HomeMy WebLinkAbout020981-Regular SessionMINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida February 9~ak!7:00 P. M. 19 81 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Session in the City Hail in theici~Y of:sAnford~ FloridA' ~at 7:00 o'cloCk~P,. Mi 6n F~B~uary 9, 1981. Present: Mayorz~ommissioner Lee'P. Moore Commissioner Milton E. Smith Commissioner Edwm~d A. "Ned" Yancey Commissioner David T. Fart Commissioner Eddie O. Keith City Attorney William L. Colbert City Manager W. E. Knowles City Clerk H. N. Tamm, ~Jr. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. A public hearing was held in accordance with notice published in the Evening Herald on January 20 and 30, 1981, as follows: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HERRING OF PROPOSED CHANGES AND! AMENDMENTS IN CERTAIN DISTRICTS AND BOUNDARIES OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE, AND AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the Commission Room in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on February 9, 1981, to consider changes and amend- ments toi~t~cZoning Ordinance, and amending the Future Land Use Ele- ment of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford, Florida, as fol- lows: A portion of that certain property lying between 19th Street and 20th Street and between French Avenue and Elm Avenue is proposed to be rezoned from SR-1A (Single-Family Residential Dwelling) District to RC-1 (Restricted Commercial) District, said property being more particularly described as follows: Lots 110 and 111, Sanford:Heights~: Plat Book 2, page 63, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. All parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at said hearing. By order of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. H. N. Tamm, Jr. City Clerk Publish: January 20 and 30, 1981 The Chairman announced that the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, the proposed re~oning. The City Clerk reported notice of the public hearing was sent to the property owner on January 7, 1981. Planning and Zoning Commission submitted a recommendation to dieny the rezoning. The Mayor stated he had.received a petition containing 14 signatures, supporting t lng. Dawn Kiddy, 401 West 19th Street, owner, appeared and s~aaed she wants to operate a two chair beauty shop in.her garage, and cut her work to three days per week, and have one other person working two days per week. She further saated she owns the vacant lots across the street, and could pave them for a parking lot, with an entrance and exit. Those appearing in opposition were as follows: ~o w n ~ ?~g wo~t 19th Street.. a~eared and stated she had lived there e rezon~ 526 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida February 9 ~_at 7: 00 P.M. 19 81 Paul H. Daniels, 220 West 19th Street, appeared and stated the street stays blocked all the time, and some houSeS.~are built two on one lot. Mrs. Mae Fort, 123 West 19th Street, appeared and stated she has lived there for 40 years, and does not want the neighborhood rezoned commercial. Mr. R. C. Whitmire, 219 West 18th Street, appeared and stated he bought his property in 1957, does not .want commercial one block away, and wants to keep it a nice, quiet, peaceful neighborhood. Commissioner Smith moved to deny the request to rezone the propery. Seconded by Commissioner Yancey and carried. Mr. John Wall, 303 Sweetwater Club, Longwood, President, Florida Extrusion, Inc appeared and stated he wants to construct a foundry at 2540 Jewett Lane to reclaim scrap aluminum, and generate approximately 250 jobs in the next two to three years. He asked the City to sponser an Industrial Revenue Bond Issue, and the proceeds from ~hich would be used to construct a new plant, not to retire any existing debt. Mr. William Hart, Vice President and Senior Loan Officer, Flagship Bank of Seminole, appeared and stated Mr. Wall has some industrial investors that would purchase some of the bonds, and he felt that if the City would sponsor the bonds, his bank would have strong interest in the issue. Commissioner Farr moved to support the Industrial Revenue Bonds for the aforesaid proposed operation, with the cooperation of the Flagship Bank of Seminole. Seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried. Commissioner Keith introduced Resolution No. 1298~and read it in full. Said Resolution being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION 1298 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA WITH REFERENCE TO SERVICES PROVIDED BY SEMINOLE COUNTY~?~ICH ARE RENDERED FOR THE BENEFIT OF PROPERTY OR RESIDENTS IN THE UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND FINANCED FROM COUNTY-WIDE REVENUES AND FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS;~R~-~ES~i~.~ THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY TO APPOINT A TAX EQUALIZATION ACT~'ON COMMITTEE; AND REQUEST THIS COMMITTEE TO STUDY AND ANALYZE THE FINANCIAL STRUCTURE OF THE COUNTY TO DETERMINE AN APPROPR~TE METHOD TO EQUITABLY FINANCE THOSE COUNTY FUNCTIONS BENEFITING THE PROPERTY OWNERS AND RESIDENTS IN THE UNINCORPORATED AREAS IN A DISPROPORTIONATE BENEFIT TO THOSE IN THE INCORPORATED AREAS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY. WHEREAS, Chapter 125 of the Florida Statu~es provides a basis for a study to determine if there are functions of Seminole County which are rendered for the benefit of property or residents in the unincorporated areas of Seminole County and financed from county-wi~e revenues and federal revenue sharing fumd~, and MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Februamyy9 at 7:00 p. M. WHEREAS, there is a~need to determine the extent that services in the unincorporated areas that benefit more so the property and residents of the unincorporated areas ~han the property and residents of the-incorporated areas, and WHEREAS, it would be equitable to determine a level of financing the County functions available more so to benefit the property and residents of the unincorporated areas of Seminole than those in the incorporated areas of Seminole County,· and NOW, THEREFORE,. BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Sanford, Florida, that the City of Sanford hereby requests the Seminole Board of County Commissioners to appoint a six (6) member Tax Equalization Action Committee.., composed of three (3).members nominated, by the~ Council of Local Governments of Seminole County and three (3) members nominated by the Seminole Board of County Commissioners, to review and study this problem,, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Tax Equalization Action Committee make its findings and recommendations known to the Board of County Commissioners, the Council of Local Governments of Seminole CoUnty, and public. THIS RESOLUTION ADOPTED THIS 9th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1981~. s/ Lee P. Moore Mayor ATTEST: s/H. N. Tamm, Jr. City Clerk On recommendation of.the Council of Local Governments of Seminole County, Commissioner Keith moved to adopt Resolution No. 1298. Seconded by Commissioner Mart and carried. Requests ~ubmitted ~o use mobile trailer signs as follows: a) Jack Prosser Ford, 378.6 South Orlando Avenue, for 30 days for a Spgcial Promotion. b) Carefree Florist, 2397 French Avenue, for 90 days for a Spec- ial Promotion- Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day and Easter. Seconded by Commissioner Yancey Commissioner Smith moved to authorize Item A. and carried. 19 81 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida February 9 at 7:00 p. M. 19 81 Recommendati6n'dated February 6; ~%98'i ;:':sdb~itted from the planning and ZOning Commission as follows: Recommend denial to the City Commission the rezoning from SR-1A to RC-1, lots 110 and 111, Sanford Heights, 401 W. 19th St. represented by Dawn Kiddy. Purpose of the request was for a Beauty Shop in one half of her garage. Reason for denial: Not in compliance with the Comprehensive Land Use Map and not considered good zoning in a SR-1A district. The next item of business, was discussion of appointments to the Code Enforce- ment Board. The City Attorney reported that it is a s~x member board. CommissionE Smith moved to table to the next meeting the consideration of appointments to same. Seconded by Commissioner Fart and carried. On motion of Commissioner Farr, seconded by Commissioner Smith and ~arried, Ordinance Nol 1548, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CIItY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1535 OF SAID CITY, SAID ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO THE CITY OF SANFORD PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RELATIONS COMMISSION; SAID AMENDMENT CHANGING ~ 1.027 TO PROVIDE THAT THE CITY COMMISSION SHALL RETAIN ONLY THOSE POWERS PROVIDED BY LAW; PROVIDING FOR SEEERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. was introduced, placed on first reading and read in full. On motio~ of'Commi§sione~lKei:th., 'Aacondedqby Commissione~ 'Yancey and carried, Ordinance,-. No.: 1549,. entitled: . AN. ORDINANCE=_ OF THE CITY~ OF,SANFORD, FLORIDA, ..... TO ANNEX WITHIN THE CORPORATE 'AREA. OF THM!~.cITY -~'~':~>~.:~.OF SANFORD,- FLORtDA-~',U~PON ADO'PTION. OF SAID l~ ORDINANCE, A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN 'PROPERTY 'LYING-BETWEEN SAN__EORD AVF, NUE AND PALMWAY, AND BETWEEN POINSETTA .DRIVE AND ROSE DRIVE; SAID PROPERTY BEING SITUATED IN SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VOLUNTARY ANNEX.z.~. ATION PROVISIONS OF SECTION 171.044, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WaS introduced, placed on'first reading and read in full. Petition to annex Lots 5 and 6, Block 6, Rosalind Heights submitted from Martin and Edna Brewster, owners. The City Manager reported that the annexation of this property will not create an enclave. Commissioner Fart moved to authorize the City Attorney to, prepare the proper ordinance to annex the property. Seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried. Commissioner Smith moved to remove from table, a public hearing to consider the adoption of Ordinance No. 1536, tabled at meeting of November 10, 1980. Seconded by Commissioner Yancey and carried. Ordinance No. 1536, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE ,CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.1097 OF SAID CITY, SAID ORDINANCE BEING A ZONING PLAN; SAID AMENDMENT CHANGING TH~EZONING OF A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING EAST OF U. S. HIGHWAY 17-92 AND BETWEEN AIRPORT R~TTT.~TAP~ A~ MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida February 9 at 7:00 P. M. 19.81 ,MID. STATE,..~EOAL SUPPLY, ~iOMPAN¥ , ., introduced and placed on first reading at meeting of October 27, ~1980, was next placed on final reading. After being read by title, the Chairman announced that the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, the adoption of the ordinance. No one appeared. Commissioner Farr moved on the passage and adoption of Ordinance No. 1536. Seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried. Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanfor Florida, had passed and adopted said Ordinance No, 1536, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1097 OF SAID CITY, SAID ORDINANCE BEING A ZONING PLAN; SAID AMENDMENT CHANGING THE ZONING OF A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING EAST OF U. S. HIGHWAY 17-92 AND BETWEEN AIRPORT BOULEVARD AND THE OLD ORLANDO HIGHWAY FROM PUD (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT TO GC-2 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL) DISTRICT, MR-1 (MULTIPLE- FAMILY~RESIDENTIAL DWELLING) DISTRICT, AND SR-2 (MOBILE HOME RESIDENTIAL DWELLING) DISTRICT, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. On motion~ _ of Commissioner~ Fart, seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried, Minutes of December 8, 1980, were approved. On motion of Commissioner Fart, seconded by Commisgioner Smith and 'carried, VOuchers for the month of January, 1981, were approved as follows: CHECKS FOR MONTH OF JANUARY, 1981 General F. und,~Flagship Bank of Seminole-DT, Voucher No. 8276 thru 8287. Refuse Collection & Disposal Fund, Flagship Bank of~ Seminole, DT1, Voucher No. 145 thru 149 and Voucher 151. Water & Sewer Revenue Fund, Flagship Bank of Seminole, :DT1, Voucher 1938 thru 1945.' Policemen's Pension Fund, Flagship Bank of Seminole, DT1, VoUcher No. 567. Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, Flagship Bank of Seminole, D.T1, Voucher No. 399. Central Paying Account, Flagship Bank of Seminole, 'D~i, Voucher No. 28621 thru 29055. Utility Service Tax, Atlantic National Bank of Seminole, ~oucher No. 204 thru 206. Renewal & Replacement, Flagship Bank of Seminole, M~2, Voucher No~. 191. 1953 Sinking FUnd Reserve, Flagship Bank of seminole, DT1, VouCher Noi~ 38 thru 40. Utility Trust Fund, Flagship Bank of SeminOle, M-2,~ VoUchmr No. 61. Revenue Sharing Trhsg Fund, Flagship Bank of Seminole, M-2, Voucher 195 & 196. The City Manager reported that three benCh advertising firms have exeCuted 530 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida February 9 at 7:00 P.M. 1981 Mr. M.~]~.. Micker, 2801 South Atlantic Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida, representing Associated Marketing Inc., appeared and stated his firm stresses service, mmintenance and repair, and consideration of any reports received concerning the benches. He further stated his firm is associated with the Jaycees, and they receive a percentage of the revenue from the benches. Mr. Jerry Cram, General Manager, Public Service Displays, Tifton, Georgia, appeare¢ and stated that after the benches are on display for 60 days, a member of his company will come into the area and secure paid sponsorship. He also stated they have two one- ton tandem trucks for installation and maintenance, that one person could travel to maintain the benches as often as the City wants, o~ they will be happy to train a fire- man who lives in this area, and supply him with materials to fix the benches in his off-time. Mr. Gene Pratt, Vice President, Metro Systems, Inc., Orlando, Florida, appeared and stated his firm operates public service bench programs under the sponsorship of public service groups, and that the Jaycees will sponser the program in Sanford. He further stated his firm is prepared'to provide maintenance as required in the agreement Commissioner Yancey moved to accept the proposal of Metro Systems, Inc., Orlando, Florida. Seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried over dissenting vote of Commissione Keith. The City Manager reported that Howard McNulty and John Pierce, lessees and operator of the Mayfair Country Club, are preparing to sell the business, and have requested a modification ~o the lease to provide for the annual capital expenditure in lieu of payment to the City to be 5% of gross sales, instead of an increasing scale. John E. Pierce, Jr., 102 Highland Court, Sanford, Florida, appeared'?to support the request. Tommy Fonseca, 2925 Wambe T~'ail, Maitland, Florida, representing the prospective purchaser, apperared and stated they are prepared to renovate the back nine holes this summer and to make scheduled capital improvements of approximately $91,.000.00 per year over the next five years, and further, would submit unaudited quarterly statements, with an audited annual statement. Commissioner Fart moved to authorize the City Attorney to re-draft the lease, including d&signating55% of the gross revenue for rent, or in lieu of rent, said amount to be spent on golf course capital improvements, and to include amendments as presented; and other amendments as may be agreed upon by both parties. Seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried. The City Manager reported that the Sanford Housing Authority's building rehabilitat program is taking over four houses on East Eighth Street, on Lot 10, Block 9, Tier F, E. R. Trafford's Map of the Town of Sanford, and that a survey has shown one hoflme to on MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida February 9 at 7:00 ?. M. 19 81 He stated the rehabilitation mortgages cannot be obtained while the structures are on public property, and that the rehabilitation people had asked the City to provide clearance to rehabilitate the structures in their present locations,~by selling a 5.8 foot strip, or by giving a constmuction and use easement. The City Manager stated a better solution would be to give an easement or to tear down the middle two structures, to give more room to the remaining two structures. Commissioner Smith moved to table consideration of same until meeting of February 23, 1981, when a representative of the rehabilitation program could be present. Seconded by Commissioner Yancey and carried. The City Manager reported that Thomas Sp~er,' Attorney, has used police personnel to do research work for him on a case not involving the City, but that Mr. Speer had refused to pay the $75.00 fee for the one and one-half hours use 6f'i!city Personnel. The City Attorney stated he would discuss the mattmr with Mr. Speer and report back to the Commission. The City Manager reported that the City had received $11,250.00 in confiscated, forfeited materials in the case State of Florida vs. Joe Surber, pursuant to FS 943. The City Manager recommended $4,110.05 of these funds be used to send a p~lice officer to polygraph school. Commissioner Fart moved to authorize same. Seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried. On reco~,endation of the Director of Recreation and Parks, CommisSioner Fart moved to appoint new members to the Sanford Museum-Library Board of Trustees as follows: Mrs. Leon Walker Dr. Genevieve Richardson Mrs. Daniel C. Gallant 311 Satsuma Drive, Sanford, Florida 1721 West Finland Avenue, Deltona, Florida Lake Markham Road, Sanford, Florida Seconded by Commissioner Yancey and carried. Commissioner Yancey moved to authorize salary reclassifications as follows: Tom McMillan from Fire Mechanic E to F, $14,355~f. 92 annual. S. T. Williams from Equipment Operator II E to F, $10,712.75 annual. Seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried. City Attorney~William Molbert ~ubmitted a statement in amount of $650.00 for service~ rendered for the month of January, 1981, Commissioner ~arr moved to authorize payment of same. Seconded by Commissioner Yancey and carried. Commissioner Keith moved to authorize purchase of a tem foot porgable bike rack for use at the public library, and transfer from Contingency in amount of $170.00 to provide for same. Seconded by Commissioner Fart and carried. The City Manager reported that Unimark-McDonald, Inc. has stated that the Civil Service Board is covered under the City's Public Official Liability Insurance policy and they are still checking to see if the police and fire ~ension boards are covered. The City Manager reported that the Sanford Woman's Club has donated $500~00 for MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida February 9 at'7:00 P. M. 19 81 d Commissioner Fart moved to appoint an 11 member Charter Revision Committee to consider changes and amendments to various portions of the Charter, within a nine month period, and to authorize the City Attorney to prepare the proper resolution for same. Seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried. The City Manager reported that Mr. Andy Snow, Division of Retirement, Tallahassee,~ had stated that the City Physician and City Attorney would be considered consultants under Florida Retirement System Memo #81-38, and would not qualify for enrollment in the Florida Retirement System. The City Manager s~ated that the City does not pay social security for contractual workers. On redommendation df the City Manager, Commissioner Fart moved to authorize Sabatre Enterprises to use' the Civic Center on February 13, 1981, wii~h alcoholic beverages, upon payment of the standard fee of $250.00. Seconded by Commissioner Yancey and carried. The City Manager submitted~'a Copy Of the Board of County Commissioner's policy for processing requests for changes in land use density/intensity on parcels of land during the period of two years following the effective date of the annexation of the land by a municipality, effective February 3, 1981. On recommendation d~ the City Manager, Commissioner Fart moved to authorize installation of two street lights on the north side of Lake Mary Boulevard, as follows: approximately 660 feet west of Hidden Lake Drive entrance approximately 980 feet west of Hidlen Lake Drive entrance Seconded by Commissioner Yancey and carried. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Keith moved to authorize the Mayor to execute a reSolutiOn to the Department of Community Affairs for the Council of Local Governments of Seminole County to obtain an IPA grant for a posilion classification and pay plan. Seconded by Corr~aissioner Fart and garried. Commissioner Farr moved to authorize payment in amount of $2!i~O~ii~Oi~:tm the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council for annual dues. Seconded by Commissioner Keith amd carried. The City Manager submitted =eports from the City Attorney as follows: a) Proposed resolution for Charter Revision steps. b) Letter dated February 6, 1981, for steps to implement the Code Enforcement Board. c) Letter dated February 6, 1981~re: conflict of laws of the Civil Service and Personnel Boards. . The Commission aUthorized the City Attorney to review and suggest more restrictiv language for the use of mobile trailer sighs. Coa~t~issioner Keith moved to appoint Mr. John G. Morris to the Planning and Zoning MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida l~ebruary 9 at 7: 00 P.M. MIDSTATE L~GAL F,D~PPL~ COMPANY AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN~ORD, FLORIDA, FOR THE CITY MAN~GER TO SERVE THE POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS IN AN _ADMINISTRATIVE CAPACITY; PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES AND-RESPONSIBILITIES OF SUCH ADMINISTRATIVE WORK, AND RESCINDING ORDIN- '~ ANCE NUMBER 1117, ADOPTED APRIL 9, 1973; PROf. ~" VIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFEC- ! TIVE DATE. was introduced, placed on first reading and read in full. On motion of Commissioner Yancey, seconded by Commissioner Smit~ and carried, Ordinance No. 1551, entitled: : AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1097 OF SAID CITY, SAID ORDINANCE BEING A ZONING PLAN; SAID AMENDMENT CHANGING THE ZONING OF THAT PORTION .OF THAT GERTAIN PROPERTY LYING NORTH OF AND ABUTTING WEST 25th STREET AND BETWEEN GHASE AVENUE AND LAKE AVENUE FROM MR-2 (MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING) DISTRICT TO RMOI (MULTIPLE~,FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, OFFICE AND INSTI- TUTIONAL) DISTRICT, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. was introduced, placed on first reading and read in full. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Mayor . .. At res t: Ci~erk ~ MINUTEs City Commission, Bani?oral, Florida 19_____