HomeMy WebLinkAbout091150-Regular SessionMINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,_....S.e..D~em.!~.er .~,..1.....~.. 8....1~.,. N..,.1950. . H-40750 The Gity Oommission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Samford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. September ll, 1950. Present: Commissioner Andrew Carraway, Mayor " F.A. Dyson " John Xrider " W, H. Btemper City Attorney A, Edwin Bhinholser City Manager Clifford McKibbin, Jr., City Clerk H. N. Bayer Chief of Police R. G. Williams Absent: Commissioner Randall Chase regular meeting of August 28, and ajourned meeting of September 1, 1950, Minutes of next approved. Monthly reports of Streets, Banita~on, Health, Water, Police, Fire, Airport and Liorary Departments for month of ~ugust 1950, submitted and examined. Financial statement and statement of revenues and expenditures of month of August, sub- mitted and examined. Bank statements in all accounts for month of August 195O, properly reconciled, submitted and examined. On motion duly adopted,payment of current invoices and payrolls for month of August 1950 was next approved, subject to approval ~Flnance Committee, as evidenced by Voucher Nos. 5016 thru 5146. Mr. Wellborn Phillips, Br., of P~illips Properties next appeared with further reference to their proposal submitted at meeting of August 28, to pave Orange Avenue between 24th Street and 25th Streets with mixed-in-place asphalt if the Oity would furnish clay for the base pay one-half of cost of installing curb and gutter, which was accepted by the Commission, provided the street would be paved 24 feet in width with 5" x 18# combination curb and gutter. He then requested approval to pave the streets 18 feet in width with 6" x 16" raised curb instead of 24 feet with curb and gutter in order to keep the cost down on the 28 dwellings to be con- structed on said street, advising of the recent advance in cost of building materials and of the Federal Housing Administration placing a ceiling price as of July l, 1~50, on the sale of the proposed dwellings. No action taken. Tommle Stringer, life guard at municipal swimming pool, next submitted a proposed summer recreation program for 1951, and same was taken under advisement to be considered in the adoption of next fiscal year's budget. The City Manager next reported on conference with local bank officials relative to loan in amount of $100,000.00 to finance construction of the Municipal Memorial Stadium, advising that the Banford Atlantic National Bank would consider handling ~20,000.00 of the loan and Florida Bt~te Bank the balance, providing the City would pledge a portion of utility tax revenue as security for the loan. Further consideration was then given to the bids submitted at adjourned meeting of Septem- ber l, for constructing the stadium and furnishing and installing the field floodlights. Commissioner Krider moved the acceptance of the finance the construction in a manner satisfactory Corporation in amount of $10?,900.00 for eon- Thereupon after considerable discussion, lowest bids, subject to the City's ability to to the Commission, that of prime bid of Jarco structlng the stadium, and $5,600.00 for furnishing and installing bleacher seats, bid of Graybar Electric Comgany in amount Of $17,22~.35 for furnishlng floodlighting materials, and 128 MINUTES ^.~ September 11 at City Commission, Sanford, Flv.,~ ........ Commissioner Dyson next moved that the City submit an application to the Sanford Atlantic National Bank and Florida State Bank for loan in amount of $100,000.00 to finance construction of the Stadium, payable annually within five years, to be secured by pledge of a protlon of the utility tax revenue. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Stemper. Mr. R. T. Cowan, Vice-Chairman of Sanford Housing Authority, next appeared and requested the City to purchase Lot 7 Block 9, Tier 14, Seminole Park, from the County at cost of $185.00 for the ~utnority, to be conveyed to Frank Nelson for a site for his dwelling whiCh will be removed from the housing project site, advising that the Authority would re-pay the City for cost of the lot within the next 90 days, and on motion of Commis~oner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Krlder and carried, same was authorized. Mr. Cowan next advised that the Authority had awarded a contract to J. D. Wadsworth to remove approximately 31 dwellings from the project site, and requested the Commission to re- duce t~e City's fee of $10.00 per building for ~ermit to remove the aforesaid buildings, and same was denied. Mr. Cowan next tendered his resignation as a Commissioner of the Sanford Housing Authority because of lnterferring with his private business, and same was declined. Mr. Cowan next advised that the Authority had not been able to find an avsllable site for the additional 75 low-rent dwelling units for colored families for WhiCh application had been filed with Public Housing Administration, and for re-locating a number of the dwellings that will have to be removed from the site for the first 125 units. He then requested the Com- mission to consider re-zoning the area between main line of Atlantic Coast Line Railroad and 4th Street and Pecan Avenue and Pomegranlte Avenue from white residential to colored residential, in order that it may be acquired by the Autnorlty and used for the aforesaid purpose. Matter referred to Zoning Board of Adjustment for recommendation. On motion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Dyson and carried, the Com- mlsslon next approved the appointment by the Mayor of Attorney G. A. Speer, Jr., to act as Municipal Judge in the absence of Judge Sharon while on vacation. On motion of Commissioner Dyson, seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried, the airport property was next aut~orized to be included in the petition for county fire control. Upon recommendation of Chief of Police, and on motion of Commlssloner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Dyson and carried, the Commission next approved a loading zone in front of place of business of Bert's Swap Shop on West First Street, because of not having a rear entrance to building. The City Manager next advised that Florida Fashions, Inc., had made a survey of several available sites for their proposed manufacturing building and had selected a tract, size 250' x 2~8' of the Glty owned property located at southwest corner of French Avenue and Fulton Street. Thereupon Commissioner Stemper moved that the City offer this property to Florida Fashions, Inc., for the aforesaid purpose. Seconded ~y Commissioner Krider and carried. The Commlsslon next reconvened as a Tax Equalization to give further consideration to the 1950 ~ax Roll, as prepared by the Tax Zssessor. ~-~- ~+~ ~ Tn~. aa to the assessed valuation in MINUTES wl~ S~.p. tember ll at ~ P.M. 0 City Commission, Sanfozd, ....... , ........................................................................... 19 5 . H-40750 Thereupon after further consideration, and on motion of Commissioner Dyson, seconded by Commissioner Krlder and carried, the Board directed that the aforesaid assessed valuation be reduced to $21,110.OO. The ~oard then approved the valuations on the 1950 Tax Roll as set by the Tax Assessor and adjourned as an Equalization Board. On motion of Commissioner Dyson, mission next authorized the tax levy allocated as follows: seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried, the Com- for year 1950 to be placed at 17.4000 mills, to be DEPARTMENT OF DEB~ SERVICE 9.0000 Mills DEPAI~MENT OF GENERAL GOVERNMENT 8.4000 Mills There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 8:00 o'clock P. September la, 1950. 129 gm MAYOR