HomeMy WebLinkAbout062386-Workshop SessionMINUTE S City Commission, Sanford, Florida June 23, 19 86 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Workshop Session in the City Manager's Conference Room at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 4:30 o'clock P. M. on June 23, 1986. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Bettye D. Smith Commissioner John Y. Mercer Commissioner Milton E. Smith Commissioner David T. Farr Commissioner Bob Thomas City Manager Frank A. Faison City Clerk H. N. Tamm, Jr. Absent: City Attorney William L. Colbert The 'meeting was called to order by the Chairman. The Commission continued to consider the 1986-87 Budget as submitted by the City Manager. The Commission considered and authorized $63,000 in the cash carry-forward for the 1985/86 Budget. The Commission authorized a 6% merit increase for the City Manager effective October 1, 1986. Members of the Scenic Improvement Board were present to support the 1986/87 Budget. Memo was submitted from the Director of Engineering and Planning as follows: ME MO RAN DU M June 23, 1986 TO: City Manager FROM: Director of Engineering and Planning SUBJECT: Public Water Supply Water Well Site, Option for Purchase Of Mr. Faison: Although we-presently have purchase options on two sites west of City of Sanford considered appropriate for future water well sites I have requested Ann Wallace to seek out additional parcels which might be available within the area considered best for water wells. We presently have the following parcels under option: Parcel B - Welch property - 5.5 acres at $25,000 per acre. Parcel C - Dillard property - 7 acres - $17,000 per acre. As a result of her research only two additional parcels have been identified which are "for sale". These are as follows: Parcel A - Hayman - 12 acres - $33,333 per acre. (Prospective sale of southerly 2 acres with house could reduce cost per acre for remaining acres to $30,000 per acre.) Parcel D - Doudney - 8 acres - price not determined but greater than $25,000 per acre. While Parcel C is least expensive it is directly adjacent to our present Oregon Avenue wellfield. In order of preferred location relative to hydrogeological considerations priority of parcels would be Parcel A, Parcel D, Parcel B, Parcel C. None of the four parcels are presently contiguous with City of Sanford. In view of the clear need to assure future water supplies for City of Sanford as we expand, it is recommended that the attached 90 day purchase option for Parcel A be approved. This will allow a period of 90 days for further study of this parcel and development of comparisions between it and other available parcels, including Parcel D. The Commission authorized same to be considered at the next regular meeting. Memo was submitted from the Director of Engineering and Planning as follows: MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida June 23, MEMORANDUM June 23, 1986 TO .- City Manager FROM: Director of Engineering and Planning SUBJECT: First Street Flooding Problems Mr. Faison: Recent heavy rains have caused temporary flooding along First Street and between Park and Palmetto. Some discharges from floor drains have also been experienced in buildings east of Magnolia and south of First Street. Causes for these problems appear to be a complex combination of the following conditions: Drainage area of over 122 acres is served by the vault behind McCrory's store and the 42-inch drain line which runs under First Street and Rand Mall. Trash blocking some catch basin inlets and filling some catch basins. Catch basin inlets are an inefficient design with limited water inlet capacity, and are subject to clogging. The area is served by combined sewers which do not provide most direct routing for large volumes of storm water. Outflow from floor drains is caused by combined sewers which have become surcharged as a result of excess storm water loading. Roof runoff from downtown buildings is seldom routed directly to storm drains. The resulting surface flow adds to the downtown drainage problem. Sheet flow of excess water along Park Avenue and Palmetto Avenue carries significant storm water directly to the lake. The streetscaping at intersection of Park and First may be causing some of this sheet flow to accumulate on First Street. The catch basins have all been checked, and cleaned as necessary. Accumulated debris has been removed from the gratings, however, a very small amount of new drbris, such as several sheets of newspaper, could effectively block a catch basin. Owners of stores experiencing floor drain overflows have installed temporary plugs. It has been recommended that these plugs be left in place except when the floor drain is actually being used. It is recommended that 14 catch basins in the downtown area be modified by installation of combination curb and gutter inlets. These inlets are more efficient and much less likely to clog. Total cost of this installation is estimated at $8,735, breakdown is as follows: Labor - $1,820 Equipment - $1,952 Materials - $2,947 Overhead - $2,016 Included in the materials cost is $2,746.80 for procurement of frames, grates and hoods from U.S Foundry & Manufacturing Corporation. Recommend authorization for emergency procurement of these grates and frames. Improvements to catch basins will solve some of the problem, however, the basic problem is overloading of the downtown storm drain system. Discussions with Conklin, Porter and Holmes reveal that a part of the combined sewer separation project was to be a realignment of the storm sewer system such that approximately half of the acreage now served by the 42-inch line under First Street would be ~econnected to a line located east of Palmetto Avenue. Final design has not been completed and this line may have to be enlarged. If so, authorization from St. Johns River Water Management District must be obtainedfor increasing our capacity to discharge storm water to the lake. An alternative to a new discharge point could be a "header" pipe along the lake front to make maximum utilization of all existing drain discharge points. This, however, would be more expensive and would be a last resort. Either alternative will cost significant dollars, 493 19 86 494 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida June 23, 19 86 ATTEST: however, I feel we have no choice. I will continue to work with Conklin, Porter and Holmes because of the large amount of background information they Possess. The need for modifying streetscape at the corner of First and Park will be studied during succeeding rain storms to determine what if anything needs to be done to minimize any flow onto First Street from Park Avenue. An additional item for consideration once storm drains are reasonably adequate would be the establishment of a requirement that all buildings in the downtown area must direct the runoff from the roofs directly into a storm drain. The Commission authorized same to be considered at the next regular meeting. Memo was submitted from the Director of Engineering and Planning as follows: MEMORANDUM June 23, 1986 TO: City Manager FROM: Director of Engineering and Planning SUBJECT: Downtown Parking and Traffic Circulation Study Mr. Faison: The attached contract with the firm of Howard Needles Tammen and Bergendoff is recommended for approval by the City Commission. This contract will provide for a complete update of the 1977 study performed by Tipton and Associates. Funds are available from Engineering Department FY 85-86 Budget. The proposed contract is a result of selection and negotiation by a team consisting of Cal Conklin, representating Greater Sanford Development Corporation, Jay Marder, and myself. HNTB was selected from a slate of five highly qualified firms. A primary consideration in selecting HNTB was the close congruence between their concept of the study process and product and the wishes of the committee. Cal Conklin indicates that participation by Greater Sanford Development Corporation is proposed to be the provision of three people for three days to provide a significant part of the specified "City" data input for the study. Additional data input will be provided by City Planner and his Planning Intern. Some limited use of other "summer hires" now in the system may be required for parts of one or two days. It is requested that this contract be presented as an add-on item at the June 23 City Commission meeting. By copy of this memorandum, City Attorney is requested to review the cDntract for correctness and form. The Commission authorized same to be considered at the next regular meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. A Y O R