HomeMy WebLinkAbout048-Police Community CenterL- 04.8 Please type all information Corp. No. - Date Prepared Agreement Commencement Date Agreement Ending Date 3625 1 9/18/95 1 9/21/95 12/31/95* City of Sanford :ioe Office Address P.O. Box 1788 State, Zip Sanford, Florid ,nt's Telephone No. (407)330 -5604 A. Si WE PERIOD START DATE a 32772 -1888 SALES PERCENT SEMINOLE TOWNE CENTER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, an Indiana limited partnership By: SIMON PROPERTY GROUP, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, dib /a Simon Property Group, Limited Partnership, General Partner By: SIMON PROPERTY GROUP, INC., a Maryland corporation, General Partner aooinq Center Trade Name Seminole Towne Center purpose space can See attached Exhibit B 61.00 9/21/95 SALES BASE In consideration of the premises, covenants and agreements as stated above and hereinafter set forth, it is agreed by and between the parties as follows: Deposit ❑ Received OVERAGE RENT DUE DATE 1. Landlord hereby leases to Tenant and Tenant hereby rents from landlord certain space, as identified above, subject to all of the terms and conditions herein stated, that portion above named shopping center (hereinafter referred to as the "Shopping Center") containing the approximate square footage of floor area as specified above and more precisely describe designated on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. In addition, the exhibits) listed below and anached to this Agreement is (are) hereby incorporate reference: _Exhibit B 2. Tenant shall occupy and use the premises under this lease for the period, as stated above, commencing on the Agreement Commencement Date and ending on the Agreement E� Date, unless sooner terminated as herein provided. 3. Such portion of the Shopping Center may be occupied and used by the Tenant solely for the purpose as stated above. 4. Tenant shall occupy and use the premises leased herein under the trade name specified above and said trade name shall not be changed at any time durin th ereof w prior written consent by Landlord. O n or before the first day of each Payment Period specified above, Tenant convenams and agrees to out notice or demand at the Landlord's office address spe above: the Minimum en 6. Within five working days following the cl f iiii to Payment eno I rd a written statement of gross sales made in such period. Along wit' statement, Tenant or an amount equal to the Percentage Fee Rate multiplied by Tenant's total gross sales for sue ay ales exceed the Perce e. SEE THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF FOR ADDITIONAL TERMS, CONDITIONS AND COVENANTS WHICH FORM A PART OF THIS LEASE AGREEMENT. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement made the day and year first above written. (Landlord) SEMINOLE TOWNE CENTER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, an Indiana limited partnership By: SIMON PROPERTY GROUP, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, d/b /a Simon Property Group, Limited Partnership, General Partner By: SIMON PROPERTY GROUP, INC., a Maryland corporation, Gpgerrl Partner Sarah J. ffJ oaric Title :..__ -Ka 11- 14a.na g es._._ _. (Tenant) Citv of Sanford Tenant acknowledges and accepts the foregoing Lease Agreement, subject 10 all the Conditions and Covenants set forth above and on the reverse side and which may be tained on; ny � ; xh bi attach hereto.' By <U Title: LEASE AGREEME MSA Form 40 (Rev. 8-9a Concurrent with Tenant's execution of this agreement, Tenant agrees to deposit with Landlord as good faith monies, a non-refundable sum equal to twenty -fiv cent (S of the Minl ment Rent required ,coming duuired to be paid by Tenant pursuant to this Lease, which sum shall be applied to User's Total Minimum Payment Rem e if the terms of this Leas event Tenant does not open for business for any reason. including termination of this Lease, said deposit shall be ed in whole by Tenon 8. As used herein, "gross sales' mear ice of all goods. wares and merchandise sold, and the charges for all services ed, by Tenant or any other person or m, 3t. or from the premises, for cash, creditor otherwis !reserve or deduction for uncollected amounts net, din 'ratted to safes and services in where orders orig in, at or from the premises, regardless from whence delivery or p rice is made. (ii) pursuant to mail me, telegraph or otherwise received or filled at the premises resulting from transactions originating in, al, or fro mthepremises :anddeposr nded to cutore .Excluded fromgrilss sales shall be: (I) refunds to customers on transact. otherwise included in gross sales, and (ii) sales, excise or similar tax imposed by goy uthority and collected from customers and paid out by Tenant. No other taxes be deducted from gross sales. 9. Tenant will preserve for at least one (1) year r+� books and records. separate and Identifiable, disclosing on pertaining to gross sales as Landlord rear. including, but not limned to, cash register to es slips. sales checks. tax reports bank deposit records, sales journals and other 'n data. At anytime during the tee this Lease, Tenant shall, upon tw r (24) hours notice from Landlord, present such records at the Shopping Center Management Office for ion or audit. Followin . conclusion is Lea nt shall, upon ten (10) days notice from Landlord, present such records at Tenant's business address specified herein for exam' udi t. In e case, d su Inahon or audit discloses a liability for Percentage Fees 3% or more in excess or the Percentage Rent paid by Tenant for any period, Tenant shall pr the the cost of said audit and the deficiency in rent, which deficiency shall be payable in any event. 10. Revised text attached 5.41 efore commencing any use hereunder, Tenant shall furnish to Landlord certificates of insurance issued by the company or companies providing such insurance ter that tcoverages are in full force and effect naming Landlord as insured thereunder and providing that no such insurance may be cancelled without at le n (70) written notice to L tl (or such other personas Landlord shall designate in writing to the insurer) by certified mail, return receipt requested, at Landlord's pal office ado specified herein: (i) A co nsive or commercial general liability policy including contractual liability and broad form property damage cover ording protection o occurrence basis for claims arising otlily art death, and property damage, and having limits of notlessthan:$500,000forbodily inju mgdeath to one or more per, arising out of one occurrence: with a$1,00 regate limit of liability. $ 500,000 for damage to property arising out of one occurr dha$1.000,000 aggregate limit of ha: or $500,000 combined Single Limit per occurrence 000,000 Combined Single Limit, aggregate, and (ii) Workmen' pensation insurance as required by the laws o: state where Shopping Center is located (applies to all stateghewept Ohiol, and Employer's Liability insurance 00.000 00 limit. 11.(a) Tenant shall assume liability for and shall indemnify and hold hba mi the owner rid management of the Shopping Center, (and all their shareholders. partr directors, related entities, employees, customers and invitees) and Shopping Center and their owners, officers, directors, employees, customers and invitees) against from any and all liabilities, obligations, losses, penalties, actions, suits. clatir s,expen bursements(including legal fees and expenses), orcosts of any kind and na whatsoever in any way relating to or arising out of any activity of the Te - eluding without If inflation t vifies of the Tenant's officers, directors. employees, agents, contrac and servants within the Shopping Center) . The ownership and gementof the Shopping Center, the Shoppl ter tenants or agents of the Shopping Center, shall not be If to any Tenant using the Shopping Center or any othe oer� on or about the Shopping Center, the adjoining grounds a ing tot, by the Tenant's consent, invitation or lice express or implied, for any loss, expense or fie, either to the person or property sustained by reason of any condition of s raises or the Shopping Center, or due to act of any employee or agent of [h9 and management of the Shopping Center, its tenants, or agents of the Shopping Center, act of any other person whatsoe ) Lant agents and employees. shall not be liable for and Tenant waives all claims for, damage to person or property sustained by Tenon person cla'r resulting from any accident or occurrence in or upon the premises or building of which they shall be a part, or any other part of the Shopping Cente . ant ag demand Landlord's expenses including reasonable attorney's fees incurred in enforcing any obligation of the Tenant under this license. 12. Tenant shall at all times during its use of the premises provide sufficient supervision and maintain adequate control of its employees, guests or mwnees. 13. In the event there are any licenses, or permits required by any governmental agency or authority with respect to the type of activity carried on andror in use of the prem Tenant Shall be responsible for obtaining such licenses, authorizations and permits. No unlawful activities shall be permitted in the use of the premises. including but not I'mrte the use of alcoholic beverages or gambling. 14. Tenant agrees at the termination of this lease to remove such Tenants goods and effects. to repair any damage caused by such removal and peaceably to yield p, . premises clean and in good order, repair and condition. damage by fire or unavoidable casualty and ordinary wear and tear excepted. Any personal property of Tenant not rer. : two (2) days following such termination shall become property of Landlord 15. Tenant agrees not to harm the premises. not commit waste nor create any nuisance'. not make any use of the premises which is offensive as determined by Landis as sole discretion. nor do any act tending to injure the reputation of the Shopping Center, and shall abide by all rules and regulations established by the Shopping Center to, <. occupants of the Shopping Center, 16. Notwithstanding any the foregoing provisions to the contrary. it Tenant's deemed to be in violation of any federal, state. municipal. or local fire. building, or other code. Te shall immediately cure any and all violations and immediately pay any and all costs, fines and /or penalties attributable to all such violation(s). If Tenant fails to cure said violator Landlord may at its sole discretion either (a) cure the violation( s) or( b) immediately terminate this Lease without notice or liability to Tenant whatsoever. Landlords election to exe the provisions of the preceding sentence, shall not in any way relieve Tenant of paying any and all costs, fines, and /or penalties attributable to any such violation. 17. Tenant agrees not to make any alterations or additions. nor permit the making of any holes in the walls. partitions. ceilings, or floors. nor permit the painting or plaer any exterior signs, placards. or other advertising media banners. pennants. awnings. aerials. aihtennas. or the like, without on each occasion obtaining prior written consent by Land' 18. Tenant agrees not to suffer any mechanic's lien to be filed against the premises by reason of any work, labor, services, or materials performed at or furnished to the preml s to the Tenant, or to anyone holding the premises through or under the Tenant. Nothing in this license contained shall be construed as a consent on the part of the Landlord to sub the Landlords estate in the premises to any lien of liabtlity under the Lien Laws of the state in which the premises are located. 19. In the event of any failure of Tenant to pay any sums or any failure to perform any other of the terms. conditions or covenants of this license to be observed or penor" oy Tenant. or if Tenant shall become bankrupt or insolvent or file any debtor proceedings, or take or have taken in any State a petition in bankruptcy or insolvency or for reorgan¢a rr for the appointment of a receiver or trustee of all or a portion of Tenant s property. or if Tenant makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors. or petitions for or enters mr irrangement, or if Tenant shall abandon the premises. then Landlord, besides having the right to immediately terminate this Lease without serving notice to Tenant of said termm ;hall have the immediate right of re -entry and may remove all persons and property from the :eased premises and such property may be removed and stored in a public water` i elsewhere at the cost of, and for the account of Tenant, all without serrre or notice or resort of legal process and without being deemed guilty of trespass or becori liac' ,ny loss or damage which may be occasioned thereby. 20 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein contained. L,indbrOmay it any fine during the time of this Lease, elect to terminate !his Lease upon thirty 1301 ca ys adr- , iman notice to Tenant for Lease's with terms of 70 days or more. or upon 'e:• ; 101 days advance written notice to Tenant for Lease's with terns of less than 70 days such elecaon by Landlord. Tenant's obligations hereunder small be apportioned as of the effective date of such termination. 71 Tenant shall not sell. assign .mortgage .pledge ornn any mar v,tnfiferthis L ease or a ny rote rest'here'n. nor sublet all or any part of the premises . no' lice's :ons ie 4 r departments therem. without Landlord's prior written approvai Revised text attached 23 Nuth'ng ; contaned herein shall be deemed or constr ed by- V panic 'reuf nor L; any fn,rd_ as creating the relationship of principal and agent or of pa +ne ,, enlvle between the parties hereto, lfbeing understood and agreed their not.... gcoma'nedheran nor tiny acts of the parties hereto. shall be, deemed Mcreate any rela:lomsr n cl r. panics hereto other than the relationship of Landlord and Tenant 24. Anything to the contrary herein contained notwithstanding, there shall be absolutely no personal liability on persons, firms or enrties no constitute Landlord will o any of the terms . covenants conditions and provisions of this Lease. and Tenant shall look solely to he interest of each and every remedy of Tenant in the event of dri if '. Hereunder. such exculpation of personal liability Is absolute and without any exception whatsoever SEMINOLE TOWNE CENTER SPACE LL A2A S.C. n 25. J R.R. r • • JANITOR r1 CLOSET • • • S 48 V n 4 n W W O p RESTAURANT W r y . O N 1 W ® 4 7 $ SUNCOAST C,N 52550 SPACE LL A2A S.C. n 25. J R.R. r • • JANITOR r1 CLOSET • • • S 48 PROPOSED n 4 _ 0 5320 O p te' RESTAURANT 4 28.85 N ® 4 7 $ SUNCOAST C,N 52550 R© cKaD;? L4270 271702 L40 r . ire� 43.65' UITMAN 6, 19.17' 30' 2• LETS TALC CELL" 19.38' 25' f 5' ^ ® 2,5940 .LI750 0 r 215.5 RT1S75 PAVE Y ' ENT I 1: Sole purpose for which shopping center space can be used by the tenant: Sanford Police Department may conduct the following special programs: 1. Retail Theft Training Programs 2. Robbery Procedures Training 3. Other Emergency Procedures as Adopted by Sanford Police Department and Mall Personnel (i.e., bomb threats, fire natural disasters) 4. Sanford Police Explorers Program 5, Recruitment Programs 6. Citizen Volunteer Groups/Police Functions These programs will be coordinated through our Community Relations Division. This area will also be utilized by on -duty officers and assigned personnel to conduct interviews, investigations and process those individuals who have been apprehended within the mall area. This space will be utilized and staffed by department personnel assigned by the Chief of Police or his designee as resources permit. In addition, only City of Sanford organizations will use this space. No business for profit or solicitation for funds will be conducted. Volunteer group activities will be limited to City - related functions (i.e., American Red Cross utilization of space for information reference emergency disaster procedures). TOWNE CENTER MALL LEASE FOR POLICE SUBSTATION 10. Before commencing any use hereunder, Tenant shall furnish to Landlord certificates of insurance issued by the company or companies providing such insurance protection that the following coverages are in full force and effect at Landlord's principal office address specified herein: (i) A comprehensive general liability policy including contractual liability affording protection on an occurrence basis for claims arising out of bodily injury, death and property damage, and having limits of not less than $500,000 for property damage and bodily injury, including death, to one or more persons arising out of one occurrence, or $500,000 combined single limit per occurrence and (ii) Workmen's Compensation insurance as required by the laws of the state where the Shopping Center is located (applies to all states except Ohio), and Employer's Liability insurance with a $100,000 limit. 22. If tenant abandons or vacates or does not conduct business for at least four (4) continuous hours in the premises for any ten (10) day period, Landlord has the right to serve notice as detail in Item No. 20. Please type all information LEASE AGREEMENT MSA Form 40 (Rev. 8 -94) Corp. No. Date Prepared Agreement Commencement Date Agreement Ending Date 3625 9/18/95 1 1/1/96 1 12/31/96 PERIOD START DATE 12/1/96 RENT DUE SALES PERCENT SALES BASE OVERAGE RENT DUE DATE In consideration of the premises, covenants and agreements as stated above and hereinafter set forth, it is agreed by and between the parties as follows: t. Landlord hereby leases to Tenant and Tenant hereby rents from Landlord certain space, as identified above, subject to all of the terms and conditions herein stated, that portion of the above named shopping center (hereinafter referred to as the "Shopping Center ") containing the approximate square footage of floor area as specified above and more precisely described and designated on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. In addition, the exhibit(s) listed below and attached to this Agreement is (are) hereby incorporated by , elerence: Exhibit B 2. Tenant shall occupy and use the premises under this lease for the period, as stated above, commencing on the Agreement Commencement Date and ending on the Agreement Ending Date, unless sooner terminated as herein provided. 3. Such portion of the Shopping Center may be occupied and used by the Tenant solely for the purpose as stated above. 4. Tenant shall occupy and use the premises leased herein under the trade name specified above and said trade name shall not be changed at any time during the term hereof without Drier written consent by Landlord. d ay of each Payment Period specified above, Tenant covenants and agrees to pay Landlord, without notice or demand at the Landlord's office address specifi eoove: the Minimum Rental free specdie a 6. Within five working days following the close of each specified Pa I e P tatement of gross sales made in such period. Along with said natement. Tenant shall remit t e ercentage fee Rate multiplied by Tenant's total gross sales for such Paymen n eed the Percentage SEE THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF FOR ADDITIONAL TERMS. CONDITIONS AND COVENANTS WHICH FORM A PART OF THIS LEASE AGREEMENT. N WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement made the day and year first above written. Landlord) SEMINOLE TOWNE CENTER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, an Indiana limited partnership By: SIMON PROPERTY GROUP, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, d/b /a Simon Property Group, Limited Partnership, General Partner By: SIMON PROPERTY GROUP, INC., a Maryland corporation, Gen er rcr r 3y. — Sarah J. ric - - -— - -- ntle. (Tenant) Citv of Sanford Tenant acknowledges and accepts the foregoing Lease Agreement, subject to all the Terms, Conditions and Covenants set forth above and on the reverse side and which may be con tained on any exhibits attached heret By: e i Title: Tenant's Trade Name /DBA SEMINOLE TOWNE CENTER LIMITED Police Community Center PARTNERSHIP, an Indiana limited partnership By: SIMON PROPERTY GROUP, L.P., a Delaware Legal Name City of Sanford limited partnership, d/b /a Simon Property Group, Limited Partnership, General Partner By: SIMON PROPERTY GROUP, INC., a Maryland Principle Office Address P.O. BOX 1788 corporation, General Partner City, State, Zip Shopping Center Trade Name Sanford, Florida 32772 -1888 Seminole Towne Center Tenant's Telephone No. Sole purpose for which shopping center space can be used by the Tenant: (407)330 -5604 See attached Exhibit B Contact Name Wm. A. Simmons /Chief Russell '.. Square Footage Occupied - Space I.D. 384 A2A j SIC Code - ­­ MIX Total Contract Rent (excluding overage) Deposit Due Date for Deposit ' $1.00 9/21/95 ❑ De Rec p ei o v si e t tl by: PERIOD START DATE 12/1/96 RENT DUE SALES PERCENT SALES BASE OVERAGE RENT DUE DATE In consideration of the premises, covenants and agreements as stated above and hereinafter set forth, it is agreed by and between the parties as follows: t. Landlord hereby leases to Tenant and Tenant hereby rents from Landlord certain space, as identified above, subject to all of the terms and conditions herein stated, that portion of the above named shopping center (hereinafter referred to as the "Shopping Center ") containing the approximate square footage of floor area as specified above and more precisely described and designated on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. In addition, the exhibit(s) listed below and attached to this Agreement is (are) hereby incorporated by , elerence: Exhibit B 2. Tenant shall occupy and use the premises under this lease for the period, as stated above, commencing on the Agreement Commencement Date and ending on the Agreement Ending Date, unless sooner terminated as herein provided. 3. Such portion of the Shopping Center may be occupied and used by the Tenant solely for the purpose as stated above. 4. Tenant shall occupy and use the premises leased herein under the trade name specified above and said trade name shall not be changed at any time during the term hereof without Drier written consent by Landlord. d ay of each Payment Period specified above, Tenant covenants and agrees to pay Landlord, without notice or demand at the Landlord's office address specifi eoove: the Minimum Rental free specdie a 6. Within five working days following the close of each specified Pa I e P tatement of gross sales made in such period. Along with said natement. Tenant shall remit t e ercentage fee Rate multiplied by Tenant's total gross sales for such Paymen n eed the Percentage SEE THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF FOR ADDITIONAL TERMS. CONDITIONS AND COVENANTS WHICH FORM A PART OF THIS LEASE AGREEMENT. N WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement made the day and year first above written. Landlord) SEMINOLE TOWNE CENTER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, an Indiana limited partnership By: SIMON PROPERTY GROUP, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, d/b /a Simon Property Group, Limited Partnership, General Partner By: SIMON PROPERTY GROUP, INC., a Maryland corporation, Gen er rcr r 3y. — Sarah J. ric - - -— - -- ntle. (Tenant) Citv of Sanford Tenant acknowledges and accepts the foregoing Lease Agreement, subject to all the Terms, Conditions and Covenants set forth above and on the reverse side and which may be con tained on any exhibits attached heret By: e i Title: oncurrent with Tenant's execution of this agreement Tenant agrees to deposit with Landlord as good faith monies, a non-refundable sum equal to twenty five perce - i the Minimu ant Rent required to be paid by Tenant pursuant to this Lease. which sum shall be applied to User's Total Minimum Payment Rent last bee due undo: -,e terms of this Lease. vent Tenant does not open for business for any reason. including termination of this Lease. said deposit shall be fed - whole by Tenn„ 8 As used herein. "gross sales' means t 1 f all goods. wares and merchandise sold, and the charges for all Services ed, by Tenant or any other pC so, J ,it . or from the premises. for cash, credit or otherwise, w, erve or deduction for uncollected amounts. includin united tosales and services (u where orde ori . a! or from the premises, regardless from whence delivery or pedor is made. iii) pursuant to mail one, telegraph or otherwise received or tilled at the preen se . o,ulrng from transactions originating in, at. or from the premises '. and deposit snot toe s- Excluded from gross sales shall be. it) refunds to customers o, tra,secll r ^,erwise included in gross sales. and (it) sales, excise or similar tax imposed by goy iffy and collected from customers and paid out by Tenant.. No ople axes she: deducted from gross sales. e Tenant will preserve for at least one (I I year inal book' and ecordS. separate and identifiable, disclosing inlor eo.�e_navrng to gross sales as Lar dlo sqL . txpr.g. but not limited to. cash register es Slips. sales checks. tax reports bank deposit records. sales journals and other suppQrtM ate At anyt me du q the tact r Lease. Tenant shall, upon our (24) hours notice from Landlord. present such records at the Shopping Center Management Office for exa or aud -rn ,v r v:.uyon of inis Le nant shall. upon ten (10) days nolrce horn Landlord, present such records at7enant's business address specified herein for examinat' ud;; In e'!: C II su urination or audit discloses a liability for Percentage Fees 3'= e: nitre in excess or the Percentage Rent paid by Tenant for any period. Tenant shall pro rd the cost of said audit and the deficiency In rent, which deficiency Shall be payable in any event. Revised test attjached Before commencing any use ere a Ir anent snail furnish to Landlord certificates of insurance issued by the company or companies providing such Insurance protecua ., the Lo overages are in lull force and eeect naming Landlord as insured thereunder and providing that no such insurance may ba cancelled without at leas e I OI , - '!;en notice to Lan uch other person as Landlord shall designate in writing to the insurer) by cert ified mail, return receipt requested, at Landlords pnncpal off eGfied herein: (i) A compreh r commercial general liability policy Including contractual liability and broad form property damage coverage. afford, pp acted or, a cwrence basis for claims arising out of be death, and property damage. and having limits of not less than: $500.000 for bodily t w i 1t b ndudin aggregate to limit ot l,abii I, mo' feast- s ng out of one occurrence; with a$1,000.000 aggr ilofliablay $ 500.000 for damage to property arising out of one occurrence wit 0.000 aggregate 5500,000 combined Single Limit per occurrence and $1 00 , mbined Single Limit, aggregate, and (it) Workmen's Compe n msu once as required by the laws 01 the :ate where Shopping Center is located (applies to all states except Ohio mployer's Liability insurance with a $1 . 0limit. 1 I la) Tenant shall assume liability for and shall indemnity and hold harmless the owner agement of the Shopping Center. (and all their shareholders partners rectors, related entities, employees, customers and invitees) and Shopping Center tenants eir to e fficers, directors, employees, customers and invitees! against a'..; on- any and all liabilities, obligations, losses, penalties. actions, suits. claims. dame penses, disbursements legal fees and expenses), or costs of any kind and fare :% .natsoever in any way relating to or arising out of any activity of the Tenant ing without limitation the activities of the Tena ' fleets. directors. employees agents contractors =,d servants within the Shopping Center). The ownership and me ent of the Shopping Center. the Shopping Center tenants or agen e Shopping Center . shall not be her any Tenant using the Shopping Center or any other p in or about the Shopping Center, the adjoining grounds and parking lot, by the Tena sent. invitation or l,cea xpress or implied, for any loss, expense or da . either to the person or property sustained by reason of any condition of said premises or the Shopp ri er or due to s -I of any employee or agent of the o ,p and management of the Shopping Center, its tenants, or agents of the Shopping Center, or the act of any other perso eve: (b) LZnd)Or gents and employees. shall not be liable for and Tenant waives all claims for, damage to person or property sustained by Tenant or any person clan,.:' ^cugh Te suiting from any accident or occurrence in Or upon the premises or building of which they shalt be a part, or any other part of the Shopping Center Tenant agr =.e n demand Landlord's expenses including reasonable attorney s fees Incurred in enforcing any obligation of the Tenant under this license. 12 Tenant shall at all times during its use of the premises provide Sufficient supervision and maintain adequate control of its employees. guests or Invitees 13. In the event there are any licenses. or permits required by any governmental agency or authority with respect to the type of activity carried on ancii r use of Tire pren:­ > shall be responsible for obtaining Such licenses authorizations and permits No unlawful activities shall be permitted in the use of the premises including out no! I,mrteo use of alcoholic beverages or gambling. 14. Tenant agrees at the termination of this lease to remove such Tenants goods and effects: to repair any damage caused by such removal and peaceably to vield uc " : arises clean and in good order, repair and condition, damage by fire or unavoidable casualty and ordinary wear and tear excepted. Any personal property of Tena n; not rem.,:... h,n two (2) days following such termination shall become property of Landlord 15. Tenant agrees not to harm the premises: nor commit waste nor create any nuisance', nor make any use of the premises which is offensive as determined by Lao.dlo sole discretion: nor do any act tending to injure the reputation of the Shopping Center and shall abide by all rules and regulations established by the Shopping Center for ,w - 'cupants of the Shopping Center. 16. Notwithstanding any the foregoing provisions to the contrary. If Tenant Is deemed to be in violation of any federal, state, municipal, or local fire. building . or other code. Ter,:: , all Immediately cure any and all violations and immediately pay any and all costs. fines and /or penalties attributable to all such violation(s). If Tenant fails to cure said violation I ,lndlord may at its sole discretion either (a) cure the violation( s) or( b) immediately terminate this Lease without notice or liability to Tenant whatsoever. Landlord selection to exerc s r provisions of the preceding sentence, shall not in any way relieve Tenant of paying any and all costs, fines, and /or penalties attributable to any such violation 17. Tenant agrees not to make any alterations or additions. nor permit the making of any holes in the walls, partitions, ceilings, or floors, nor permit the painting or placme ny exterior signs, placards, or other advertising media. banners, pennants. awnings. aerials, ahtennas, or the like, without on each occasion obtaining priorwritten consent by Landlord 18. Tenant agrees not to suffer any mechanic's lien to be filed against the premises by reason of any work, labor, services, or materials performed at or furnished to the premise: the Tenant. or to anyone holding the premises through or under the Tenant. Nothing in this license contained shall be construed as a consent on the part of the Landlord to sublet' Landlord's estate in the premises to any lien of liability under the Lien Laws of the state in which the premises are located. 19 In the event of any laikae of Tenant to pay any sums or any lature to perform any other of the terms, conditions or covenants of this license lobe observed or perfort— Tenant, or if Tenant shall become bankrupt or insolvent or file any debtor proceedings, or take or have taken in any State a petition in bankruptcy or insolvency or for reorgan,zat lot the appointment of a receiver or trustee of all or a portion of Tenant's property, or it Tenant makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or petitions for or enters Imo , angement, or II Tenant Shall abandon the premises, then Landlord. besides having the right to immediately terminate this Lease without serving notice to Tenant of said terminal . au have the immediate right of re -entry and may remove all persons and property from the leased premises and such property may be removed and stored in a public warehor. -- elsewhere at the cost of, and for the account of Tenant, all without service or notice or resort of legal process and without being deemed guilty of trespass or becoming liabte'r- Iy loss or damage which may be occasioned thereby. 20. Notwithstanding anything tome contrary herein contained Landtoro may. at anytime during the time of this Lease. elect to terminate this Lease upon thirty (30i days advar r r ;ten notice to Tenant for Lease's with terms of 70 days or more, or upon ten (10) days advance written notice to Tenant for Lease's with terms of less than 70 days In the evt- =ocl election by Landlord Tenant's obligations hereunder shall be apportioned as of the effective date of such termination. 21 Tenant shall not sell, assign. mortgage, pledge or any manner transfer this Lease or any interest therein, nor sublet all or any pan of the premises. nor license con vderair r oepanments therein- without LdfdlOrdS prior written appreval 9 RPV1SPd text. at.tac.hed____,_.�_._____. .....:.......n.,, 23 Nothing contained herein shall be deemed or construed by the parties hereto nor by any third. as creating the relationship of principal and agent or of partnership or of lore between the parties hereto. if being understood and agreed that nothing contained herein . nor any acts of the parties hereto, shall be deemed to create any re,auolShrta betty : names hereto other than the relationship of Landlord and Tenant 24 Anything to the contrary herein contained notwithstanding, there shah be absolutely no personal liability on persons, firms or entities who constitute Landlord with ret p. ry of the tem,s covenants. conditions and provisions of this Lease. and Tenant Shall look solely to the Interest of each and every remedy of Tenant In the event of default of Land 'under . such exculpation of personal liability is absolute and without any exception whatsoever. SEMINOLE TOWNE CENTER SPACE LL A 2 S.C. m , J R.R. • •� „p CLOSET u REST AURANT N ° 5320 � F te• 28.83' � Ua 'S,g: SUNCU49T C.N �1 W Lo W �---- Z _ > J 1,4270 Of W ry 3 rp • SU7<4 Z717�$ Lao W /1 SPACE LL A 2 S.C. m , J R.R. • •� „p CLOSET u REST AURANT N ° 5320 � F te• 28.83' � Ua 'S,g: SUNCU49T C.N ® 1,4270 �? �>!. 43.85 • rp • SU7<4 Z717�$ Lao um 2,594¢ Z � U t ,., 2Z794t4 v UNITED ARTIS'M ENTERTAINMENT EVE COUPONENT Lam..: �: Sole purpose for which shopping center space can be used by the tenant: Sanford Police Department may conduct the following special programs: 1. Retail Theft Training Programs 2. Robbery Procedures Training 3. Other Emergency Procedures as Adopted by Sanford Police Department and Mall Personnel (i.e., bomb threats, fire natural disasters) 4. Sanford Police Explorers Program 5. Recruitment Programs 6. Citizen Volunteer Groups/Police Functions These programs will be coordinated through our Community Relations Division. This area will also be utilized by on -duty officers and assigned personnel to conduct interviews, investigations and process those individuals who have been apprehended within the mall area. This space will be utilized and staffed by department personnel assigned by the Chief of Police or his designee as resources permit. In addition, only City of Sanford organizations will use this space. No business for profit or solicitation for funds will be conducted. Volunteer group activities will be limited to City - related functions (i.e., American Red Cross utilization of space for information reference emergency disaster procedures). TOWNE CENTER MALL LEASE FOR POLICE SUBSTATION 10. Before commencing any use hereunder, Tenant shall furnish to Landlord certificates of insurance issued by the company or companies providing such insurance protection that the following coverages are in full force and effect at Landlord's principal office address specified herein: (i) A comprehensive general liability policy including contractual liability affording protection on an occurrence basis for claims arising out of bodily injury, death and property damage, and having limits of not less than $500,000 for property damage and` bodily injury, including death, to one or more persons arising out of one occurrence, or $500,000 combined single limit per occurrence and (ii) Workmen's Compensation insurance as required by the laws of the state where the Shopping Center is located (applies to all states except Ohio), and Employer's Liability insurance with a $100,000 limit. 22. If tenant abandons or vacates or does not conduct business for at least four (4) continuous hours in the premises for any ten (10) day period, Landlord has the right to serve notice as detail in Item No. 20.