HomeMy WebLinkAbout012880-Regular Session MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida January 28 at 7:00 P. M. 19 80 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Session in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:0-0 o'clock P. M. on January 28, 1980. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Lee P. Moore Commissioner John G. Morris Commissioner Julian L. Stenstrom Commissioner David T. Fart Commissioner Edwin O. Keith City Attorney C. Vernon Mize, Jr. City Manager W. E. Knowles City Clerk H. N. Tamm, Jr. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. A public hearing was held in accordance with notices authorized at meeting of January 14, 1980, to consider the condemnation of structures or buildings on Reports Num- bets 80-932 through 80-948, Group 57. The Chairman announced that the Commission would hear from the property owners or representatives thereof. as follows: 80-932 80-933 80-934 80-935 80-936 80-937 80-938 80-939 80-940 80-941 80-942 80-943 80-944 80-945 80-946 80-947 80-948 1620 W. 12th St. 415-415~ E. 6th St. 1205 ~M. 12th St. 801 ~. llth St. 410 W. 7th St. 1309 W. 14th St. 620 E. 6th St. 715 Willow Ave. 1301 W. llth St. 902 W. 14th St. 904 W. 14th St. 506 Hick~ory Ave. 1514 W. 7th St. 108 S. Poplar Ave. 1215 W. 13th St. 800 Elm Ave. 2412 Decottes Ave. A review of each individual report was W. H. Stemper, Trustee Elizabeth A. Paige Mary W. Smith Primitive Baptist Church David W. Smith A. G. DeLattibeaudiere Victoria Dargan Joseph Simmie L. B. Braswell A. Sherman Heirs A. Sherman Heirs W. M. Arnold L. Williams, et al Harold T. Fues Harvey C. Johnson M. E. Sheehan Alvin A. Albert Ms. Mary Smith, 1703 West 13th Street, Sanford, owner of propertyiat 1705 West 12th Street, Condemnation No. 80-934,.appeared and stated she had made many!repairs to the structure. She also stated she felt tenants were using condemnation proceedings as a vehi- cle to get into public housing. Ms..M.E. Sheehan, Rt. 1, Box 229F, Sanford, owner of property at 800 Elm Avenue, Condemnation Report No. 80-947, appeared and stated that most of the violations have been repaired, and that she didn't think the property should be condemned. Mr. Gene Sheehan, Rt. 1, Box 229F, Sanford, stated he did not feel he should have I230 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida January 28, at 7:00 P.M. 19.80 request time to bring the structure up to code. Mr. A. G. DeLattibeaudiere, 807~ Sanford Avenue, owner of property at 1309 West 14th Street, Condemnation Report No. 80-937, appeared and stated that on February 22 he had obtained a permit to repair the structure, and requested time to bring the structure up to code. Mr. Harold Fues, 4220 South Orlando Drive, Sanford, owner of property at 108 South Poplar Avenue, Condemnation Report No. 80-945, appeared and stated he wanted time to bring the property up to code. After consideration, Commissioner Morris moved that finding the buildings under Condemnation Report Numbers 80-932 through 80-948 to be unsanitary, unsafe and delapidated, that said structures be condemned and the owners given a notice of 90 days in which to repair or give just cause why same has not been repaired or demolished; and after 90 days, to authorize the City to demolish the structures and levy a lien against the property for said removal. Seconded by Commissioner Fart and carried. The City Manager submitted a proposed agreement with the Sanford Youth Baseball Association, Inc., for lease of various athletic fields, for period of March 15 through August 15, 1980. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Morris moved to auth- orize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same. Seconded by Commissioner Fart and carried. Recommendation dated January 18, 1980 submitted from the Planning and Zoning Commission, as follows: 1. Set a Public Hearing to amend the Zoning Ordinance No. 1097, Article V, "Use Provisions", SectiOn 8'. RC-1, Restricted Commercial District. Subsection B. Conditional Uses Permitted. Add: (9) On premises preparation of food for off-premises consumption only, incidental to operation of typical Minit-Market and 7-11 stores. Commissioner Morris moved to authorize a public hearing to be held February 11, 1980, to consider same. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried over dissenting vote of Commissioner Fart. Requests to use mobile trailer signs submitted as follows: (a) Jerry D. Poppell, Vice President, Tropic Bank of Seminole - Sanford Office, 101 East 25th.Street, for 90 days beginning February 11, 1980, for a Grand Opening and Special Promotions. (b) Dillis Combs, Owner, Imperial Restaurant and Lounge, for a 15 day extension at 2700 Sanford Avenue, until the permanent sign is installed. Commissioner Stenstrom moved to authorize the requests. Seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried. On motion of Commissioner Stenstrom, seconded by Commissioner Fart and carried, Ordinance No. 1501, entitled: MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida January 28 at 7:00 P. M. 19 80 MID.C;TA-T.R T.~C'.AT..~lIPpi'.¥ COMPANY AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA TO ANNEX WITHIN THE CORPORATE AREA OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, UPON ADOPTION OF SAID ORDINANCE, A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED BETWEEN 18TH STREET AND 19TH STREET EXTENDED EASTERLY AND BETWEEN MULBERRY AVENUE AND THE VACATED SEABOARD COASTLINE RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY; SAID ;PROPERTY LOCATED IN SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION PRO- VISIONS OF SECTION 171.044, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. was introduced, placed on first reading and read in full. On motion of Commissioner Keith, seconded by Commissioner Fart and carried, Ordinance No. 1502, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA TO ANNEX WITHIN THE CORPORATE AREA OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, UPON ADOPTION OF SAID ORDINANCE, A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED BETWEEN JEWETT LANE AND 16TH STREET AND WEST OF AIRPORT BOULEVARD; SAID PROPERTY LOCATED IN SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, IN ACCORD- ANCE WITH THE VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION PROVISIONS OF SECTION 171.044, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. was introduced and placed on first reading. A public hearing was held in accordance with notice published in the Evening Herald on January 21, 1980,-as follows: NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be.held at the Commission Room in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on January 28, 1980, to consider the adoption of an ordinance by the City of Sanford, title of which is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1499 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AMENDING SECTION 26-19 OF CHAPTER 26 OF THE SANFORD CITY CODE, SAID CHAPTER BEING ENTITLED "TAXATION"; SAID AMENDMENT DELETING THE PROVISION FOR TAXATION ON THE SALE OF FUEL OIL WHEN USED AS A UTILITY FROM THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-19; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. A copy shall be available at the Office of the City Clerk for all persons desiring to examine the same. All parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at said hearing. By order of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. Publish: January 21, 1980. H. N. Tamm, Jr. City Clerk MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida January 28 at 7:00 P. M. 19 80 Ordinance No. 1499, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AMENDING SECTION 26-19 OF CHAPTER ~26 OF THE SANFORD CITY CODE, SAID CHAPTER BEING ENTITLED "TAXATION"; SAID AMENDMENT DELETING~THE PROVISIONFOR TAXATION ON THE SALE OF FUEL O1LWHEN'USED AS A UTILITY FROM THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-19; PROVIDING! FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. ' introduced and placed on first reading and read in full at: meeting of January 14, 1980, was next placed on final reading. After being read by title, the Chairman announced that the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, the adoption of the Ordinance. No one appeared. Commissioner Morris moved on the passage and adoption of Ordinance No. 1499. S~conded by Commissioner,Stenstrom and carried; : Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, had passed and adopted said Ordinance'~o. ~1499, entitle'd: AN'ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AMENDING SECTION 26-19 OF CHAPTER 26 OF :THE SANFORD CITY CODE, SAID CHAPTER BEINGENTITLED "TAXATION"; SAID AMENDMENT DELETING THE PROVISION FOR TAXATION ON THE SALE OF FUEL OIL WHEN USED AS A UTILITY FROM THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-19; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS ,~AND EFFECTIVE DATE. A public hearing was held in accordance with notice published in the Evaning Herald on January 21, 1980, as follows: NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the Commission Room in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on January 28, 1980, to consider the adoption of an ordinance by the City of Sanford, title of which is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1500 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN-FORD, FLORIDA AMENDING THE OPEN SPACE STANDARDS OF THE REVIEW PROCEDURES AND STANDARDS FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW; SAID AMENDMENT PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF MONEY IN LIEU OF DEDICATION OF LAND AT THE OPTION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD IN AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE APPRAISED VALUE OF THE PROPERTY; SAID AMENDMENT FURTHER PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE FEE OF SEVENTY FIVE AND NO/100 ($75.00) DOLLARS PER DWELL- ING FOR CONSTRUCTION IN SUBDIVISIONS WHICH HAVE PREVIOUSLY BEEN PLATTED; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. A copy shall be available at the office of the City Clerk for all persons desiring to examine the same. All parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportu~ityto be heard at said hearing. By order of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. 233 City Commission, Sanford, Florida January 28 at 7: 00 P.M. 19 .80 MTrI.qTATI~. T.I~.I-'.AT. RTTDPT.¥ ~OMPA'NI¥ .... .... ' ' -' ' ............... . Ordinance.No. 1500, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AMENDING THE OPEN SPACE STANDARDS OF THE REVIEW PROCEDURES AND STANDARDS FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW; SAID AMENDMENT PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF MONEY IN LIEU OF DEDICATION .OF LAND AT THE OPTION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD IN AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE APPRAISED VALUE OF THE PROPERTY; SAID AMENDMENT FURTHER PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF %HE FEE OF SEVENTY FIVE AND NO/100 ($75.00)'DOLLARS PER DWELL- ING FOR CONSTRUCTION IN SUBDIVISIONS WHICH HAVE PREVIOUgLY BEEN PLATTED; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, .. CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. introduced, placed on first reading and read in full at meeting of January 14, 1980, was next placed on final reading. After being read by title, the Chairman announced that the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, the proposed ordinance. No one appeared. Commissioner Stenstrom moved on the passage and adoption of Ordinance No. 1500. Seconded by Commissioner Fart and carried. Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 1500, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AMENDING THE OPEN SPACE STANDARDS OF THE REVIEW PROCEDURES AND STANDARDS FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW; SAID AMENDMENT PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF MONEY IN LIEU OF DEDICATION OF LAND AT THE OPTION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD IN AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE APPRAISED VALUE OF THE PROPERTY; SAID AMENDMENT FURTHER PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF ~THE FEE OF SEVENTY FIVE AND NO/100 ($75.00) DOLLARS PER DWELL- ING FOR CONSTRUCTION IN SUBDIVISIONS WHICH HAVE PREVIOUSLY BEEN PLATTED; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Letter submitted from ~irs. Hortense Roumillat, Chairman, Sanford Memorial Library and Museum Association, announcing the "Sanford Founder's Day Program" to be held February 8, 1980, at 1:30 P. M. at Ft. Mellon Park. The City Manager reported that the City Attorney has prepared a revised Option for Sale of 7.9 acres of property west of French Avenue and between Seminole Boulevard and Fulton Street, described as follows: Lo~s 5, 6, 7 (Less the Wes_~rly 84,06 feet ..~ of said Lot. 7.). and 11, lAKE MONROE INDUSTRIAL PARK, Accordi. n.g to the Plat thereof as. recorded in Plat Book 14, page 20, Public Records of Seminole County, F1Qzida; ' Lots. 3, 4 and. 8 (Less the Westerly 209.06. feet of said Lot 8), lAKE MONROE INDUSTRIAL PARK, amended replat according to Plat Book .14, page 78 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; and als° that abandoned portion of MAPLE CONCOURSE' as set forth' in that certain instrument of records,.. recorded in OffiCial RecOrds Book 977, page 418, Public Records of Seminole ' County, Flbrida.~ MINUTES City commission, Sanford, Florida January 28 at 7:00 P. M. 19 80 Mr. Rucker was present and stated he plans to construct five or six story condo- miniums, with some of the construction for cor~aercial use. Commissioner Farr moved to approve the Option and Contract to Purchase, as sub- mitted by the City Attorney, in the total amount of $130,000.00, and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same. Seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried. Co~m~issioner Stenstrom moved that in the event the option is exercised, to author- ize to move the easterly fence of the 'Public WOrks Complex to permit'an ingress and egress easement from Seminole Boulevard to the aforesaid property. Seconded by Commissioner Farr and carried. The City Manager submitted the updated revision of the City's AffirmatiVe Action Plan and recommended it be approved and adopted. The Commission took no action. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Morris moved to adopt Resolu- tion No. 1275 and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. Said Resolution being in words and figures as follows: A mRESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY TO SIGN-AN AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS UNDER THE FLORIDA FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE-FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES ACT. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That 'the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to sign in the name and on behalf of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, an Agreement between the Florida Department of Community Affairs and the City of Sanford, Florida, under the Florida Financial Assistance for Community Services Act, as per copy attached hereto and'made a part hereof. 2. That mall .funds necessary to meet the Contract obligations of the citY of Sanford, Florida, with the Depart'- ment have been appropriated and said funds are unexpended and unencumbered mand are available for .payment as prescribed .in the contract. The City shall be responsible for the funds for the local share notwithstanding the fact that all or part of the local share is to be met or contributed by other source, i.e., contributions, other agencies or organization funds. A.D. 1980. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of Mayor January City Commission, Sanford, Florida January 28 at 7: 00 P.M. 19 80 ~T~A~ 't.~GAT, STTppT,¥ ~OMPAN¥ .......... The City Manager reported that the Suggestion Review Committee had recommended a $25.00 award to John Steffens, for suggestion to rewire the light fixtures in Room 257, and place a switch at each work station, instead of one switch for the whole room. Commissioner Keith moved to authorize same. Seconded by Commissioner Fart and carried. The Commission authorized the adoption of a standard suggestion form. On request of the City Manager, Commissioner Fart moved to waive Sec. 3-2 and Sec. 3-25 of the City Code~ to'permit sale of beer at the Sanford Airport on March 22 and 23, 1980, for the Rotary AirShow, with funds to go to charitable causes. Seconded by Commis- sioner S tenstrom and carried. The City Manager reported that the elimination of utility tax on fuel oil, when used as a utility, will leave a $6,522.88 deficit in the 1979-80 budgeted revenue. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Fart moved to reduce Anticipated Revenue and Contigency Fund by $6,522.88 each. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. Commissioner Stenstrom moved to authorize a public hearing to be held February 25, 1980 to consider rezoning a portion'of the property lying south of and abutting Airport Boulevard and between Southgate Road extended southerly and 17-92 from RMOI to GC-2. Seconded by Commissioner ~Farr- and carried. On recommendation of~- the City Manager Commissioner Fart moved to authorize the City Attorney to prepare the proper~ordinance to rezone the.aforesaid property for first reading on February 25, 1980. Seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried. On recommendation-of the City Manager, Commissioner Morris moved to authorize the use of a temporary trailer or manufactured structure for business purposes on site, after Februmry 25, 1980, if the ordinance i~ approvedon first reading, for use during planning and construction of a permanent building for the State Bank of Forest City. Seconded by Commissioner Fart and carried. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Morris moved to authorize a salary reclassification for Horace A. Tucker, from Firefighter D to E, $13,615.91 annual. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. On request of the City Manager, the City Manager and the City Attorney were author- ized to review City Code Sections 23-23 through 23-29 to recommend Changes ,re: inspectiom. of driveways and sidewalks for Compliance.and issue~permits,'etc. ~ .... Commissioner Stenstrom moved to ~authorize the City .Manager to takevacation time February 4 through 8, 1980, to attend a course, and work in the evenings. Seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried, ~ The City'Mana§er reported that Ms. Francie Wynalda, EEO Officer, has been appointed also as the Unemployment Compensation Officer and to handl~ all un~mn]~vm~n~ l claims. Commissioner Farr moved to authorize the City Manager to attend, in Tallahassee, on 2236 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida January 28 at 7:00 P. M. 19 80 MIDSTA2~E LEGAL SUPPLY COMPANY On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Stenstrom moved to authorize the City Attorney to prepare drafts of legislative bills as follows: 1. Opt$on by locally elected officials to withdraw from the Florida Retirement System. 2. Definition of word "enclave" and annexation of existing mnclaves with less than 40 acres. ' Seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried. The City Manager reported that the Mayor had appointed the Building Official, Bill Braceland, to the Citizen Participation Committee of the Community Development Block Grant Program. The City Manager reported that Dr. ~RuSSell Shaw has accepted the position of interim City Physician, effective January 1, 1980, until the City commission appoints a permanent Physician. The City Manager reported that abutting~property owners on Cornwall Road have ~ petitioned for street lights. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Stenstrom moved to authorize installation of seven street, lights. Seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried. The City Manager reported that Mr. Wayne C, Voight,.Chief of the Bureau of LOcal Retirement Systems, Tallahassee,~,had requested him to serve on an Advisory Committee to review and develop rules for ~the Local Government Financial-Emergency and Accountability Act (Chapter 79-183, Laws of Florida). Commissioner Keith moVed to authorize the City Manager to participate on the Advisory Committee. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. Commissioner Morris~moved to instruct~the City Manager to work with Seminole County, to help them obtain grants, etc., for construction of 60 units of Public housing. : Seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried. Co~m~issioner Morris moved to table for further consideration, a resolution requested by the Governor's Energy Office to show a statewide co~ittment to energy conservation. Seconded by Commissioner Stenstrom and carried. Request submitted from the Tropic Bank of Seminole to be designated a Depositor.y, for City Funds for 1980. -Commissioner Keith moved to authorize same. Seconded by Commis- sioner ~Stenstrom and carried. The Mayor reported he had received correspondence from the Governor's Office, that the recommendationfor an appointment to the St. John's River Management District would be considered in July, 1981, when a vacancy will occur. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. M A Y O R ATTEST: