HomeMy WebLinkAbout052-Amvets Post 17-PBA BldgLEASE AMENDMENT THIS LEASE AMENDMENT, made this 2Dth day of Apr; A.D.1999, amends the Lease dated the lst day of May, A.D. 1997, by and between the CITY OF SANFORD, hereafter called "LESSOR ", and AMVETS POST #17, hereafter called "LESSEE", and WORD FOR RIGHT NOW MINISTRIES, INC. /PRODUCTIVE INNERCITY EDUCATION, hereafter called "SUBLESSEE" W I T N E S S E T H: TE . The purpose of this Lease Amendment is to extend the term of the original Lease now being amended which expires at midnight on May 1, 1999. The term of this Lease is extended for one (1) additional year to expire at midnight on May 1, 2000. Under this extension, both the LESSOR and LESSEE, have the right to cancel this Lease at any time during the extended term by providing sixty (60) days notice of such intention. Such notice shall be provided as specified in Paragraph 24 of the original Lease. All other provisions of the original Lease remain in effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals in triplicate the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of Witnesses: /1 CITY SANFORD kld�.e� 6 By: - RY A. E, Mayor (As to LESSOR) (As to LESSEE) i (As to SUBLESSEE) AMVETS POST #17 By: "!r FRED MOBLEY, SR., Commander (407) 322 -1474 � Ane WI770,61y WORD FOR RIGHT NOW MINISTRIES, INC. PRODUCTIVE INNERCITY EDUCATION By: BISHOP DAVID GRANT, SR. (904)943 -9741 PBA Building Lease Amendment Page 1 of 1 AMVET POST. #17 P.O.BOX 626 SANFORD, FL 32772 -0626 (407) 322 -1474 FEBRUARY 27,1999 TO: Sanford City Commission/ City Manager Thru: Sanford Recreation Department Re: Lease Renewal Ainvets Post 017 respectfully requests the renewal of our lease of the PBA building on Seminole blvd. in Sanford. We have been able to co -exist with Bishop Grant and his Congregation utilizing the guidelines as stipulated in the Lease. The cooperative efforts of.. Amvets Post #1T and Bishop -Grant with the City officials have shown that we have a positive } agreement. We hope this request meets your approval Si Fred Mob ey, Co ander Amvets Post #17 cc: Bishop David Grant a LS -OSZ_ LEASE AMENDMENT THIS LEASE AMENDMENT, made this lst day of May, A.D.1998, amends the Lease dated the 3at day of May, A.D. 1997, by and between the CITY OF SANFORD, hereafter called "LESSOR ", and AMVETS POST #17, hereafter called "LESSEE ", and WORD FOR RIGHT NOW MINISTRIES, INC. /PRODUCTIVE INNERCITY EDUCATION, hereafter called "SUBLESSEE ". W I T N E S S E T H: j TERM. The purpose of this Lease Amendment is to extend the term of the I original Lease now being amended which expires at midnight on May 1, 1998. The term of this Lease is extended for one (1) additional year to expire at midnight on May 1, 1999. Under this extension, both the LESSOR and LESSEE, t:t have the right to cancel this Lease at any time during the extended term by providing sixty (60) days notice of such intention. Such notice shall be . o. provided as specified in Paragraph 24 of the original Lease. All other provisions of the original Lease remain in effect. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals a i in triplicate the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of Witnesses: CI SUBLESSEE By: Mayor S POST #17 B FR D MOBL2Y, , Commander (407)322 -1474 WORD FOR RIGHT NOW MINISTRIES, INC. PRODUCTIVE INNERCITY EDUCATION By: BISHOP DAVID GRANT, SR. (904)738 -1449 PBA Building Lease Amendment Dated May 1, 1998 Page 1 of 1 w• ( 42 Leases)a: \agr \PBA - Les.amd (As to LESSEE) L E A S E THIS LEASE AGREEMENT, made this 1st day of May, A. D. 1997, by and between CITY OF SANFORD, hereinafter called "LESSOR ", and AMVETS POST #17,hereinafter called "LESSEE ", and WORD FOR RIGHT NOW MINISTRIES, INC. /PRODUCTIVE INNERCITY EDUCATION, hereinafter called "SUBLESSEE ". W I T N E S S E T H: (1) PREMISES In consideration of the rents, covenants and agreements hereinafter made, reserved and contained on the part of LESSEE to be observed and performed, the LESSOR leases to the LESSEE and LESSEE leases from LESSOR the premises located at 901 W. Seminole Boulevard, Sanford, Florida, together with the improvements thereon. This Lease does not include the gun range located at the south end of the facility. (2) TERM The term of this Lease, and LESSEE's obligation to pay rent, shall commence on May 1, 1997, and shall end, unless sooner terminated as hereinafter provided, at midnight on May 1, 1998. By mutual agreement, this Lease may be renegotiated and /or extended for an additional one (1) year term. Notice of Intent not to extend shall be given no less that sixty (60) days before Lease termination. (3) RENT The LESSEE covenants and agrees to pay to LESSOR at such place as LESSOR may, in writing, from time to time designate, rental in lawful money of the United States for the demised premises a guaranteed and fixed monthly rental of $500.00, payable in advance on the first day of each month plus applicable sales tax, beginning May 1, 1997, and continuing on the first day of each month thereafter during the term hereof. (4) TAXES The LESSEE shall pay all taxes and special assessments which may be taxed, charged, assessed, levied or imposed upon the premises and upon any building or improvements thereon during the term of this Lease. (5) USE. LESSEE shall not permit said premises to be used for any unlawful purpose and shall at all times comply with the laws and rules and regulations of the applicable governmental bodies and fire inspection and rating bureaus relating to the use of said premises, including sidewalks, alleys, and streets adjoining. (6) MAINTENANCE LESSEE shall accept said premises in the condition that the same shall be in at the commencement of the term of this Lease, and shall not permit or allow the premises to be damaged or depreciated in value by any act of negligence of LESSEE, its agents, or sublessees, and LESSEE shall at all times during the term of this Lease keep the buildings and improvements on the premises, both exterior and interior, structural and otherwise, in good repair, ordinary wear and tear excepted,and shall make all repairs and improvements, both exterior and interior, structural and otherwise, at its sole expense. LESSEE shall also keep the demised premises and buildings and improvements thereon in a clean condition, and shall not permit or allow any refuse or debris of LESSEE to accumulate thereon, or upon the sidewalks, alleys, or streets adjoining the same. All glass on demised premises is the sole risk of the LESSEE and any glass broken is to be replaced by glass of the same kind, size, and quality insofar as the same is obtainable at the expense of the LESSEE. LESSEE shall make all equipment replacements. The LESSEE will also be responsible for grounds maintenance including mowing, in the shaded area as shown on Attachment #1. THE LESSEE MUST CLEAN THE FACILITY PRIOR TO EACH DAY OF USE BY SUBLESSEE AND STORE AWAY SPECIALTY ITEMS. (7) MECHANIC'S LIENS LESSEE shall not allow any liens to be filed nor shall anyone claiming by, through, or under LESSEE have the right to file or place any mechanic's liens or other lien of any kind or character whatsoever upon said premises or upon any building or improvement thereon, or upon the Leasehold interest of LESSEE therein, nor shall anyone furnishing any material, service, or labor for any building improvements, alterations, repairs, or any part thereof, at any time be or become entitled to any lien thereon. (8) ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS LESSEE, with LESSOR's written consent, may, at its sole cost and expense, at any time during the term hereof, make any alterations or improvements in or upon the demised premises which LESSEE may deem necessary or desirable for its purposes. No such alterations or improvements shall be made that shall weaken the structure of the building. All work herein permitted shall be done and completed by LESSEE in a good and workmanlike manner and in substantial compliance with all requirements of law and governmental rules and regulations. LESSEE shall indemnify LESSOR against all mechanics or other liens arising out of any such work, and also against any claims for damages or injury which may occur during the course of any such work. LESSEE shall apply for or join with LESSOR in applying for all permits necessary to promptly execute such consents as such authorities may require in connection with the foregoing work. (9) UTILITIES The LESSEE shall pay all charges for utilities, including water, gas, electricity, and sewerage, and also for trash and garbage removal, as imposed by governmental authorities. Upon signing this agreement, all of the above services must be turned on in the LESSEE's name. (10) BANKRUPTCY OR INSOLVENCY If at any time during the term of this Lease, or any extension thereof, a voluntary case is commenced by the LESSEE, or an involuntary case is commenced with respect to the LESSEE, under the bankruptcy laws of the United States of America, and such case shall not be dismissed within sixty (60) days from the date of PBA Building Lease Dated May 1,1997 - Page 2 100, such commencement, then, at the option of the LESSOR, the commencement of either such case shall be deemed to constitute a breach of this Lease by the LESSEE. The LESSOR, at its election, may terminate this Lease in the event of occurrence of such case by giving not less than five (5) days written notice to the LESSEE or to the assignee or to the trustee or to such other person appointed pursuant to an order of the court, and thereupon the LESSOR may re -enter the demised premises and this Lease shall not be treated as an asset of LESSEE's estate. However, the LESSOR shall be entitled to exercise all available rights and remedies and to recover from the LESSEE all monies that may be due or become due, including damages resulting from the breach of the terms of this Lease by the LESSEE. (11) INSPECTION OF AND ACCESS TO PREMISES The LESSOR, its agents and employees, shall have the right, at all reasonable times, to enter the demised premises or any part thereof to inspect and examine same and for the purpose of making any repairs to or within the demised premises which the LESSOR has agreed to make under the terms of this Lease, and /or which the LESSOR deems advisable to make in order to preserve and /or maintain the demised premises. The LESSEE has exclusive use of the storage room located on the right side as you enter the front door. The LESSEE must designate to the Sublessee equal storage space behind the counter and in the kitchen. LESSEE shall have access to said exclusive use of spaces only at the times the demised premises are not utilized by Sublessee. (12) INDEMNIFICATION OF LESSOR The LESSEE shall pay to LESSOR all costs and expenses incurred in the enforcement of any of the provisions of this Lease, including reasonable attorneys' fees. LESSEE hereby agrees to fully hold LESSOR harmless and fully indemnify it for any damages, loss, claims for violation of the American with Disabilities Act or other laws, judgment claim or penalty and expenses and costs, including attorneys' fees incurred, imposed or levied in conjunction with the response to defense or settlement of any claim arising out of this Lease or use of the demised premises other than damages, losses, judgments, claims, or levies resulting solely from the acts of LESSOR or its agents or employees in conjunction with this Lease or use of the demised premises. (13) PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE LESSEE shall at all times during the term of this Lease, carry general liability, accident, and property damage insurance and such other insurance as shall be required for the protection of LESSOR as provided for in this paragraph. Such liability, accident, and property damage insurance shall be to protect LESSOR against any claims for injuries to person or persons or property arising or growing out of the use of said premises by LESSEE, and the amount of liability insurance shall not be less than the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) per person and Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) per incident, and the amount of public liability PBA Building Lease Dated May 1,1997 - Page 3 W ra property damage insurance shall not be less than the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) per incident. LESSOR shall be listed as additional names insured on an insurance certificate to be provided to LESSOR. (14) FIRE INSURANCE LESSEE shall, at its sole expense, at all times during the term of this Lease, carry fire, extended coverage, vandalism, and malicious mischief insurance in an amount equal to or less than ninety percent (900) of the replacement value of all buildings and improvements on said premises without deduction for depreciation, in good and solvent insurance companies authorized to do business in the State of Florida and approved by LESSOR. All insurance policies shall contain a replacement cost endorsement (Form 158R) or equivalent form, and the names of the LESSEE and the LESSOR as the insureds as their respective interests may appear. (15) INSURANCE CLAIMS LESSEE shall settle and adjust any claims against any insurance company under the fire or extended coverage policies of insurance as described in Paragraph 14 hereof, but before making final settlement of all claims over One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) the written approval of LESSOR shall be obtained. Insurance monies over One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) shall be paid to LESSOR, and after LESSOR has deducted therefrom the expenses, if any, reasonably incurred in the collection thereof, the balance shall constitute a trust fund and shall be held by LESSOR to be expended as herein provided for the repairing, rebuilding or restoration of said buildings and improvements. The said insurance so collected by LESSOR shall be paid out by LESSOR in reasonable installments from time to time upon the certificates of a competent and reputable architect employed by LESSOR and LESSEE or upon other sufficient and reliable evidence and vouchers, as approved by LESSOR and LESSEE, to the contractors and other persons doing work, and /or furnishing material for such repair, restoration or rebuilding. In the event that the insurance monies actually received by LESSOR, less the expense of collection, if any, reasonably incurred in such collection, shall be insufficient to make such repairs, restoration or rebuilding, LESSEE shall pay any difference. In the event that the insurance monies actually received by LESSOR, less costs of collection as above mentioned, shall exceed the cost of such rebuilding, restoration or repair, then and in such event, upon completion of such repairs or rebuilding, the surplus shall be paid over to LESSEE provided that LESSEE shall not at the time be in default in the performance of any of the covenants or conditions of this Lease. (16) DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION BY FIRE OR THE ELEMENTS OR CASUALTY If at any time or times during the term of this Lease, any building or improvements on said premises or any part thereof are damaged by fire or the elements or other casualty and if the premises be so badly damaged that they cannot be repaired and restored within sixty (60) days from the happening of such damage, then LESSEE shall have the privilege of cancelling this Lease by giving written notice to LESSOR within thirty PBA Building Lease Dated May 1,1997 - Page 4 .-. (30) days after the happening of such damage. If LESSEE shall not exercise its right as hereinabove granted to cancel and terminate, then and in such event, LESSOR shall repair and restore the premises with all reasonable speed, and the rent shall abate during the time LESSOR is making such repairs. If LESSEE shall exercise its right as hereinabove granted to cancel and terminate, said insurance monies shall be paid and may be collected by LESSOR for its sole benefit. In any case where damage exceeds twenty -five percent (250) of the facility value, the LESSOR reserves the right to choose not to rebuild or repair. (17) NET RENT It is the purpose and intent of the LESSOR and LESSEE that all costs, impositions, insurance premiums, carrying charges, expenses, levies, taxes and obligations as set forth herein, relating to the demised premises, or any improvements thereon or additions thereto, which may arise or become due during or out of the term hereof, as hereinabove specifically provided, shall be paid by the LESSEE. (18) ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING Except as addressed in this section, LESSEE shall not assign this Lease, or sublet the demised premises or any part thereof, or permit the use of the demised premises by any party other than LESSEE. Consent given by LESSOR to any assignment or sublease of this Lease shall not nullify this provision, and all subsequent assignments or subleases shall be made only subject to the obtaining of prior written consent of LESSOR, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. The assignee or sublessee of LESSEE, at option of LESSOR, shall become directly liable to LESSOR for all obligations of LESSEE hereunder, but no sublease or assignment by LESSEE shall relieve LESSEE of any primary liability hereunder nor of its obligations to comply promptly and faithfully with all of the terms and conditions of this Lease, unless the other party hereto shall specifically agree in writing that such proposed assignment shall so release the assigning party. LESSEE shall sublease the demised premises to Sublessee for his use at the following times: Monday 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. Wednesday 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Sunday 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Rent and terms shall be in accordance with a separate Lease between LESSEE and Sublessee to be approved concurrently by LESSOR. The Sublessee shall continue concurrent with this Lease unless changed or terminated by mutual agreement of both LESSEE and Sublessee in accordance with or other terms of this Lease. (19) CANCELLATION OF LEASE BY LESSOR In the event LESSEE shall default in the payment of rent herein required within ten (10) days of the due date, or if LESSEE shall default in performing any of the other terms or provisions of this Lease which are to be performed by the Sublessee, and fails to cure such other default within thirty (30) days PRA Building Lease Dated May 1,1997 - Page 5 ?Owl' r*, after the date of written notice from LESSOR of such default, then, in such event, LESSOR, with the City's final approval, may terminate this Lease by written notice to the LESSEE, whereupon this Lease shall end and terminate. (20) SUCCESSORS All rights, obligations, and liabilities given to, or imposed upon the parties hereto shall extend to and bind the respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, sublessees, licensers, concessionaires, and assigns of such parties. No rights, however, shall inure to the benefit of any assignee of Sublessee unless the assignment of such assignee has been approved by LESSOR in writing as hereinabove set forth. (21) DEFAULT In the event LESSEE shall fail for ten (10) days following receipt of notice from LESSOR to remedy any default in the payment when due of any sum required to be paid by LESSEE under this Lease, or in the event that LESSEE shall fail to take all reasonable steps to perform any other term, covenant or condition herein after thirty (30) days notice from LESSOR to do so, then in either such event LESSOR may, at its option, to be exercised in writing, cause the forfeiture of this Lease. Possession of the within demised premises and all additions and permanent improvements thereof shall be delivered to LESSOR upon ten (10) days written notice that LESSOR has exercised said option, and thereupon LESSOR shall be entitled to and may take immediate possession of the demised premises, and other notice or demand being hereby waived. In the event of default by LESSEE, Sublessee shall have the right to negotiate a mutually agreeable continuation of his occupancy of the demised premises directly with the LESSOR. (22) VENUE Venue for enforcement hereof shall be in Seminole County, Florida. In the event Lessor retains an attorney to enforce its rights in this Lease, LESSEE shall be responsible to pay any reasonable attorney's fees incurred with or without a lawsuit, including fees incurred for appeals. (23) CUMULATIVE RIGHTS All rights, powers and privileges available hereunder to the parties hereto are cumulative and are in addition to the rights granted by law. (24) SERVICE OF NOTICE AND ADDRESS OF THE PARTIES The LESSEE herewith irrevocably agrees to appoint as its Agent the person in charge of the LESSEE's business being then operated in the demised premises, to receive service of all notices hereunder, including dispossessory and /or distraint proceedings, and, if no person is then in charge of said LESSEE's business in the demised premises, a copy of all such notices may be given and services may be made by affixing a copy thereof on the main entrance of said demised premises. A copy of all such notices given by or in behalf of the LESSOR pursuant to the provisions contained in this Lease shall also be mailed to the LESSEE's last known address as given, in writing, to the LESSOR if different from the address of the PBA Building Lease Dated May 1,1997 - Page 6 demised premises. The present address of the LESSEE is Post Office Box 2192 Sanford, Florida 32772 -2192 Sublessee address is: 430 S. Garfield Avenue Deland, Florida 32724 All notices to the LESSOR shall be given to the LESSOR at Post Office Box 1788, Sanford, Florida 32772 -1788. The notices required or permitted to be given pursuant to the terms of this Lease, shall be deemed to be duly given if deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, by registered or certified mail, or addressed to the parties at the places above named, or such other places as they may hereafter designate in writing for the delivery of such notices. (25) WAIVER OF RIGHTS No failure of LESSOR to exercise from time to time any right or privilege granted LESSOR hereunder, or to obligations hereunder required of the LESSEE, and no custom or practice of the parties at variance with the terms hereof shall constitute a waiver of LESSOR's right to demand strict compliance with the terms hereof. No waiver by LESSOR of any breach of any covenant of the LESSEE herein contained shall be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other covenant herein contained. (26) CAPTIONS Paragraph captions or marginal notes throughout this instrument are inserted for convenience and reference only, and the words contained therein shall in no way be held to explain, modify, amplify or aid in the interpretation, construction, or meaning of the provisions of this Lease or as a limitation of the scope of the particular paragraph to which they refer. (27) RECORDATION LESSOR,LESSEE and SUBLESSEE agree not to place this Lease of record. (28) ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Lease contains and embodies the entire agreement of the parties hereto and no representations, inducements or agreements, oral or otherwise, between the parties not contained and embodied herein shall be of any force or effect, and the same may not be modified, changed or terminated in whole or in part orally or in any manner other than by an agreement in writing duly signed by all of the parties hereto. (29) OUIET ENJOYMENT So long as the LESSEE pays the Rent and faithfully performs and observes all of the covenants and provisions hereof upon its part to be performed, LESSEE shall have peaceable and quiet enjoyment and possession of the demised premises together with the use of the common area facilities, without any let or hindrance from the LESSOR or of any persons or entities lawfully claiming through the PEA Building Lease Dated May 1,1997 - Page 7 LESSOR. (30) When Lease is terminated, SUBLESSEE shall not have to remove any improvements made to the premises by LESSEE which were authorized and installed pursuant to this Lease. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals in triplicate the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of Witnesses: (As to LESSOR) �a (As to LESSEE) lti . (As to SUB ESSEE) CITY F SANFORD BY: A. DALE, Mayor AMVE,TV POST *17 By* Q (407)322 -4777 Com mGv,� WORD FOR RIGHT NOW MINISTRIES, INC. PRODUCTIVE INNERCITY^E-DIU,CCAATION 1 By • Xo6v BISHOP AVID GRANT, SR. (904)738 -1449 PBA Building Lease Dated May 1,1997 - Page 8 loo °^ ^, attachment #1 GROUNDS OF THE POLICE BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION BUILDING S a * UTILITY POLE r P.B.A. BUILDING SEMINOLE BLVD. DRIVEWAY a. LESSEE WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR GROUNDS MAINTENANCE, INCLUDING MOWING, IN THE ABOVE SHADED AREA. THIS OCRTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OP !'_ FOR- lo" ARP CONFERS NO 1 0HES CPQN THE C CRT IFiCATL HOLDER. THI S OERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALVFR THE COVFkAn! AFPCRAFD BY THE POLICY FE .OW. CuMPANY AVFORDING COVERAGE 10 1 NSURANCL CO. PRODOCER1 GEORGE L. FREY INSURANOE 755 W 441 434 SUITE G LwGwow FL 32750 INSURED: AMVFT POST I, DO BOX 0626 SANFORD, SEMINOLE, Ft ?2772 THIS IS TO CEPTIEY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW 6AK , +H EN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION Or ANY =TtV T UP OTTER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT Tn WAICH THIS CERTIPICATE MAY BE !SSjbD OP MAY PIRTAIN, TnI, INSURANCE AFFORDED Sk TEE POLICIES DESCRIBFU EFREIN IS SURJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS. AND CONDiTIONS OF SOCH POLTUTES la r TYPE Of INSURANCE: GENERAL LiABlUfTY POLICY NUMBER: GLI 46890 POLICY EFFECTIVE DATE; 05•K-90 EXPIRATT(A DITF: 05-15-9 THIS CERTIEICATE SUPEPCEDES ANY OTHER PREVIOUS JEATTRICATF. PUTHORIVFD RRPRESENTATIV!� 101 1,11, ISqUE DATF: qu.10.96 %A. INC --------- ----------------- Z�' -r <) A S 71 0,3 LIABILITY LIMITS: GENERAL AGGREGATE- $300,000.60 OACH OCCURA&b- PRODUCTS-COMPIOPS AGGREGATE- S301,000.00 FTRh DAMAGF PERS & ADViPTISING LIMIT-$100,000.00 MEDIC15 EXPENSE LIKIT- $1000-00 jkgg DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS: COMPLETED bP!hAjJUN& INCLUDED. CLUBS - CIVIC, SERVICE OR SOCIAL - NO BRILDINGS OR PREMISES OWNED OR LEASED EXCEPT FOR ursicF YURPOSES OTHER THAN NOT-F&R-PROFIT C&RTJFJCATE HOLDER: AMVET NATIONAL AEADQUARTEPS 4647 FOkBEN BLVD LANDqAM MD 20706 CANCELLATION: SHOULD ANY OF T64 ABOVE DESCEI&ED PC LIOIES BE CANCELLED BEFOER PHE Fl- P313ATFON DATE THEREOF, TNT' ISKINO COMPANY Wiso ENnFAVOR TO MAi� tv QAIS WRIT113 NOTICE TO THE C?kTIFIQATE HOLDEN NAAE5 AFOVE, RUT THE FkILURE TO MAIL SUCH NuTKL SHALL lMPuSL No OBLIGATION "k ;11131`L0� OF ANY Y. FU UPON THP COMPANY. 'Ts nG!NTS OR &LPRfsLNTATJVKS. THIS CERTIEICATE SUPEPCEDES ANY OTHER PREVIOUS JEATTRICATF. PUTHORIVFD RRPRESENTATIV!� 101 1,11, ISqUE DATF: qu.10.96 %A. INC --------- ----------------- Z�' -r <) A S 71 0,3