HomeMy WebLinkAbout092881-Regular Session MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida September 28 at 7:00 P M. 19_ 81 MIDSTATE LRGAL SUPPLY COMPANy The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida,met in Regular Session in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on September 28, 1981. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Lee P. Moore Commissioner Milton E. Smith Commissioner Edward A. "Ned" Yancey Commissioner David T. Farr City Attorney William L. Colbert City Manager W. E. Knowles City Clerk H. N. Tamm, Jr. Absent: Commissioner Eddie O. Keith The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. A public hearing was held in accordance with notice published in the Evening Herald amSeptember 25, 1981, as follows: NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING - The City,~of ~Sanford has tentatively adopted a budge~ · for 1981-1982. A public hearing to make a FINAL DE- CISION on the budget AND TAXES will be held on Sep- tember 28, 1981 at 7:00 O'clock P. M. in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida. City of Sanford, Florida H. N. Tatum, Jr. City Clerk pUblish: September 25, 1981.. The Chairman announced that the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, the proposed budget and taxes. No one appeared. On motion of Commissioner Fart, seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried, Reso- lution No. 1308 was adopted. Said resolution being in words and figures as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, APPROPRIATING UNEXPENDED CASH SURPLUS ON HAND AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR 1980-1981 TO THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL GOVERNMENT OF SAID CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1981-1982 FOR USE OF ORDIN- ARY PURPOSES IN OPERATING EXPENSES OF SAID CITY. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, deems it necessary, expedient, and for the best interest of said City that any unexpended cash surplus as of September 30, 1981 of the operating revenues of said City for the fiscal~ year 1980-1981 be appropriated for the ordinary purposes and operating expenses of said City in the budget for the fiscal year 1981-1982, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, that any unexpended cash surplus as of September 30, 1981 of operating revenues of said City for the fiscal year 1980-1981, be and the same is hereby appro- priated to the Deoartment MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Se~_t_emb__.e_r 28 --at 7:00 P__L_M_~lg_ 81 the fiscal year 1981-1982, and said cash surplus shall be in- corporated in the budget of revenues and expenditures of said City for said fiscal year 1981-1982 for the ordinary purposes and operating expenses of Said City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall become effective as of the first day of October, i981. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of September, A.D., 1981. ATTE ST: s/ H. N. Tamm, Jr. 'CITY CLERK Lee P. Moore MAYOR s/ Milton E. Smith si si E. A. Yancey David T. Fart As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida On motion of Commissioner Yancey, secOnded by Commissionerl?/~a~rand carried, Reso- lution N°. 1309 was adopted. Said resolution being in words and figures as follows: .A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A BUDGET OF REVENUES AND EXPENDUTIRES FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BE- GINNING OCTOBER 1, 1981 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1982; AND CAPITAL BUDGET. WHEREAS, in accordance with Article VI of the Charter, as amended, of the City of Sanford, Florida, the City Manager of the C2ity of Sanford, Florida, has made and submitted to the City Comunission of the City of Sanford, Florida, an estimate for bud[~et of revenues and expenditures of the City of Sanford, Florida.,, for the fiscal yeat beginning October 1, 1981 and end- ing September 30, 1982, and a Capital budget, such estimates or budget haveing been made with particular application to the various, departments of the City, a true copy of which is hereto '~~'~ attache~ and by reference made a part of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, each and every item contained and set forth in Said budgets prepared by the City Manager has been carefully considered by this Commission, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, that said budget, as prepared and subraitted by the City Manager to the City Commission, be and the same is hereby adopted as the budget for the City of City Commission, Sanford, Florida be and the same is hereby adopted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, upon collection of ~any revenues of said City, the City Clerk shall allocate from each dollar collected and received, the several amounts to the respective funds for purposes for which the same are hereby authorized and approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall become effective as of the first day of October, 1981. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of September, A.D., 1981. ATTEST: /A /t 3_J Cit l C'o~;nission of the f Sanford, Florida On motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Yancey and carried, Reso- lution No. 1310 was adopted, and the City Manager was authorized to certify~to the Seminole County Property Appraiser the adjusted adopted tax rate upon notice from said office of any decrease in the certified taXable value in accordance with the Trim Bill, SB 18-2, FS 200.065 and within the three day time constraint. Said resolution being in words and figures as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, DETERMINING THE AMOUNT AND FIXING THE RATE OF TAXATION AND MAKING THE ANNUAL TAX LEVY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1981-82 FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLO RI DA. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, has determined a budget for the operation of the municipal, government of the City for the fiscal year 1981-82; and MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida September 28 at 7:00 P. M. _19_81 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, has determined that a tax levy on all taxable real and personal property of 5.875 mills should be levied by the City of Sanford, Florida, for the fiscal year 1981-82, from which levy the total sum of $1,157,303.00 is estimated to be collected. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE 'CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the amount determined necessary to be raised by taxation in the City of Sanford, Florida, for the year 1981-82 for the ordinary purposes of the municipality is the sum of $1,157,303.00. 2. That the millage for the year 1981-1982 to be assessed upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of all the taxable property, except homesteads to the extent that the laws of the State of Florida provide for various homestead exemptions, within the corporate limits of the City of Sanford, Florida, is hearby fixed at 5,875 mills, to be allocated as follows: Department of General Government, 5.875 mills. 3. That there shall be and is hereby levied for the fiscal year 1981-1982 upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable property, except homesteads to the extent that the laws of the State of Florida provide for various homestead exemp- tions, within the corporate limits of the City of Sanford, Floridaj a tax of 5.875 mills for the purpose of realizing a sum sufficient to meet ~nd defray the necessary and ordinary running and operat- ing expemses of'the City of Sanford, Florida, for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1981, and ending September 30, 1982. 4. This Resolution shall become effective October 1, 1981. A.D., 198;1. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of Se~ptember ATTEST: MAYOR City Commission, Sanford, Florida Sept_e_mber 28_at ~7:00 P~_~19 81_ A public hearing was held in acCordance with notice published in the Evening Herald on September 18, 1981, as follows: NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the Commission Room in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on September 28, 1981, to consider the adoption of an ordinance by the City of Sanford, Florida, title of which is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1573 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FROM THE ANTICIPATED REVENUES TO BE RECEIVED FRO~fCTHE REVENUE SHARING TRUST FUND OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DURING THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1981, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1982; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. A copy shall be available at the Office of the City Clerk for all persons desiring to examine the same. Ail parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at said hearing. · By order of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. H. N. Tamm, Jr. City Clerk Publish: September 18, 1981. The Chairman announced that the~ COmmission would hear from those persons present to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, the adoption of the ordinance. No one appeared. Ordinance No. 1573, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FROM THE ANTICIPATED REVENUES TO BE RECEIVED FROM-THE REVENUE SHARING TRUST FUND OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DURING THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1981, AND ENDI~ SEPTEMBER 30, 1982; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. introduced and placed on first reading at meeting of September 14, 1981, was next placed on final reading. After being read by title, the Chairman announced that the Commission would hear from those~persons, present to speak in favor of, or~in opposition to, the adoption of the ordinance. No one appeared · Commissioner Fart moved on the passage and adoption of Ordinance No. 1573. ded by Commissioner Yancey and carried. Secon- Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 1573, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FROM THE ANTICIPATED REVENUES TO BE RECEIVED FROM THE REVENUE SHARING TRUST FUND OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DURING THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1981,-AND MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida__September 28 at 7:00 P. M. _19 8!_ MIDRTATR T.F.G~I..qIIPPI.¥ A public hearing was held in accordance with notice published in the Evening Herald on September 18, 1981, as follows: NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the Commission Room int~he City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on September 28, 1981, to consider the adoption of an ordinance by the City of Sanford, Florida, title o:ff!which is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1574 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1981, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1982, PROVID- ING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. A copy shall be available at the Office of the City Clerk for all persons desiring to examine the same. Ail parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at said hearing. By order of the City Commission~of the City of Sanford, Florida. H. N. Tamm, Jr. City Clerk Publish: September 18, 1981. Ordinance No. 1574, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1981, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1982, PROVID- ING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. introduced and placed on first reading at meeting of September 14, 1981, was next placed on final reading. After being read by title, the Chairman announced that the COmmission would hear from those persons present to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, the pro- posed ordinance. No one appeared. Commissioner YanceY moved on the passage and adoption of Ordinance No. 1574. Seconded by Commissioner Fart and carried. Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission hf the City of Sanford, Florida, had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 1574, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1981, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1982, PROVID- ING FOR SEVERABILITY, ~CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. The next item of business was a public hearing, continued from meeting of Septem- ber 14, 1981, to consider a request for a conditional use of sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises at 1200 French Avenue. Said public hearing also held in accordance with notice mailed to Carlo's Italian Restaurant & Pizza, 1008 South French Ave- MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida September 2 a_~:O0 P. MM 1981_ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 3, Section 3,4 of the City of Sanford Code that a Public Hearing will be held at 7:00 o'clock P. M. in the City Commission Room, City Hall, to consider a request :for the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on prem- ises o Provisions of said section require a notice to be directed to exist- ing businesses already established for the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on premises locate~ithin 500 feet of the proposed establishment of the applicant. Date of Public Hearing: Applicant: Address: Business: September 28, 1981. Dale Gustafson. 1200 French Avenue. Sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises. Ail parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at said public .h:earing. By order of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida H. N. Tamm, Jr. City Clerk The Chairman announced that the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak in opposition to the request. Kenneth W. Mclntosh, Attorney with the firm of Stenstrom, Mclntosh, Julian, Colbert hnd Wh~gham, .ap.p~a~ed and~st.at:ed he represents 185 members of the First Shiloh.Missionary Baptist Church, and asked members of the church's Board of Trustees, Board of Directors and other members to stand and be recognized. Mr. Mclntosh stated that the church owns a 248 foot by 264 foot parcel of property located 23 steps from the property at 1200 French Avenue, and they propose to construct a church sanctuary and christian complex on the property; and further, the proposed conditional use would adversely affect the church's, use of it.s property, and other property in the area that is not a conditional use. Amos Jones, 1400 West E~ghth Street, appeared to oppose the proposed conditional use. Ernest Southward, Paola Road, Lake Mary, appeared to oppose the proposed condi- tional use. Douglas Luce, 1412 South Park Avenue, appeared to oppose the proposed conditional US e. -. Jim Garner, 500 Sout'h Park Avenue, appeared to oppose the proposed conditional use. The Chairman announced that the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak in favor of the proposedconditional use. Jack Bridges, Attorney with the firm of Clevelan& and Bridges.,,appeared to repre, sent Dale Gustafson, owner of property at 1200 South French Avenue, and stated that the prop- erty in the 17-92 'area has .been zoned commercial, and. that GC-2 zoning :is the highest and best' commercial use in the City, that the Planning and. Zoning Commission approved the site plan for a restaurant at 1200 South French Avenue; however, denied the~request for sale of MINUTES City Commission,: Sanford, Florida September 28_at 7:00 P. ~ 81__. dream and intent tO create'a countrY-western family reStaurant and lounge on the property, and has upgraded the building into Something extremely attractive. :Also,~that~.the Planning and Zoning Commission approved the package sale of beer and wine at the corner:Of 13th Street and French Avenue:. --: Fur. the~ ~' :'that: th~ :city::CommiSsion in :the'past,:has':waiVed' Section 3~4 of the City Code, and can waive.it this time.- Don. Williams, 1505 Magnolia Avenue, asked if there would be dancing at the proposed restaurant. The Mayor stated it was his understanding there would be dancing. Dale Gustafson, owner of the property at 1200 South French Avenue, appeared and stated he resides at 5405 Lake Jessamine Drive, Orlando, that he wants to operate a full- menu country-western restaurant, display interesting antiques, and if he is permitted to serve alcoholic beVerages, the bUSiness has a chance for success. He submitted a petition signed by approximately 150 people in favor of the proposed restaurant with sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises. Leroy McTavish, 205 Oakland'Avenue,-' Sanford, appeared in favor of the proposed conditional use. John Russell, 30301Magnolia Avenue,.'appeared'in. favor of the proposed conditional use. Andrew Kutz, 209 East 10th Street, appeared in favor of the proposed conditional use. .Commissioner smith moved to:deny the request-for conditional use for sale of atco.- holic beverages for consumption on the premises at 1200 French Avenue. Seconded by Commissiol Yancey and carried. A public hearing was held in accordance with notices authorized atr~:~meeting of September 14, 1981, t.o consider condemnation of three: structures or buildings on Condemna- tion Group 65, Reports Nos - 8-1-999:'t'hroUgh 81-1001. The Chairman announced that the Commis- sion would hear from property owners or .representatives thereof. A review of each indivi- dual report was as follows: CONDEMNATIONS Group 65 Report No. OWner Address 81-999 81-1000 81=10.01 Sanford Housing Authority Sanford Housing Authority Sanf'ord HOusing Authority 900 E. 8th St. 902 E. 8th St.- 904 E. 8th St. No one appeared. After consideration, Commissioner Farr .mo~ed .that finding the buildings under Condemnation Reports Nos. 81-999' through 81-1001 to be unsanitary, unsafe and delapidated, that said structures be condemned and the-owner~i~an 10 days in which to repair or demolish said structures; and if the structures are not repaired or demolished within 10 days, to authorize the City to demolish same 'and l~evy' a lien against the property. Seconded by Com- er missioner Smith and carried. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida September 28 at 7:00 P. M. .1981 Recommendations dated September 18, 1981 submitted from the Planning and Zoning Commission as follows: Recommend approval to rezone from MR-2 to GCC2, the property located north of-25th St., south of Country Club Road, east of Airport Boulevard and west of Old Lake Mary Road. The planned use of the property is for a shopping center. (Susan Stewart) Recommend approval of a Conditional Use for the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises in the GC-2 zoned district at 2545 French Ave. (The Rib Shack-Patricia Thompson) The City Clerk reported that Item ~)1 has been advertised for public hearing before the City Commission on October 12, 1981. Patricia Thompson, 201 Hickory Drive, Longwood, owner of The Rib Ranch, 2545 French Avenue, appeared to support the request for sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises at said restaurant. Commissioner Yancey moved to deny same. Seconded by Com- missioner Smith and carried over dissenting vote of Commissioner Fart. A public hearing was held in accordance with notice published in the Evening Herald on September 18, 1981, as follows: NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the Commission Room _in th~ City Hall in the City: of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on September 28, 1981, to consider ~the adoption of an ordinance by the. City of Sanford,-Florida, title of which is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1575 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING 'SECTION 2-5.I OF THE SANFORD CODE TO PERMIT TRAVEL EXPENSES FOR CITY OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES TO BE PAID AS PROVIDED BY THE GENERAL lAWS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. A copy shall be available at the Office of the City Clerk for all persons desiring to examine the same. Ail parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at said hearing. By order of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. H. N. Tamm, Jr. City Clerk Publish: September 18, 1981. Ordinance No. 1575, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING. SECTION 2~5.1 OF THE. SANFORD CODE TO PERMIT TRAVEL EXPENSES FOR CITY OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES TO BE PAID AS PROVIDED BY THE GENERAL lAWS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. introduced and placed on first reading at meeting of September 14, 1981, was next placed on final reading. After being read by title, the Chairman-announced that the City Commission would hear from those persons present to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, the adoption MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida September 28 at_2~00 P_~ __19. 81 of the ordinance. ~o one appeared. Commi~§iomer Fart moved on the passage and adoption of Ordinance No. 1575. Secon- ded by Commissioner Smith and carried. Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, ~Florida, had passed' and' adopted' said Ordinance'No.~ 1575, ' entitled': · AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 2-5.1 OF THE SANFORD CODE TO PERMIT TRAVEL EXPENSES FOR CITY OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES TO BE PAID AS PROVIDED BY THE GENERAL ' '.'-' ' '- ' LAWS OF THE'.' STATE OF. FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR' ~. · SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. A public hearing was held in accordance with notice published in the Evening Herald on September 18, 1981, as follows: NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION · - OF A'N ORDINANCE BY THE, CITY OF' SANFORD,, FLORIDA's., Notice is hereby given that a P~blic Hearing will .be held at: the Commission Room in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at · '. 7':00 o'clock'P. M. on Sept'ember"28~ 1981, to'consider the. adoption ~ of an ordinance by the City of Sanford, Florida, title 'of which is as follows: ' · . ORDINANCE NO. 15 76 ~N ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1097, SAID ORDINANCE BEING T:HE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, PROVIDING A DE- FINITION OF: "MINX-WAREHOUSE"; PROVIDING OFF- STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. A copy shall be available at the Office of the City Clerk for all persons desiring to examine the same. All parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at said hearing. ' By order of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. H. N. Tamm,Jr. ~ i. ~ City Clerk Publish: September 18, 1981. Ordinance No. 1576, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE"NO. 1097, SAID ORDINANCE BEING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, PROVIDING A DE- ,, ,! FINITION OF MINI-WAREHOUSE ; PROVIDING OFF- STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. introduced and placed on first reading at meeting of September 14, 1981, was next placed on final reading. After being read by title, the Chairman announced that the Co~ssion would hear from those persons 'present~ to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, the adoption of the ordinance. No one appeared. ~' ~C0mmissioner Yancey moved on the passage and adoption of'~Ordinance No. 1576. '~SeConded by Commissioner Smith and carried. -~ ~ .. Thereupon, ~the' Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida_ Septe_m_ber 28 a_.t_l:00 P_~_M. _1981_ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1097, SAID ORDINANCE BEING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, PROVIDING A DE- FINITION OF "MINI-WAREHOUSE"; PROVIDING OFF- STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. A public hearing was held in accordance with notice published in the Evening Herald on September 18, 1981, as follows: NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the Commission Room in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on September 28, 1981, to consider the adoption of an ordinance by the City of 8anford, Florida, title of which is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1577 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, VACATING THAT CERTAIN ALLEY LYING NORTH AND SOUTH BETWEEN 8TH STREET AND 9TH STREET AND BETWEEN BAY AVENUE AND MELLONVILLE AVENUE; RESERVING UNTO THE CITY A UTILITY EASEMENT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. A copy shall be available at the Office of the City Clerk for all persons desiring to examine the same. Ail parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at said hearing. By order of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. H. N. Tamm, Jr. City Clerk Publish: September 18, 1981. Ordinance No. 1577, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, VACATING THAT CERTAIN ALLEY LYING NORTH AND SOUTH BETWEEN 8TH STREET AND 9TH STREET AND BETWEEN BAY AVENUE AND MELLONVILLE AVENUE: RESERVING UNTO THE CITY A UTILITY EASEMENT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. introduced and placed on first reading at meeting of September 14, 1981, was next placed on final reading. After being read by title, the Chairman announced that the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, the adop- tion of the ordinance. No one appeared. Commissioner Fart moved on the passage and adoption of Ordinance No. 1577. Secon- ded by Commissioner Yancey and carried. Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 1577, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, VACATING THAT CERTAIN ALLEY LYING NORTH AND SOUTH BETWEEN 8TH STREET AND 9TH STREET AND BETWEEN BAY AVENUE AND MELLONVILLE AVENUE: RESERVING UNTO THE CITY A UTILITY EASEMENT; MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florids September 28 at 7:00 P. M. 19. 81 IIIBqT,~TP T T~"-AT CITT~T::}T V c'OMpA'NiY as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE. CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR A CHARGE OF A FEE FOR ANNEXA- TION REQUESTS INTO THE CORPORATE CITY LIMITS. WHEREAS, the City receives on a regular basis, re- quests for~ annexation into thecorporate city limits; and WHEREAS, Florida Statutes and the City Code provides that publication of such requests is required prior to holding a public hearing; and WHEREAS, the Cost of publishing said notice should be borne by:-th~-;applicant for annexation and~nd~ by the general fund of. the ~ity, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, that a fee for annexation is hereby established;'said fee to-be $150~00 for each annexation request. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, this 28thday of September A.D., 1981. MAYO R ATTEST c rF3RX As the City'Commission of the ~i~y of Sanford, Florida On motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Farr and carried, Minutes of September 14 and 16, 1981 were approved. The Mayor moved to appoint Darrell Grieme, 1200 West 20th Street, Sanford, and Clyde H. "Robbie" Robertson, Jr., P. O. Box 635, Sanford, to the Advisory Charter Committee. Seconded by Commissioner Yancey and carried. The City Manager reported that Tom Rucker, holder of an option dated January 28, 1980, to purchase a portion of Lake Monroe Industrial Park and Lake Monroe Industrial Park Amended Plat, has requested another 90 day extension from October 1, 1981, to exercise this option, in consideration of an additional $10,000.00 non-returnable binder, making a total binder of $33,000.00. Commissioner Fart moved to accept the additional $10,000.00 binder, for a 60 day extension for Mr. Rucker to exercise his option, and to instruct the City Mana- MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida September 28 at 7:00 P.M. ]9_81 extension, and to notify Mr. Rucker there will be no furthe~ extensions. Seconded by Com- missioner Smith and carried. The City Manager submitted a tabulation of bids for 25 high pressure sodium vapor street light fixtureS as follows: Consolidated Electric Supply Jones Electric $179.20 each $124.26 each ~' $4 480 O0 = $3,106.50 On recommendation of the City Manager· Commissioner Fart moved to accept low bid in amount of $124.26 each, from Jones Electric Supply, and to authorize the purchase of 31 units for total amount of $3,852.06. Seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Fart moved to authorize salary reclassifications as follows: Edward Hayden, from Police Lieutenant E to F, $20,962.00 annual. Johnny Parker, from Police Lieutenant E to F, $20,962.00 annual. Paul ~hitley, from Police Lieutenant E to F, $20,962.00 annual. Michael C. Hoeming from Firefighter E to F, $17,524.50 annual. Seconded by Commissioner Yancey and carried. Statement in amount of $975.00 submitted from the City Attorney for services for the month of August, 1981. Commissioner Fart moved to authorize payment of same. Seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried. The City Manager reported that the employees claims for group health insurance, administered by the Gulf Life Insurance Company, continue to exceed premiums, and that there may be a rate increase in January, 1982. The City Manager reported that the City may receive an additional $19,307.00 in federal Revenue Sharing funds for FY 9/30/82, which he suggested be placed in contingency. The City Manager reported that on September 10, 1981, tBe Florida Department of Environmental Regulation approved a modified plan for removal of chemical wastes from the chemical storage site on Jewett Lane, and the Department of Environmental Regulation attorneys and accountants are reviewing City Chemical Industries' financial records. On motion of Commissioner Fart, seconded by Commissioner Yancey and carried, Ordi- nance No. 1578, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, RESCINDING ORDINANCE NO. 1534, SAID ORDINANCE ADOPTING A SALARY CLASSIFICATION P~N . EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 1981, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. was introduced and placed on first reading. The City Manager submitted Condemnation Group 66, Reports Nos. 81-1002 through On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Fart moved to authorize a 81-1013. public hearing to be held October 12, 1981 to consider same, and notices to be sent to the property owners. Seconded by Commissioner Yancey and carried. MINUTES City Commission; Sanford, Florida September 28 at '~ P~.__~ ..... 81 MIDSTATE l~c'~I eTT1D~DT V Pnl~/~PA~,lV The City Manager reported that on October 31, 1981 at 10:00 A. M., the City will auction Community Development Block Grant items at City Hall, and at Building 332 at the Sanford Airport. Letter dated September 28, 1981 next submitted from Tommy Fonseca, Golf Director fOr Mayfair Country Club, setting forth programs completed and to be undertaken for main- tenance and improvements~t.o the golf course. Mr. Fonseca stated progress was being made toward issuance of Industrial. Revenue Bonds in amount of $500,000f. 00,so as to condense into 18 months the proposed pro forma, instead of five years. On motion of Commissioner. Fart, seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried, Ordi- nance No. 1579, entitled: 4N ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, VACATING AND ABANDONING A PORTION OF PALMETTO AVENUE BETWEEN EAST 28TH STREET AND EAST 28TH PLACE, RESERVING UNTO THE CITY A UTILITY EASE- MENT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, !CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. was introduced and placed on first reading. On motion of CommisSioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Yancey and carried, Resolution No. 1312 was introduced and adopted. as follows: Said resolution being in words and figures A RESOLUTION OF THE'CITY OF SANFORD,'~FLORIDA, AMENDING THE FEE SCHEDULE FOR BUILDING PER- MITS, MOBILE HOME PERMITS AND ELECTRICAL PER- MITS AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section 6-3 of the Sanford City Code pro- vides for the establishment of b~ilding permit fees; and WHEREAS, Section 8-14 of the Sanford City Code pro- vides for the establishment of electrical permit fees; and WHEREAS, the last adjustment to the fee schedule was in 1974 and cost of providing inspections and enforcemen~ Services haVe risen SUb~ant~iy, · NOW, T~E~FORE, BE IT RESoLvED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. The charge for building permit fees is amended to-read as follows: BUILDING PEPd4IT FEES VALUATION DETERMINATION Residental Carports (add:Porch) Garage Commercial Buildings Warehouses $23.00/sq. ft. $10.00/sq. ft. $15.00/sq. ft. 725.00/sq. ft. $15.00/sq. ft. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida__ S eptm_mJae~_t 7 ~00 P_. e ed to read as follows: MOBILE HOME PERMIT FEES Electrical hookup $ 5.00 Mechanical hookup $ 5.00 Plumbing o $ 5.00 3. The charge for electrical permit fees is amend- The charge for blobile Home permit fees is amend- $.10.00 $ 6.00 ed to read as follows: ELECTRICAL FEES Alteration, Addition, Repair Change of Service New Residence 1-100 amp service, per residential unit 101-201 amp service, per residential unit 201 and up amp service, per residential unit New Commercial Per amp service, per occupied unit All signs Mobile Home connection Factory-built Housing $20.00 $25.O0 $30.00 $ .15 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $10.00/unit 1, 1981. 1981. This Resolution shall become effective OCtober PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of September, A.D., s/ Lee P. Moore ~AYOR iATTEST: j_~. N. Tamm, Jr. CITY CLERK s/ Milton E. Smith sJ E. A. Yancey s/ David T. Fart As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida On motion of Commissioner Farr, seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried, Ordi- nance No. 1580, entitled: MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Septe_m_b_e__r 28 a_L2:00 P. _M~__].9 81_ ).ff!D~_TATE LEGAL _eUPPLY COMPAb'IY AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1557 WHICH PREVIOUSLY AMENDED ORDINANCE NO. 1097, ARTICLE II, SECTION 12-1(a), TO EXEMPT HOME OCCUPATIONS FROM A PUB- LIC HEARING ON AN APPLICATION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. was introduced and placed on first reading. Letter Submitted from G. E. Kaiser, Director, Department of Public Safety for Seminole County, stating that on July 13, 1981, Seminole County appointed Mr. Harry Pinkman as Disaster Preparedness Coordinator for the Seminole County Civil Defense function, and asking the City to appoint a representative to a Disaster Preparedness Advisory Board. Com- missioner Smith moved to appoint the City Manager, ,:om his designee., an~. tO notffy Gary Kaiser of same. Seconded by Commissioner Yancey and carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. MAYOR ATTEST: js MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida September 28 at 7:00 P. ~ ...... 19. 81 MIIJS'I'A'I'/~ LEGAL ~[JPPLY ~C)MPY~NY ANTICIPATED ~ - GENERAL ~ 1981-82 1-01-11100-3 Current Ad Valor~ Taxes (5.875) $ 1,157,303. 11200-1 Delinquent A~ Valor~n Taxes 2,000.  13100-1 Electric Franchise 602,000. .... 13200-9 Telephone Franchise 25,300. 13400-5 Gas Franchise 4,600. 13500-2 CA/V Franchise 22,500. 13901-2 Marina Franchise 11~000. tt 13902-0 Motel Franchise 22,015. 13903-8 Marina Development Franchise 5,000. 14000-2 Utility Service Tax 958,600. 19090-8 Penalty/Int.-Delinquent Taxes 1,200. 21010-2 Professional & Occupational Licenses 97,000. 21020-1 Occupational Registration CTF 2,300. 21080-5 License &Pennit Transfer Fee 100. 21090-4 Penalty on Delinquent License 1,200. 22010-1 Building Inspection Permits 38,000. 22020-0 Plumbing Inspection Permits 7,500. 22030-9 Electrical Inspection Permits 9,000. 22040-8 Mechanical Inspection Permits 5,000. i 22090-3 Certificate of Cc~pe~cy 9,000. 35110-4 Cigarette Tax 109,500. 35120-3 State Revenue Sharing 804,000. 35140-1 Mobile H~ne Licenses 10,000. 35150-0 Alcoholic Beverage License 14,500. 35170-8 Ada~tiona! Homestead Ex~otion 35171-6 Fur~Jng Inventory Differential 19,075. 35410-8 Fuel Tax P~fund 3,800. 38110-1 .Occupational Licenses - County Shared 38,000. 38410-5 Road & Bridge Taxes 4,536. 39010-2 Sanford Housing Authority 7,000. 41200-5 Zcnin~ Public Hearing Fee, Ads. 2,200. ~ 41300-3 Sale of Supplies - Maps 850. 43810-9 Care Of Cemetery Lots 4,200' 43910-7 Lot M~ng/Cl~ 600. 43920-6 Derolitimn of Co~ Bldgs. 2,000' 47211-6 Ncn-Resident Fee - Recreation 1,100. 1-01-47530-9 Civic Center Use Fees $ 16,000, 51100-4 Court Fines 60,000. 61100-2 Interest Earned .96,327. 62000-3 Rents 5,000. 64410-2 Sale of Surplus Furniture, MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida_ September 28 at 7:00 P. M. _19 81 82040-5 82045-4 89010-1 99901-9 Contribution frc~ Refuse Fund Contribution frcm Utility Fund Non-Operation Revenue Co_~h Balance Brought Forward CITY COMMISSION 2-Ol-Ollll-1 01112-9 Oll21-O 01211-9 01221-8 01231-7 01318-2 01402-4 01452-9 01472-7 01529-4 01541-9 01545-0 Salary $ Commissioner Expense Salary/ Charter Revision FICA Pension Contribution-FRS Medical, Hosp.,Life Insurance Charter Revision Comte/Expense Per Diem & Travel Conferences Insurance/Pub°Liability & Opr(s) Duplicating Charges/ Xerox Miscellaneous Dues & Memberships Conference/Registration TOTAL.. CITY MANAGER 2-01-02121-9 Salary 02158-1 Longevity Pay 02211-8 FICA 02221-7 Pension Contribution/FRS 02231-6 Medical,Hosp.,Life Insurance 02241-5 Workmen's Compensation 02316-5 Med. & Dental,Drivers Physicals 02402-3 Per Diem & Travel/Conference 02407-2 Auto Allowance/Monthly 02411-4 Telephone & Telegraph 02412-2 Radios & Base Sta. Maint. 02421-3 Postage 02452-8 INS./Pub. Liability & Opr.s 02461-9 Office Equip. Mainto & Service "02471-8 Printing & Bind'i'ng'~ 02472-6 Duplicating Charges/Xerox 02511-1 Office Supplies 02529-3 Non-Classified Supplies 02541-8 Dues & Membership 83,978. 40,000. 1,000. 280,217. $ 4,938,454. 1981-82 12,600. I , 000. 500. 1,038. 1,722. 2,655. 500 o 500. 5,851. 675 o 2,0O0. 3,405. 150. $ 32,596. $ 48,894. 660. 2,756. 5,470. 2,268. 3. 6. 2,223. 2,890. 1,653. 130. 723. 1,027. 150. 240, 2,120o 600. 185. 375. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida September 28 at 7:00 P. M. 19.81 LEGAL EXPENSE 2-01-03131-7 03231-5 03311-5 03319-8 03402-2 .03411-3 03452-7 03472-5 03493-1 03511-0 03542-5 03545-8 FINANCE DEPT. 2-01-04121-7 04158-9 04211-6 04221-5 04231-4 0424i-3 04312-2 04321-3 04344-5 04349-4 04402-1 04411-2 04413-8 04421-1 04452-6 '04453-4 04461-7 04463-3 04471-6 04472-4 04491-4 04511-9 04521-8 04529-1 04541-6 Other Personal Services Medical,Hosp.,Life Insurance Special Legal Services City (Lawsuits, Hearings) Attorney Special Legal Services (Work Comp/Labor Relations) Per Diem & Travel/ Conference Telephone INSo-Public Liability & Opros Duplicating Charges/ Xerox Judgements & Damages Office Supplies Subscriptions & Books Conference/ Registration 1981-82 $ 9,825. · 537. 11 , 000 o 6,000. 219. 60. 743. 5. 200 o lO0. 75. 25. TOTAL.. $ 28,789. 198 -82 Salary Longevity Pay FICA Pension Contribution/FRS Medical,Hospo,Life Ins. Workmen's Compensation Appraisal Audit Data Processing Other Contractual Services Per Diem & Travel/Conference Telephone & Telegraph Ser. Xerox Alarm System Postage INSo/Pubo Liability & OproS Automotive Insurance Office Equip./Maint. & Motor Veh. Repair Parts Printing & Binding Duplicating Charges/ Legal .Advertising Office Supplies Gasoline & Lubricants Non,Classified Supplies Dues & Membership $ 148,344. 1,224. 10,540. 16,370. 6,~83. 9 · 200 o 7,500. 15,194. 520. 1,055. i 2,821 . 242· 2,550. 1,972· 403. 1,091 . 100. 4,750. 925. 2,950. 1,900. 925. 190. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida September 28 at 7:00 P. CIVIL SERVICE 2-01-05121-6 0521l-5 05221-4 05231-3 05241-2 05402-0 05411-1 05421-0 05452-5 05461-6 05471-5 05472-3 05491-3 05499-6 05511-8 05541-5 05542-3 05545-6 05544-9 Salary FICA Pension Contribution - FRS Medical, Hospital, Life Insurance Workmen's Compensation Per Diem & Travel - Conference Telephone & Telegraph Postage Insurance Public Liability & Operations Office Equip. Maint & Service Printing & Binding Duplicating Charges (Xerox) Adverti s i n g. 'L Other MiScellaneous Office Supplies Dues & Membership Subscriptions & Boq~i Conference - Regisi~ration Schooling-Tuition, & Books TOTAL ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER/PURCHASING 2-01-06121-5 06211-4 06221 -3 06231 -2 06241 -1 06316-1 06402-9 06407-8 06411-0 06412-8 06421 -9 06452-4 06461 -5 06471 -4 06472-2 06511-7 06541 -4 06542-2 06544-8 06545-5 Salary FICA Pension Contribution - Medical, Hospital, Life Workmen's Compensation Medical & Dental/ Drivers Per Diem & Travel Auto Allowance - Telephone & Radio Postage FRS Insurance Physical - Conference Monthly Telegraph Insurance-Public Liability & Oper. Office Equip. Maint. & Service Printing & Binding Duplicating Charges (Xerox) Office Supplies Dues & Membership Subscriptions & Books Schooling-Tuition, Books & Supplies Conference Registration 1981-82 $ 10,372. 690. 1,145. 531. 1. 165. 201. 278. 75. lO0. 196. 540. 500. 10. 150. 50. 50. 180. 90. $ 15,324. 198!-82 51,559. 3,429. 5,690. 2,259. 3. 3. 410. 2,769. 676. 72. 195. 352. 100. 100. 1,O00. 350. 85. 60. 200. 120. ptember 28 O0 City Commission, Manford. Florida o.M~=Lav~ ~o ~ t; uu £. m. 29. oz PERSONNEL/ EEO 1981-82 2-01-07121-4 Salary $ 17,552. 07211-3 FICA 1,167. 07221-2 Pension Contribution - FRS 1,938. 07231-1 Medical, Hospital, Life Insurance 621. 07241-0 Workmen's Compensation 1. 07402-8 Per Diem & Travel - Conference 200. 07411-9 Telephone & Telegraph 448. 07421-8 Postage 59. 07452-3 Insurance-Pub. Liability & Oper. 141. 07461-4 Office Equip. Maint. & Service 55. 07471-3 Printing & Binding 250. 07472-1 Duplicating Charges (Xerox) 350. 07511-6 Office Supplies 215. 07541-3 Dues & Membership 147. 07542-1 Subscriptions & Books 51. 07544-7 Schooling-Tuition, Books & Supplies 288. 07545-4 Conference - Registration lO0'. 07646-0 Office Equip./Furn. Additional 130. TOTAL $ 23,713. PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RELATIONS COMMISSION (PERC) 2-01-09131-1 Other Personal Services $ 480. 09319-2 Special Legal Services PERC Counsel 2,200. 09421-6 Postage 34. 09452-1 Insurance-Pub. Liability Oper. ll. 09511-4 Office Supplies 25. ~ TOTAL $ 2,750. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1981-82 2-01-10121-9 Salary $ 58,732. 10158-1 Longevity Pay 276. 10211-8 FICA 3,924. 10221-7 Pension Contribution - FRS 6,512. 10231-6 Medical, Hospital, Life Insurance 1,994. 10241-5 Workmen's Compensation 3. 10316-5 Medical & Dental/Drivers Physical 12. 10402-3 Per Diem & Travel - Conference 386. 10411-4 Telephone & Telegraph 1,295. 10412-2 Radio 72. 10421-3 Postage 84. 10452-8 Insurance-Public Liability & Oper. 472. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida September 28 at 7:00 P. M. 1981 10471-8 Printing & Binding 10472-6 Duplicating Charges (Xerox) 10473-4 Other Reproduction Costs 10511-1 Office Supplies 10521-0 Gasoline & Lubricants 10528-5 Miscellaneous Supplies 10541-8 Dues & Membership 10542-6 Subscriptions & Books 10545-9 Conference Registration STAFF - BUILDING CODES & ZONING 2-Ol-lll21-8 Salary 11158-0 Longevity Pay ll211-7 FICA 11221-6 Pension 11231-5 Medical, 11241-4 Workmen' 11316-4 Medical & 11402-2 11407-1 ll411-3 11412-1 11421-2 11452-7 11461-8 11471-7 11472-5 11473-3 11491-5 11511-0 11529-2 11541-7 1!542-5 11544-1 11545-8 TOTAL Contribution - FRS Hospital, Life Ins. s Compensation Dental/Drivers Physical Per Diem & Travel - Conference Auto Allowance - Monthly Telephone & Telegraph Radio Postage Insurance-Pub. Office Equip. Liability & Oper. Maint. & Service Printing & Binding Duplicating Charges Other Reproduction Legal Advertising Office Supplies (Xerox) Costs Non-Classified Supplies Dues & Membership Subscriptions & Books Schooling-Tuition, Books Conference - Registration PUBLIC HEALTH 2-01-13131 -5 13231-3 1 3452-5 TOTAL Other Personal Services .Medical,Hosp.,Life Insurance Ins.-Public Liability & Oper. Supp. 50. 200. 305. 460. 765. 25. 191. 40. 495. $ 77,170. 1981-82 88,993. 420. 5,946. 9,822. 2,799. 38. 24. 70. 11,369. 1,545. 470. 1,050. 789. 50. 400. 700. 100. 890. 320. 60. 145. 175. 120. 185. 1 26,480. $ 6,106. 157. 54. City Commission, Sanford, Florida September 28 at 7 :_0_0 P~. M~__1981 POLICE - ADMINISTRATION 1981-82 22463-1 22467-2 22468-0 22469-8 22471-4 22472-2 22511-7 22521-6 22524-0 22526-5 22527-3 2-01-22528-1 22529-9 22541-4 22542-2 22641-'2 Repai r/Pt. 1,116. Motor Vehicle Repair/Parts 1,200. Bldg. Material & Supplies 152. Misc. Repairs & Maint. 50. Other Repairs & Maint. 650. Printing & Binding 2,789. Duplicating Charges (Xerox) 44. Office Supplies 2,481. Gasoline & Lubricants 8,253. Janitor Supplies 1,225. *Uniforms & Clothing 1,881. Sma~]_..~Tools & Minor Equip. 100. Miscellaneous Supplies $ 3,626. Non-Classified Supplies 4,575. Dues & Membership 90. Subscriptions & Books 191. Motor Vehicular Replacement 7,606. 2-01-22121-5 Salary $211,770. 22151-2 Special Pay-Poli ce *Stand. Bd. 3,480. 22152-0 Special Pay-Firearms Qual. 180. 22'158-7 Longevity Pay 672. 22211-4 FICA 14,368. 22221-3 Pension Contribution - FRS 13,508. 22223-9 Police Pension 8,937. 22231-2 Medical, Hosp., Life Ins. 9,010. 22241-1 Workmen' s Compensation 218. 22251-0 Unemployment Compensation t00. 22316-1 Medical & Dental - Drivers Phy. 384. 22332-8 Court Reporter Serv. Other 400. 22406-0 Per Diem & Travel - Other Than Empl. Train. 30. 22411-0 Telephone & Telegraoh 9,057. 22412-8 Radios & Base Station 2,424. 22421-9 Postage 611. 22431-8 Electricity 24,626. 22432-6 Water & Sewer Serv. 390. 22433-4 Heating, Cooking, Other Fuels 36. 22451-6 Ins. Building & Contents 967. 22452-4 Ins. - Public Liability & Operations 1,027. 22453-2 Ins. - Automotive & Equip. 1,532. 22461-5 Office Equip. Maint. & Serv. 2,007. 22462-3 Installed Bldg. Equip. · .MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida S_ept ember 2 8__at 7~0_0 ?. _19 81 POLICE - UNIFORM 2-01-23121-4 23151-1 23152-9 23'153-7 23158-6 23211-3 23223-8 23231-1 23241-0 23251-9 23411-9 23412-7 23452-3 23453-1 234.63-0 23468-9 23491-1 23521-5 23525-6 23526-4 23527-2 23528-0 23529-8 23641-1 23648-6 Salary Special Pay Special Pay Special Pay - Police Stand Bd. - Firemens Qual. - Court Appearance Longevity Pay FICA Police Pension Medical, Hosp., Life Ins. Workmen's Comp. Unemployment Comp. Telephone & Telegraph Radio Ins. - Public Liability & Operations Ins. - Automotive & Equip. Motor Vehicle Repair/Parts Misc. Repairs & Maint. Legal Advertising Gasoline & Lubricants Uniforms & Clothing Protective Clothing Small Tools & Mi nor Equip. Miscellaneous Supplies Non-Classified Supplies Motor Vehicular Replacement Machinery/Equip. Additional TOTAL POLICE - INVESTIGATION 2-01-24121-3 Salary 24151-0 Special Pay Police Standards Board 24152-8 Special Pay- Firearms Qualification 24158-5 Longevity Pay 24211-2 FICA 24221-1 Pension Contribution - FRS 24223-7 Police Pension 24231-0 Medical, Hosp., Life Ins. 24241-9 Workmen's Comp. 24406-8 Travel Other Than Employee 24411-8 Telephone & Telegraph 1981-82 $660,142. 24,390. 900. 1,925. 2,016. 45,866. 70,037. 20,192. 5,000. 500. 1,010. 3,833. 8,738. 7,222. 20,400. 360. 25. 57,471. 11,145. 869. 400. 325. 50. 30,426. 1,114. $974,356. 1981-82 $160,096. 6,540. Training 135. 792. 11,143. 1,187. 14,935. 4,725. 56. 300. 4,601. City Commission, Sanford, Florida Sept emb er 28 at 7:00 P. M. 19. 81 24453-O 24461-3 24463-9 24468-8 24471-2 24472-0 24492-8 24499-3 24521-4 24525-5 24528-9 24541-2 24542-0 24641-0 24645-1 24648-5 FIRE DEPARTMENT 2-01-30121-5 30155-3 30158-7 .30211-4 30221-3 30222-1 30231-2 30241-1 30251-0 30316-1 30343-5 30401-1 30402-9 30411-0 30412-8 30421-9 30431-8 30432-6 30433-4 30445-8 30451-6 30452-4 30453-2 30461-5 Ins. - Automotive & Equip. Office Equip. Maint. & Service Motor Vehicle Repair & Parts Mi sc. Repairs & Maint. Printing & Binding Duplicating Charges (Xerox) Information Services Non-Classified Supplies Gas & Lubricants Uniforms & Clothing Miscellaneous Supplies Dues & Membership Subscriptions & Books Motor Vehicular Replacement Office Equip./Furn. Replace. Machinery/Equip. Additional Salary Special Pay-EMT Longevity Pay FICA Pension Firemen Contribution-FRS Pension Fund Med., Hosp., Life Ins. Workmen's Compensation Unemployment Compensation Med.&Dental-Drivers Physicals Laundry & Sanitation Services Per Diem & Travel-Schools Per Diem & Travel-Conference Telephone & Telegraph Radio & Base Station Postage Electricity Water & Sewer S~rvice Heating & Cooking Fuels Hydrant Rental TOTAL Insurance-Building & Contents Insurance-Pub. Liability & Operations Insurance-Automotive & Equipment Office Equip. Maint. & Service' 3,176. 150. 1,802. 100. 176. 100. 2,000. 200. '8,453. 2,000. 600. 60. 92. 6,786. 100. 190. $233,967. 1981-82 $738,664. 2,640. 5,004. 49,630. 2,937. 71,970. 22,983. 10,500. 200. 18. 2,238. 140.! 355. 5,535. 2,224. 56. 10,445. 460. 264. 28,650. 307. 6,965. 4,647. 175. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida. September 28 at 7:00 P. M. .1981 ~,a'rn~mAm'~' 'r '~C'_~T ~'r[ppT,y FIOMPANY 30471-4 30472-2 30491-2 30511-7 30521-6 30522 -4 30523-2 30524-0 2-01-30525-7 30526-5 30527-3 30529-9 30541-4 30542-2 30544-8 30545-5 30641-2 30645-3 30647-9 Printing & Binding Duplicating Charges(Xerox) Legal Ads Office Supplies Gasoline & Lubricants Chemicals Drugs, Med. & Lab Supplies Janitor, Household Supplies Uniform/Clothing Protective Clothing Small Tools & Mi nor Equip. Non-Classified Supplies Dues & Membership Subscriptions & Books Schooling-Tuition,Books & Conference,Registration Motor Vehicular Replacement Office Equip/Furniture Replace Other Machinery/Equip. Replace Supplies PUBLIC WORKS 2,01-40121-3 40158-5 40211-2 40221-1 40231-0 40241-9 40407-6 40411-8 40412-6 40421-7 40452-2 40461-3 40471-2 40472-0 40511-5 40541-2 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION Salary Longevity Pay FICA Pension Contribution-FRS Med., Hosp., Life Insurance Workmen's Compensation Auto Allowance-Monthly Telephone & Telegraph Radio & Base Station Postage Insurance-Pub. Liability & Opr. Office Eouip. Maint. & Service Printing & Binding Duplicating Charges Office Supplies Dues & Membership (Xerox) PUBLIC WORKS SHOP 2-01-42121-1 Salary 42211-0 FICA TOTAL 275. 165. 15. 275. 13,000. 1,230. 500. 1,425. 6,714. 2,145. 360. 400. 695. 234. 4,132. 130. 57,346. 327. 5,345. $1,070,241. 1981-82 $ 38,967. 412. 2,525. 4,191. 1,233. 2. 2,666. 1,047. 292. 154. 327. 50. 355. 51. 191. 55. $ 52,518. $ 88,270. 5.870. City Commission, Sanford, Florida September 28 at 7:00 .~9 81 MID~'I'ATP: LEGAL SUPPLY UUML~ANY 42241-7 42251-6 42411-6 '42412-4 42431-4 42432-2 42433-0 42451-2 42452-0 42453-8 42462-9 42463-7 42465-2 42467-8 42471-0 42472-8 42511-3 42521-2 42522-0 42524-6 42525-3 42526-1 42527-9 42529-5 2-01-42542-8 42544-4 42641-8 42647-5 42648-3 Workmens' Compensation Unemployment Compensation Telephone & Telegraph Radio Electricity Water & Sewer Services Heating Fuel Insurance-Buildings & Ins.-Public Liability Ins.-Automotive & Equipment Installed Bldg. Equip. Repair Parts Motor Vehicle Repair & Parts Equipment Repair & Parts Building Materials & Supplies Printing & Binding Duplicating Charges Office Supplies Gasoline, Diesel & Chemicals Janitor, Household Uniforms/Clothing Protective Clothing (Xerox) Lubricants Supplies Small Tools & Minor Equipment Non Classified Supplies Subscriptions & Books Contents & Operations Schooling-Tuition,Books,&Supplies Motor Vehicular Replacement Other Machinery/Equip. Replace. Other Mach./Equip. Addition TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 2-01-46121-7 46158-9 46211-6 46221-5 46231-4 46241-3 46251-2 46316-3 46341-1 46342-9 MAINTENANCE Salary Longevity Pay FICA Pension Contribution-FRS Med., Hosp., Life Ins. Workmens' Compensation Unemployment Compensation Med.& Dental; Drivers Physicals Janitorial/Custodial Services Pest Control 416. 300. 938. 50. 2,400. 579. 500. 314. 795. 874. 1,873. 568. 1,200. 100. 150. 100. 313. 3,450. 990. 845. 1,055. 36. 1,043. 25. $ 118. 364. 5,661. 782. 5,250. $142,473. $ 98,141. 312. 6,547. 10,831. 4,859. 303. 200. 24. 1,20.0. 540. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida S ep t emb er 28 at 7:00 .1981 ~,,~n~TATR LEGAl..qlIPPI.¥ COMPANY 46432-8 Water & Sewer Service 46433-6 Heating Fuel 46451-8 Insurance-Building & Contents 46452-6 Insurance-Pub. Liability & Oprs. 46453-4 Insurance-Automotive & Equip. 46462-5 Installed Bldg. Equip. Repair and Parts 46463-3 Motor Vehicle Repair & Parts 46467-4 Building Material & Supplies 46468-2 Misc. Repairs & Maintenance 46472-4 Duplicating Charges(Xerox) 46499-7 Non-Classified Expense 2-01-46511-9 46521-8 46522-6 46524-2 46525-9 46528-7 46527-5 46529-1 46532-5 46544-0 46647-1 46648-9 Office Supplies Gasoline & Lubricants Chemicals Janitor/Household Supplies Uniforms & Clothing Protective Clothing Small Tools & Minor Equipment Non-Classified Supplies Street Lights/Signals Schooling-Tuition,Books,&Supplies Other Machinery/Equip. Replace. Other Machinery/Equip. Addition PUBLIC WORKS - STREETS TOTAL 2-01-47121-6 Salary $ 47158-8 Longevity Pay 47211-5 FICA 47221-4 Pension Contribution-FRS 47231-3 Medical, Hosp.,Life Insurance 47241-2 Workmens' Compensation 47251-1 Unemployment Compensation 47342-8 Pest Control 47411-1 Telephone & Telegraph 47412-9 Radio 47431,9 E1 ectri city 47432-7 Water & Sewer Services 47452-5 Ins.-Public Liability & Operations 47453-3 Ins.-Automotive & Equipment 47461-6 Office Equip. Maint. & Service 3,076. 80. 2,965. 2,285. 1,295. 2,571. 2,849. 2,974. 60. 21. 43. 15. 4,261. 200. 1,545. 1,167. 94. 1,132. 66. 4,297. 20. 220. 153. $386,077. 246,989. 720. 16,473. 27,335. 13,180. 9,420. 1,586. 72. 893. 216. 2,338. 65. 2,909. 6,339. 50. City Commission, Sanford, Florida S ep t emb er 28 at 7:00 P. M. .~9_ 81 2-01-47469-9 47471-5 47472-3 47491-3 47511-8 47521-7 47524-1 47525-8 47526-6 47527-4 47529-0 47531-6 47533-2 47539-9 47541-5 47542-3 47544-9 47632-2 47641-3 47643-9 RECREATION - 2-01-501 21-0 50131-9 50158-2 50211-9 50221-8 50231-7 50241-6 50251-5 50316-6 50342-2 50401-6 50402-4 50407-3 50411-5 50412-3 50421 -4 50431-3 50432-1 50433-9 Other Repairs(st.sweeper material etc.) $ Printing & Binding Duplicating Charges (xerox) Legal Ads Office Supplies Gasoline & Lubricants Janitor/Household Supplies Uniforms & Clothing Protective Clothing Small Tools & Minor Equip. Non-Classified Supplies Street Material Street Signs Contract-Slurry Seal Program Dues & Membership Subscriptions & Books Schooling-:Tuition,Books&Supplies Sidewalk Construction Motor Vehicular Replacement Operating Equipment Replace. 7,844. 50. 150. 50. 150. 40,280. 350. 3,592. 355. 853. 325. 8,125. 3,883. 32,000. 55. 50. 172. 5,000. 14,492. 2,465. TOTAL $478,911 , ADMINISTRATION 1981 -82 Salary Other Personal Services Longevity Pay FICA Pension Contribution/FRS Medical,Hosp.,Life Insurance Workmen's Compensation Unemployment Compensation Med.& Dental/Drivers Physical Pest Control Per Diem & Travel/Schools Per Diem & Travel/Conference Auto Allowance (budgeted mnth) & Telegraph Telephone Radio Postage Electricity Water & Heating Sewer Services & Cooking Fuels $ 114,974. 10,781. 624. 8,404. 13,974. 4,749. 200. 200. 6. 138. 80. 722. 10,135. 2,400. 194. 389. 16,767. 1,386. 2,950. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida_ September 28 at 7:00 P. ~9 81 50452-9 Insurance/Pub. Liability & Opr.s 50461-0 Office Equipment Maint. & Service 50462-8 Installed Bldg. Equip. Repr.& Ptso 50467-7 Building Material & Supplies 50471-9 Printing & Binding 50472-7 Duplicating Charges/ Xerox 50511-2 Office Supplies 50524-5 Janitor/Household Supplies 50525-2 Uniforms/ Clothing 50527-8 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 50528-6 Miscellaneous Supplies 50541-9 Dues & Membership 50542-7 Subscriptions & Books 50544-3 Schooling/Tuition, Books &Supplies 50545-0 Conference/ Registration 2-01-50622-7 50645-8 50647-4 Building Improvements Office Equip/Furn. Replacement Machinery & Equip. Replacement TOTAL.° RECREATION - 2-01-51121-9 51131-8 51158-1 51211-8 51221-7 51231-6 51241-5 51251-4 51316-5 51346-2 51402-3 51411-4 51412-2 51421-3 51431-2 51432-0 51451-0 51452-8 51453-6 51463-5 51465-0 51467-6 PARKS & CEMETERY Salary Other Personal Services Longevity Pay FICA Pension Contribution - FRS Medical, Hospital, Life Insurance Workmen's Compensation Unemployment Compensation Medical & Dental, Driver Physical Cemetery Maintenance Contract Per Diem & Travel- Conference Telephone & Telegraph Radio Postage Electricity Water & Sewer Services Insurance-Buildings & Contents Insurance-Public Liab. & Opers. Insurance-Auto & Equipment Motor Vehicle Repair & Parts Equip. Repair & Parts Building Materials & Supplies 1,315. 175. 1,250. 1,823. 263. 850. 432. 1,281. 105. 84. 1,627. 145. 105. 280. 150. 200. 820. 795. 202,543. $130,723. 150. 540. 8,739. 14,502. 8,268. 522. 175. 24. 36,000. 100. 892: 194. 12. 13,216. 3,543. 46. 1,506. 1,561. 1,450. 1,431. 1,565. City Commission, Sanford, Florida Sept ember 28 at 7:00 __19 81 51521-0 51524-4 51525-1 51526-9 51527-7 51529-3 51541-8 51542-6 51545-9 51643-2 51647-3 RECREATION - Gasoline, Diesel & Lubricants 7,612. Janitor Suppl les 408. Uniforms & Clothing 713. Protective Cl. othing 350. Small Tools & Minor Equipment 1,116. Agricultural Supplies 6,318. Dues and Memberships 25. Subscriptions and Books 67. Conference Registrati on 45. Equipment, Replacement 195. Machinery & Equip., Replacement 4,639. TOTAL $ 255,326. GENERAL SANFORD MEMORIAL LIBRARY & MUSEUM 2-01-52121-8 52131-7 52211-7 52221 -6 52231-5 52241 -4 52342-0 52411-3 52421 -2 52431 -1 52432-9 52451 -9 52452-7 52461-8 52462-6 52467-5 52468-3 52469-1 52511-0 52524-3 52541 -7 52542-5 52648-0 1981-82 Salary $ 2,153. Other Personal Services 416. FICA 171. Pension Contribution 239. Medical,Hospital, Life Ins. 317. Workmen's Compensation 10. Pest Control 92. Telephone & Telegraph 491. Postage 12. Electricity 2,190. Water & Sewer Services 40. Ins. - Building & Contents 433. Ins. - Public Liability &Oper. 5. Office Equip. Maint. & Service 40. Installed Bldg. Equip. Repair/PT 200. Building Materials & Supplies 850. Book Restoration 300. Painting Restoration 300. Office Supplies 25. Janitor/Household Supplies 60. Dues & Memberships 70. Subscriptions & Books 10. Exhibit Settings, Backgrounds, Cases & Material 400. TOTAL' $ 8,824. REFUSE DMSION 1981-82 Budget MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida September 28 at 7:00 P. M. REFUSE COLLECTION & DISPOSAL FUND 1981-82 2-40-49121-7 Salary $ 257,259. 49158-9 Longevity Pay 816. 49211-6 FICA 17,162. 49221-5 Pension Contribution-FRS 28,477. 49231-4 Med., Hosp., Life Insurance 12,709. 49241-3 Workmens' Compensation 5,000. 49251-2 Unemployment Compensation 500. 49342-9 Pest Control 72. 49345-2 Landfill Fees 36,180. 49411-2 Telephone & Telegraph 866. 49412-0 Radio 72. 49431-0 Electricity 2,340. 49451-8 Insurance-Building & Contents 157. '49452-6 Insurance-Pub. Liability & Opr. 3,009. 49453-4 Insurance-'Automotive & Equip. 9,065. 49462-5 Installed Bldg. Equip. Repair/PT 200. 49463-3 Motor Vehicle Repair/Parts 45,910. 49464-1 Equipment Repair/Parts 7,222. 49472-4 Duplicating Charges(Xerox) 110. 49481-5 Advertising 200. 49493-0 JudgementS & Damages 150. 49511-9 Office Supplies 157. 49521-8 Gas, Diesel, Lubricants 49,190. 49522-6 Chemicals 150.. 49524-2 Janitor, Household 350. 49525-9 Uniforms & Clothing 3,413. 49526-7 Protective Clothing 1,313. 49527-5 Small Tools & Mi nor Equipment 523. 49529-1 Non-Classified Supplies 1,045. 49544-0 Schooling-Tuition,Bks & Supplies 30. 49641-4 Motor Vehicular Replacement 45,079. 49647-1 Machinery & Equip. Replace. 15,200. 49911-1 Contribution to General Fund 83,978. 89991-4 Contingency 6,030. TOTAL $ 633,934. UTILITY DEP~ ( Water & Sewer Utility Fund ) 312CT. NO. ANTICIPATED REVENUE 1981-82 1-45-43611-9 Sewer Charges $ 837,831. City Commission, Sanford, Florida September 28 at 7:00 Po M. 1981 43618-4 43651-5 61100-0 62010-0 69910-4 35410-6 89010-9 89030-7 99901-7 Water Service Charges Utility Connection Fee Int. Earned on Investments Rent on Generators Sale of Mat'l & Contract Work Non-Operating Revenue Collection on Bad Accounts Cm_~h Balance Brought Forward UTILITY ADMINISTRATION 2-45-10111-8 Salary/City Commission $ 10112-6 City Commission Expense 10121-7 Salary 10131-6 Other Personal Services 10158-9 Longevity Pay 10211-6 FICA 10221-5 Pension Contribution/FRS 10231-4 Medical,Hosp.,Life Insurance 10241-3 Workmen's Compensation 10229-8 Past Service Pension 10316-3 Med. &Dental/Drivers Physical 10319-7 Other Professional Serv. Legal 10344-5 Data Processing 10349-4 Other Services 10401-3 Per Diem & Travel/Schooling 10411-2 Telephone & Telegraph 10412-0 Radio 10415-3 Alarm System 10421-1 Postage 10442-7 Rental & Lease/Building 10451-8 Insurance/Bldg. & Contents 10452-6 Insurance/Pub. Liability &Opr.s 10453-4 Insurance/Automotive &Equip. 10461-7 Office Equip.Maint. & Service '10463-3 Motor Vehicular Repr./Parts 10471-6 Printing & Binding 10472-4 Duplicating Charges/ Xerox 10499-7 Non-Classified Expense 1051t-9 Office Supplies 10521-8 Gasoline & Lubricants 10541-6 Dues & Membership 70,000. 140,000. 150,000. 2,400~ 1,500. 800. 1,000. (10,000.). 185,000. $ 2,233,954. 1981-82 3,000. 9,300. 117,919. 2,176. 300. 8,206. 13,617o 3,451 . 21o 3,463. 12o 300. 57,657° 200. 654. 1,923. 96. 242. 14,710. 6,000. 1,000. ] ,467. 390 o 497. 170. 2,000. 850. 30. 850. 957. 60. / MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida. September 28 at 7:00 P. M. UTILITY PLANTS 1981-82 2-45-20121-5 Salary $ 254,544. 20131-4 Other Personal Services 1,500. 20158-7 Longevity Pay 492. 20211-4 FICA 17,060. 20221-3 Pension Contribution/ FRS 28,309. 20231-2 Medical,Hosp.,Life Insurance 10,618o 20241-1 Workmen's Compensation 400. 20251-0 Unemployment Compensation 500° 20316-1 Med.& Dental/Drivers Physicals 30° 20401-1 Per Diem & Travel Schooling 675. 20411-0 Telephone & Telegraph 2,748° 20412-8 Radio 712. 20421-9 Postage 83. 20451-6 Insurance/Bldgs. & Contents 965. 20452-4 Insurance/Pub. Liability & OproS 5,123o 20453-2 Insurance/Automotive & Equip° 1,477. 20461-5 Office Equip° Mainto & Service 25. 20463-1 Motor Veho Repair/ Parts 1,485. 20465-6 Equip° Repair/Parts 200. 20468-0 Miscellaneous Repairs 139. 20469-8 Other Repairs & Maint. 26,000° 20491-2 Legal Ads 36. 20511-7 Office Supplies 447° 20521-6 Gasoline, Diesel, Lubricants 5,559. 20523-2 Drugs, Laboratory Suppo & First 1,976o Aid Supplies 20524-0 Janitor Supplies 620° 20525-7 Uniforms & Clothing 1,548o 20526-5 Protective Clothing 731° 20527-3 Small Tools & Minor Equip. 705. 20528-1 Miscellaneous Supplies 78. 20529-9 Non-Classified Supplies 50. 20541-4 Dues & Membership 140. 20542-2 Subscriptions,Bks°,Publications 145. 20544-8 Schooling-Tuition,Bks. & Supp. 780. 20647-9 Machinery & Equip./Replacement 230. WATER #1 2-45-21431-7 Electricity $ 117,160. 21465-5 Equipment Repair/ Parts 8,400. 21521-5 Diesel & Lubricants 975. 21522-3 Chemicals 8,543. City Commission, Sanford, Florida S ep t ember 28 at 7:00 P. Me 19.81 WATER #2 2-45-2243l-6 Electricity 22465-4 Equipment Repair/Parts 22467-0 Building Material & Supplies 22521-4 Diesel & Lubricants 22522-2 Chemicals WELL FIELDS 2-45-25465-1 Equipment Repair/ Parts 2552l-1 Diesel & Lubricants SEWER PLANT 2-45-27431-1 27432-9 27465-9 27467-5 27521-9 27522-7 27647-2 27648-0 LIFT STATIONS 2-45-29431-9 29432-7 29465-7 29467-3 29421-7 29522-5 Electricity Water & Sewer Equipment Repairs Building Diesel & Chemicals Machinery & Machinery & ServiCes & Parts Materials & Supplies Lubricants Equip. Equip. Replacement Additional Electricity Water & Sewer Services Equipment Repairs & Parts Building Materials & Diesel & Lubricants Chemicals Supplies TOTAL .. UTILITY - WATER DISTRUBITION 2-45-30121-3 Salary 30131-2 Other Personal Services 3015B-5 Longevity Pay 30211-2 FICA 30221-1 Pension Contribution-FRS 30231-0 Medical,Hosp,Life Insurance 30241-9 Workmens' Compensation 30251-8 Unemployment Compensation 30316-9 Medical & Dental,Drivers Phys. 30401-9 Per Diem & Travel-Schools 30411-8 Telephone & Telegraph 30412-6 Radio 30421-7 Postage · 30431-6 Electricity 30432-4 Water & Sewer Services 41,637. 1,500. 225. 646 o 3,073. 1,143. 120. 140,t85. 202. 9,128. 465. 1,000. 7,425. 1,253. 825. 27,531. 306. 9,112. 743. 538. 525. 749,809. 1981-82 179,659. 3,000. 708. 12,194. 20,235. 8,495. 513. 1,310. 30. 316. 639. 874. 6. 864. 90. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida S ep t ember 28 at 7:00 P. M. ].9. 81 30453-0 Insurance-Automotive & Equip. 30461-3 Office Equip. Maint. & Service 30463-9 Motor Vehicle Repair/Parts 30465-4 Equipment Repair/Parts 30467-0 Building Material Supplies 30468-8 Misc. Repairs & Maintenance 3.0469-6 Other Repair & Maint. Supplies and Parts (Lines) 30471-2 Printing & Binding 30473-8 Other Reproduction Costs 30491-0 Legal Ads 30493-6 Judgements & Damages 30511-5 Office Supplies 30521-4 Gasoline, Diesel, Lubricants 30523-0 Drugs, Medical & Lab Supplies 30524-8 Janitor, Household Supplies 30525-5 Uniforms & Clothing 30526-3 Protective Clothing 20527-1 Small Tools & Minor Equip. 2-45-30528-9 Miscellaneous Supplies 30529-7 Non-Classified Supplies 30542-0 Subscriptions & Books 30544-6 Schooling-Tuition,Books & 30636-0 Improvements-Water Dist. 30644-4 Equipment Additional 30647-7 Other Mach. & Equip. Replace. 30648-5 Other Mach. & Equip. Additional TOTAL $ 2,330. 50. 2,070. 1,531. 275. 5,832. 17,500. 10. 40. 25. 100. 55. 14,914. 60. 50. 921. 595. 1,377. $ 25. 153. 15. Supplies 195. 74,753. 11,145. 994. 724. 367,223. UTILITY - SEWER 2-45-40121-1 40131-0 40158-3 40211-0 40221-9 40231-8 40241-7 40251-6 40316-7 40401-7 40411-6 40412-4 40421-5 COLLECTION Salary Other Personal Services Longevity Pay FICA Pension Contribution-FRS Medical,Hosp.,Life Ins. Workmens' Compensation Unemployment Compensation Medical & Dental-Drivers Per Diem & Travel-Schools Telephone & Telegraph Radio ~ostage Phys. 1981-82 198.634. 3,000. 108. 13,416. 22,263. 10,267. 5,014. 500. 50. 221. 656. 702. 6. City Commission, Sanford, Florida September 28 at 7:00 P. M. ~9. 81 40452-0 Insurance-Public Lia. & Oprs. 2,154. 40453-8 Insurance-Automotive & Equip. 2,801. 40461-1 Office Equipment & Maint. Serv. 30. 40463-7 Motor Vehicle Repair/Parts 3,235. 40465-2 Equipment Repair/Parts 4,130. 40467-8 Building Material Supplies 411. 40468-6 Miscellaneous Repairs & Maint. 27. 40469-4 Other Repair & Maintenance 32,100. 40473-6 Other Reproduction Costs 48. 40491-8 Legal Advertising 20. 40493-4 Judgements & Damages 200. 40511-'3 Office Supplies -- 25.. 40521-2 Gasoline, Diesel & Lubricants 13,593. 40522-0 Chemicals 514. 40523-8 Drugs, Med. & Lab Supplies and First Aid Supplies 80. 40524-6 Janitor & Household Supplies 125. 40525-3 Uniforms & Clothing 1,685. 40526-1 Protective Clothing 1,018. 40527-9 Small Tools & Minor Equip. 2,701. 40528-7 Miscellaneous Supplies 40. 40529-5 Non Classified Supplies 255. 2-45-40544-4 Schooling-Tuition, Books & Supplies $ 515. 40637-6 Sewer Extensions 2,925. 40644-2 Equipment, Additional 525. 40647-5 Other Machinery & Equip. Replace. 2,958. 40648-3 Other Machinery & Equip. Add. 1,284. TOTAL $ 329,868. FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING REVENUES 1-10-3211 0-6 Federal Revenue Sharing Proceeds Extended 1981-82 $ 348,953.- TOTAL .. $ 348,953.- MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida September 28 at 7:00 19 8___!_ CITY OF SANK)RD ---- Capital Budget for 1981-82 Fire Equil~nent/~erial 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 ($320,000-) 50,000- 50,000- 50,000- 50,000- Fire Sub-Station/ Golf Course Drainage Program/ referendum 11.2 million Mellon: Shelter Replacement Restrooms Softball Field Irrigation, Playground Irrigation Well Water to Lake Carola & Irrigation Systems Softball Field/ lighting Marshal Avenue Park/ Playground Downtown Redevelopment (Materials-city street, sidewalks, etc. ) Sidewalk Renovation Program (materials) 60,000- 8,500- 2,500- ILITY 'DEP~ 80,000- 5,000- 5,000- 5,000- 5,000- CITY OF SAN~ .... Capital Budget for 1981-82 Sewer Plant Expansion Regional Plan Land Acquisition Legal and other Engineering plans Re-route Pinecrest Sewer Force Main to Big Inch line 1981-82 1982'83 '1983-84 1984-85 78,000- 20,000- 77,529- 62,400- 110,000- 21,500-' 1,100- 9,250- 16,200- Sewer Rehab - 201 Program Engineering City's share of construction (re $249,600-Total) Sewer Plant Sludge thJckner Two new dryingbeds Covers for new dryingbeds Primary pumps (4) w/piping and mechanical w/clarifier Safety Requirements Hand rails Other OSHA criteria 253.000- Sewer Maintenance Bldg. - 1,000 sq. ft. storage for equipment West 1st St. Water Main relocation re highway overpass Water Plant - dual feed chlorine, hoist, storage cover Connecting loop - Airport Blvd. Hydrant Installation - needing lines Elevated water tank -Southwest 37,500- 83,000-