HomeMy WebLinkAbout044-McCall-Seaboard Coastline RLEASE AGREEMENT 1. PARTIES. SANFORD, FLORIDA, a as LESSOR,aad GLENN 2. PREMISES. leases from Lessor, ditions hereinafter property, to -wit: This lease agreement is between the CITY OF municipal corporation, herein referred to McCALL, herein referred to as LESSEE. Lessor hereby leases to Lessee and Lessee for the terms and upon the terms and con - set forth, the hereinafter described 400 feet of the old Railroad right of wa of Sanford, Florida, 25th Street. Seaboard Coastline y owned by the City and lying North of 3. TERM. The term of this lease shall commence on the first day of November, 1982, and shall continue for a period of three (3) years thereafter, unless sooner terminated or ex- tended as hereinafter provided. Should Lessee actually take possession of the demised premises on other than the first day of a calendar month Lessee agrees to pay a proportionate part of the monthly rental herein provided for that month only. Lessee shall have the right to renew said lease for one additional three (3) year term upon such terms and conditions as the parties can mutually agree by giving Lessor notice in writing at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of this lease. 4. RENT. Lessee agrees to pay to Lessor or its designee a rental of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000.00) per year, plus Florida Sales Tax for each and every year during the term of this lease, such rental to be paid in advance on or before the first day of November. Lessor acknowledges receipt of the sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000.00) in payment of the rent due for the first year. 5. USE. The demised premises are to be used for manufacture and sale of grave markers and sandblasting and for no other pur- pose whatsoever. Lessee shall at its own cost and expense obtain any and all licenses and permits necessary for such use. 6. UTILITIES. Lessee agrees to pay, before delinquency, all charges for gas, electricity, and water used by it. 7. TAXES. Lessee agrees to pay or cause to be paid all taxes levied against the land and the building and improvements situated thereon. Lessee agrees to pay all taxes levied upon personal property, including trade fixtures and inventory, kept on the leased premises by Lessee. 8. MAINTENANCE. Lessee agrees to take good care of the pro- perty and its fixtures and to suffer no waste. 9. ALTERATIONS. Lessee shall not make any alterations, additions, or improvements, including any sign, marquee, or awning, without securing Lessor's written consent. Any such alterations, additions or improvements shall be made by Lessee in a good workmanlike manner without cost to Lessor. All alterations, additions, or improvements shall become the pro- perty of Lessor; however, on written notice to Lessee prior to the expiration of the lease Lessee agrees to remove said alter- ations, or improvements and to restore the premises to their original condition, at Lessee's expense. 10. TRADE AND OTHER FIXTURES. Lessee may install or cause to be installed such equipment and trade or other fixtures as are reasonably necessary for the operation of its business. Such equipment and trade or other fixtures shall remain personal property. 11. CASUALTY DAMAGE. Upon the occurrence of any casualty or peril, Lessee shall give immediate notice to Lessor. If, in the opinion of Lessor, the leased premises are rendered sub- stantially unfit for occupancy or use by any casualty or peril or the Lessor shall decide to build or remodel said premises, this lease shall cease and rent shall abate from the occurrence of such casualty or vacation of the premises, whichever is later. 12. LIABILITY INSURANCE - HOLD HARMLESS. Lessor shall not be liable to Lessee or Lessee's employeEs, patrons or visitors for any damage to persons or property caused by any action, omission or negligence of Lessee and Lessee agrees to hold Lessor harmless from all claims for any such damage; nor shall Lessor be liable for any damage to persons or property due to the building or any part or appurtenance thereof being improperly constructed, or being or becoming out of repair, and Lessee accepts said premises as suitable for the purposes for which the same are leased, and accepts the said building and each and every appurtenance thereof and waives defects therein. Lessee agrees to Lessee's expense to maintain in force continuously throughout the term of this lease public liability covering the leased premises, with limits of 100,000 for death or injury to one person, and 300,000 for death or injury to more than one person and 50,000 for property damage, and shall forthwith furnish Lessor a certificate by the insurer that such insurance is in force and naming Lessor as an additional insured. 13. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. Lessee agrees to promptly comply with all applicable and valid laws, ordinances and regulations of Federal, State, County, Municipal, or other lawsful authority pertaining to the use and occupancy of the leased premises. 14. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING. Lessee shall not assign this lease or allow the same to be assigned by operation of law or otherwise or sublet said premises or any part thereof or use or permit same to be used for any purpose other than as above specified, without Lessor's prior written consent. Any such assignment or sublease shall be subject to all of the terms and conditions of the lease and Lessee shall remain primarily liable for the payment of the rent and the performance of all of the terms and conditions. 15. BANKRUPTCY. Should Lessee make an assignment for benefit of creditors, or be adjucicated bankrupt, such action shall constitute a breach of the lease for which Lessor, at its option, may terminate all rights of Lessee under this lease. 16. EMINENT DOMAIN. If all or any part of the lease pre- mises is taken under the power of eminent domain or conveyed under threat of condemnation proceedings and Lessor shall deter- mine that the remainder is inadequate or unsatisfactory for the purposes of this lease, which determination shall not be arbitrarily or capriciously made, then this lease shall terminate effective as of the date Lessee is required to give up the right to occupy or use the premises. Lessee shall have no right to make any claim against Lessor because of such termination. 17. ATTORNEY'S FEES. If suit is brought to enforce any covenant of this lease or for the breach of any covenant or condition herein contained, the parties hereto agree that the losii ig party shall pay to the prevailing party a reasonable attorney's fee, which shall be fixed by the court, and court costs. 18. DEFAULT. In case of default by the Lessee in any of the covenants on its part herein contained, Lessor may enforce performance of this lease in any manner provided by law, or, at the option of the Lessor, this lease may be forfeited in the event any such default continues for a period of twenty (20) days after Lessor notifies the Lessee of such defaults and of Lessor's intention to declare the lease forfeited, and upon the expiration of said twenty (20) day period (unless Lessee shall have within such period commenced the removal of such default and thereafter shall proceed with due diligence until the default complained of has been removed or cured) this lease shall cease and come to any end as if that were the day originally fixed for the expiration of the term thereof, and Lessor's agent or attorney shall have the right without further notice or demand to re -enter and remove all persons from the premises without being deemed guilty of any manner of trespass and without pre- judice to any remedies for arrears of rent or breach of covenant, or Lessor's agent or attorney may resume possession of the pre- mises and relet the same for the remainder of the term at the best rental such agent or attorney may obtain for the account of the Lessee, who shall pay to the Lessor any deficient, and Lessor shall have a lien as security for the rent reserved upon all the goods, wares, chattels, implements, machinery, equipment, fixtures, tools and other personal property belonging to Lessee which are or may be put upon the leased premises. In the event Lessor shall default in the performance of any of the terms or provisions of this lease, Lessee shall promptly so notify Lessor in writing. If Lessor shall fail to cure such default within twenty (20) days after receipt of such notice, or if the default is of such character as to require more than twenty (20) days to cure and Lessor shall fail to commence to do so within twenty (20) days after receipt of such notice and thereafter diligently proceed to cure such default, then in either event Lessee may cure such default and such expense shall be deducted from the rent otherwise due, but any such default shall not work as a forfeiture of this lease. 19. LEASE OR SUBLEASE. If this lease is in fact a sublease, Lessee accepts this lease subject to all of the terms and conditions of the uncbrlying lease under which Lessor holds the leased premises as Lessee. Lessee covenants that it will do no act or thing which shall constitute a violation by Lessor of its obligations under such underlying lease. 20. HOLDING OVER. Should Lessee hold over the leased premises, or any part thereof, after the expiration of the term of this lease, unless otherwise agreed in writing, such holding over shall constitute and be construed as a tenancy from month to month only, at a monthly rental equal to the rent paid for the last month of the term of this lease plus twenty per cent (20 %) of such amount. 21. COMPLETE AGREEMENT. This lease contains a complete expression of the agreement between the parties and there are no promises, representations or inducements except such as are herein provided. 22. NOTICES. Any notices required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and delivered either in person to the other party or the other party's authorized agent, or by United States Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, postage fully prepaid, to the addressee set forth hereinafter, or to such other address as either party may designate in writing and deliver as herein provided. LESSOR: CITY OF SANFORD P.O. Box 1778 Sanford, FL 32771 LESSEE: Glenn M. McCall P.O. Box 760 Sanford, FL 32771 23. This lease contains a complete expression of the agree- ment between the parties and there are no promises, representa- tions or inducements except as herein provided, and this agree- ment shall not be modified orally or in any manner other than by agreement in writing signed by all the parties hereto or by their respective successors in interest. 24. Lessee will cause no permanent structures to be located on said property nor will Lessee construct or obstruct in any way Lessor's access to sewer lines buried on said property. Lessor reserves for itself, its agents or assigns the right to unlimited access to said property and to remove any structures, furnishings, fixtures, equipment, or inventory for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining or repairing said sewer lines. EXECUTED this day of A.D., 1982. THE CITY Q SANFORD, FLORIDA WITNESS AS ITS ITNESS WI ESS ✓lam � r I I W+INE SS �, .i. GLENN M. McCALL `f LEASE EXTENSION AND MODIFICATION AGREEMENT This Lease Extension and Modification Agreement (The "Extension Agreement ") is dated this 17th d of May 1999, by and between the City of Sanford, Florida (hereafter referred to as "LESSOR ") and Glenn McCall. (hereinafter referred to as "LESSEE "). WITPIESSETH: W14EREAS, on March 17, 1994, LESSOR and LESSEE entered into that certain Lease with respect to rental of property for an initial Lease term from the commencement date of March 1, 1994 through February 28, 1999. LESSOR and LESSEE agree to amend and modify the terms and conditions of the Lease as follows: 1. Paragraph 2. Premises the property description shall be modified to read: LEGAL LEG SEC 35 TWO 19S RE 30E N OF 25TH S SLY 400 FT X 55 FT OF ABANDONED CAL RE 2. Paragraph 3. Term shall be deleted in its entirety and shall be replaced with the following: Term: LESSOR and LESSEE hereby agree to extend the term of the Lease as defined in the Lease Extension and Modification Agreement for an additional five (5) years, with the Agreement being reviewed each year and modified if necessary, at the sole discretion of the Lessor, on the anniversary date of renewal. The commencement date of the extension term is March 1, 1999, and the expiration date of the Lease shall be March 1, 2004. The City has the right to terminate this Lease for any reason if it gives Lessee sixty (60) days written notice of the termination. r 3. Paragraph 24. Rent: shall be deleted in its entirety and shall be replaced with the following: Lessee agrees to pay Lessor or its designee rent plus Florida State Sales Tax, such rental to be paid semi - annually in advance on or before the first day of May and November. For the first year, the rent amount shall be $1,000. for the year. After the first year, the rent shall be the fair market rental of the property as established by the City. 4. Paragraph 24. Regarding payment of arrearage shall be deleted in its entirety. 5. In all other respects, the Lease of March 17, 1994 stands in its entirety. In case of conflict between this Lease Extension and Modification Agreement, and the Lease of 1994, this Lease Extension and Modification shall govern. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The City of Sanford and Glenn McCall have caused this Extension and Modification of Contract to be executed the 17 th day of Ma y 1999. ATTEST: net R. Dougherty, 6ty C lerlV d�� � ;es k ju�KP� prlrt?-4 : THE CITY OF SAN RD, FLORIDA /_ 0 Dale, Mayor LESSEE Glenn MCCai " %0 1s; a ,a o TITS CI INNATI INSURANCC'°COMPANY P.O. BOX 145496 CINCINNATI, OHIO 45250 -5496 (13) 870 -2000 7648600 A Stock Insurance Company Previous Policy No. COMMON POLICY DECLARATIONS RENEWAL DECLARATIONS POLICY NUMBER CAP 764 86 00 NAMED INSURED GLEN MCCALL DBA SEMINOLE MONUMENT COMPANY ADDRESS 2208 WEST 25TH STREET (Number & Street, SANFORD, FL 32771 -4137 own ,County, State & Zip No.) Policy Period: At 12:01 A.M., STANDARD TIME AT YOUR _. MAILING ADDRESS SHOWN ABOVE FROM:. 05- 18-1999.. TO: 05 -1 -2902 Agency THE MCKIBBIN AGENCY 09 -041 City SANFORD, FL Legal Entity /Business Description INDIVIDUAL IN RETURN FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PREMIUM, AND SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS OF THIS POL- ICY, WE AGREE WITH YOU TO PROVIDE THE INSURANCE AS STATED IN THIS POLICY. FORMS APPLICABLE TO ALL COVERAGE PARTS: (show numbers) IA102 12/96 IA904 01/92 IA4124 02/96 IA448 11/88 IA4007FL 07/93 IL0175 09/93 IL0255 03/98 IP412 12/92 FM501 06/94 GA501 07/98 TAX ID 5000865 MI-6 KL2 04 -29 -1999 Lit Countersigned May 4, 1999 g y (Date) (Authorized Representative) IN WITNESS WHEREOF this ppolicy has been signed by our President and Secretary in the City of Fairfield Ohio, but this policy shall not be binding upon us unless countersigned by an authorized representative o{ ours. This provision does not apply in Arizona, Virginia and Wisconsin. Secretary President IA 50104 99 Page 1 of 2 THE: CIl`"'INNATI INSURANCE" 'OMPANY P.O. BOX 145496, CINCINNATI, OHIO 45250.5496 A Stook Insurance Company COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART DECLARATIONS Attached to and forming part of POLICY NUMBER: CAP 764 86 00 Effective Date: 05 -18 -1999 Named Insured: IS THE SAME AS IT APPEARS ON THE COMMON POLICY DECLARATION LIMITS OF INSURANCE EACH OCCURRENCE LIMIT $ 11000,000 PRODUCTS - COMPLETED OPERATIONS AGGREGATE LIMIT 1,000,000 PE ADVERTISING INJURY LIMIT $ 1,000,000 $100,000 unnles otherw N p E $ OR EXPLOSI Iimi indicated herein: MEDICAL EXPENSE LIMIT $5,000 limit unless otherwise indicated herein: $ ANY ONE PERSON CLASSIFICATION CODE PREMIUM RATE ADVANCE PREMIUM NO. BASIS A•Area Pioducta/ ALL OTHER Products/ ALLOTHER B • Payroll Completed Completed C • Gross Sales Operations Operations D • Units E • Other STORES -NO FOOD OR DRINK 18437 C30,000 0.005 2.839 INCL. 130 M HIRED AND NONOWNED AUTO 32 ADDITIONAL INSUREDS 49950 25 The General Liability Coverage Part is subject to an annual minimum premium. 1 TOTAL ANNUAL PREMIUM $187 FORMS AND /OR ENDORSEMENTS APPLICABLE TO THIS COVERAGE PART: GA101 01/95 GA468 09/95 CGO220 03/98 GA207 06/95 CG2026 11/85 GA321 01/95 GA 501 07 98 Page 1 of 2 THIS ENDORSEK'T CHANGES THE POLICY. PL( READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED -- DESIGNATED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART. SCHEDULE Name of Person or Organization: CITY OF SANFORD 300 NORTH PARK AVENUE SANFORD, FL 32771 (If no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Dec- larations as applicable to this endorsement.) WHO IS AN INSURED (Section Ip is amended to include as an insured the person or organization shown in the Schedule as an insured but only with respect to liability arising out of your operations or premises owned by or rented to you. CG 20 2611 85 Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1984 LEASE VALUE ESTIMATE go West Twenty -Fifth Street Property Sanford, Florida PREPARED FOR Mr. Howard Jeffries Landscape Architect City of Sanford City Hall Sanford, Florida DATE OF ESTIMATION April 1, 1999 PREPARED BY John Sauls, Broker- Appraiser Masonic Building Sanford, Florida ,jGHN SAULS AGEN(...Y JOHN L. SAULS, SR. LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER REAL ESTATE SALES • APPRAISALS • CONSULTANT Mr. Howard Jeffries Landscape Architect City of Sanford City Hall Sanford, Florida 32771 Dear Mr. Jeffries: SUITE 12 MASONIC BUILDING 212 NORTH PARK AVENUE April 1, 1999 P.O. BOX 406 SANFORD, FLORIDA 32772 -0406 PHONE 407- 322 -7174 RE: The Southerly 400 feet of abandoned Atlantic Coast Line Railroad right -of -way North of Twenty -Fifth Street, in Section 35, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, in Seminole County, Florida In accordance with your request and Purchase Order No. 19959, the undersigned has investigated the lease - rental situation in the area with regard to vacant properties; and the estimated annual lease value of the above - captioned property as of April 1, 1999, is: ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000.00) The undersigned hereby certifies that he has personally in- spected the property involved herein and that, to the best of his knowedge and belief, the statements and opinions set out herein are correct. The undersigned also certifies that he has no interest, con tingent or otherwise, in the property and that the fee charged for this report is in no way contingent upon the values esta- blished. He further states that the payment of said fee is not contingent upon sale closing, loan closing, settlement of estate, settlement of litigation, acquisition, or upon any factor other than delivery of this report - -said fee to be set by the undersigned whose services are completed upon delivery of this report. I 60th Year = JS:cS in Downtown Sanford Respectfully bmi ted, John Sauls Licensed Real Estate Broker Certificate No. 0077305 gig SCOPE AND PURPOSE 19 The aforesigned has been engaged to ascertain the esti- mated fair market annual lease value of the subject prop- erty as of April 1, 1999. In so doing, he has made a concerted effort to discover comparable lease values in the area. He has made use of available sources of infor- mation and has considered all factors that have come to his attention. DEFINITION OF LEASE A written document by which the possession of land and/ or a building is given by the owner to another person for a specified.period of time and for the rent speci- fied. - (Definition was taken-from Appraisal Terminology and handbook, American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, Fourth Edition.) OWNER OF RECORD AND ADDRES City of Sanford c/o Glenn McCall 2208 West Twenty -Fifth Street Sanford, Florida 32771 -4137 (This information was taken from Seminole County Property Appraiser records.. Information supplied by the City names. City of Sanford as the property owner.) LEGAL DESCRIPTION The Southerly 400 feet of abandoned Atlantic Coast Line Railroad right -o£ -way North of Twenty -Fifth Street, in Section 35, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, in Seminole County, Florida (Legal Description is taken from Seminole County Property Appraiser records.) PROPERTY I. D. NUMBER The Seminole County Property Tax I. D. number is No. 35- 19 -30- 300 -012A -0000. SHAPE AND SIZE OF PROPERTY The property under consideration is irregular in shape, fronts 55 feet m.o.l. on County Road No. 46 -A on the south, has easterly and westerly lines of 400 feet, each, m.o.l., has a northerly line of 55 feet m.o.l. and con- tains 22,000 square feet m.o.l. (The dimensions were supplied to the aforesigned by.the applicant.) LOCATION AND ACCESSIBILITY The subject property is located at 2208 West Twenty -Fifth Street, in Sanford, Seminole County, Florida. Twenty - Fifth Street, in the area of the subject property, is also known as County Road No. 46 -A which is a western - extension of State Road No. 46 East. Twenty -Fifth Street is also known as Geneva Avenue or Geneva Street and was formerly known as Geneva Ferry Road. State Road 46 begins at U. S. Highway 441 in Tavares and terminates at U. S. Highway No. 1 in Mims on Florida's east coast. (See Sketch provided herein which was provided by the applicant.) PRESENT USE At present the subject property is being utilized by a business concern known as Seminole Monument Company. The old Rinker Building Material complex abuts the subject to the west. From visual inspection, it appears that only the south approximate one -third of the Rinker prop- erty is being used at this time. ZnNTNr. The subject property is zoned M1 -2 under City of Sanford Zoning Department. SKETCH N .. II LEASE EXTENSION AND MODIFICATION AGREEMENT LOCATOR MAP i is I ,......,..Ll a y � I � I I 2. I I SITE I i - I CR 46A n'IWATFR POTA13LC TCfI MA, III I it ATLANTIC ODAS41NF RAIL ROADRIDIITOF' FORCE MAIN 14• RECLAIMCD WATER MAIN �I L I �. W F POTABLE WATER MAIN °- RECLAIMEO WATER MAIN SAN. SEWCR MAIN T I � I I 2. I I SITE I i - I CR 46A n'IWATFR POTA13LC TCfI MA, III I it ATLANTIC ODAS41NF RAIL ROADRIDIITOF' FORCE MAIN 14• RECLAIMCD WATER MAIN �I L I �. W F POTABLE WATER MAIN °- RECLAIMEO WATER MAIN SAN. SEWCR MAIN IMPROVEMENTS Situate underground on the subject land are: An 18 -inch sanitary sewer force main A 14 -inch reclaimed water main (This information was supplied by the applicant.) Because of the aforementioned improvements, nothing can be built on the property. Only movable structures are allowed above ground. Should these improvements change in the future, the change would necessitate a reconsi- deration of the fair market annual lease value reported herein. At which time, the then - existing economic, mar- ket, and other extant conditions would need to be taken into account. VALUATION The estimated annual fair market lease value of the subject property., reflecting existing conditions, is $1,000. JOHN SAULS QUALIFICATIONS LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSE NO. 0077305 ATTENDED ORLANDO, FLORIDA, SCHOOL OF REAL ESTATE LAW FOR SALESMEN ATTENDED ORLANDO, FLORIDA, SCHOOL OF REAL ESTATE LAW FOR BROKERS ATTENDED UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA APPRAISAL COURSE ON "APPRAISAL OF REAL ESTATE" OFFERED BY AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS ATTENDED UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO APPRAISAL COURSE ON "CONDEMNATION APPRAISAL PRACTICES" OFFERED BY AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS PARTICIPATES IN CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSES BY BERT RODGERS SCHOOLS OF REAL ESTATE EVERY TWO YEARS RESIDENT OF SANFORD AND SEMINOLE COUNTY PAST 60 YEARS OWNED AND OPERATED OWN BUSINESS PAST 38 YEARS HAVE BEEN ACTIVELY ENGAGED IN THE REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL PROFESSION CONTINUOUSLY FOR THE PAST 38 YEARS HAVE GIVEN EXPERT TESTIMONY IN VARIOUS COURTS, INCLUDING BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDINGS, CONCERNING MORE THAN 500 PARCELS OF REAL ESTATE HAVE NEGOTIATED IN ACQUISITION PROCEEDINGS FOR SEMINOLE COUNTY EXPRESSWAY AUTHORITY, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, BUSINESSES, CHURCHES, AND INDIVIDUALS HAVE PERFORMED CONSULTATION SERVICES AND PRODUCED STUDIES IN REFERENCE TO BUSINESS CONDITIONS HAVE APPRAISED FOR FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION; DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA; OLD FLORIDA STATE ROAD DEPARTMENT; COUNTY, CIRCUIT, AND FEDERAL COURTS; SEMINOLE COUNTY BOARDS OF COMMISSIONERS AND PUBLIC INSTRUCTION; SEMINOLE COUNTY EXPRESSWAY AUTHORITY; CITIES OF SANFORD, ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, CASSELBERRY, OVIEDO, AND WINTER SPRINGS; SANFORD AIRPORT AUTHORITY; BANKS LENDING INSTITUTIONS; POWER COMPANIES; TELEPHONE COMPANIES; OIL COMPANIES; PRIVATE BUSINESSES; AND INDIVIDUALS 0 of Sanford, Flo P.O. Box 1786 - 32772 -1788 Telephone (407) 330 -5601 Fax (407) 330 -5666 March 22, 1994 Mr. Glenn M. McCall 121 East First Street Sanford, Florida 32771 RE: Lease Agreement for 400 feet of old Seaboard Coastline Railroad Right -of -way Dear Glenn: Enclosed herewith, is one (1) fully executed lease covering the five (5) year period beginning March 1, 1994. Please note that the rental and portion of the rent arrearage is due automatically on May 1st and November 1st of each year, beginning May 1, 1994. The lease does not provide for billing by the City. Please contact me if you have any questions. Very truly yours, Simmorr�, P.E. City Manager WAS /acd Enclosure CC: City Clerk Finance Director a: \letter \mccall.les "The Friendly City" L-044 LEASE AGREEMENT 1. PARTIES This Lease Agreement is between the CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, herein referred to as LESSOR, and GLENN McCALL, herein referred to as LESSEE. 2. PREMISES LESSOR hereby leases to LESSEE and LESSEE leases from LESSOR, for the terms and upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the hereinafter described property, to -wit: 400 feet of the old Seaboard Coastline Railroad right-of- way owned by the City of Sanford, Florida, and lying North of 25th Street. 3. TERM The term of this Lease shall commence on the 1st day of March , 1994, and shall continue for a period of five (5) years thereafter, unless sooner terminated or extended as hereinafter provided. LESSEE shall have the right to renew said lease for one (1) additional five (5) year term upon such terms and conditions as the parties can mutually agree by giving LESSOR notice in writing at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of this Lease. 4. RENT LESSEE agrees to pay LESSOR or its designee a rental of $500.00 dollars per year, plus Florida Sales Tax for each and every year during the term of this Lease, such rental to be paid semiannually in advance on or before the first day of May and November 5. USE. The demised premises are to be used for manufacture and sale of grave markers and sandblasting and for no other purpose whatsoever. LESSEE shall at its own cost and expense obtain any and all licenses and permits necessary for such use. 6. UTILITIES LESSEE agrees to pay, before delinquency, all charges for gas, electricity, stormwater and water used by it. 7. TAXES LESSEE agrees to pay or cause to be paid all taxes levied against the land and the building and improvements situated thereon. LESSEE agrees to pay all taxes levied upon personal property, including trade fixtures and inventory, kept on the leased premises by LESSEE. 8. MAINTENANCE LESSEE agrees to take good care of the property and its fixtures and to suffer no waste. 9. ALTERATIONS LESSEE shall not make any alterations, additions, or improvements, including any sign, marquee, or awning, without securing LESSOR'S written consent. Any such alterations, additions or improvements shall be made by LESSEE in a good workmanlike manner without cost to LESSOR. All alterations, additions, or improvements shall become the property of LESSOR; however, on written notice to LESSEE prior to the expiration of the Lease LESSEE agrees to remove said alterations, or improvements and to restore the premises to their original condition, at LESSEE'S expense. 10. TRADE AND OTHER FIXTURES LESSEE may install or cause to be installed such equipment and trade or other fixtures as are reasonably necessary for the operation of its business. Such equipment and trade or other fixtures shall remain personal property. 11. CASUALTY DAMAGE Upon the occurrence of any casualty or peril, LESSEE shall give immediate notice to LESSOR. If, in the opinion of LESSOR, the leased premises are rendered substantially unfit for occupancy or use by any casualty or peril or the LESSOR shall decide to build or remodel said premises, this Lease shall cease and rent shall abate from the occurrence of such casualty or vacation of the premises, whichever is later. x 12. LIABILITY INSURANCE - HOLD HARMLESS LESSOR shall not be liable to LESSEE or LESSEE'S employees, patrons or visitors for any damage to persons or property caused by any action, omission or negligence of LESSEE and LESSEE agrees to hold LESSOR harmless from all claims for any such damage; nor shall LESSOR be liable for any damage to persons or property due to the building or any part or appurtenance thereof being improperly constructed, or being or becoming out of repair, and LESSEE accepts said premises as suitable for the purposes for which the same are leased, and accepts the said building and each and every appurtenance thereof and waives defects therein. LESSEE agrees to LESSEE'S expense to maintain in force continuously throughout the term of this Lease public liability covering the leased premises, with limits of Five Hundred Thousand dollars ($500,000.00) for death or injury to one person, and One Million dollars ($1,000,000.00) for death or injury to more than one person and Five Hundred Thousand dollars ($500,000.00) for property damage, and shall forthwith furnish LESSOR a certificate by the insurer that such insurance is in force and naming LESSOR as an additional insured. 13. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS LESSEE agrees to promptly comply with all applicable and valid laws, ordinances and regulations of Federal, State, County, Municipal, or other lawful authority pertaining to the use and occupancy of the leased premises. 14. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING LESSEE shall not assign this Lease or allow the same to be assigned by operation of law or otherwise or sublet said premises or any part thereof or use or permit same to be used for any purpose other than as above specified, without LESSOR'S prior written consent which will not be unreasonably withheld. Any such assignment or sublease shall be subject to all of the terms and conditions of the Lease and LESSEE shall remain primarily liable for the payment of the rent and the performance of all of the terms and conditions. 15. BANKRUPTCY Should LESSEE make an assignment for benefit of creditors, or be adjudicated bankrupt, such action shall constitute a breach of the Lease for which LESSOR, at its option, may terminate all rights of LESSEE under this Lease. 16. EMINENT DOMAIN If all or any part of the leased premises is taken under the power of eminent domain or conveyed under threat of condemnation proceedings and LESSOR shall determine that the remainder is inadequate or unsatisfactory for the purposes of this Lease, which determination shall not be arbitrarily or capriciously made, then this Lease shall terminate effective as of the date LESSEE is required to give up the right to occupy or use the premises. LESSEE shall have no right to make any claim against LESSOR because of such termination. 17. ATTORNEY'S FEES If suit is brought to enforce any, covenant of this Lease or for the breach of any covenant or condition herein contained, the parties hereto agree that the losing party shall pay to the prevailing party a reasonable attorney's fee, which shall be fixed by the court, and court costs. 18. DEFAULT In case of default by the LESSEE in any of the covenants on its part herein contained, LESSOR may enforce performance of this Lease in any manner provided by law, or, at the option of the LESSOR, this Lease may be forfeited in the event any such default continues for a period of twenty (20) days after LESSOR notifies the LESSEE of such defaults and of LESSOR'S intention to declare the Lease forfeited, and upon the expiration of said twenty (20) day period (unless LESSEE shall have within such period commenced the removal of such default and thereafter shall proceed with due diligence until the default complained of has been removed or cured) this Lease shall cease and come to any end as if that were the day originally fixed for the expiration of the term thereof, and LESSOR'S agent or attorney 2 il, 4 shall have the right without further notice or demand to re -enter and remove all persons from the premises without being deemed guilty of any manner of trespass and without prejudice to any remedies for arrears of rent or breach of covenant, or LESSOR'S agent or attorney may resume possession of the premises and relet the same for the remainder of the term at the best rental such agent or attorney may obtain for the account of the LESSEE, who shall pay to the LESSOR any deficient, and LESSOR shall have a lien as security for the rent reserved upon all the goods, wares, chattels, implements, machinery, equipment, fixtures, tools and other personal property belonging to LESSEE which are or may be put upon the leased premises. In the event LESSOR shall default in the performance of any of the terms or provisions of this Lease, LESSEE shall promptly so notify LESSOR in writing. If LESSOR shall fail to cure such default within twenty (20) days after receipt of such notice, or if the default is of such character as to require more than twenty (20) days to cure and LESSOR shall fail to commence to do so within twenty (20) days after receipt of such notice and thereafter diligently proceed to cure such default, then in either event LESSEE may cure such default and such expense shall be deducted from the rent otherwise due, but any such default shall not work as a forfeiture of this Lease. 19. LEASE OR SUBLEASE If this Lease is in fact a sublease, LESSEE accepts this Lease subject to all of the terms and conditions of the underlying Lease under which LESSOR holds the leased premises as LESSEE. LESSEE covenants that it will do no act or thing which shall constitute a violation by LESSOR of its obligations under such underlying Lease. 20. HOLDING OVER Should LESSEE hold over the leased premises, or any part thereof, after the expiration of the term of this Lease, unless otherwise agreed in writing, such holding over shall constitute and be construed as a tenancy from month to month only, at a monthly rental equal to the rent paid for the last month of the term of this Lease plus twenty percent (20 %) of such amount. 21. COMPLETE AGREEMENT This Lease contains a complete expression of the agreement between the parties and there are no promises, representations or inducements except such as are herein provided. 22. NOTICES Any notices required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and delivered either in person to the other party or the other party's authorized agent, or by United States Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, postage fully prepaid, to the addressee set forth hereinafter, or to such other address as either party may designate in writing and deliver as herein provided. LESSOR: CITY OF SANFORD P. O. Box 1788 Sanford, FL 32772 -1788 LESSEE: GLENN M. McCALL 121 E. First Street Sanford, FL 32771 23. LESSEE will cause no permanent structures to be located on said property nor will LESSEE construct or obstruct in any way LESSOR'S access to sewer lines buried on said property. LESSOR reserves for itself, its agents or assigns the right to unlimited access to said property and to remove any structures, furnishings, fixtures, equipment, or inventory for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining or repairing said sewer lines. The demised property is irrigated utilizing reclaimed wastewater. The maintenance and operation of the irrigation system is responsibility of the LESSOR. The LESSEE shall in no way interfere with the operation or maintenance of the irrigation system, and will promptly notify the LESSOR should the system appear to require maintenance or repairs. 3 , 0W1 24. It is acknowledged by both parties that the previous Lease on this property, was executed October 29, 1982 and was approved for a three (3) year extension on June 24, 1985, bringing the Lease expiration date to October 31, 1988. Since that date, the LESSEE has held over on the property, but has paid no rent. It is agreed that rent arrearage dating from November 1, 1988 to February 28, 1994 inclusive of interest at eight' percent (8 %) per annum and Florida Sales Tax shall be computed at the rental rate of five hundred dollars ($ 500.00) per year. Total arrearage is three thousand five hundred sixty five dollars and two cents ($3,565.02). It is agreed that such arrearage shall be paid to the City at the rate of five hundred dollars ($500.00), plus sales tax, per year in two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) installments, plus sales tax, paid semiannually with the semiannual rent payment of two hundred fifty seven dollars and seventy nine cents ($257.79), inclusive of tax, beginning May 1, 1994, until the arrearage is paid in full. Payment of regular semiannual rent in the amount of two hundred fifty ($ 250.00) per semiannual payment, plus sales tax, is due on May 1st and November 1st of each year beginning May 1, 1994. Any default in payment of this arrearage or regular semiannual payment shall constitute a default of the Lease. 25. This Lease contains a complete expression of the agreement between the parties and there are no promises, representations or inducements except as herein provided, and this agreement shall not be modified orally or in any manner other than by agreement in writing signed by all the parties hereto or by their respective successors in interest. EXECUTED this /7 7 --' day of A, - -1am A.D., 1994. THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA BY: BTPYE 1 D. SMITH, MAYOR GLENN M. McCALL