HomeMy WebLinkAbout120787-Workshop SessionMINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida December 7, 051 19 87 Commission of The City the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Workshop Session in the City Manager's Conference Room of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 4:00 O'clock P. M. on December 7, 1987. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Bettye D. Smith Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner John Y. Mercer Commissioner Bob Thomas Commissioner A. A. McClanahan City Manager Frank A. Faison City Clerk H.N. Tamm, Jr. Absent: City Attorney William L. Colbert The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. The Commission discussed the Preliminary Draft of the Comprehensive Plan. Jay Marder, City Planner spoke on the Comprehensive Plan explaining the Future Land Use Plan consisting of Resource Protection Area, Neighborhood Area and Commerce Areas. He submitted the Traffic Circulation Plan protecting the existing and future functional integrity of major roads by implementing a system of designated right-of-way widths and uniform building setbacks based on functional classification and projected demand for each road. He also stated that recreation and open space for parks, schools and other recreational facilities would be integrated and connected through a system of scenic recreation routes that provide for nonvehicular travel for bicycles and pedestrians. Mr. Marder discussed the proposed capital improvements generally reflected for the next five year period. Dave Fart, Executive Manager of the Greater Sanford Chamber of Commerce requested the City to provide arm patches for the Seminole High School Band to wear to the Regional Semi-finals in Tallahassee as this is the official band of -the City. The costs of the patches would be 99 cents each. The Commission authorized the City Manager to provide same. The Commission reviewed the recommendations from staff for the City to continue to pay a subsidy to those retirees who have paid for their own health insurance in lieu of being carried on the City's insurance policies. The City Manager reported that the Consumer Price Index for the'fiscal year just ended is 3.1% and a recommended Cost of Living Adjustment be paid'starting February, 1988 and estimated the cost would be approximately $187,204. The Commission asked the City Manager to place this on next work session and for staff to supply the City Commission with a list of each employee and their salary in the September 1987 and October 1987. The Commission discussed the memorandum on the recommendations to appoint a Goldsboro CDBG Advisory Board as follows: oi 5an ord, P.O. Box 1778 -- 32772-1778 ?etepnone (305) 322- 3'~6'; December 3, 1987 M E M 0 R A N D U M TO: VIA: City M a n a g e~..~/~.f.~-~-~ Director, Er~ineering & Planning FROM: Community Development Office RE: Goldsboro Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Recently, we received a "Notice to .Proceed" on the CDBG program, tn order to effect the implementati<~n Goldsboro of this O52 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida December 7, 19 87 1) The establishment of a CDBG Committee to assist in the development of policies and procedures for the Goldsboro project: The charter and organization should be similar to the Georgetown Citizen Advisory Committee created to administer block grant funds in that area. Attached is a list of people interested in being appointed to serve on this committee. Once appointed, staff will provide a draft organization structure, policies and procedures for review and approval. This committee will then recommend the adoption of those policies by the City Commission. 2) The acceptance of applications for CDBG assistance by the Community Development Office from residents ~'zthin the area identified on the attached map. The tentative schedule for this committee is appointment by the City Commission on December ]&~ 1987 ; Election of officers approval / revzew of bylaws, organization structure, policies and procedures at its firs: meeting in January. Richard Woods Community Development Officer The Commission authorized to consider appointments to the Goldsboro CDBG Committee at the next regular meeting. The City Manager submitted an agreement and Amendment No. 1 with Conklin, Porter, & Holmes Engineers, Inc. for Mill Creek Drainage Basin Storm Drainage Master Plan Update, and a memorandum from the City Engineer as follows: MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: City Manager Director of Engineering and Planning Mill Creek Drainage Basin Storm Drainage Master Plan Update November 25, 1987 Mr. Faison: City of Sanford has entered into a Community Development Block Grant Interlocal Agreement with Seminole County to utilize $35,000 of CDBG money to update the Stormwa%er Drainage Master Plan for Mill Creek Basin. During a formal selection process the firm of Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc. was selected to perform this work. Following this selection the attached proposed contract has been prepared and submitted by Conk!in, Porter & Holmes Engineers. This contract in the amount of $17,000 is recommended for approval. The budget for this work was originally $25,000. At my request, Conklin, Porter & Holmes has prepared the attached Amend- ment No. 1 to their proposed contract %o expand the scope of study to include the Cloud Branch Drainage Basin at an additional cost of $8,000, bringing the combined total cost to the original budget amount. I have requested approval from Seminole County %o award this Amendment, but have no% yet received a reply. It is recom- mended that in the interim we proceed to authorize Conkiin, Porter & Eolmes to start on the Mil! Creek Basin work. MINUTES City CommiSsion, Sanford, Florida De c____e mbe~r_~7 053 The commission authorized same to be considered at the next regular meeting. The City Manager submitted Amendment No. 21 to Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc. agreement for site specific planning for the "2200 acre" parcel, and a memo from the Director of Engineering and Planning submitted as follows: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: F~MORANDUM Director of Engineering and Planning Proposed Amendment No. 21 to Conklin, Porter & Rolmes Engineers, Inc. Contract November 24, 1987 Mr. Faison: Proposed Amendment No. 21 provides for engineering services associated with the site specific planning for Site No. 10 (2200 acre parcel) including various technical specialty sub-contracts and liaison with the topographic surveyor to be hired separately by City of Sanford. The proposed amendment also provides for necessary services to amend the 201 Plan to delete Sanford Airport and replace it with Site 10, as well as enhancing the planned residential/commercial reuse within the City. These changes to the 20t-Plan, as well as moving forward with Site 10 planning were determined to be necessary conditions for Department of Environmental Regulation, Bureau of Wastewater Management and Grants ~o agree to restructuring of grants for the City of Sanford and to allow grant supported construction of the wastewater plant improve- ments and irrigation system construction while planning for the Site 10 development and residential irrigation expansion is ongoing. This amendment is designed to carry us through the con- ditional use review process by Seminole County, but does not pro- vide for final design of either the transmission line to the site or facility construction on the site. It is recommended that ~ 4 ~h.s amendment be placed on the City Commission worksession agenda for December 7, and on the City Commission agenda for December !4, !987 for approval. The Commission authorized same to be considered at next regular meeting. The Commission reviewed the request from Lon K. Howell and John N. Puder for a waiver of two of the six parking spaces required for three dwelling units-at 309 Park Avenue. The Commission authorized same to be placed on the December 28, 1987 agenda. The Commission reviewed the December'14, 1987 Regular Agenda. The City Manager reported the City Attorney has advised that the request of Rainbow Futures, Inc~, to review their site plan has to be acted on within thirty days or the site plan is automatically approved, therefore action must be taken at the December 14, 1987 meeting. 19 054 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida December 7, 1987 The Mayor announced the Planning and Zoning Commission has invited the Commission to attend a workshop on January 14, 1988 for the Congregate Living Ordinance and requested the original draft and the changes be given to the City Commission. The Commission authorized a Bottle Bill Resolution to be considered at next regular meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ' N2/AYOR ATTEST: