HomeMy WebLinkAbout054-APT-Derby ParkTHIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY AND RETURN TO: Corporate Legal Review APT Tampa/Orlando, Inc. 5907 -B Hampton Oaks Parkway Tampa, FL 33610 MEMORANDUM OF SITE AGREEMENT FOR LAND THIS MEMORANDUM OF SITE AGREEMENT FOR LAND ( "Memorandum ") is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA with an address of 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida 32772 -1788, as "Owner", and APT Tampa/Orlando, Inc., a Delaware corporation, with an address of 8410 W. Bryn Mawr, Suite 1100, Chicago, IL 60631 -3486, "APT". 1. PREMISES. Owner and APT have entered into a Site Agreement for Land dated January 13, 1997 (together with any amendments and modifications thereto, the "Site Agreement"), whereby Owner has leased and APT has hired those certain premises in Seminole County, Florida, consisting of, among other things, approximately 1200 square feet of land, as depicted and legally described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and hereby incorporated into this Memorandum and certain easements (the "Project Site"). 2. TERM. The initial term of the Site Agreement shall be a period of five (5) and a fraction years commencing as of the "Commencement Date," as defined herein below, and terminating on the 31st day of December following the fifth (5th) annual anniversary of the Commencement Date unless otherwise terminated as provided in the Site Agreement ( "initial Term "). 3. RENEWAL OPTIONS. In addition to the Initial Term and on and subject to the terms of the Site Agreement, the Site Agreement term maybe automatically extended for four (4) consecutive periods of five (5) years each. Each such extension shall be known hereinafter as a "Renewal Term." Hereinafter, the Initial Term, together with any and all Renewal Terms, shall be known as the "Term" of the Site Agreement. 4. COMMENCEMENT. The "Commencement Date" is the date on which APT begins construction of the APT Facilities (as defined in the Site Agreement). Accordingly, unless otherwise specifically stated here: the Commencement Date shall be the date of APT s filing of a Notice of Commencement in the public records of the county in which the Project Site is located. 5. LEASE INCORPORATED. All of the terms, conditions, provisions and covenants of the Site Agreement are hereby incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Memorandum. To the extent that any of the terms hereof are inconsistent with the terms of the Site Agreement, the terms of the Site Agreement shall control. In the event that an inspection of or reference to the full terms, conditions, provisions or covenants of the Site SITE ID: A -2 -E -005 -D SITE NAME: Sanford EXHIBIT "A" TO MEMORANDUM OF SITE AGREEMENT FOR LAND Page 1 of 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY.' , A PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING WITHIN THE SOUTH 1212.4 FEET OF LOT 7, PINE LAKE GROVES, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 9, PAGE 27 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE, COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 7; THENCE S 89'58'02'W, 217.07 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 7, THENCE DEPARTING SAID SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE RUN N 00'00'00'W 270.07 FEET TO A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 90'00'00'W, 40,0 FEET; THENCE N 00 30.0 FEET; THENCE S 90 40.0 FEET; THENCE S 00'26'19'E, 30.0 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PROJECT AREA CONTAINS 1200 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. TOGETHER WITH A TWENTY (20) FOOT WIDE NON- EXCLUSIVE ACCESS EASEMENT FOR INGRESS / EGRESS AND UTILITIES PURPOSES; LYING TEN (10) FEET LEFT AND TEN (10) FEET RIGHT OF A CENTERLINE BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE, COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 7; THENCE S 89'58'02'W, 217.07 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 7, THENCE DEPARTING SAID SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE RUN N 00'00'00 - W 270.07 FEET TO THE S.E. CORNER OF THE PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED PROJECT AREA; THENCE N 90 40.0 FEET; THENCE N 00 30.0 FEET; THENCE S 90 20.0 FEET TO A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 00'26'19'W, 513.26' FEET; THENCE N 38'43'19'W., 270..19 FEET; THENCE N 90'00'00'W, 90.0 FEET; THENCE S 44 505.0 FEET; THENCE S 28'33'08'W, 47.21 FEET; THENCE S O1'17'54'W, 511.14 FEET; THENCE S 53'10'34'W, 13,42 FEET TO A POINT ALONG THE EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF S. LOWE AVENUE (S, OREGON AVENUE PER PLAT), SAID POINT ALSO BEING A POINT OF TERMINATION. THE SIDELINES OF EASEMENT TO BE SHORTENED OR PROLONGED TO MEET AT AT ANGLE POINT AND / OR BOUNDARY LINES. SAID ACCESS EASEMENT CONTAINS 14,259 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. TOGETHER WITH A FIFTEEN (15) FOOT WIDE NON- EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR UTILITIES PURPOSES; LYING SEVEN AND ONE -HALF (7.5) FEET LEFT AND SEVEN AND ONE -HALF (7.5) FEET RIGHT OF A CENTERLINE BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE, COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 7; THENCE S 89'58'02'W, 217.07 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 7, THENCE DEPARTING SAID SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE RUN N 00'00'00'W 270.07 FEET TO THE S.E. CORNER OF THE PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED PROJECT AREA; THENCE N 90'00'00'W, 7.50 FEET TO A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 00'00'00'E, 262.56 FEET; THENCE S 89'59'02'W, 47.61 FEET; THENCE N 89 616.16 FEET; THENCE N 00 24.27 FEET TO A POINT OF TERMINATION. THE SIDELINES OF EASEMENT TO BE SHORTENED OR PROLONGED TO MEET AT AT ANGLE POINT AND / OR BOUNDARY LINES. SAID ACCESS EASEMENT CONTAINS 40,703 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS �6 i - - - - -- - -- n co rn _ - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - j. -- - - - - -� n rn 0 m O �Z'a'atZES DERBY Z �- -C 0 U N T Y P A R K O m -0 -n tv m A �"_e �� N I p D y kill ' m =MM .♦z �— z LANDS r i b b b ♦ b b D 1 ♦ 11 k ! k $ ♦ .o z L 0 W (L�A�N 0 S Z_ 'y F I CO co 1 t G�, I 1 e'a�� I D i °- -` s I m D N $ $ €1 mmo CD cx w O Ul � db w go E -005 -D Exhibit "A" A PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING WITHIN THE SOUTH 1212.4 FEET OF LOT 7, PINE LAKE GROVES, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 9, PAGE 27 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE, COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 7; THENCE S 89'58'02'W, 217.07 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 7, THENCE DEPARTING SAID SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE RUN N 00'00'00'W 270.07 FEET TO A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 90'00'00'W, 40.0 FEET; THENCE N 00'26'19'W, 30.0 FEET; THENCE S 90 40.0 FEET; THENCE S 00 30.0 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PROJECT AREA CONTAINS 1200 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS, TOGETHER WITH A TWENTY (20) FOOT WIDE NON— EXCLUSIVE ACCESS EASEMENT FOR INGRESS / EGRESS AND UTILITIES PURPOSES; LYING TEN (10) FEET LEFT AND TEN (10) FEET RIGHT OF A CENTERLINE BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE, COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 7; THENCE S 89'58'02'W, 217,07 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 7, THENCE DEPARTING SAID SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE RUN N 00'00'00'W 270.07 FEET TO THE S.E. CORNER OF THE PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED PROJECT AREA; THENCE N 90'00'00'W, 40.0 FEET; THENCE N 00'26'19'W, 30.0 FEET; THENCE S 90'00'00'E, 20.0 FEET TO A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 00'26'19 513.26' FEET; THENCE N 38'43'19'W., 270..19 FEET; THENCE N 90'00'00 - W, 90.0 FEET; THENCE S 44'43'18'W, 505.0 FEET; THENCE S 28'33'08'W, 47,21 FEET; THENCE S 01'17'54'W, 511.14 FEET; THENCE S 53'10'34'W, 13.42 FEET TO A POINT ALONG THE EAST RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE OF S. LOWE AVENUE (S. OREGON AVENUE PER PLAT), SAID POINT ALSO BEING A POINT OF TERMINATION. THE SIDELINES OF EASEMENT TO BE SHORTENED OR PROLONGED TO MEET AT AT ANGLE POINT AND / OR BOUNDARY LINES. SAID ACCESS EASEMENT CONTAINS 14,259 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS, TOGETHER WITH A FIFTEEN (15) FOOT WIDE NON— EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR UTILITIES PURPOSES; LYING SEVEN AND ONE —HALF (7.5) FEET LEFT AND SEVEN AND ONE —HALF (7.5) FEET RIGHT OF A CENTERLINE BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE, COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 7; THENCE S 89'58'02'W, 217.07 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 7, THENCE DEPARTING SAID SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE RUN N 00'00'00'W 270.07 FEET TO THE S.E. CORNER OF THE PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED PROJECT AREA; THENCE N 90'00'00'W, 7.50 FEET TO A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 00'00 262.56 FEET; THENCE S 89'59'02'W, 47.61 FEET; THENCE N 89'59'35'W, 616.16 FEET; THENCE N 00'00'25'W, 24.27 FEET TO A POINT OF TERMINATION. THE SIDELINES OF EASEMENT TO BE SHORTENED OR PROLONGED TO MEET AT AT ANGLE POINT AND / OR BOUNDARY LINES. SAID ACCESS EASEMENT CONTAINS 40,703 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. 0 \\Apt - tafl -ntl\ site \ORLANDO\A -2 -E- 005 \005- d\RIGHT -OF -WAY 2.doc 07/29/97 SITE ID: A -2 -E -005 -D SITE NAME: Sanford REVISED EXHIBIT "B" TO SITE AGREEMENT FOR LAND Page 1 of 2 SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: A PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING WITHIN THE SOUTH 1212.4 FEET OF LOT 7, PINE LAKE GROVES, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 9, PAGE 27 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWSs FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE, COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 7; THENCE S 89'58'02'W, 217.07 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 7, THENCE DEPARTING SAID SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE RUN N 00'00'00'W 270.07 FEET TO A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 90'00'00'W, 40.0 FEET; THENCE N 00 300 FEET; THENCE S 90 40.0 FEET; THENCE S 00 30,0 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PROJECT AREA CONTAINS 1200 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. TOGETHER WITH A TWENTY (20) FOOT WIDE NON— EXCLUSIVE ACCESS EASEMENT FOR INGRESS / EGRESS AND UTILITIES PURPOSES; LYING TEN (10) FEET LEFT AND TEN (10) FEET RIGHT OF A CENTERLINE BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE, COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 7; THENCE S 89'58'02'W, 217.07 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 7, THENCE DEPARTING SAID SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE RUN N 00'00'00'W 270.07 FEET TO THE S.E. CORNER OF THE PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED PROJECT AREA; THENCE N 90'00'00'W, 40.0 FEET; THENCE N 00'26'19'W, 30.0 FEET; THENCE S 90 20.0 FEET TO A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 00'26'19'W, 513.26' FEET; THENCE N 38'43'19'W., 270.19 FEET; THENCE N 90'00'00'W, 90.0 FEET; THENCE S 44'43'18'W, 505.0 FEET; THENCE S 28'33'08'W, 47.21 FEET; THENCE S 01'17'54'W, 511.14 FEET; THENCE S 53'10'34'W, 13.42 FEET TO A POINT ALONG THE EAST RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE OF S, LOWE AVENUE (S, OREGON AVENUE PER PLAT), SAID POINT ALSO BEING A POINT OF TERMINATION. THE SIDELINES OF EASEMENT TO BE SHORTENED OR PROLONGED TO MEET AT AT ANGLE POINT AND / OR BOUNDARY LINES. SAID ACCESS EASEMENT CONTAINS 14,259 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. TOGETHER WITH A FIFTEEN (15) FOOT WIDE NON— EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR UTILITIES PURPOSES; LYING SEVEN AND ONE —HALF (7.5) FEET LEFT AND SEVEN AND ONE —HALF (7.5) FEET RIGHT OF A CENTERLINE BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE, COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 7; THENCE S 89'58'02'W, 217.07 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 7, THENCE DEPARTING SAID SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE RUN N 00'00'00'W 270.07 FEET TO THE S.E. CORNER OF THE PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED PROJECT AREA; THENCE N 90'00'00'W, 7.50 FEET TO A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 00'00'00'E, 262.56 FEET; THENCE S 89'59'02'W, 47.61 FEET; THENCE N 89'59'35'W, 616,16 FEET; THENCE N 00'00'25'W, 24.27 FEET TO A POINT OF TERMINATION. THE SIDELINES OF EASEMENT TO BE SHORTENED OR PROLONGED TO MEET AT AT ANGLE POINT AND / OR BOUNDARY LINES. SAID ACCESS EASEMENT CONTAINS 40,703 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS �— i-- 50 SITE ID: A -2 -E -005 -D SITE NAME: Sanford REVISED EXHIBIT "B" TO SITE AGREEMENT FOR LAND Page 2 of 2 SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY.' Ir - - - - - -- - - - - - -- I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o• / r I gym. / / /.•. t fl. i 4 I I I �I a j / o% Y C Q a. a m W � oZ 0 , t -1 • NNgC1Y ISQD' a.sw a'm sK • s urx'r uc t-. • S air ?0�1, C y I I N t �O 02 JJ I� II Ie � li j I I III I rk fr I� 1 II I� I ,�5 Go 'I I II ti � III 0 3 I � q AME A'hNL 1. '{V I I I �I I I I I II l I t � 5 �I a j / o% Y C Q a. a m W � oZ 0 , t -1 • NNgC1Y ISQD' a.sw a'm sK • s urx'r uc t-. • S air ?0�1, C y I I N t �O 02 JJ I� II Ie � li j I I III I rk fr I� 1 II I� I ,�5 Go 'I I II ti � III 0 3 I � q AME A'hNL 1. '{V SITE ID: A- 2- E -005D Trout Lake SITE AGREEMENT FOR LAND CS - ostf This Site Agreement ( "Agreement ") entered into this /_ day of January, 1997, by and between City of Sanford ( "Owner "), whose address is 300 North Park Avenue., Sanford, Florida 32772 -1788 and APT Tampa /Orlando, Inc., a Delaware corporation, whose address is 8410W. Bryn Mawr, Suite 1100, Chicago, IL 60631 -3486 ( "APT'), provides for the granting and leasing of certain property interests on the following terms; For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. PROPERTY. The property interests hereby leased and granted by Owner ( "Property ") shall include the following: [X] Real property comprised of approximately 1,200 square feet of land [X] Non - exclusive easements required to run utility lines and cables [X] Non - exclusive easement across Owners Property (hereinafter defined) for access IN OR UPON THE Owner's real property ( "the Owner's Property "), located at 1701 Lowe avenue "Derby Park ", in the County of Seminole, and further described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and subject to the specifications shown and described on said Exhibit "B" shall constitute the APT Facilities. 2. TERM. The term of this Agreement shall be Five (5) and a fraction years, with the first year commencing on the date APT begins construction of APT's Facilities ( "Commencement Date ") and terminating on the 31 st day of December following the fifth annual anniversary of the Commencement Date (the 'Term "), unless otherwise terminated as provided in Paragraph 9. APT shall have the right to extend the Term for Four (4) successive five (5) year periods (the "Renewal Terms ") on the same terms and conditions as set forth herein. This Agreement shall automatically be extended for each successive Renewal Term, unless APT notifies Owner in writing of its intention not to renew prior to the commencement of the succeeding Renewal Term. 3. RENT. A. APT shall pay to Owner annual Rent in the amount of fourteen thousand four hundred and 00/100 dollars ($14,400) ( "Rent ") in quarterly payments of three thousand six hundred and 00/100 dollars ($3,600) on the first day of January, April, July and October, together with any applicable sales tax. If the obligation to pay rent commences or ends on a day other than the first day of the quarter, then the rent shall be prorated on the basis of a ninety (90) day quarter and shall be delivered within twenty (20) business days from the Commencement Date. B. For the exclusive right and privilege to use Owner's Property for the purpose of installing and utilizing APT's and any telecommunications systems operators (collectively the Operator ) telecommunications systems components and equipment, APT shall pay Owner an amount (Percentage Rent) equal to Thirty Percent (30 %) of APTs Total Lease Revenues (as defined hereinbelow) ( "Operator Income ) received by APT-in connection with aforesaid site. APT shall pay to Owner the appropriate share of the Total Lease Revenues due to Owner within thirty (30) days after APTs receipt of such Revenues. Total Lease Revenues means all cash, credits, or property of any kind or nature reported as lease revenue for land and equipment (towers, attachments, antennae, cable, combiners, service protection enclosures, etc.). APT agrees to make the communications facility available to potential compatible tenants of a competitive lease rate. C. The annual rent for each Option Term shall be the annual rent increased by the same percentage as any percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index, All Items, U.S. City Average, as determined by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics or any successor index, between the Commencement Date and ninety (90) days prior to the commencement of the Option Period. D. Rent shall be paid electronically via electronic wire transfer, direct deposit or other paperless means into a bank account to be designated by Owner. Owner may from time to time, designate another bank IA G' Sanford Lease.doc 1 1/02/97 11:45 AM SITE ID: A- 2- E -005D Trout Lake account for the deposit of Rent provided the request is made in writing at least sixty (60) days in advance of any Rent payment date. 4. USE. APT may use the Property for any lawful purpose, including, without limitation, APT's intended use which is to construct, remove, replace, maintain, secure and operate a communications facility; including, without limitation, required APT antenna array (as such antenna array may be modified, added to, or substituted from time to time) and antenna support structures, and for any other uses incidental thereto. Each such antenna or antenna support structure may be configured as requested by APT from time to time, provided APT obtains all permits and approvals required by applicable jurisdiction for such requested configuration. Owner shall have the right to approve plans for any improvements installed by APT on the Property, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Improvements of the Property to meet APT's needs shall be at APT's sole expense, and APT shall maintain such improvements to the Property in a reasonable condition throughout the term. The Property may be used for the purpose of installing, removing, replacing, maintaining and operating a communications facility generally in accordance with Exhibit "B ", subject to such modifications and alterations as required by APT (collectively, the "Communications Facility "), provided that APT shall not be required to occupy the Property. Owner shall provide APT with twenty-four (24) hour, seven (7) day a week, year- around access to the Property. APT shall pay all real and personal property taxes assessed against the Communications Facility. APT shall keep the Property free from any liens arising out of any work performed, materials furnished, or obligations incurred by or for APT. APT shall, within twenty (20) days following the imposition of any such lien, cause the same to be released of record by payment or posting of a proper bond. No work which Owner permits APT to perform on the Property shall be deemed to be for the use and benefit of Owner so that no mechanics or other lien shall be allowed against the estate of Owner by reason of its consent to such work. Owner shall have the right to post notices that it is not responsible for payment for any such work. APT, its agents and contractors, are hereby granted the right, at its sole cost and expense, to enter upon the Owner's Property and conduct such studies as APT deems necessary to determine the Property's suitability for APT's intended use. These studies may include surveys, soil tests, environmental evaluations, radio wave propagation measurements, Feld strength tests and such other analyses and studies as APT deems necessary or desirable. Owner shall cooperate with APT and execute all documents required to permit APTs intended use of the Property in compliance with zoning, land use, and for building regulations. APT will allow Owner to locate Owner's antenna for police, fire, or other public service use, on APT's tower at a location to be mutually agreed upon. APT agrees that there will be no charge to Owner for the aforesaid use. 5. UTILITIES. Payment for electric service and for telephone or other communication services to the Communications Facility shall be APT's responsibility. Owner agrees to cooperate with APT in its efforts to connect the Communications Facility to existing utility service at APT's expense. INITIA 6. REMOVAL OF COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY. All personal property and trade fixtures of APT shall be removed by APT upon the termination of this Agreement. Within thirty (30) days of the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement, APT shall return the Property to the condition existing at the time of this Agreement's execution, reasonable wear and tear and loss by casualty or other causes beyond APT's control excepted. Notwithstanding the foregoing, upon expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement, APT shall not be required to remove any foundation more than two (2) feet below grade level. APT shall post with Owner a bond equal to Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) to secure the removal of the Communications Facility. The bond may be a cash bond, a letter of credit or an insurance bond issued by a company authorized to do business in the State of Florida and with a Best's rating of not less than "A ". Any bond must be approved by the City of Sanford, Florida as to form. Any of APT's equipment or other property that has not been removed from the Property within thirty (30) days after expiration or early termination of the Lease shall be deemed abandoned by APT and Owner shall be free to dispose of same in any manner Owner chooses and without any liability to APT therefore. APT shall reimburse Owner for reasonable costs and expenses in the removal thereof. Sanford Lease.doc 2 1/02/97 11:45 AM SITE ID: A- 2- E -005D Trout Lake 7. INSURANCE. APT shall maintain commercial general liability insurance insuring APT against liability for personal injury, death or damage to personal property arising out of use of the Property by APT, with combined single limits of One Million and no /100 Dollars ($1,000,000.00). The Owner shall be named as an additional named insured. APT shall provide Owner with a certificate of insurance for the aforesaid policy. APT shall provide Owner with a certificate of insurance, issued by an insurance company licensed to do business in the state in which the property is located indicating that APT carries adequate Workman's Compensation Insurance prior to commencement by APT, and /or any party working for APT, of any work whatsoever on Owner's property. 8. CONDITION OF PROPERTY. Owner represents that the Owner's Property and all improvements thereto, are in compliance with all building, life /safety, and other laws of any governmental or quasi - government authority. 9. TERMINATION. This Agreement may be terminated by APT at any time, in its sole discretion, by giving written notice thereof to Owner not less than thirty (30)days prior to the Commencement Date. Further, this Agreement may be terminated by APT immediately, at any time, upon giving written notice to Owner, if: (a) APT cannot obtain all governmental certificates, permits, licenses or other approvals (collectively, "Approval ") required and /or any easements required from any third party; or (b) any Approval is canceled, terminated, expired or lapsed; or (c) Owner breaches a representation or warranty contained in this Agreement; or (d) Owner fails to have proper ownership of the Property and /or authority to enter into this Agreement; or (e) APT determines that the Owner's Property contains substances of the type described in Section 11 of this Agreement; or (f) APT determines that the Property is not appropriate for its operations for economic, environmental or technological reasons. Such termination shall not constitute a waiver of APT's riqhts under Paragraph 15 of this Agreement. 10. INDEMNITY. Subject to Paragraph 7, APT hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Owner harmless from and against any and all claims of liability for personal injury or property damage to the extent that they result from or arise out of (i) the acts or omissions of APT; its agents and employees in, on or about the Property, excepting however, such claims or damages as may be due to or caused solely by the acts or omissions of Owner, its employees or agents, and /or (ii) APT's breach of any term or condition of this Lease on APT's part to be observed' or performed. Subject to Paragraph 7, Owner hereby agrees to indemnify and hold APT harmless from and against any ^ and all claims of liability for personal injury or property damage to the extent that they result from or arise out of (i) the acts or omissions of Owner, its agents and employees in, on or about the Property, excepting, however, such claims or damages as may be due to or caused solely by the acts or APT, its employees or agents, and /or (ii) " Owner's breach of any term or condition of this Lease on Owner's part to be observed or performed. APT shall design and /or equip any and all structures it places on Owner's property so as to protect nearby facilities and property from lightning strikes or surges. APT agrees to indemnify and hold Owner harmless and is responsible for any damages to nearby facilities and property caused by APT or due to APT's failure to provide sufficient lightning and surge protection. This indemnity provision is not intended to waive Owner's right to protection under the sovereign immunity laws. 11. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. Owner represents that Owner has no knowledge of any substance, chemical, or waste on the Owner's Property that is identified as hazardous, toxic or dangerous in any applicable federal, state or local law or regulation. APT and Owner each agree that they will not use, generate, store or dispose of any Hazardous Material (as defined in this Lease) on, under, about or within Owner's Property in violation of any applicable law or regulation. Hazardous Material shall mean any substance, chemical or waste identified as hazardous, toxic or dangerous in any applicable federal, state of local law or regulation (including, petroleum and asbestos). Sanford Lease.doc 3 1/02/97 11:45 AM SITE ID: A- 2- E -005D Trout Lake APT and Owner each agree to defend and indemnify the other and the other's partners, affiliates, agents and employees against any and all losses, liabilities, claims and /or costs (including reasonable attorney's fees and costs) arising from any breach of any warranty or agreement contained in the above paragraph. 12. CASUALTY /CONDEMNATION. If any portion of the Owner's Property or Communications Facility is damaged by any casualty and such damage adversely affects APT's use of the Property, or if a condemning authority takes any portion of the Owner's Property and such taking adversely affects APTs use of the Owner's Property, this Agreement shall terminate as of the date of the casualty or the date on which title vests in the condemning authority, as the case may be if APT gives written notice of the same within thirty (30) days after APT receives notice of such casualty or taking. The parties shall be entitled to make claims in any condemnation proceeding for value of their respective interests in the Property (which for APT may include, where applicable, the value of the Communications Facility, moving expenses, prepaid rent, and business dislocation expenses), but such claim shall not be made against Owner.. Sale of all or part of the Property to a purchaser with the power of eminent domain in the face of the exercise of power shall be treated as a taking by condemnation. 13. LEINS. APT shall keep the property free from any liens arising out of any work performed, materials furnished, or of litigation incurred by or for APT. APT shall, within twenty (20) days following the imposition of any such lien, cause the same to be released of record by payment or posting of a proper bond. No work which owner permits APT to perform on the property shall be deemed to be for the use and benefit of owner so that no mechanics or other lien shall be allowed against the estate of owner by reason of its consent to such work. Owner shall have the right to post notices that it is not responsible for payment of such work. 14, QUIET ENJOYMENT. APT, upon payment of the rent, shall peaceably and quietly have, hold and enjoy the Property. If, as of the date of execution of this Agreement or hereafter, there is any mortgage, or other encumbrance affecting Owner's Property, then Owner agrees to obtain from the holder of such encumbrance a Non - Disturbance and Attornment Agreement that APT shall not be disturbed in its possession, use and enjoyment of the Property. Owner shall not cause or permit any use of Owner's property which substantially interferes with or impairs the operation of the communication services being rendered by APT from the property. Except in cases of emergency,. Owner shall not have access to the Property as described in Exhibit "B" unless accompanied by APT personnel. 15. DEFAULT. Except as expressly limited herein, Owner and APT shall each have such remedies for the default of the other party hereto as may be provided at law or equity following written notice of such default and failure to cure the same within thirty (30) calendar days. 16. MISCELLANEOUS. A. Owner represents and warrants that Owner has full authority to enter into and sign this Agreemen and has good and marketable title to the Owner's Property. B. APT represents and warrants that it is duly authorized to do business in Florida and that the undersigned are fully authorized by the APT to enter into this Agreement on behalf of APT. C. This Agreement supersedes all prior discussions and negotiations and contains all agreements and understandings between the Owner and APT. This Agreement may only be amended by a writing signed by both parties. Exhibits "A" through "B" are incorporated into this Agreement by reference. D. This Agreement may be signed in counterparts by the parties hereto. E. The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall extend to and bind the heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of Owner and APT. F. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding to enforce the terms of this Agreement shall be entitled to receive its reasonable attorneys' fees and other reasonable enforcement costs and expenses from the non - prevailing party. G. At this time or on or before the Commencement Date, Owner shall execute and acknowledge and deliver to APT for recording a Memorandum of this Agreement ( "Memorandum ") in the form of Exhibit "C ". Owner Sanford Lease.doc 4 1/02/97 11:45 AM SITE ID: A- 2- E -005D Trout Lake hereby grants APT permission to insert the effective date of the Site Agreement into the Memorandum after execution of the Memorandum. H. APT may assign this Agreement at any time without Owner's consent, provided that the same shall not release APT from any of the obligations arising under this Agreement. i. Notices shall be in writing and sent by United States Mail, postage prepaid, certified or registered with return receipt requested or by any nationally- recognized overnight courier service to the address set forth beneath the signature of each party below. Any such notice shall be deemed given when deposited in the United States Mail or delivered to such courier service. J. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, and venue for any court proceeding in connection with this Agreement shall be Seminole County, Florida. K. Each party agrees to furnish to the other, within ten (10) days after request, such truthful estoppel information as the other may reasonably request. L. Owner and APT each represent that they have not been represented by a real estate broker or other agent in this transaction. M. The parties hereto warrant and represent, each to the other, that the matters of fact contained herein are true and accurate. / / r 1111/ HE 1 Sanford Lease.doc 5 1/02/97 11:45 AM SITE ID: A- 2- E -005D Trout Lake N. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that, when it has accumulated in a building in sufficient quantities, may present health risks to persons who are exposed to it over time. Levels of radon that exceed federal and state guidelines have been found in buildings in Florida. Additional information regarding radon and radon testing may be obtained from your county public health unit. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto bind themselves to this Agreement on this day of 199 Witnesses: Bettye D. Smith By: C� Mayor 2YSanford, Florida Print Name: w - r ,tea o Federal ID: 5 boo y S Print Name: J)ia,ne L'rews Jan Dougherty ity Clerk of Sanford, I onda APT TAMPA/ORLANDO FLORIDA Witnesses: Its: Direct Engineering and Operations and Authorized Agent Address &APT. Real Estate Department American Portable Telecom PO Box 31793 Chicago, IL 60631 -0793 With copy to: Real Estate Manager INITIAL 5907 - B Hampton Oaks Parkway Tampa, FL 33610 Sanford Lease.doc 6 1/02/97 11:45 AM NO Go SITE ID:A- 2- E -005D Trout Lake Witnafse— L,, f 4wi Pdnt Na �. 1 Print Name: AP A/O ND OR /DA B. avid B. Low Its: Vice President, Engineering & perations Sanford Lease.doc 6a 1/02/97 11:45 AM G - 03 /.--. . SITE ID: A- 2 -005D SITE NAME: Trout Lake EXHIBIT "A" TO SITE AGREEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF OWNER'S PROPERTY: The South 1212.4 feet of Lot 7, PINE LAKE GROVES, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 27, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. Mi 1 It is agreed by Owner and APT that the precise legal description for the Owner's Property will be corrected, if necessary, and that the correct legal description may be placed on this Exhibit "A" by APT. Sanford Lease.doc 7 1/02/97 11:45AM Nil p w g LO Y a s'n m OJ cap° ° E . ro W E0a.. NL i r EL Z a F Ss�� t/ ? a �s LO adoYd > ei —�•- l"' 4 � � j,E m I c a $, o /� A� p •� j0 a $� ...] G/.1 b� • • v l Mlln{Yl YOlnlll YIID. '1 <'/ •p l • LL . ` V O G E W ��\ = ymv w .21 [� Ng 22 OB F ; � ` .� \ \._. _ _ � � _� _ � _ �. - •-- �- 1:4w4uT iw.iluT•<, >T � _ _ _ _ - � m � cq� . .�• ° N $ CO 1 ((1 •� S omi�i 4r5 m r-�v v Is Wis is I m$mJ$ 0 3 ((yWtil • t' o� � 1. -}�' '� c m S � ; o � $ uni � \ °�� S - � iZ r i' ma a m kF I n •. ° _o m T O m �_ _. ... • oo a $ m .Ta a d a _� /u 6f' �1A'r— 'SM67'� 1 a•u. l.w >.m $ °1 _v m t - s ®m m '�O• °mfr ° d g'y'�� m m'o$ .J �!- - ro C 0 1 2 N th 4 (n lia APT ATDS COMPANY 5907 Hampton Oaks Parkway, Suite B Tampa, Florida 33610 813- 663 -1000 Fax 813- 623 -4011 July 25, 1997 Bettye D. Smith Mayor of Sanford 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 32772 -1788 RE: Site Number: A -2 -E -005 -D Site Name: Trout Lake Dear Ms. Smith: Go Attached you will find a copy of the lease, amendment no. 1, and amendment no. 2 between the City of Sanford and APT Tampa/Orlando, Inc. If you should have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 813- 663 -1017. Sincerely, mod. �ck.- Cheri L. Schmelzer Real Estate Coordinator Enclosure SITE ID: A -2 -E -005 -D SITE NAME: Trout Lake LS - O's AMENDMENT NO. i TO SITE AGREEMENT FOR LAND This Amendment No.1 to Site Agreement for Land ( "Amendment") is entered into as of the date last signed by all parties hereto, and modifies and amends that Site Agreement for Land dated 13 January, 1997, ( "Original Agreement'), by and between City of Sanford, Florida ( "Owner"), and APT Tampa/Orlando, Inc., a Delaware corporation ( "APT'), NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and agreed, the parties agree as follows: 1. The foregoing provision and all exhibits attached hereto are hereby incorporated into this Amendment as if fully set forth herein. 2. The Original Agreement is hereby modified such that (a) all references to Owner's Property and "Owner's property" and each of them shall constitute references to that property more particularly described in Exhibit A to the Original Agreement and such that (b) all references to Owner, Landlord and owner and each of them shall constitute references to the City of Sanford, Florida, (c) The word "therefor" is hereby substituted for the word "therefore" in the third line of the second paragraph of Section 6 of the Original Agreement, (d) The word "property" in the second line of the second paragraph of Section "7" of the Original Agreement shall mean the Property, as that term is defined within the Original Agreement, (e) all references to the Lease, the lease, the agreement and the Agreement shall constitute references to the "Agreement" as defined in the Original Agreement, and (f) the prefatory paragraph of the Original Agreement is hereby modified such that " , Florida" is inserted after "City of Sanford" but before "('Owner') ". 3. The first paragraph of Section 7" of the Original Agreement is hereby amended and restated to provide as follows: "APT shall maintain commercial general liability insurance insuring APT against liability for personal injury, death or damage to personal property arising out of use of the Property by APT, with combined single limits of One Million and No /00 Dollars ($1,000,000). The Owner shall be named as an additional insured under such liability insurance policy. APT shall provide Owner with a certificate of insurance for the aforesaid policy. Owner shall maintain commercial general liability insurance insuring Owner against liability for personal injury, death or damage to personal property arising out of use of Owner's Property by Owner, with combined single limits of One Million and No /00 Dollars ($1,000,000). Owner shall provide APT with a certificate of insurance for the aforesaid policy." 4. The first two paragraphs of Section "10" of the Original Agreement are hereby amended and restated to provide as follows: "Subject to Paragraph 7, APT hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Owner harmless from and against any and all claims of liability for personal injury or property damage to the extent that they result from or arise out of (i) the acts or omissions of APT, its agents or employees in, on or about the Property (excepting however, such claims or damages as may be due to or caused by the acts or omissions of Owner, its employees or agents), and /or (ii) APT's breach of any term or condition of this Agreement on APT's part to be observed or performed. This indemnity shall not apply to any claims, actions, damages, obligations, liabilities and liens arising from any negligent or intentional misconduct of the indemnified party and shall survive the termination of this Agreement". \\APT- TAFL -NT1\ SITE\ ORLANDO \A- 2- E -005 \005-d\Amemdment to Lease A2E005D no.2 d0c - REV- 326.doc la SITE ID: A -2 -E -005 -D SITE NAME: Trout Lake 5. The last sentence of Section "14" of the Original Agreement is hereby modified such that the words "as described in Exhibit'B' " are deleted. 6. By signatures upon this Amendment, David B. Lowry, Vice President, Engineering and Operations for APT, and as the duly authorized agent for APT, hereby adopts and ratifies all actions taken and all agreements entered into by Tony McDowell, Director of Engineering and Operations and Authorized Agent for APT, in connection with the Original Agreement, including, without limitation, the Original Agreement, and hereby binds APT thereto as of the date of such actions and agreements. Except as expressly set forth above, all provisions of the Original Agreement remain unchanged and in full force and effect. In case of any inconsistencies between the terms and conditions contained in the Original Agreement and the terms and conditions contained herein, the terms and conditions herein shall control, and unless otherwise defined herein, hereby have the same meaning as in the Original Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties have executed this Amendment as of the date below their respective signatures. Witnesses: Print Name: - DicL P— Cre-ws 2. Address of Owner: Telephone No.: (x"07- 33(� SloO� Facsimile No.: 4 - 3 3n -s o 6 , fie s 1. 7 Prin fv ^jr E 2. . Y 0/ , A / it YK I�AL Print Name : DE OWNER City of Sanford, Florida PrintNathe: K. . City Clerk of Federal ID No. sg- (ot; APT APT mp nand inc., By: , ' Lowry Vice Pr e si de nt, Engineering and Operations Date: lo/ 5/ % 7 [Corporate Seal] Address of APT: Real Estate Department American Portable Telecom PO Box 31793 Chicago, IL 60631 -0793 With copy to: Real Estate Manager 5907 - B Hampton Oaks Parkway Tampa, FL 33610 \APT - TAFL -NT1\ SITE\ ORLANDO\A- 2- E -005\005.d\Amemdment to Lease A2E0051) no.2 doe- REV- 326.doc SITE ID: A -2 -E -005 -D SITE NAME: Trout Lake - a s� AMENDMENT NO.2 TO SITE AGREEMENT FOR LAND This Amendment No. 2 to Site Agreement for Land ( "Amendment") is entered into as of the date last signed by all parties hereto, and modifies and amends that Site Agreement for Land dated 13'" January, 1997, ( "Site Agreement"), by and between City of Sanford, Florida ( "Owner"), and APT Tampa/Orlando, Inc., a Delaware corporation ( "APT'), as later amended by that Amendment No. 1 To Site Agreement For Land entered into on June 5, 1997, by and between Owner and APT (together with such amendment, the "Original Agreement"). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and agreed, the parties agree as follows: 1. The foregoing provision and all exhibits attached hereto are hereby incorporated into this Amendment as if fully set forth herein. 2. Exhibit B of the Original Agreement is hereby modified, superseded and replaced by Revised Exhibit "B" To Site Agreement For Land attached hereto and incorporated herein. Except as expressly set forth above, all provisions of the Original Agreement remain unchanged and in full force and effect. In case of any inconsistencies between the terms and conditions contained in the Original Agreement and the terms and conditions contained herein, the terms and conditions herein shall control, and unless otherwise defined herein, hereby have the same meaning as in the Original Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties have executed this Amendment as of the date below their respective signatures. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: OWNER: Witnesses: P� Print Name: P. aer i . ITI Federal ID No.: 59- 6000425 Address of Owner: 300 North Park Blvd. Sanford, Florida 32772 -1788 Telephone No.: (407) 330 -5600 Facsimile No.: (407) 330 -5666 CITY NFORD I I Y A. DALE, as the Mayor of Sanford, odide� ATTEST tI" A p •tit Zf� ANET R. DOUGHEFttY, as t e Clerk of the City ,,o--f��Sanford,, Florida Dated: 92iu - / [SEAL] R:\ORLANDO\A -2 -E -005\005 -0VUnendment No. 2 (rev. 5- 2- 97).doc 1 OF 2 07/08/97 SITE ID: A -2 -E -005 -D SITE NAME: Trout Lake APT Witnesses: With copy to: Real Estate Manager 5907 B Hampton Oaks Parkway Tampa, FL 33610 APT Tampa/Orlando, Inc., By: z �p Da id . Lowry Vice P esident, Engineering and Operations Wt VP (1V9t1rg7701J Date: 7 - 2 t, c t �- [Corporate Seal] Address of APT: Real Estate Department American Portable Telecom PO Box 31793 Chicago, IL 60631 -0793 R:\ ORIANDOW- 2- E- 0051005-dV1mendment No. 2 (rev. 5- 2- 97).doe 2 OF 2 07/08197 l 'n, SITE ID: A -2 -E -005 -D SITE NAME: Sanford REVISED EXHIBIT "B" TO SITE AGREEMENT FOR LAND Page 1 of 2 SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. A PARCEL OF ,LAND LYING AND BEING WITHIN THE SOUTH 1212.4 FEET OF LOT 7, PINE LAKE GROVES, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 9, PAGE 27 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. BEING MORE PARTICULARY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE, COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 7; THENCE S 89'58 217.07 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 7, THENCE DEPARTING SAID SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE RUN N 00 270.07 FEET TO A POINT OF BEGINNING] THENCE N 90'00'00'W, 40.0 FEET; THENCE N 00 30.0 FEET; THENCE S 90'00'00'E, 40.0 FEET; THENCE S 00'26'19'E, 30.0 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PROJECT AREA CONTAINS 1200 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. TOGETHER WITH A TWENTY (20) FOOT WIDE NON- EXCLUSIVE ACCESS EASEMENT FOR INGRESS / EGRESS AND UTILITIES PURPOSES; LYING TEN (10) FEET LEFT AND TEN (10) FEET RIGHT OF A CENTERLINE BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE, COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 7; THENCE S 89'58'02'W, 217.07 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 7, THENCE DEPARTING SAID SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE RUN N 00'00'00'W 270.07 FEET TO THE S.E. CORNER OF THE PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED PROJECT AREA; THENCE N 90'00'00'W, 40.0 FEET; THENCE N 00'26'19'W, 30.0 FEET; THENCE S 90 20.0 FEET TO A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 00 662.28 FEET; THENCE S 89 135.0 FEET; THENCE N 27'37'49'W, 70.9 FEET; THENCE N 90'00'00'W, 90.0 FEET; THENCE S 44 505.0 FEET; THENCE' S 28 47.21 FEET; THENCE S 01'17'54'W, 511.14 FEET; THENCE S 53'10'34'W, 13.42 FEET TO A POINT ALONG THE EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF S. LOWE AVENUE (S. OREGON AVENUE PER.PLAT), SAID POINT ALSO BEING A POINT OF TERMINATION. THE SIDELINES OF EASEMENT TO BE SHORTENED OR PROLONGED TO MEET AT AT ANGLE POINT AND / OR BOUNDARY LINES, SAID ACCESS EASEMENT CONTAINS 14,259 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. TOGETHER WITH A FIFTEEN (15) FOOT WIDE NON- EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR UTILITIES PURPOSES; LYING SEVEN AND ONE -HALF (7.5) FEET LEFT AND- SEVEN AND ONE -HALF (7.5) FEET RIGHT OF A CENTERLINE BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE, COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 7; THENCE S 69'58'02'W, 217.07 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 7, THENCE DEPARTING SAID SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE RUN N 00'00'00'W 270.07 FEET TO THE S.E. CORNER OF THE PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED PROJECT AREA; THENCE N 90'00'00'W, 7,50 FEET TO A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 00'00'00'E, 262.56 FEET; THENCE S 89'59'02'W, 47.61 FEET; THENCE N 89'59'35'W, 616.16 FEET; THENCE N 00'00'25'W, 24.27 FEET TO A POINT OF TERMINATION. THE SIDELINES OF EASEMENT TO BE SHORTENED OR PROLONGED TO MEET AT AT ANGLE POINT AND / OR BOUNDARY LINES. SAID ACCESS EASEMENT CONTAINS 40,703 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. I I Z li CO) m < n � I� v to r- t �,'i X 0 ER BY - --�CO UNTY PARK to i I -i r "� � -4 l LAN 0 S I ^L rn m � 1 � Ow Lnnos — a -� — I m . pppp N rb O