HomeMy WebLinkAbout101987-Worksop SessionMINUTES Ci~ Commission, San~rd, Flofida The City Commxss~on o essxon xn the City Manager's Conference Room of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 4:00 o'clock P. M. on October 19, 1987. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Bettye D. Smith Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner John Y. Mercer Commissioner Bob Thomas Commissioner A. A. McClanahan City Manager Frank A. Paison City Clerk H.N. Tamm, Jr. City Attorney William L. Colbert The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. Tom Jones, Seminole High School Councilor, presented plans for motivating students into doing school work at the Westside Recreation Center. The Recreation Department had informed him that space was available on Thursdays, if the Commission was in agreement with this program. The Commission authorized said program and authorized the City Manager to write a letter of support for Mr. Jones. William Bo!ser, Seminole County Coordinator for ~mergency Communications for the North Section of the County stated Chief Harriett has allotted space in the Police Station for this purpose. Mr. Bo!ser requested that the City of Sanford buy the radio equipment for emergency purposes, which would be operated by a licensed operators only. The Commission requested Chief Harriett and Staff to put in writing a package on the cost of the equipment and an overall view on how this program will operate, and to report back to the Commission. The City Attorney submitted a draft of the ordinance for. Residential Care Facilities. The City Attorney explained that the City of Sanford began to enforce the ordinance against some operators of Adult Living Facilities and it has become a controversial issue and has been placed on a moratorium by the Commission. The Commission asked staff and the advisory board to make recommendations on improvement of said ordinance. Mr. Colbert stated that the City of Miami had just lost a case in the Circuit Court referring to the Clayborn Living {Case, because of height and distance limitations were over turned. The City Attorney stated that the Advisory Board had done excellent work on the'ordinance which complies with the Clayborn Case. The City attorney noted that all residential care facilities shall be required to obtain a City Occupational License. The Commissioners agreed that there should be a fire safety inspection annually. The Commission decided that the maximum should be four residents in single family districts and delete any conditional uses for said Single Family Districts. The Chairman requested that this draft ordinance be put on the Late Agenda for referral to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their recommendations. The Commission next reviewed the status of the contract for effluent irrigation at the Sanford Airport. The City Manager reported that he had received a letter from the Department of Environmental Regulation and they feel the contract is not sufficient to warrant the grant and the City should be working on other alternatives, but this will stop the flow of grant money until the City can find an alternative. The Mayor stated that the Sanford Airport Authority should be notified as to their proposal and what it has done to 591 October 19~_~ 19 87 Jl ..592 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida October 19, the City Manager stated that the staff is working on alternatives. The Commission reviewed the Marina parking situation. a memo from the Director of Engineering and Planning as follows: of Sanford in regards to the Department of Environment Regulation. The City The City Manager submitted : MEMORANDUM OCTOBER 8, 1987 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: City Manager Director of Engineering and Planning Marina Parking Mr. Faison: There is a limited amount of space on the Sanfor~ Marina faci- lity while the demand for parking there appears to be increasing as a result of more boating activity as well as business activity. At the present time parking is very adequate other than on weekends and holidays. (This assessment does not assume that each visitor to the Marina Island can necessarily park his vehicle within i0-feet of his destination but rather that parking can normally be found within "reasonable" walking distance, but still north of Seminole Blvd.) The layout of most existing parking on the Marina has been designed to accommodate either cars or cars/trucks pulling boat trailers, the latter of which utilize two parking spaces. 45~ diagonal parking has been determined necessary in order to accommodate the turning. radius of a vehicle pulling a boat trailer. The attached drawings show the parking space Configuration as it now exists other than in the area immediately west of Beta Marine where some pairs of perpen- dicular parking spaces now exist in the open area .north of the boat ramp. Since ~week day" parking does not'appear to be a problem, it is recommended that no change be made. Problems reported on weekend days and holidays suggest that some changes in policy-and procedure may be required. At present, overflow parking from the Marina is accommodated at the Municipal Parking Lot. This facility appears to .be the most appropriate resource for accommodating additional parking requirements. Requirements for an improved parking system include the following: Additional assets, improved traffic cir- culation and regulation, and enforcement. The attached drawings show possible minor changes to parking space designation designed to improve circulation and eliminate conflicts between various boaters launching, rigging, and retrieving boats. Since boat trailer parking on the island is C}earty inadequate on weekends/ holf~ays perhaps the best approach would be to prohibit boat trailer parking on the island on those days other than the twelve long parking spa- ces near the boat ramp along Palmetto Avenue, r.eguiring all other boat trailers to utilize the Municipal Lot. On week days the 45~ diagonal parking north of Beta Marine and the boat ramp could be utilized for the limited amount of normally required boat trailer parking, without adverse effect on other functions ongoing on the Marina. To reduce potential interference between various launching and retrieving activities, a queue should be created by signage along the curb line of the east side of Palmetto Avenue, south of the entrance to the boat ramp area. The City should consider an on- site supervisor of boat launching activities .for the weekend/holdiay days only. The exact hours for this function could coincide with the heavy boating activity periods, and a launching fee collected by that individual during those' periods of time to defray costs of the position,-as well as possibly partially supporting costs of cyclical maintenance of the boat ramp itself and cleaning of the rather intensively used area. Separate police action might be required to enforce adopted regulations relative to boat =raiier. parking. If launch fees are charged, strong consideration should be given to creating a special annual pass, at a relatively low cost, for City residents. The attached drawing shows the existing dirt ramp now used for launching small boats/sail'boats and possible alternative location(s) for future dirt ramps. The creation :of or improvement of dirt ramps is essentially a separate issue, I feel, from the boat trailer parking issue and will therefore be addressed in a separate memorandum. 19 87 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford. Florida October 19, ~593 The Commission requested that the staff to develop a minimum budget and cost for regulating parking at the Marina on weekends and holidays. Commissioner Eckstein stated that the City should look into improving the launching area for the Sailing Regatta in December and should make every effort to keep this Regatta in Sanford. The City Manager reported that the Public Works Department spreads sand over the rocks for each Regatta at a cost of $2,000-$3,000 each time. The Mayor asked if the Lake Monroe Sailing Council was willing to put up money. The representative, Jim Erwin, stated he felt that after the sand was put down, sod should be put down and they would be willing to pay for sod and to put it down as well as pay for a per boat charge to maintain the area. The City Manager suggested the need to put on paper what is intended to be done to the beach area and to submit it to the DNR. The Commission agreed that more details were needed from staff. The City Manager stated that the requests from William Sheaffer, Attorney for Randall and JoAnn Gates, for waiver of City Code and the request from Captain Harley Hoe to dock a paddle wheel boat along the seawall were on the agenda for the regular meeting on October 26, 1987. Marian Cameron submitted a request to use a detached unit at 1019 Magnolia Avenue as rental property. The Commission authorized same to be o'n the next regular agenda when the City Attorfey will be present. The Commission discussed the proposal for elimination of enclaves and "squaring" of city boundaries. The Mayor suggested a 90 day review period to be able to study and proceed with this properly. The City Manager stated the staff would work up a plan. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: 19 87 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida October 19, 19 87 / / //