HomeMy WebLinkAbout082850-Regular SessionHall in the MINUTES City Commission, San[oral, Florida,.. ~ugu~t ~8 at 8 p? M, ...19 5© The City Co~misslon of the City of Manfor~, Florida, met in regular session at the City City of ~anford, Florida, at 8~O0 o'clock P. M.j August 28, 195©. Present: Commissioner Andrew Carraway " Randall Chase . F.A. Dyson " John Krider, Mr., " W.H. Mtemper City Attorney A. Edwin Shinholser City Manager Clifford McKibbln, Jr., City Clerk H. N. Mayer Chief of Police R. G. Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of regular meeting of August lg, and adjourned meeting of August 21, 1950, next approved. Mr. Wellborn Phillips, Jr., of Phillips Properties next appeared and advised of their desire to acquire 41 of the County owned lots in Sanfo Park Bubdivision abutting on Orange Avenue for the purpose of constructing dwellings thereon, but that the lots can only be sold to individuals by public auction. He then advised that the property could be sold to the City at private sale at the agreed sale price of $2,500.00 , and requested the City to purchase and resell the lots to Phillips Properties at same price. He also ~greed to pave Orange Avenue between 2~th ~nd 25th Btreets with mixed-in-place asphalt provided the City furnish clay for the base and pay one-half of the cost of installing concrete curb and gutter. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Chase moved the acceptance of the foregoing proposal of Mr. Phillips, the City to purchase and convey the 41 lots to Phillips Properties at the cost price of $2,500.O0, furnish clay for paving Orange Avenue 24feet in width with mixed-in-place asphalt, and pay one-half of the cost of installing 5" x 18" combination curb and gutter. Beconded by Commissioner Krider and carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Dyson. Attorney G. W. Spencer next appeared on behalf of Cecil R. Ozier and requested that he be granted an additional 90 days in which to commence construction of a dwelling on Lots l, 2 and 3 and W. 40.94 feet of Lots g of Block 3, Marvanla First Section, in accordance with stipulation in deed from City dated June 5, 1950. Mr. Spencer advised that clearing and grading of the property for dwelling site had been started but construction was being delayed because of shortage of certain building materials at this time. Thereupon Commissioner Krider moved that the City grant Mr. Ozier and extension of 90 days in which to commence construction of dwelling on the aforesaid property. Seconded by Commissioner Dyson and carried. A group of residents within the area to be served by the proposed sanitary sewer project between Rosalia Drive and 20th Btreet and Locust Avenue and Mellonville Avenue, which was rejected by the City Commission at meeting of August 21, next appeared, wit~ Gordon Bradley ae spokesman, and requested the Commission to give further consideration to revising the project at an early date. No action taken. Mr. M. G. Hagan, County Engineer, next appeared with further reference to the proposed Joint City and County drainage project for southwest area of the City. He advised that the proposal to divert the water south of 13th Street to Bmlth'e canal would have to be eliminated from the project because the survey of flow line showed the canal to be two feet hlgher than American Fruit Growers ditch. He then outlined a proposal for constructing a new drainage ditch along the Leesburg Branch Line of Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,._~.~?~._.~.8 ..~.~...~...~ ~....R.~ ............. 19. 50 . H-40750 of constructing the 3,200 feet of new ditch would amount to approximately ~2,OOO.OO, and that the County had agreed to pay one-half of the cost. Thereupon after careful study of the proposed drainage improvements, Commissioner Btemper moved that the 0ity pay one-half of cost of constructing the drainage ditch, as estimated at approximately $2,O00.00. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried. Mr. Fisher Hawse of Hawse and Ghormley, investment company of Knoxville, Tenn., next appear- ed and submitted a proposal for financing the proposed dock and termincal project, in which they proposed to act as fiscal agent for a fee of 2% of the loan of $350,000.00, which would cover all cost in connection with bond issue and also pay the City's bond attorneys for expenses in- curred to date in connection with the applicat~n for loan from Reconstruction Finance Corpora- tion. The bonds to bear interest at rate of 4% per annum, to be secured by net revenues from the terminal, net revenues from all parking meters, and a portion of revenues from the utility tax sufficient to take care of any deficit t~at may be created by insufficient revenues from the other two sources. Thereupon after considerable discussion it was felt that the City should not be required to pledge any portion of the utility tax toward financing the terminal project, and the Com- mission advised Mr. Hawes to submit an amended proposal for further consideration. Mr. Geo. H. Williams, Jr., Executive Director of Sanford Housing Authority, next reported that as a result of the survey conducted in February and March of the sub-standard houses within the Banford area, it was found that there is a need for low-rent public housing over and above the 125 units already applied for, and that the Public Housing Administration had advised that an amended application could be made for an additional 125 units, of which 75 would be for negro families and 5© for white. He then requested the Commission to adopt a resolution approving the amended application of the Authority. Commissioner Chase then offered Resolution No. ??9, and after being read in full, moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Carraway Aye # Chase Aye " Dyson Aye # Krlder Aye " Stemper Aye Said Resolution No. 779, being entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, APPROVING mHE AMENDED APPLICATION OF mHE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, mO ~HE PUBLIC HOUSING ADMINISTRATION FOR A PRELIMINARY LOAN IN CONNECTION WI~H CERTAIN DEVELOPMENT~ THEREIN MENmIONED, AND DECLARING THE INmENT OF SAID CITY TO HEREAFTER ENTER IN~O AN AGRE~24ENT WITH SAID HOUSING AUmHORITY FOR LOCAL COOPERAmION BY ~HE CITY IN ~HE PROVISION OF LOW- RENT PUBLIC HOUSING. Commissioner Krider next introduced Resolution No. 78o, and after being read in full, moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Dyson and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Carraway Aye " Chase Nays " Dyson Aye " Krider Aye " Stemper Aye Said Resolution No. 78o, being entitled: A RESOLUmION OF THE CImY COMMISSION OF ~HE CITY OP SANFOBD, FLORIDA, RESCINDING AND AVOIDING RESOLUmION NUMBER 772. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,.. At!gust 2~. a~ $ P, t4. 1950 AND ~HE TRANSFER TO THE SINKING ~JND OF MUNDB ON HAND FROM SUCH SOURCE WAS AUTHORIZED; RE-AL~0OA~ING $O THE PUBLIC PROJECTS FUND I'HE FUNDS SO RECEIVED, AND TO BE RECEIVED, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE TRANSFER FROM THE SINKING FUND mO mHE PUBLIC PROJECTS FUND OF ALL FUNDS ON HAND FROM SUCH SOURCE. The City Manager next submitted cost estimate in amount of $2,O00.00 for repairing Ship Service Building at Airport, and $700.00 for enclosing 2000 sq. ft. of the po~ch on east side of building. Thereupon Commissioner Stemper moved that the aforesaid building be repaired at cost of $2,000.00, and if it is leased to Florida Fashions, Inc., that the porch be enclosed upon their request. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. Request next received from Mr. C. E. Swift for an additional 90 days extension in which to pay the mortgage note in amount of $1,500.00 that was due March 1, 195©, covering purchase of Lots 48 to 55 of J. E. Pace's Subdivision of Block "C" of Mellonville, and all of Amended Plat of Victoria Park. The Commission having granted a six months extension on February 13, 1950, upon payment of accrued interest thereon. No action taken. Request next received from Electro Hygiene Company for a loading zone in front of their place of business at ll6 N. Park Avenue, and same was referred to Chief of Police for re- commendation. Request next received from First Presbyterian Church for the City to remove tree and trim limbs from trees located on parkway adjacent to the Church, and on motion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried, same was authorized provided the City assume no liability in connection therewith. On motion of Commissioner Btemper, seconded by Commissioner Krlder and carried, the Commission next approved the conveyance without cost of Lot 2 of Block 13, San Lanta Second Section, to Russell W. Tenth, Jr., Veteran of World War II, to construct dwelling thereon within six months from date of conveyance, under authority of Special Act of 1945 Legislature. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 8:00 o'clock P. M. September 1, 195©. MAYOR gm