HomeMy WebLinkAbout045-Sanford Aero Modeler's ClubL-- L{ 5 TO: I RE: M E M O R A N D U M May 24, 1994 MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION CITY MANAGER WILLIAM A. SIMMONS SITE 10 LEASE FOR SANFORD AERO MODELERS' CLUB Prior to commencement of construction of the Site 10 facility, the Sanford Aero Modelers leased a portion of the site for a model airplane flying facility. This use was of necessity discontinued while the site was being reconfigured for reclaimed water irrigation /disposal. Now that construction of Site 10 is complete, the Sanford Aero Modelers have requested a lease covering a specific site. Field F -5 is separated from the bulk of the "pasture" portion of Site 10 by wetlands, therefore diminishing its usefulness for cattle grazing. Proposed modifications to the irrigation system, by Sanford Aero Modelers, would preserve the expected reclaimed water usage. Sanford Aero Modelers would be responsible for maintenance and mowing of the area. It is recommended that City Commission authorize execution of the attached lease agreement at a nominal rental rate. WAS Attachment cc: Utility Director City Attorney Bill Holmes (CPH /Orlando) Lee Dargue (Sanford Aero Modelers) DATE ITEM (City Can) a: \memos \aero- mod.1er AG REEMENT L- 45 THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on this � day of l�, between the CITY OF SANFORD hereinafter referred to as "CITY ", a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, and SANFORD AERO MODELERS, INC. hereinafter referred to as LESSEE, a Florida non- profit corporation, whose address is P. O. Box 470463, Lake Monroe, Florida 32747 -0463. WHEREAS, a portion of a tract of land owned by CITY, described as Water Reuse System Site 10, Field "F -5 Seminole County, Florida, is to be used for the purposes of wastewater irrigation and is available for light recreational use, consistent with such wastewater irrigation; and WHEREAS, the use of a portion of this tract as depicted on the attached Diagram " A " as a radio controlled (hereafter designated "RC ") model aircraft field, model car field, model boat facility and as a U- control model aircraft field would be consistent with the sensitive nature of the tract, and would also promote the building and operation of such aircraft, cars, and boats, a hobby which is locally and nationally recognized as a healthy, safe, and constructive activity; and WHEREAS, the successful operation of a model field and the protection of the flyers and users and the general public from improper use of the FCC assigned radio control frequencies requires that such a facility be under the supervision of a competent authority that is familiar with the requirements for proper utilization of these radio frequencies; and WHEREAS, the ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS (i.e., "AMA ") is the chartering organization for more than 1600 model clubs across the United States and provides its chartered clubs with substantial insurance and other hobby and professional assistance; and WHEREAS, SANFORD AERO MODELERS, INC. (LESSEE) is a chartered club of the ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS, and is well - qualified to provide the supervisory services needed for the successful operation of the subject property as a model field. covenants herein contained and in consideration of the payments and undertakings herein mentioned, made and to be made, have respectively promised unto and covenanted and agreed each with the other as follows: 1. Premises. In consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter made, reserved and contained on the part of LESSEE to be observed and performed, the CITY leases to LESSEE and LESSEE rents from the CITY, that certain 39.67 acre parcel of real property located in Seminole. County, Florida, known as Site 10, Field F -5, and more particularly described in Exhibit "A ", attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, and shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Subject Property ". The Subject Property shall be used by LESSEE for the operation of a model aircraft flying facility as more particularly described herein below. The City agrees that no other radio controlled hobby operation will be permitted to operate on any other portion of Site 10. (Sanford Aero Modelers Agreement) 2 W I T N E S S E T H That the parties hereto for and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained and in consideration of the payments and undertakings herein mentioned, made and to be made, have respectively promised unto and covenanted and agreed each with the other as follows: 1. Premises. In consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter made, reserved and contained on the part of LESSEE to be observed and performed, the CITY leases to LESSEE and LESSEE rents from the CITY, that certain 39.67 acre parcel of real property located in Seminole. County, Florida, known as Site 10, Field F -5, and more particularly described in Exhibit "A ", attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, and shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Subject Property ". The Subject Property shall be used by LESSEE for the operation of a model aircraft flying facility as more particularly described herein below. The City agrees that no other radio controlled hobby operation will be permitted to operate on any other portion of Site 10. (Sanford Aero Modelers Agreement) 2 141�, 2. Use of Reclaimed Water on Subject Property. (a) The Subject Property comprises a total of 39.67 acres. LESSEE shall utilize reclaimed water supplied by the CITY on approximately 17.5 acres of grassed area. Said area has been planted in Pensacola and Argentine Bahia in 1993 by the CITY. The CITY and LESSEE expressly acknowledge and agree that the CITY has obtained a permit from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) for the planting and operation of the area for improved pasture or hay production on the Subject Property. Written approval shall be obtained from FDEP by LESSEE for the Model Aircraft Flying Facility use In accordance with the conditions of the FDEP Permit #DC59- 186526 (Modification OCD- DW -92- 0628), the Subject Property shall be used by LESSEE for a model aircraft, boat, and car operation facility. LESSEE will not permit the Subject Property to be used for any other unauthorized purpose or for any unlawful purpose. (b) LESSEE shall accept and use reclaimed water produced by the CITY as more fully and specifically described herein. (c) LESSEE shall use reclaimed water delivered by the CITY for irrigation except that use of the reclaimed water shall be consistent with all local, state and federal regulations. In no event will LESSEE discharge reclaimed water directly to surface waters of the State of Florida without written authorization from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and any other applicable agency. LESSEE may only apply reclaimed water in (Sanford Aero Modelers Agreement) 3 a manner authorized by the EPA, the FDEP and the CITY on the Subject Property. LESSEE will take all reasonable precautions, including signs and labeling, to prevent confusion between reclaimed water sources and other water sources. LESSEE shall make necessary determination relative to use of reclaimed water for cattle consumption. 3. Term of Agreement and Effective Date. This Agreement shall become effective immediately upon the date which this Agreement is last signed by either the CITY or LESSEE. The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of fifteen (15) years. 4. Pastures. The CITY shall have the right to hire a agriculturist to inspect the subject property prior to LESSEE initiating any modification to the subject property and make periodic inspections during the term of the lease. 5. Payment to City. LESSEE agrees to pay annually to the CITY Ten dollars ($10.00) for the use of the site. Said annual payments to the CITY shall be made by LESSEE at time of lease execution and annually thereafter on the effective date of the lease. b. Right of First Refusal. The CITY grants to LESSEE upon expiration of the term of this Agreement, if LESSEE is not in default under the terms of this Agreement, the first right of refusal to lease the Subject Property if the CITY decides to lease said property for model airplane flying. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to obligate the CITY to lease the Subject Property at the termination of this Agreement. (Sanford Aero Modelers Agreement) 4 7. Installation of Subsurface and Surface Components of Irrigation System. The CITY has installed, at its sole cost and expense, the surface and subsurface components of the seepage irrigation system; herein after referred to as the "Irrigation System." The CITY has installed and shall maintain, at its sole cost and expense, the subsurface components of the Irrigation System on the Subject Property as shown in the drawings and technical specifications (Plans) of the CITY. Said Irrigation System generally includes, but is not limited to, the pumping station, subsurface pipes, valves, surface distribution swales, holding ponds, and stormwater management system. Any damage caused to the Irrigation System as a result of the acts, omissions or negligence of LESSEE, its agents, employees, officers or invitees shall be repaired by the CITY at the sole cost and expense of LESSEE. Routine maintenance and regrading of surface distribution swales system shall be the direct responsibility of LESSEE. LESSEE shall have the right to modify the City installed seepage irrigation system to facilitate the creation of a level, east -west oriented model aircraft flying facility generally 400 feet (east /west) by 120 feet (north /south). Existing irrigation and drainage swales must be piped within the level area to provide continuity of drainage and irrigation. Pipe size and overall plans for modifications must be approved by LESSOR, and FDEP if appropriate, before commencement of work on the site. LESSEE shall also design, install, operate and maintain a suitable alternate irrigation system for the area no longer served by seepage (Sanford Aero Modelers Agreement) 5 irrigation as result of piping the irrigation swales, to insure regular usage of reclaimed water in that area comparable to the usage prior to modification of the irrigation system. 8. Maintenance of Irrigation System. LESSEE shall be responsible for the routine maintenance of the surface Irrigation System including, but not limited to, the grade control structures, irrigation ditches, drainage ditches and lateral swales, and alternative irrigation system components at the sole expense of LESSEE. The CITY shall maintain the subsurface irrigation components it has installed including buried pipelines, valve control systems, valve vaults and boxes, and underground valves, valves, switches, pump stations, intake strainers and holding ponds. LESSEE shall be responsible for monitoring the Irrigation System. The CITY reserves the right to regularly monitor the system. 9. Volume of Water. (a) LESSEE expressly agrees to accept and use from the CITY a volume of 0.0543 million gallons daily (MGD) of reclaimed water on the Subject Property without cost to LESSEE, resulting in an annual use of the volume of 19.8 million gallons of reclaimed water on the Subject Property. The CITY may, at its sole discretion and cost, install appropriate meters so that the volume of reclaimed water used by LESSEE may be monitored. (b) Both parties recognize that adverse weather conditions may necessitate modification of the volume of reclaimed (Sanford Aero Modelers Agreement) 6 water established in Paragraph 9(a) on a temporary basis. LESSEE shall have the right to temporarily restrict or refuse the use of reclaimed water to be delivered in the event of adverse weather conditions. Both parties also recognize that adverse weather conditions may result in a need for reclaimed water greater than the volume set forth in Paragraph 9(a). LESSEE shall have the right to temporarily draw additional water, subject to availability of reclaimed water supplies, in the event of adverse weather conditions. Notice of the exercise of these rights by LESSEE shall be provided in writing to the CITY. LESSEE expressly agrees that the exercise of these rights shall not result in a change to the annual use of the volume of 19.8 million gallons of reclaimed water on the Subject Property. (c) If the CITY's storage, transmission or distribution system fails, then delivery of reclaimed water under the requirements of this Agreement may be interrupted or limited in quantity. The CITY shall not be held responsible for any damage or loss of any type whatsoever sustained by LESSEE as a result of the reduction, interruption or cessation of the delivery of reclaimed water by the CITY to LESSEE. (d) In the event of a change in existing regulations promulgated by the FDEP or other regulatory agency concerning the use or distribution of reclaimed water for irrigation, or in the event of changes in technology, or in the event of any change in the CITY's need to provide the quantities of water established in Paragraph 9(a), herein, then (Sanford Aero Modelers Agreement) n-, 1) the CITY shall give LESSEE no less than one (1) months notice of any anticipated reduction or cessation in water supplied to LESSEE; 2) the CITY shall not be held responsible for any damage or loss of any type whatsoever sustained by LESSEE as a result of the reduction, interruption or cessation of the delivery of reclaimed water by the CITY to LESSEE. 10. Reclaimed Water Quality. The reclaimed water delivered by the CITY will meet all applicable local, state and federal water quality regulations for reclaimed water for pasture grass irrigation. If the reclaimed water fails to meet applicable FDEP water quality regulations, then the CITY shall immediately notify LESSEE and the CITY and LESSEE shall immediately cease irrigation of the Subject Property. 11. Improvements. The parties expressly acknowledge and agree that LESSEE shall at its sole cost and expense have the right to construct in strict compliance with all applicable local, state and federal regulations a model airplane flying facility; a U- control model flying facility with fifteen (15) foot paved landing circle, outside diameter of 145 feet, and center operator box; storage shed and a covered pavilion; located generally as shown on Exhibit "B ". The actual location and plans for said facilities, shall be subject to CITY approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. LESSEE shall obtain at its sole cost and expense all required approvals and permits. The CITY shall cooperate in the FDEP permitting process to the extent necessary. (Sanford Aero Modelers Agreement) 8 /0�-. LESSEE shall not construct any other capital improvement, structures or buildings on the Subject Property without written approval from the LESSOR and compliance with all local, state and federal laws. Upon termination of this Agreement, all improvements, buildings, and structures constructed by LESSEE on the Subject Property shall become the property of the CITY and revert to the CITY in fee simple absolute. At the option of the CITY, LESSEE may be required to remove LESSEE's installed improvements including alternate irrigation system, and restore the previous seepage irrigation and drainage system and regulation. 12. Maintenance of Improvements. LESSEE shall maintain the appearance of all roadways, parking areas, entrance and exit ways on the Subject Property. LESSEE shall maintain and repair all structures and improvements and alternate irrigation system constructed on the Subject Property by LESSEE. 13. Access to Pump Station. LESSEE shall not have access to the pump station. The CITY shall regulate and control the timing of the seepage irrigation to the Subject Property. LESSEE shall contact the CITY when it is necessary for the CITY to adjust the system or make regular and emergency repairs to the seepage irrigation system. The CITY shall provide LESSEE with the names and telephone numbers of City repairmen. LESSEE shall not make any regular or emergency repairs to the pump station or changes to the irrigation system. The CITY shall promptly make all necessary adjustments and repairs taking into consideration LESSEE's need to provide water to cattle if applicable. LESSEE shall make all (Sanford Aero Modelers Agreement) 9 necessary repairs to the alternate irrigation /drainage system he installs. when it is necessary to utilize City employees or agents to repair the pump station or make adjustments to the system after regular business hours or on City holidays, LESSEE shall reimburse the CITY for said expenses if said repairs are made after regular business hours or during City holidays. 14. Destruction of Pasture Grass. As to the planting of pasture grasses on the Subject Property during the term of this Agreement, LESSEE shall be required to replant all pasture grasses that have been destroyed by erosion, freeze, pestilence, disease, natural disaster or act of God. 15. Good Agricultural Practices. LESSEE shall take good care of the Subject Property, its improvements and manage and operate the improved pasture located thereon in a creditable manner, following the agricultural practices recognized as best in the community, and suffer no waste during the term of this Agreement. 16. Indemnification. LESSEE, at its sole cost and expense, agrees to defend, indemnify and save harmless the CITY and its officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, costs, demands, expenses, fines, losses, liability, damages, injury, actions or causes of action whatsoever in connection with or arising from or out of the operation, occupancy or use of the Subject Property; occasioned wholly or in part by any acts, negligence or omissions of LESSEE, its agents, contractors, employees, invitees, licensees or others. 17. Expiration or Breach of Agreement. W (Sanford Aero Modelers Agreement) 10 rdo (a) In the event of a breach or default by LESSEE in the performance of any of the covenants, conditions, or provisions of this Agreement, then the CITY may give LESSEE written notice of said breach or default and if LESSEE does not cure said breach or default within thirty (30) days after receiving said notice, then the CITY may terminate this Agreement on not less than thirty (30) days notice to LESSEE and /or may seek damages as provided by law, and on the date specified in said notice of termination, the term of this Agreement shall terminate. When this Agreement has been terminated by the CITY for breach or default by LESSEE or when the term of this Agreement has expired as provided in Paragraph 3, herein, then LESSEE shall quit and surrender the Subject Property, all buildings, improvements, structures, improved pasture to the CITY and remove LESSEE's personal property. The CITY may at any time thereafter resume possession of the Subject Property, and all buildings, structures, fences, improvements and improved pasture thereon put in at the expense of LESSEE shall be the property of the CITY and shall remain upon and be surrendered with the Subject Property as a part thereof at the termination of this Agreement without any payment to LESSEE for same. If Agreement is terminated by the CITY for any reason other than non - payment of rent, such rent that has been paid shall be treated in liquidated damages. (b) In the event of a breach or default by the CITY in the performance of any of the covenants, conditions, or provisions of this Agreement, then LESSEE may give the CITY written notice of said breach or default and if the CITY does not cure said breach (Sanford Aero Modelers Agreement) 11 r` ,-*, or default within sixty (60) days after receiving said notice of breach or default, then LESSEE may terminate this Agreement on not less than thirty (30) days notice to the CITY and /or may seek damages as provided by law. (c) Except as may otherwise be, specifically provided herein, no action or failure to act by the CITY or LESSEE shall constitute a waiver of any right or duty afforded to them nor of their right at all times in the future to insist upon the full and complete performance of each and every term, covenant, condition and provision of this Agreement, nor shall any such action or failure to act, constitute an approval or acquiescence in any breach hereunder. 18. Insurance. The CITY shall not be held responsible or liable to LESSEE, LESSEE's employees, patrons, independent contractors, invitees, third party participants, licensees or others for any damage to personal property or for any personal injury caused by the acts, omissions, or negligence of LESSEE, its employees, patrons, independent contractors visitors or others, or by catastrophe. LESSEE, at its own cost, shall obtain and maintain during the term of this Agreement, liability insurance written by an insurance company or companies rated " A " or higher by A.M. Best, licensed to do business in the State of Florida, for the benefit of LESSEE, which will fully protect LESSEE against liability for property damage and personal injury suffered by reasons of said aforedescribed acts and use of the Subject Property, with minimum limits of Two Million Five Hundred Thousand dollars ($2,500,000.00) (Sanford Aero Modelers Agreement) 12 Big per occurrence. LESSEE shall furnish to the CITY copies of such insurance policies and certificates, and of the renewals thereof, and said policies and certificates shall name the CITY as an additional named insured and provide that the CITY is to be given at least 30 days advance written notice of any changes, cancellations or failure to renew any policy. LESSEE shall procure workmen's compensation insurance coverage as required by law. 19. Utilities. LESSEE agrees to pay all charges for electricity for buildings constructed by LESSEE, and other incidental uses or any LESSEE installed structures, or buildings as provided for in Paragraph 11, herein, and trash and garbage removal, as and when said charges become due and payable. LESSEE shall not permit any lien to be assessed against the Subject Property for failure to pay said charges. 20. Inspection and Access to Premises. The CITY, its agents and employees properly identified, shall have the right, at all reasonable times to enter the Subject Property or any part thereof, to inspect the same, and to carry out any provision of this Agreement. The CITY agrees not to disturb any ongoing operations. LESSEE agrees to provide the CITY with keys to any locks installed by LESSEE as are necessary for the CITY to carry out the provisions of this Agreement. 21. Contests and Public Events. LESSEE shall have the right to sponsor and to supervise such contests and other public events related to radio controlled model operation on the premises, subject to applicable City, County, State and Federal rules and (Sanford Aero Modelers Agreement) 13 regulations. W 22. Assignment and Subletting. LESSEE shall not, without first obtaining the prior written consent of the City Commission, which consent shall not be arbitrarily and capriciously withheld, assign this Agreement or sublet the Subject Property or any part thereof, or permit the use of the Subject Property by any party other than LESSEE, its agents or employees. Any assignment, delegation or subletting effectuated without the CITY's prior written consent shall be void and of no legal effect. Consent given by the CITY to any assignment or sublease of this Agreement shall not nullify this provision, and all subsequent assignments or subleases shall be made only subject to obtaining prior written consent of the CITY as required in this Paragraph. 23. Central Florida Regional Airport. The Central Florida Regional Airport is located approximately five (5) miles north -west of the premises. The Airport Authority has specified "no objection" to the use of the premises for RC model operation, but has reserved the right to restrict activities should flight activities impact airport traffic and be deemed a problem by the FAA relevant to airport operations (Exhibit "C ") . LESSEE shall comply with all requirements, of Central Florida Regional Airport relative to RC operation on the premises. 24. Disclaimer of Representations and Warranties by CITY. The CITY does not represent or warrant that the volume of reclaimed water delivered shall increase the productivity of the land described in Exhibit " A " nor result in changes to the land, (Sanford Aero Modelers Agreement) 14 *" .00, improved pasture or vegetation of any kind. LESSEE shall secure independent advice and shall make an independent judgment as to the use of the volume of water described in Paragraph 9, herein. 25. Excuse from Performance by Governmental Acts. If for any reason during the term of this Agreement, local, regional, state or federal governments or agencies shall fail to issue necessary permits, grant necessary approvals, or shall require any change in the operation of the treatment, transmission and distribution systems or the application and use of reclaimed water by the CITY, then to the extent that such requirements shall affect the ability of any party to perform any of the terms of this Agreement, the affected party shall be excused from the performance of this Agreement. A new Agreement shall be negotiated, if possible, by the parties hereto in conformity with such permits, approvals, or requirements. 26. Disclaimer by Third Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement is solely for the benefit of the formal parties hereto and no right or cause of action shall accrue upon or by reason, hereof, to or for the benefit of any third party not a formal party hereto. 27. Taxes. LESSEE shall pay all personal property, real property (ad valorem) and corporate taxes whether now existing or imposed in the future. LESSEE shall pay such taxes in full before becoming delinquent. LESSEE, at its sole cost and expense, shall have the right to contest, in good faith, the validity of any real property taxes levied against the Subject Property. 28. LESSEE's Environmental Representation. (Sanford Aero Modelers Agreement) 15 101% (a) LESSEE represents and warrants that any handling, transportation, storage, treatment or use of contaminants, pollutants, hazardous or toxic substances on the Subject Property by LESSEE, its agents, employees or contractors will be in compliance with all applicable federal, state and city laws, regulations and ordinances. (b) LESSEE agrees to defend, indemnify and save harmless the CITY and its officers, employees and agents from all claims costs, damages, demands, expenses, fines, judgments, liabilities and losses, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs, which arise during or after the term of this Agreement from or in connection with the presence or suspected presence of contaminants, pollutants, hazardous or toxic substances in the soil or groundwater on or under the Subject Property from the breach of Subparagraph 32 (a), hereinabove. (c) LESSEE shall carry throughout the term of this Agreement, with an insurance company, rated "A" or higher by A. M. Best, coverage for the Subject Property sufficient to meet LESSEE's indemnification obligations in Subparagraph 32 (b), hereinabove, if reasonably available. 29. Liens. LESSEE shall not allow any liens of any kind or nature to attach against the Subject Property during the term of this Agreement, including, but not limited to contractors, subcontractors, taxes, fines, penalties, suppliers and laborers employed by LESSEE. LESSEE agrees to indemnify the CITY for all costs, including reasonable attorney's fees, which are required to (Sanford Aero Modelers Agreement) 16 be expended by the CITY to litigate, satisfy, cure, bond -off, or settle any such claims so created by LESSEE. 30. Severability. If any part of this Agreement is found invalid or unenforceable by any Court, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the other parts of this Agreement if the rights and obligations of the parties contained therein are not materially prejudiced and if the intentions of the parties can continue to be effectuated. To that end, this Agreement is declared severable. 31. Land Use Approvals. This Agreement shall not be construed as granting or assuring or indicating any future grant of any land use or zoning approvals, permissions, variances, special exceptions, or rights with respect to the real property described in Exhibit "A" hereof. 32. Applicable Law and Venue. This Agreement and the provisions contained herein shall be construed, controlled, and interpreted according to the laws of the State of Florida and venue for any action shall be located in Seminole County, Florida. 33. Address of the Parties. For purposes of this Agreement, the address of the CITY is: City Manager CITY OF SANFORD Post Office Box 1788 Sanford, Florida 32772 -1788 For purposes of this Agreement, the address of LESSEE is: SANFORD AERO MODELERS Post Office Box 470463 Lake Monroe, Florida 32747 -0463 (Sanford Aero Modelers Agreement) 17 lw A The CITY and LESSEE may, from time to time, change the address to which notices should be sent upon written notice to the other party. The change of address shall be deemed effective five (5) days after it is mailed, postage prepaid to the other party. 34. Captions. Captions throughout this instrument are inserted for convenience and reference only, and the words contained therein shall in no way be held to explain, modify, amplify, or aid in the interpretation construction or meaning of. the provisions of this Agreement, or as a limitation of the scope of the paragraph to which they refer. 35. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains and embodies the entire agreement of the parties hereto, and no representations, inducements or agreements, oral or otherwise, between the parties not contained and embodied herein shall be of any force or effect, and the same may not be modified, changed or terminated in whole or in part, or in any manner other than by agreement in writing duly signed by all the parties hereto. 36. Time of Essence. It is understood and agreed between the parties hereto that time is of the essence for all the terms, provisions, covenants and conditions of this Agreement. 37. Mediation Required. The parties agree that no legal action related to this Agreement shall be brought in any court of competent jurisdiction in Seminole County, Florida, unless and until the parties have first made good faith efforts to resolve the dispute(s) by mediation. 38. Attorney's Fees. In any action or proceeding arising out (Sanford Aero Modelers Agreement) 18 " �* of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs. 39. Agreement Drafted by Both Parties. This Agreement has been drafted by both parties and both parties acknowledge and agree that they have had their respective attorneys review same prior to execution by the undersigned representatives. 40. No Oral Modifications. This Agreement may not be modified except by an instrument in writing, signed by the duly authorized representatives of each party hereto. 41. Authority to Sign Agreement. The City Commission of the CITY OF SANFORD has approved this Agreement by appropriate action and has authorized its execution by the undersigned representative. It is further warranted, that LESSEE is a corporation and that LESSEE has by resolutions authorized the undersigned representative to execute this Agreement so as to bind LESSEE. 42. Miscellaneous. Nothing contained herein shall be construed or interpreted as creating a relationship between the parties other than that of landlord and tenant. 43. Preemption. / ATTEST: ITY CLERK THE CITY OF SANFORD, a Municipal Corporation By: � I� ' yL� Title: dal Date: q° tmi 9 /3 (Sanford Aero Modelers Agreement) 19 By: L « P" e Title: /Res S e .fvr.t 4e,*, �nld Date: 6 .STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF SEMINOLE ) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this 1(D day of 1994, by Mayor Bettye D. Smith, City of Sanford, who is personally known to me and who did take an oath. p � PENNY LOU n .Y My Commission on CC31 CC31566/ Expires Sep. 06.1997 s Bonded byANS NOTARY P LIC f � ?OV itsNO 600652 -5676 My Commi sion Expires: 6, 6, !G9'7 STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF SEMINOLE ) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this 9yA day of ' 1994, by (X UL of the LESSEE, who is personally known to me and who did take an oath. p +°sµt rokr PENNY LOU TURNER NOTARY BLIC 1CJg My Commission CC315661 My Co 'ssion Expires: Expires Sep. 06.1997 Bonded by ANB 600.662.6676 NY LOU TU NER "%'y C CC316661 _.p .06. 1997 dad by rM0.852 -5876 (Sanford Aem Modelers Agreement) 20 EAGLES NEST GOLF COURSE PR. i CATTLE LEASE %� hII �'; TT �� , "� :..L¢;,; :A .,.. <C...•y<,. p. j � /ff //� / / ' • f /.,; � •�(�� /�� � �C ' 4 �y,J - .�! t ✓ f 4 f' _ �`� � . ... _T ice �_ __- " Y • i ^ � ,�. / a1 ���_ / ��/ �F% _ � \�� t •r t - !Ts � _ \`1(11 - �.,,,_ .. \ At `' �� % / /� // �Y' .ya• e tJ -�— 1 In A 7 , 11"1 �. � \ _ �s Sl`�I .�/ i r (� '! / \ `:J'�j.'' 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Ili PIGATtUH LEGEND LAKE JESSUP - -'• --;' - 1 �•: �!� r- - WAVfR LINE GROVES, INC, i __iLY)I 1 � � < nus oYf AAf - !�/ � —^ JlslAlsunox sot A MAIM ('XANXEI LEGEND -- c ;; OAAIXAGF OI (GN AAtA **so**** GOIt COUl60 Boundary = =: taI :T.NC DRAINAGE OITCM "l/j • I /,/ 'rFruNO CxAxxtt WC-. ,ommim, a Cattle Lease Boundar SITE 10 LEASES ■ a a a 0 a ■ Model Airplane Boundary - .8 ,. wt f O •` A ?� ' . 0 o E'•S i ����� r L o� ® (D L o 8 O N I z4 IDU 'oz diAl 'a 39�d Cf1tlQ 1 J d3dolId losm-mill '1 i :San,no5 Ho�lvw�ojr�tt ! f f� rx r 7 S F ' sr 6.9"A6V CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL AIRPORT Sar4ford Airpor! AuthorityeP.O. Box 818eSanforli Florida 32772 -0818 Phone: (407)322 -7771 Fitz: (407)322 -5834 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Lee Dargue C/O Sanford Aero Modelers 522 Fuller Avenue Deltona, Florida 32725 FROM: Robert J. Mattingly Assistant Director of Aviation REF: Proposed Airstrip (See Attached) DATE: December 15, 1993 RECEIVED JAN 2 81994 OW of SAMFORd Thank you for checking with the Authority regarding the set -up and use of a City of Sanford parcel of land for use as a R/C model aircraft flight area. The Authority has no objection concerning your flight activities at the proposed airstrip. The Authority does reserve the right to restrict activities in the future should the flight activities impact airport traffic or be deemed a problem by the FAA relevant to airport operations. I I ZN r E aT 53/� Roo AVE.- + SANFORD .6 Miles 00 17 oa�3 LAKE JESSUP Sr. JOHNS RIVER l.M xf Fi '1 NNZ SANFORD AFRO MODELERS MULLET LAKE ROAD TO GENEVA N AMA SINCE 1936 Mr. Lee Dargue Sanford Aero Modelers 522 Fuller Ave Deltona, FL 32725 -8317 Dear Lee, April 20, 1994 We have had our insurance broker, Alexander and Alexander, review the proposed lease with the City of Deltona, FL. These comments are only applicable to the insurance section of the lease. Our comments are summarized in four areas: 1. For a complete review and understanding, the first sentence, which concerns the matter of indemnity, needs a legal opinion rather than an insurance opinion. our broker said that general liability insurance policy will not provide coverage for anv and all acts or in all situations the "said afore described acts" as worded in the insurance section. The AMA's liability policy which provides standard insurance coverage does provide bodily injury and property damage liability insurance coverage. 2. The AMA's general liability insurance carrier is Royal Surplus Lines Insurance Company. They are rated A- (Excellent) by A.M. Best. The company is licensed in Connecticut and New York. It operates on a surplus lines or non admitted basis in D.C. and all states except Connecticut, New Hampshire, and New York. 3. The AMA liability policy limits are $2,500,000 per occurrence and $5,000,000 per aggregate per location. The lease wording used split limits of $2.5 million per person and $5 million total for more than one person plus $2.5 million property damage limit. Therefore, their limit requirement is higher even with different split limit wording. Meantime, the lease language on limits is rather outdated and should state combined single limit (CSL) of $2,500,000. MQ la ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS 515 East Memorial D rive Muncie, Indiana 4730 (3 17) 28 7 -1 FA (3 17) 28 9 -4 4. The AMA can provide evidence of insurance by a certificate or a full policy copy. The City would be able to be covered under the AMA liability insurance policy as an Additional Insured which the club can request. I trust that this satisfactorily provides your club with the needed clarification. Sinc ly Carl P. Maroney c� Special Services D ector CPM \jcc " Certificate of Insurance THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UWN THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND. EXTEND, OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES LISTED BELOW. NAME AND ADDRESS OFAGENCY/BROKER: CERTIFICATE NO: COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE ALEXANDER AND ALEXANDER, INC. R2606 12120 Shamrock Plaza COMPANY LETTER A Royal Surplus Lines Insurance Co. P.O. Box 3388 COMPANY B Omaha, Nebraska 68103 -0388 LETTER ,COMPANY ^ NAME AND ADDRESS OF INSURED: LETTER C The Academy of Model Aeronautics, Inc. and/or Affiliated and /or COMPANY D LETTER Associated Chartered Clubs, Chapters, and Members thereof- 5151 E Memorial Drive COMPANY C LETTER C Muncie, IN 47302-9252 This is to certify that policies of insurance listed below have been issued to the insured named above and an info= at this time. Notwithstanding any requirement, term, or condition of any contractor other document with respect to which this certificate may be issued or may pertain, the insurance afforded by the policies described herein is subject to all the terms, exclusions, and conditions of ,,& policies. CO. TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY LIMITS OF LIABILITY LETTER PERIOD GENERAL LIABILITY Y A x COMMERCIAL FORM ! GENERAL AGGREGATE $5,000,000 1 1C PREMISES- OPERATIONS 3 /31/94 PER LOCATION 'JG EXPLOSION AND COLLAPSE j KHAO06252 IHRU X U D RGROUND HAZARD l 3/31 /95 PRODUCTS COMP /DPS AGGREGATE $5,000,000 IX PRODUCTSICOMPLETED OPERATIONS HAZARD X CONTRACTUAL INSURANCE This certificate cancels and super - M INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS series any previously Issued EACH OCCURRENCE $2,500,000 certificate of insurance Issued under C2 CLAIMS MADE FORM this polity number. K PERSONAL INJURY ! X OCCURRENCE FORM EXCESS UASILrrY BODILY INJURY AND U UMBRELLA FORM El THAN PROPERTY DAMAGE $ a. OTHER UMBRELLA FORM I COMBINED .. WORKERS' COMPENSATION STATUTORY ' and EMPLOYERS' UABILTTY $ (EACH ACCIDENT) DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION S/LOCATIONS /SPECIAL ITEMS: Lac: SITU, 410 SAKTRD FL SANFORD AFRO MO0E;.T;R5 /'1626 LEE VAROUE 522 FULLER AVE PEI.IONA FL 32725 -8317 ADDITIONAL INSURED: CITY OF SANFORD i MAILING ADDRESS OF CERTIFICATE HOLDER: CANCELLATION: SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CITY I)c SANFOREI WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 60 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLD- 1 0 BOX J '/ 'I'S ER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE_ NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY. ITS AGENTS OR 'SANcOIfD LL .12772 REPRESENTATIVES. �DA� / D: JJ i1Rr Ch 10 AUTHORIZED RFPRESENTATIV