HomeMy WebLinkAbout021-Sanford Airport Authorityn , V V T HANGAR LEASE NO. 13 -77 THIS INDENTURE, made and entered into this 28th day of February A.D. 19_ , by and between CITY OF SANFORD AIRPORT AUTHORITY, a special Board constituted as an agent and instrumentality of the City of Sanford, Florida, a municipal corporation of Seminole County, Florida, herein called the LESSOR, and CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA hereinafter referred to as LESSEE. WITNESSETH: For and in consideration of the rents, covenants, agreements and conditions hereinafter reserved, made and entered into, it is agreed, subject to the concurrence of the Federal Aviation Administration, by and between the parties hereto as follows: The LESSOR, on consideration of the rents, covenants, agreements and conditions hereinafter reserved, made and entered into, on the of said - LESSEE`, to be paid, performed and observed, has leased and does by these presents demise, lease and rent unto LESSEE and LESSEE does hereby hire of and from LESSOR, the land, buildings and facilities lying and being in the County of Seminole, State of Florida, and being a part of the premises usually known and designated as-the Sanford Airport property, said real property, and the appurtenances thereto, being specifically described as follows: T- HANGAR Number 28 located in Building No. 406 1.- TERM OF LEASE This lease shall have a term of month to month, commencing on the 1st day of A H A. D. 1977 upon the terms, conditions, covenants and stipulations her.ein'set forth. It is agreed by both parties that this lease may be terminated by either LESSEE or LESSOR on thirty (30) days written notice. - 1 - 2. RENTAL LESSEE agrees to pay to the LESSOR as rent, for the use of the demised premises and facilities, for and during the said month to month term hereof, the sum of __$720.00 annual, plus State Sales Tax, making a total monthly installment of $ 60.00 , plus State Sales Tax, payable in advance, the receipt of the first month's installment and the last months' installment being herewith acknowledged. In addition thereto, during the term of this lease and any renewal or extention thereof, LESSEE shall pay any and all taxes, assessments, or levies of any and every kind or nature charged, levied or assessed against the leased premises, or upon or against any items of personalty, equipment, fixtures or improvements thereon,, and every when due and payable according to law, before any thereof become delinquent and before any interest attaches. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the LESSEE from contesting the validity of any taxes or assessment's levied against said land or other property; provided, that in the event LESSEE contests any such taxes or assessments, upon. .demand by LESSOR, LESSEE shall give to LESSOR adequate security against loss by reason of such contest. In the event the authority levying, assessing or charging any of the taxes, levies or assessments referred to herein does not forward the notice of such taxes, levies or assessments directly to the LESSEE, the LESSOR shall deliver the same to the LESSEE within ten (10) days after the LESSOR receives the same. 3. OBLIGATIONS OF LESSEE A. LESSEE covenants that he is the owner of the following identified aircraft which has been properly certified and licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration: Aircraft identification Number N76052 r 2 Aircraft Make and Model CESSNA 172 SKYHAWK II color BLACK and MITE B., LESSEE herein hereby covenants and agrees that the leased T- Hangar shall be used only for the storage of the above ..referenced aircraft. LESSEE agrees that should the above reference aircraft be disposed of and another obtained by him that the LESSOR shall be immediately notified and the above information on the new aircraft furnished LESSOR in writing by LESSEE. C. LESSEE herein rereby covenants that he has liability and property damage insurance on the above referenced aircraft with (CITY OWNED AIRCRAFT) in the amount of $ which shall be kept in full force and.effect during the term of this lease. D. LESSEE herein hereby covenants and agrees that he shall use this aircraft for pleasure or business transportation only. Exceptions to this provision may be permitted provided a permit or contractual agreement is obtained in writing from the LESSOR. E. Use of the above reference aircraft for commercial or revenue producing flights from the Sanford Airport shall con- stitute a violation of this lease and proof thereof furnished . by the Director of Aviation to LESSOR shall be sufficient reason to void this lease. F. The'LESSEE covenants and agrees to observe and obey all lawful rules and regulations that may from time to time during the term of this lease be promulgated and enforced by the LESSOR or any public body having jurisdication thereof for the conduct and operation of said airport. G. Neither the LESSOR nor any member o£ the Sanford.Airport Authority or officer, agent or employee thereof, shall be - 3 - responsible or liable for any damage from any cause whatsoever to any of the LESSEE installed or located upon the property described in this lease. The LESSEE shall indemnify and save harmless the LESSOR and the persons hereinabove designated from any judgment recovered by anyone for personal injury or property damage sustained or claimed to have been sustained by reason of any of the activities of the LESSEE, and the LESSEE shall pay all expenses in defending against any such claim made against the LESSOR or any of the persons above enumerated. H. No automobile, truck, motorcycle or vehicle of any type will be allowed on the T- Hangar taxiways unless:,specifically authorized by the LESSOR's agent, the Director of Aviation.- All vehicles will be parked in areas provided outside of the fence around the T- Hangar area. I. Speed limit on T- Hangar ramp shall,not, exceed 15.M...P.H.. for all aircraft and.authorized.vehicular traffic. J. The accumulation of rubbish, trash, rags, cans, grease, food items, gasoline or other combustible material in or about the T- Hangars will not be tolerated. LESSEE shall keep his T- Hangar clean at all times and it shall be subject to inspection by the Director of Aviation at any time and if'found to be a fire or accident hazard LESSEE shall be so informed and LESSEE shall, within one (1) day of this notice, clean the hangar to the Director of Aviation's satisfaction. K. T- Hangars are for storage of aircraft only, and they are not to be used as work shops, repair shops, or maintenance shops; painting and major aircraft repairs therein are prohibited. Storage of boats, furniture, lawn mowers or other non - aviation items is prohibited. L. LESSEE shall be permitted to perform only those repairs and or maintenance which is specifically authorized under Federal r 4 r Air Regulations, Part 43, preventative maintenance allowed by owner /pilot which does'not require the services of a licensed A &P Mechanic. This maintenance may be performed by the owner on his aircraft only. LESSEE further covenants and agrees not to conduct nor permit any commercial activity at or near the rented facility. M. Kerosene or gas fired heaters or any type open flame heaters or apparatus are prohibited.. Welding is not allowed in T- Hangars. N. No partitions shall be removed nor any structural changes made in the hangar without written permission from the Director of Aviation. O. Refueling of aircraft inside hangars is a fire hazard and STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. P.. Locks are furnished with each hangar. Do not replace or remove these locks. if lock changes are necessary for any reason, contact the'Director of Aviation. Q. Aircraft engines are not to be started or run inside T- Hangars for any reason at any time. R. The LESSEE shall not do or permit to be done any act or -thing upon the premises: (1) Which will invalidate or conflict with any fire insurance policies covering the premises at the airport, or (2) Which may constitute an extra - hazardous condition w so as to increase the risks normally attendent upon the operations permitted by this Agreement. 4.: IMPOSSIBILITY OF PERFORMANCE BY LESSOR Should the leased premises be destroyed or so damaged by fire, act of God, public enemy, accident or casualty as to become untenantable, this lease will be terminated from the date of such occurence. - 5 - J 5. DEFAULT IT IS AGREED that if payment-of rent is in default, or if any other terms or conditions of'the lease are violated by the LESSEE, then the LESSEE becomes a tenant by sufference, thereby waiving all right of notice to vacate the premises and the LESSOR shall have the right, at his option, to declare this lease void, cancel the same, without any legal proceeding, re- enter and take possession of the premises. However, the above remedies shall not constitute a waiver of any right.or remedy afforded the LESSOR by statute or law. 6. DISCRIMATION The LESSEE for himself, his heirs, personal representatives, successors in interest, and assigns, as a part of the consider- ation hereof,.does hereby covenant and agree as a covenant run- ning with,the land that in the event facilities are constructed, maintained, or otherwise operated on the said property described in this lease for a purpose for which a Department of Transport - ation program is extended or for another purpose involving the provision of similar services or benefits, the LESSEE shall main- tain and operate such facilities and services in compliance with all other requirements imposed pursuant to Title 4.9, Code of Federal Regulations,.Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally- assisted programs of the Department of Transportation - Effectu- ation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act 1964, and as said Regulation may be amended. The LESSEE for himself, his heirs, personal representatives, successors in interest, and assigns, as a part of the consider- ation hereof, does hereby covenant and agree as a covenant run- ning with the land that (I.) no person on the grounds of race, color, or national origin shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrim- ination in the use of said facilities,, (2) that in the construc- tion of any improvements on, over, or under such land and the furnishing of services thereon, no person on the grounds of race, color, or national origin shall be excluded from participation - 6 - in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subject to'discrim- ination, (3) that the LESSEE shall use the premises in compli- ance with all other requirements imposed by or pursuant to Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transpor- tation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondis- crimination in Federally- assisted programs of the Department of Transportation - Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and as said Regulations may be amended. That in the event of breach of any of the above nondis- crimination covenants,-LESSOR shall have the right to terminate the lease and to re -enter and repossess said land and facilities therein, and hold the same as if said lease had never been made. This provision shall not be effective until the procedures of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21 are followed and completed including exercise or expiration of appeal rights. 7. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS A. The lease shall be subordinate to the provisions of any existing or future agreement between the LESSOR and the United States, relative to.said airport property and the operation and maintenance of the airport.' B. The LESSEE shall not assign this lease nor any interest therein, nor under -let or sub -let all or any part of the leased premises, rights or privileges. C. The LESSOR, or its representatives, shall have the right to enter upon said demised premises at any reasonable hour for the purpose of examining the same, making repairs to the leased property, or for any other lawful purpose.. D. LESSEE agrees to return said.premises to LESSOR at the expiration of this lease in as good condition and repair as when first received, natural wear and tear, damage by storm, fire, lightening, earthquake or other casualty alone excepted. It is the responsibility of LESSEE to report any damage to the T- Hangar to LESSOR and, when the fault of LESSEE, he will re- imburse LESSOR for the cost of necessary repairs. - 7 - 8. NOTICES Notice to the LESSOR provided for herein shall be sufficient if sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid addressed to: SANFORD AIRPORT AUTHORITY, P. 0. BOX 818, SANFORD, FLA. 32771 and notices to the LESSEE shall be sufficient if sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid addressed to the LESSEE at: P. O. BOX 1778, SANFORD, FLORIDA 32771 or to such other respective addresses as the parties.may__designate, in writing, from time to time. IN WITNESS.WTHEREOF, the LESSEE has caused.this instrument to.be executed this date and the LESSOR, acting by and through the Sanford Airport Authority, has caused this instru- ment to be executed in its name by the Chairman of said Authority, and attested by the Director of Aviation, acting as Clerk of said Authority, on the day and year first above written. FOR THE tESSOR Signed, sealed and delivered SANFORD AIRPORT AUTHORITY in the presence of: w C Attes1� Wit ess DVector of Aviation FOR THE LESSEE !� Y OF A .0 F ORIDA By xtness Attest - 8 - k -ac7al n SANF(ORD AIRPORT February 24, 2000 rj�,N, r F-q @030 W F-� a WMIN Mr. Tony VanDerworp City Manager, City of Sanford P.O. Box 1788 Sanford, Florida 32772 -1.780 Re Lease Number 91 -32 and T- hangar Lease Numbe .13 -77 Dear Mr. Vanderworp: The above referenced leases between the Sanford Airport Authority and the City of Sanford Police Department are no longer active. If you have any additional questions, please call me. Sincerely, �4-P-) Raymond Director of Marketing & Properties Sanford Airport Authority One Red Cleveland Boulevard, Suite 200 Sanford, FL 32773 (407) 322 -7771 - Fax (407) 322 -0186 vAAw orlandosanfordairport. corn