. Additional 758. 477 k September 25 at 7:00 P. M. 19 78 MINUTES City Commission, San£ord, Florida MIDSTATE LEGAL SUPPLY COMPANY 2-05-20569-3 2-05-20583-4 2-05-20584-2 2-05-20750-9 Ot,her~Maint~'~-&-.Serv~e- Dues & Membership Subscriptions/Books/Publications Vehicular Equip. Repladement UTILITY PLANTS - WATER #1 2-05-21332-5 2-05-21350-7 2-05-21357-2 2-05-2155~-0 2-05-21759-9 Chemicals Diesel & Lubricants Equipment Repair Parts Electricity Machinery & Equip. Additional TOTAL $ TOTAL $ 2,063. 152. 10. 4,332. 206,133. 5,800. 750. 1,500. 67,700. 2,700. 78,45~. UTILITY PLANTS - WATER # 2 2-05-2~332-4 2-05-22350-6 2-05-22357-1 2-05-22551-9 2-05-22721-8 2-05-22759-8 Chemicals Diesel & Lubricants Equipment Repair Parts Electricity Building Improvements Machinery & Equip. Additional TOTAL $ 1,800. 300. 1,500. 15,200. 425. 190. 19,415. UTILITY PLANTS - WELL FIELDS 2-05-25350-3 2-05-25357-8 2-05-25730-6 Diesel & Lubricants Equipment Repair Parts Well Improvements - Field #1 UTILITY PLANTS - SEWER PLANT 2-05-27332-9 2-05-27350-1 2-05-27359-2 2-05-27551-4 2-05-27555-5 2-05-27721-3 2-05-27758-5 Chemicals Diesel & Lubricants -- : · Other Repair/Maint/Supplies & Parts Electricity Water & Sewer Services Buelding Improvements Machinery & Equip. Replacement TOTAL $ TOTAL $ 1978-79 50. 360. 8,500. 8,910. 5,100. 350. 9,150. 83,015. 250. 650. 10,1~4. 108,649. UTILITY PLANTS - LIFT STATIONS 2W05-29332-7 2-05-29350-9 2-05-29359-0 2-05-29551-2 2-05-29555-3 2-05-29758-3 2-05-29759-1 Chemicals Diesel & Lubricants Other Repr,/Maint/Supplies/Parts Electricity Water & Sewer Services Machinery & Equip. Replacement Machinery & Equip. Additional WATER DISTRIBUTION 2-o5-30101-3 2-o5-301o5-4 2-05-30250-8 2-05-30524-6 2-05-30302-7 Salary Other Personal Services Unemployment Compensation Schooling -'Tuition, Books, Per Diem & Travel Printed Forms TOTAL $ 225. 150. 7~500. 21,859. 168. 2,000. 65. 31,967. 1978-79 141,507. 4,335. 500. 501. 10. :': M; 'I N U T E S City Commissioner':San'ford; Florida'. MIDSTATt~ LEGAL SUPPLY COMPANY September 25 at 7:00 P. M. 1978 2-05-30341-5 2-05-30349-8 2-05-30350-6 2-05-30355-5 2-05-30357-1 2-05-30359-7 2-05-30368-8 2-05-30369-6 2-05-30370-4 2-05-30511-3 2-05-30513-9 2-05-30517-0 2-05-30533-7 2-05-30551-9 2-05-30555-0 2-05-30569-1 2-05-30730-9 2-05-30731-7 2-05-30750-7 2-05-30758-0 2-05-30759-8 Protective Clothing Non-Classified Supplies Gasoline, Diesel, & Lubricants Motor Vehicle Repair Parts Equipment Repair Parts. Other Repair & Maint. Supplies/Parts Other Material Building Material Supplies Small Tools & Minor*Equipment Postage Telephone & Telegraph Radio Printing & Binding Electricity Water & Sewer Services Other Maintenance & Services Water Extension Material Meters, Boxes, Hydrants Vehicular Equip., Replacement Other Machinery & Equipment, Replacement Other Machinery & Equipment, Additional TOTAL $ 351. 1,172. 4,612. 1,600. 2,130. 12,750. 9 578. 650. 810. 20. 473. 627. 20. 565. 54. 276. 3 826. 17.17'5. 4,332. 709. 540. 211,973. SEWER COLLECTION 2-05-40101-1 2-05-40105-2 2-05-40250-6 2-05-40524-4 2-05-40301-7 2-05-40302-5 2-05-40332-2 2-05-40334-8 2-05-40340-5 2-05-40341-3 2-05-40349-6 2-05-40350-4 2-05-40355-3 2-05-40357-9 2-05-40359-5 2-05-40370-2 2-05-40511-1 2-05-60513-7 2-05-40517-8 2-05-40533-5 2-05-40569-9 2-05-40571-5 2-05-40589-7 2-05-40730-7 2-05-40753-9 Salary Other Personal Services Unemployment Compensation Schooling, Tuition, Books Per Diem & Travel Office Supplies Printed Forms Chemicals Jani'tor Supplies Uniforms & Clothing Protective Clothing Non-Classified Supplies Gasoline Diesel & Lubricants Motor Vehicle Repair Parts Equipment Repair Parts Other Repair/Maintenance Supplies & Parts Small Tools & Minor Equipment Postage Telephone & Telegraph Radio Printing & Binding Other Maintenance & Services Rental Lease Other Miscellaneous Sewer Extensions Equipment Additional TOTAL $ 1978-79 155,355. 3,835. 1,000. 230. 10. 10. 300. 25 900 271 260 4,292 1,548 4,312 6,587. 1,200. 33. 512. 504. 20. 276. 800. 170. 2,715. 3,613. 188,778. WATER & SEWER UTILITY FUND - INSURANCE~& PENSIONS 2-05-80210-1 2-05-80225-9 2-05-80227-5 2-05-80231-7 2-05-80240-8 2-05-80250-7 2-05-80541-9 2-05-80545-0 2-05-80546-8 OASI Pension System Employees Pensions Medical/Hospital/Life Workmen's Compensation Unemployment Compensation Buildings & Contents Public Liability & Opemations Automotive & Equipment 28,800. 41,400'i 1,735. 25,367. 4,000. 1,000. 2,400 15,000. 8,150. TOTAL $ 127,852. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida~ September 25 at 7:00 P, M,19 78 2-05-87~831.7: Principal 2-05-87832-5 Interest 1954 Revenue Certificate 2-~5-87834-1 2-05-87835-8 $ 53,834. 12,523. Principal 8,000. Interest 6,164. 1962 Revenue Certificate Principal 10,000. Interest 1,552. 2-05-87837-4 2-05-87838-2 2-05-87841-6 Principal 2-05-87842-4 Interest 1971 Revenue Certificate 2-95-8~844~0 Principal 2-05-87845-7 Interest $ 25,000. 17,455. $ .:29,583. 64,392. 2-05-87890-3 on Amortization of Discount Bonds Sold GRAND TOTAL $ 2,775. 231,278. WATER & SEWER UTILITY FUND - SPECIAL FUNDS. 2-05-88601-3 2-05-88637-7 2-05-88638-5 Contribution to General Fund Utility Connection Fee Coll. for Utility Trust FUnd Renewal & Replacement Reserve FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING BUDGET 1-10-32110-6 1-10-61100-1 1-10-99901-8 U.S. Treasury (4 quarters @ $88,887.) Interest Cash Balance Brought Forward Total APPROPRIATIONS: 2-10-02755-31~ 2-10-03101-9 2-10-03301-5 2-10-03504-4 2-10-03513-5 2-10-03522-6 2-10-03523-4 2-10-03582-0 2-10-03590-3 2-10-03592-9 2-10-03591-1 Office of City Manag.er Office Equip/Furn Additional Division of Legal Expense Salary Office ~Upplies Special Legal Services Telephone Per Diem & Travel-Schools, Conferences & Training Conference - Registration Judgements & Damages Labor Relations Double Taxation - Suit Expense' Workmen's COmpensation - Attorney Expen§e Revenue 40~ 000. 55,000. 65,100. 345,401. 1,000. 91,559. 437,960. ~197. 12,307. 100. 2,000. 75. 100. 50. 200. 4,000. 6,000. 200. _City. Commission~ September 25 at 7:00 P. M. 19 78 MIDSTATE LEGAL SUPPLY COMPANY 2-10-05101-7 2-10-05301-3 2-10-05302-1 2-10-05511-7 2-10-05513-3 2-10-05522-4 2-10-05523-2 2-10-05531-5 2-10-05533-1 2-10-05561-2 2 -10-05583-6 2-10-05589-3 Civil Service Office Salary Office Supplies Printed Forms Postage Telephone & Telegraph Per Diem & Travel-Schools, Conferences & Training Conference - Registration Advertising Printing & Binding Office Equip Maint & Service Dues & Membership Other Miscellaneous 2-10-06750-0 2-10-06754-2 2-10-07754-1 2-10-07755-'8 2-10-08754-0 2-10-10754-6 2-10-11750-3 2-10-22750-0 2-10-22754-2 2-10-22755-9 2-10-22759-1 2-10-23750-9 2-10-23759-0 2-10-24750-8 2-10-24755-7 2-10-24759-9 2-10-30758-3 2-10-30759-1 2-10-42758-9 2-10-42759-7 2-10-46369-1 2-10-46750-2 2-10-46759-3 Asst. to City Mgr./Staff/Personnel Vehicular Equip Replacement Office Equip/Furn Replace EEO Office Office Eouip/Furn~Replace Office Eq~ip/furn Addition Asst. - Public Safety Admin. Office Equip/Furn Replace Engineeri~g'~'D~par~ment office Equip/~Fu~n Rep!~e ~ .,~ Vehicular Equip Replacement Police Department Administration Division Vehicular Equip Replace Office Equip/Furn Replacement Office Equip/Furn Addit%onal Other Machinery/Equip Addition Uniform Division Vehicular Equip Replace Machinery/Equip Replacement Investigation Division Vehicular Equip Replace Office Equip/Furn Addition Machinery/Equip Additional Fire Department Other Machinery/Equip Replace Other Machinery/Equip Addition Public Works Shop Division Other Machinery/Equip Replace Other Machinery/Equip Addition Maintenance Division Building Material & Supplies Vehicular Equip Replacement Other Machinery/Equip Addition 9,041. 175. 100. 250. 225. 170. 50. 200. 250. 50. 60. 25. 4,485. 761. 630. 160. 620. 609. 4,250. 9,353. 683. 328. 1,955. 22,739. 580. 8,968. 338. -895. 2,795. 1,128. 250. 1,035. 724. 5,800. 151. MINUTES Street Division 2-10-47730-3 2-10-47758-4 2-10-47759-2 Street Slurry Seal Other Machinery/Equip Replace Other Machinery/Equip Addition ~. ~ ~ Cult~re,,'~Recreation & Parks Administrative 2-10-50720-8 2-10-50758-8 Building Improvements- Civic Center Machinery & Equip Replacement Parks & Cemetery Division 2-10-51758-7 2-10-51759-5 Machinery & Equip Replacement Machinery & Equip Additional Insurance 2-10-80231-0 2-10-80226-0 2-10-80231-0 2-10-80546-1 Medical/Hospital/Life Past Service Pensions Public Liability & Operations Automotive & Equipment Publicity & Special Funds 2-10-81001-6 2-10-81002-4 Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce-Industrial Promotion Special Projects 2~-10~86001-1 2-10-86002-9 2-10-86003-7 Memorial Library Election Expense Utilities - Water & Sewer TOTAL... $ 34,200. 1,079. 135. 15,000. 290. 13,265. 734. 77,710. 4,000. 30,000. 44~000. 15,000. 6,500. 4,400. 2~250. 405. 437,960. FEDERAL ANTI-RECESSION REVENUE BUDGET 1978 - 79 1-12-32910-7 1-12-99901-6 Estimate revenue - 10/1/78 to 9/30/78 Cash balance carried forward Total Revenue 99,200.00 20,870.00 120,070.00 Personnel 2-12-04105-7 2-12-06105-5 2-12-23105-4 2-12-34023-6 2-12-80210-2 2-12-80225-0 2-12-80231-8 2-12-89001-6 Finance - two clerk typists ~ Assist. to CityMgr. Office/Staff - one clerk/typist Police - one parking enforcement specialist Uniform for parking specialist OASI - for four persons Pension contribution account FRS Group medical for four persons Contingency 11,446.38 5,576.19 6,496.81 200.00 1,528.76 87,118.00 1,392.00 6,301.86 TOTAL $ 120,070.00 / ........... ~'i'.,,. ........................ City. Commission;(:,San~ord~,:~lo~ida:.'i:::i,,~-~ :: >September 25 at, 7: O0 P, M, 19 78 A public hearing was held in accordance with notice published in the Evening HeraId on September 15, 1978 as follows: NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE'ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the Commission Room in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on September 25, 1978, to consider the adoption of an ordinance by the City of Sanford, Florida, title of which is as fol- lows: ORDINANCE NO. 1443 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY. OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FROM THE ANTICIPATED REVENUES TO BE RECEIVED FROM THE REVENUE SHARING TRUSTFUND OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DURING THE FISCAL YEAR BEG~NING OCTOBER 1, 1978 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1979, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A copy shall be a~ailable at the Office of~the City Clerk for all persons desiring to examine the same. Ail parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at said hearing. By order of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida Publish : September 15, 1978. H. N. Tamm, Jr. City Clerk Ordinance No. 1443, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FROM THE ANTICIPATED REVENUES TO BE RECEIVED FROM THE REVENUE SHARING TRUST FUND OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DURING THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1978 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1979; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. introduced and placed on first reading and read in full at meeting of September 11, 1978, was ~la~edhon ~ffnat. reading. :After.being readpbyktitle¢~,~he~:~Chairman ann0Unced,.that the Co~ission ordinance. No one appeared. Commissioner McClanahan moved on the passage and adoption of Ordinance No. 1443. Seconded by Commissioner Stens~rom and carried. Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, had passed and Rdopted said OrdinanCe No. 1443, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF $~FORD, FLORIDA, FROM THE ANTICIPATED REVENUES TO BE RECEIVED FROM THE REVENUE SHARING TRUST FUND OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DURING THE.~.~ FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1978, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1979, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 483 MINUTES citY Commission, Sanford, Florida September 25 at 7:00 P, M, 19 7__~_8 COMPANY A public hearing was held in accordance with notice published in the Evening Herald on September 15, 1978 as follows: NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY CF SANFORD~ FLORIDA Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the Commission Room in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. on September 25, 1978, to consider the adoption of an ordinance by the City of Sanford, Florida, title of which is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1444 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY 0 F SANFORD, FLORIDA, FROM REVENUE TO BE RECEIVED FROM THE ANTI-RECESSION FISCAL AID PROGRAM OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DURING THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1978 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1979; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A copy shall be available at the Office of the City Clerk for all persons desiring to examine the same. Ail parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at said hearing. By order of the City Commission o f the City of Sanford, Florida. H.N. Tamm, Jr. City Clerk pUblish: September 15, 1978. Ordinance No. 1444 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FROM REVENUE TO BE RECEIVED FROM THE ANTI-RECESSION FISCAL AID PROGRAM OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DURING THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1978 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1979; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; introduced and placed on first reading and read in full at meeting of September 11, 1978, was next placed on final reading. After being ready by title, the Chairman announced that the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak in favor of, or in opposition to the proposed ordinance. No one appeared. Commissioner Morris moved on the passage and adoption of Ordinance No. 1444, 8~cOnded:.by Commissioner McClanahan and carried. Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City Florida, had passed and adopted said Ordinance N°. 1444, entitled: of Sanford, AN ORDINANCE OF THE. CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FROM REVENUE TO BE RECEIVED FROM THE ANTI-RECESSION FISCAL AID PROGRAM OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DURING THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1978 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1979; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A public hearing was held in accordance with notice published in the Evening Herald 'on September 15, 1978 as follows: NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION " OF AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. 484 · M IN U T E S City Commission, SanfOrd, Florida September 25 at 7:00 P. M: .1978 Notice is hereby given~that a Public Hearing will be held at the Commission Room in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. on September 25, 1978, to consider the adoption of an ordinance by the City of Sanford, Florida, title of which is.as fol- lows: ORDINANCE NO. 1445 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY 'OF SANFORD, FLORIDA MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1978 'AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1979, PROVID- ING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A copy shall be available at the O{fice of the City Clerk for all persons desiring to examine the same. All parties in interest and citizens Shall have an opportunity to be heard at said hearing. By order of the City CommissiOn o~~ the City of Sanford, Florida. H.N. Tamm, Jr. CitY Clerk Published: September 15, 1978. Ordinance No. 1445, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1978 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1979, PROVID- ING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. introduced and placed on first reading and read in full at meeting of. September 11, 1978, was next placed on final reading. After being read by title, the Chairman announced that the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, the proposed ordinance. No one appeared. Commissioner Keithmoved on the passage and adoption of Ordinance No. 1445. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 1445, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY.OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1978 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1979, PROVID- ING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A public hearing was held in accordance with notice published in the Evening Herald on September 15, 1978 as follows: NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the Commission Room in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. on September 25, 1978, to consider the adoption of an ordinance by the City of .Sanford, Florida, title of which is as fol- lows: ORDINANCE NO. 1446 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, DETERMINING THAT $1,003,527.00 IS THE AMOUNT NECESSARY TO BE RAIgED BY TAXATION IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR, 1978- 1979 FOR THE ORDINARY PURPOSES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AND FURTHER DETERMINING THAT THE ANNUAL TAX LEVY NECESSARY ~AT~ ~AT~ A~?T~ ~AT T ~ ~ O '~f-I'? T ~ ~ ~ MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida ,. ~ MIDSTATE LE~I~ S-U-Pi~L-Y COMPANY ~ September 25 at 7:00 P. M. 19 78 485 \ A Copy shall be available at the Office of the City Clerk for all persons desiring to examine the same. Ail parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at said hearing. By order of the City Commission of the City o f Sanford, Florida. H. N. Tamm, Jr. City Clerk Publish: September 15, 1978 Ordinance No. 1446 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, DETERMINING THAT $1,003,527.00 IS THE AMOUNT NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR, 1978- 1979 FOR THE ORDINARY PURPOSES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AND ~URTHER DETERMINING THAT THE ANNUAL TAX LEVY NECESSARY TO RAISE SAID AMOU~qT SHALL BE 6.9 MILLS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR, 1978-1979, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. introduced and placed on first reading and read in full at meeting of September 11, 1978, was next placed on final reading. After being read by title, the Chairman announced that the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, the proposed ordinance. No one appeared. Commissioner Stenstrom moved on the passage and adoption of Ordinance No. 1446. Seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried. Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 1446, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, DETERMINING THAT $1,003,527.00 IS THE AMOUNT NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR, 1978- 1979 FOR THE ORDINARY PURPOSES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AND FURTHER DETERMINING THAT THE ANNUAL TAX LEVY NECESSARY TO'RAISE SAID AMOUNT SHALL BE 6.9 MILLS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR, 1978-t979, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A public hearing was held in accordance with notice published in the Evening Herald on September 15, 1978 as follows: NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the Commission Room in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. on September 25, 1978, to consider.the adoption of an ordinance by the City of Sanford, Florida, title of which is as fol- lows: ORDINANCE NO. 1447. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 621 OF SAID CITY, AS AMENDED, SAID ORDINANCE ADOPTING A POSITION CLASSIFICATION PLAN FOR THE EMPLOYEES OF SAID CITY, AND ADOPTING A SALARY CLASSIFICATION PLAN FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1978-1979, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A copy shall be available at the Office of the City Clerk for all persons desiring to examine the .same. Ail parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at said hearing. By order of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. H. N. Tamm, Jr. City Clerk .. I~I-DsT-ATE LEG-~L SI~IpPLY COMPANy ., ?.~,, ~,,~> , ..... i?,. ].9.78 Ordinance No. 1447, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 621 OF SAID CITY, AS AMENDED, SAID ORDINANCE ADOPTING A POSITION CLASSIFICATION PLAN FOR THE EMPLOYEES OF SAID CITY, AND ;ADOPTtNG A SALARY CLASSIFICATION PLAN FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1978-1979, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. introduced and placed on its first reading and read in full at meeting of September 11, 1978 was next placed on final reading. After being read by title, the Chairman announced that the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, the proposed ordinance. No one appeared. Commissioner McClanahan moved on the passage and adoption of Ordinance No. 1447. Seconded .by Commissioner Keith and carried. Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 1447, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN-FORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 621 OF SAID CITY, AS AMENDED, SAID'.ORDINANCE ADOPTING A POSITION CLASSIFICATION PLANFOR THE EMPLOYEES OF SAID CITY, AND ADOFrING A SALARY CLASSIFICATION .PLAN FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1978-1979, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A public hearing was held in accordance with notice published in the Evening Herald on September 15, 1978 as follows: NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING'To.coNSIDER THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY OF SAN-FORD, FLORIDA. Notice is hereby.given that a Public Hearing will be held at the Commission Room in the City Hall in the City of.Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on September 25, 1978, to consider the adoption of an ordinance by the City of Sanford, Florida, title of which is as fol- lows: ORDINANCE NO. 1448 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ARTICLE V OF ORDINANCE NO. 1097' SAID ORDINANCE BEING A ZONING PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF SAN-FORD, FLORIDA; SAID ARTICLE BEING ENTITLED "USE PROVISIONS", SAID AMENDMENT PROVIDING FOR FACTORY BUILT HOUSES AND CARPORTS AS CONDITIONAL. USES IN THE SR-1AA SINGLE-FAMILYRESIDENTIAL DISTRICT; SAID AMENDMENT FURTHER ADDING SINGLE- FAMILY DWELLINGS WITH CARPORTS AS PERMITTED USES IN THE SR-1A SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING DISTRICT; SAID AMENDMENT ADDING SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLINGS WITH A MINIMUM OF 1'000 SQUARE FEET OF LIVING AREA AS A~CONDITIONAL USE IN THE SR-1A SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING DISTRICT; SAID AMENDMENT AMENDING THE FIRST PERMITTED' USE IN THE MR-1 MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING DISTRICT TO ALLOW ANY USE PERMITTED IN THE SR-1 SINGLE- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGDISTRICT; PROVIDING~ , AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A copy shall be available at the Office of the City Clerk for all persons desiring to examine the same. Ail parties in interest and citizens shall have an °pportunity to be heard at said hearing. By order of the City CommissionO~ the City of Sanford, Florida. H. N. Tamm, Jr. MINUTES .... City Commission,-Sant~ord, Florida, , ~. ,, .... . September 25 19 78, Ordinance No. 1448, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ARTICLE V OF ORDINANCE NO. 1097, SAID ORDINANCE BEING A ZONING PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA; SAID ARTICLE BEING ENTITLED "USE PROVISIONS", SAID AMENDMENT PROVIDING FOR FACTORY BUILT HOUSES AND CARPORTS AS CONDITIONAL USES IN THE SR-1AA SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT; SAID AMENDMENT FURTHER ADDING SINGLE- FAMILY DWELLINGS WITH CARPORTS AS PERMITTED USES IN THE SR-1A SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING DISTRICT; SAID AMENDMENT ADDING SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLINGS WITH A MINIMUM OF 1,000 SQUARE FEET  OF LIVING AREA AS A CONDITIONAL USE IN THE SR-1A SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING DISTRICT; SAID ._ AMENDMENT AMENDING THE FIRST PERMITTED USE IN THE ~ MR~-I:;MIJET%PLE~-~FAMILY~R~SIDENT~AL~. DWELLING DISTRICT TO ALLOW ANY USE PERMITTED IN THE SR-1 SINGLE- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING DISTRICT; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. introduced and placed on first reading and read in full at meeting of September 11, 1978, was next placed on final reading. After being read by title, the Chairman announced that the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, the proposed ocdinance. No one appeared. Commissioner Keith moved on the passage and adop- tion of Ordinance No. 1448. Seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried. Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 1448, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ARTICLE V OF ORDINANCE NO. 1097, SAID ORDINANCE BEING A ZONING PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA; SAID ARTICLE BEING ENTITLED "USE PROVISIONS", SAID AMENDMENT PROVIDING FOR FACTORY BUILT HOUSES AND CARPORTS AS CONDITIONAL USES IN THE SR-1AA SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT; SAID AMENDMENT FURTHER ADDING SINGLE- FAMILY DWELLINGS WITH CARPORTS AS PERMITTED USES IN THE SR-1A SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING DISTRICT; SAID AMENDMENT ADDING SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLINGS WITH A MINIMUM OF 1,000 SQUARE FEET OF LIVING AREA AS A CONDITIONAL USE IN THE SR-1A SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING DISTRICT; SAID AMENDMENT AMENDING THE FIRST PERMITTED USE IN THE MR-1 MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING DISTRICT TO ALLOW ANY USE PERMITTED IN THE SR-1 SINGLE- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING DISTRICT; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIgE DATE. Request submitted from Airport Manager J. S. Cleveland for transfer of funds in the Sanford Airport Authority's 1977/1978 Budget as follows: From: 8628 - Drainage SystemMaintenance To: 8602 - Gas and Oil 8603 - Auto Expenses 8619 - Equipment Repair and Maintenance $2~000.00 $1, ooo. oo 500.00 500.00 Total -, $2~000.00 On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Morris moved to authorize same. by Commissioner McClanahan and carried. Seconded Statement submitted from the Florida League of Cities for 1978-79 annual member- ship dues in amount of $1,362.64 and annual subscriptions to. the Florida Municipal Record in ................................................ City..Commission;:,Sa~0rd;:.~FlorJda~:;~,,~:: ~,,:~.:. ~ .September 25 LEGAL SUPPLY cOMpANy ....... : -.T 1978 amount of $42.00, total amount $1,404.64. Commissioner McClanahan moved to authorize pay- ment of same. Seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried. Condemnation Group 52, reports nos. 78-862 through 78~881 submitted from the Mini- mum Housing Code Inspector· Commissioner Morris moved to authorize a public hearing to be held October 23, 1978 to consider same, and to authorize notices to be sent to the property owners. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. PERC Commissioner McClanahan moved to table consideration of appointing members of the loca~ board, until meeting of October 9, 1978. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. The City Manager submitted a proposed schedule for revision of the utility connection fees as follows: For structures prior to 3/27/72 - the $50.00 sewer connection fee be made $85.00 to cover city costs in an alley or easement tap. If a street tap; the $50.00 fee be madd $250.00. For structures prior to 3/27/72 - the water connection fee be made as follows: Meter Size Now Suggested 3/4 " $ 85.00 $150.00 1 " 120.00 200.00 1~ " 205.00 300.00 2 " 275.00 400.00 Ail over -- actual costs actual costs For structures after 3/27/72 - a $550.00 fee was established. There is a need to establish what proportion of this is for water and what is for sewer. Suggest~ it be: Item Suggested Sewer connection Water connection 3/4 "meter 1 "meter 1~~ "meter 2 "meter All over 2" $321.00 229.00 264.00 349.00 419.00 Actual cost Suggest a through c be for inside the city connections, with outside the city connections to be at least 25% higher. e. Other Charges: Type Charge Now ~uggmsted Delinquent fee After Hour turn on (service man to receive $4.00) No after hours after 8 P.M. Transfer fee Returned check (bad check) 1st time 2nd time $3.00 $ 4.00 2.00 7.00 * 1.50 7.00 zero 2.00 3.00 10.00 * * (includes turn on fee of $6.50) Suggest that the City of Sanford not allOw or provide any water connections outside the City limits unless there is a city main, of adequate size, presently existing now, adjacent to the property to be served. The water resources of the City of Sanford are not unlimited and they are becoming more expensive to obtain. Future water re- FORM 4 MEMORANDUM OF VOTING CONFLICT DATE ON WHICH VOTE OCCURRED: September 25 ,19 7__8 PART A Name: Stenstrom Julian L. (LAST) (F I RST) (MI DDLE) Address: 2200 Cordova Sanford (STREET) (CITY) Telephone: (305 ) 321- 0220 (A/C) (NUMBER) 32771 Seminole PART B (ZIP CODE) (COUNTY) Agency is a unit of [check one]: ( ) State of Florida; (X) County, City or other Political Subdivision Name of Agency: City of Sanford Position held in Agency: City Commissioner PART C MEMORANDUM OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST IN A VOTING.SITUATION [Requ/redby Florida Statutes § 112.3143 (1975)] If you hav~ voted in your official ca, pacity upon any measure in which you had a personal, private, or professional interest which inures to your special private gain or'the special private gain of any principal by whom you are retained, please disclose the nature of your interest below. 1. Description of the matter upon which you voted in your official capacity: Description of the personal, private, or professional interest you have in the above matter which inures to your special private gain or the special private gain of any principal by whom you are retained: Abstained from voting on the request of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Aldeman, 516 Power' Road, for a water connection outside the city limits. Mrs. Aldeman is a first cousin. 3. Person' or principal to whom the special gain described above will inure: a.( Yourself b. ( ) Principal by whom you are retained: (NAME) PART D FILING INSTRUCTIONS This memorandum must be filed within fifteen (15) days following the meeting during which the voting conflict occurred with the person responsibl'e for recording the minutes of the meeting, who shall incorporate the memorandum in the meeting minutes. This form need not be filed merely to indicate the absence of a voting conflict. Florida law permits but does not require you to abstain from voting when a conflict of interest arises; if you vote, however, the conflict must be disclosed pursuant to the requirements described above. PART E October 9, 1978 DATE SIGNED NOTICE: UNDER PROVISIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTES §112.317 (1975),A FAILURE TO MAKE ANY REQUIRED DISCLOSURE CONSTITUTE~ GROUNDS FOR AND MAY BE PUNISHED BY ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: IMPEACHMENT, REMOVAL OR SUSPENSION FROM OFFICE OR EMPLOYMENT, DEMOTION, REDUCTION IN SALARY, REPRIMAND, OR A CIVIL PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED $5,000. CE FORM 4- EFF. 1/1/77 MINUTES 'City Commission, Sanford, Florida,,, ~ September 25 , 19 7,8 MIDSTATE LEGAL SUPPLY COMPANY sources should be reserved for city residents and taxpayers and not for those wishing to move outside to'avoid sharing the whole costs of urban growth that are ahead. Granted that job Producing Utility customers can be an~exception and treated ~nd~vidually as a supporting benefit to the municipal stability. On motion of Commissioner McClanahan, seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried, the City At- torney was authorized to prepare the proper ordinance to adopt same. On motion of Commissioner Stenstrom, seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried, minutes of September 11, 1978 were approved. Commissioner Morris reported that the president of the Jaycees has stated that his organization will do the field work to straighten out the problem of duplicate house numbers in the Dreamwold subdivision South of 25th Street and West of French Avenue, if the City will provide numerals for new house numbers. The City Manager~.zwas authorized to sUbmit an estimate for same at the next Commission meeting. Request submitted from Mr. and Mrs. Edward Aldeman for a water connection at 516 Pow- er Road, outside the city limits. Commissioner McClanahan moved to authorize same, at the new rate. lng. Seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried. Commissioner Stenstrom abstained from vot- The City Manager reported that Mr. James Kunzweiler, 2318 Mellonville Avenue, wants the city to remove the sewer line from his back yard, since apparently there is no easement, and that the cost to remove this line and install a new one is estimated at $3,400.00. The City Attorney submitted an opinion that the City does not have an easement by prescription in this situation. CommisSioner McClanahan moved to authorize the City to solve the problem in the most economical way. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Keith moved to authorize salary reclassification of Mitchell Tindel from Police Patrolman C to D, $11,582.16 annual. Seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried. Commissioner Keith moved to authorize payment of the annual premium in amount of $607. for the executive life insurance for the City Manager. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried over dissenting votes of Mayor Moore and Commissioner McClanahan. The City Manager reported that the Building Official requested to have the after hours use of his city vehicle restored, and recommended same. Commissioner McClanahan moved to autho- rize the request. Seconded by Commissioner Morris and card, ed. Commissioner Morris moved to authorize transfer in amount of $418.00 from Contingency Account to City Manager's Travel and Per Diem Account, for non-budgeted trips to Tallahassee re police union discussion and joint city/county policy meetings. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. The City Manager submitted proposed police work week schedules as follows: a. 16 day cycle: 6 days on and 2 days off; .plus 5 days on and 3 days off; with mandatory training of over 1 hour per week. ~0 City. Com'missio~,~'Saii~orl]~ Flo~ida'~":':~: - ,..September 25 MIDSTATE LE~~-~ SUPPLY ~'~I~PANY 19 78 be 24 day cycle: 6 days on and 2 days off; 6 days on and 2 days off;.and 5 days on and 3 days off. On recommendation of the City Manager~ Commissioner McClahahan moved .to implement 'the 40 hour work week with the 16 day cycle. Seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried. The City Manager reported that Sanford has been approved for three grants: LB~ Microfilm: $13,500.00 Comprehensive Planning Assistance Program: $14,896.00 : IPA training grant: $2,500.00.1 The Commission authorized acceptance and budgeting of same. The City Manager submitted an estimate in amount of $6,160.80 for an asphaltic over- lay to repave Persimmon Avenue from the Auto-Train crossing South to McCracken Road. He recom- mended the city apply a leveling course of asphaltic concrete, type II, then slurry seal the section, and stated this would cost approximately $1,000.00. Commissioner Keith moved to autho- rize the recommendation and to authorize transfer from Public Projects Fund for same. Seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried. Report submitted from the City Clerk to the City Manager re liens and value of prop, erties in City foreclosures. Commissioner Morris moved to authorize the City Clerk to obtain quotes to obtain title searches on eight parcels of property, and to accept the best, and trans- fer from Contingency Account to provide for same. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and car- tied. The City Manager reported that Reverend Engel, 1104 Myrtle Avenue, has submitted a claim for damages to his car on June 8, 1978, caused by a falling tree. /~ilhan' moved to refer same to the City Attorney for an ~pinion of liability. sioner Morris and carried. Commissioner McClana- Seconded b~ Commis- Commissioner Stenstrom moved to authorize the City Attorney to prepare the proper resolution requesting DOT to provide an additional sign at the Lake Mary exit of I-4 designat- ing it as an exit for "Sanford South". Seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried. The City Manager reported that Clark, Dietz and Associates are contemplating addition-i! al time on the Sanford sewer review work, and they want to write an addendum to their contract to be entitled to compensation for this if and when a federal grant is obtained, with the City's 25% share to be approximately $5,272.00. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Morris moved to authorize same, from Reserve for Renewal ~nd R~p~acement Fund. Commissioner McClanahan and carried. Seconded by On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Keith moved to approve adjustments for positions transferred from the Administrative Schedule to the Salary Schedule as follows: Grade Position ~alary List Salary Schedule 54-B Assistant to the City Manager $15,949.46 $15,989.45 47-B EEO Officer 11,025.00 11,328.IS 52-F Building Official 17,638.82 17,6'38.82 50-F Asaistant Finance Director 15,958.92 15,994.35 MINUTES .... City Commission, Sanford, Florida September 25 19 78 ~ ~ ~~-~ sup~ ~ Seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried. On motion of Commissioner Keith, seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried, Resolution No. 1254 was read in full and adopted. Said resolution being in words and.~figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 1254 A:RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ORDERING AND PROVIDING FOR THE HOLDING OF A PREFERENCE BY STRAW BALLOT FOR THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA ON THE QUESTION OF CHANGING THE CITY OFSANFORD'S THEME FROM "THE FRIENDLY CITY" TO "TRAIN TOWN U.S.A," PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE. DATE WHEREAS, the City Commission of.the City of Sanford, ,~ Florida, has been approached by a group of interested and concerned citizens representing an organization known as "Sisters", requesting that the City Commission adopt the name of "Train Town U.S.A." as a theme for the City of Sanford; and WHEREAS, the.-City.Commi~ssio~.has received varying response to such suggestion:and~is ,of-the ~opinion t. hat it~outd be in,or, der to have the qualified electors express their preference by straw ballot. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, as follows: SE~ION 1'.: ,.Th~t~ a,straw ba~llot of. the qualified electors residing in the City of Sanford, Florida, is hereby. Called to be taken on the 5th day of December, 1978 at the time and place where the general election of the City of Sanford, Florida, is t,o be conduct- ed on the question of changing the theme of the City of.Sanford from "The Friendly City" to "Train Town U.S.A." SECTION 2: The straw ballot shall be taken on voting machines used at the general election and the form of ballot to be used shall be in substantially the following form: STRAW BALLOT Shall the theme of the City of Sanford be changed from'"~he Friendly City" to · "Train Town U.S.A." Instructions to Voters: Indicate by pulling down lever over ~'!FOR APPROVAL OF THEME CHANGE' if you favor the change. Indicate by pulling down lever over "'AGAINST APPROVAL OF THEME CHANGE" if you do not favor the change. SECTION 3:.~, Paper'-ballots shall be used at such election for absentee voting. The form of ballot to be used in the election .iM<IN U T E S City Commission~.~Sanford, Florida--;~ ,, :. ,' September 25 1978 for absentee voters shall be in substantially the form provided in Section 2 above, except that Instructions to Voters shall be as follows: Instructions to Voters~ If you are in favor of the theme change, place an "x" in the space to the left of the words "FOR APPROVAL OF THEME CHANGE." If you are not in favor of the theme change, place an "x" in the space to the ~left .of:~the wOrds~'~GAINST APPROVAL OF THEME CHANGE'". City Clerk Mayor s/ John G. Morris s/ Julian L. Stenstrom s/ A. A. '~ac" McClanahan s/ Edwin O. Keith As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.//// /// lilt ATTEST: s/ H. N. Tamm, Jr. SECTION 4: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to have printed on plain white paper a sufficient number of the aforesaid ballots and to deliver them to the appropriate officials for absentee voters and shall also have printed sample ballots and shall deliver t~em to the Inspectors and Clerks on or before the date and time for the opening of the polls for such election for..~the voting places at which voting machines are to ~e used, and is further authorized and directed to make appropriate arrangements with the proper officials of Seminole County for the use of such voting machines at the polling Places specified herein and to have printed on plain white paper and delivered in accordance with law the official ballots for use in such voting machines. SECTION 5: The City Clerk shall cause to be published the required Notice of Election provided for by the code ~of the City of Sanford, Florida, and the laws of the State of Florida· and the Clerk shall make all necessary arrangements for the conduction of the election at the same time and place as the general election to be held on December 5, 1978. This resolution shall become effective ~mmediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of September, A.D., 1978.