HomeMy WebLinkAbout033-Lease - Sanford Riverfront ProjectI t�v 33 L E A S E THIS INDENTURE of Lease, made and entered into at Sanford, Seminole County, Florida, this 25th day of November . A. D. 1985, by and between the CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called Lessor, and John Smith , hereinafter) called Lessee, which terms 'shall include -- successors, egaij - representatives and assigns, whenever the contents herein so require or admit: W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, the parties have heretofore agreed to certain rental terms and conditions for certain real property owned by the CITY OF SANFORD; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to reduce the agreement to writing for the benefit of each; and WHEREAS, the CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, has heretofore dec ' d that at the operation of the facilities hereinafter desri.hed dec to be a valid public purpose and of great value to the CITY OF SANFORD and its inhabitants; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained and in consideration of the payments and undertakings herein mentioned and for other good and valuable considerations, the parties do hereby agree as follows: 1. Upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth and in consideration of the payment from time to time of the rentals hereir provided, Lessor does hereby lease and let unto Lessee and Lessee hereby does lease from Lessor that _certain real property lying and being situate in Sanford, Seminole County, Florida, commonly known as the paved parking lot North of the dry storage building at Monroe Harbour Marina, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 1, SANFORD RIVERFRONT PROJECT, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 14, Page 88, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, run N. 69 W., along the Northerly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 400.00 feet, thence run S. 41 W., 144.33 feet, thence run S. 69 E., 451.06 feet to the Easterly line of Lot 1, thence run N. 20 E., 135.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 1.2397 acres (54,000 square feet). 2. The term and duration of this Lease shall be for a period of fifty —five (55) years, commencing on the 25th day of November 1985, and continuing up to and including the 24t hday of November , 2040. 3. That Lessee hereby covenants and agrees to pay to Lessor as rent for each year during the term of this Lease the annual sum in advance of FOUR THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED NINETY EIGHT AND N01100 ($4,698.00) DOLLARS with subsequent annual rentals to be due on the anniversary thereafter of the date of the first rental payment herein. It is furthermore agreed that Lessee shall pay five (59) percent of the first ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND N01100 ($100,000.00) DOLLARS of gross sales and as hereinafter defined plus two and one —half (2 1/2%) percent of all gross sales of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND N01100 ($100,000.00) DOLLARS up to TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND AND N01100 ($ 200,000.00) DOLLARS and further five (5 %) percent of all gross sales in excess of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND AND N01100 ($200,000.00) DOLLARS, it being the intent of the parties hereto that the FOUR THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED NINETY EIGHT AND NO 1100 ($4,698.00) DOLLARS as mentioned hereinabove shall be a minimum annual rent; and accordingly, any additional rentals shall be upon the formula as set forth herein. Gross sales shall be defined as all income derived from all sources within the area of Lessee's occupancy whether said income shall be in the nature of rentals of equipment, storage facilities, office space, retail space or any other incident related to the rental of equipment or property or sales of merchandise by Lessee to any other person or entity of any nature whatsoever on the premises. 4. That Lessee does in accordance with the agreement reached between the parties hereby agree to construct within two (2) years of the execution of this Agreement a lakeside plaza and any and - -2 - ;I I� all buildings and other improvements necessary and related to the accomplishment of the foregoing. Said improvements will be constructed pursuant to plans and specifications attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Any revisions, additions to or deletions from plans and specifications as attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference shall require the express written consent of the City Commission prior to commencment of said revisions, additions or deletions. 5. It is furthermore agreed that all improvements upon said real property shall upon the termination of this Lease, revert in fee simple absolute to the City of Sanford. 6. Lessee, in addition to the rentals reserved herein, agrees to pay the annual ad valorem taxes assessed and levied by any taxing authority on all building improvements on the demised premises. 7. Lessee will further provide public liability and property damage insurance naming Lessor as co— insured in a company or companies acceptable to Lessor in such amounts and from time to time as shall be required by Lessor provided, however, that such requirements will not exceed ONE MILLION AND NO 1100 ($1,000,000.00) DOLLARS. 8. Lessee, at its sole expense, will operate, maintain and repair all facilities constructed upon the demised premises and will further place and maintain landscaping in all appropriate areas to create an aesthetically attractive improvement. Furthermore, Lessee shall, at all times, maintain and repair the premises and the landscaping in a prompt, efficient and workmanlike manner for the benefit of themselves and the public at large, and should and in the event it be brought to the attention of the Lessor that the premises, landscaping or either are not being maintained in the high level contemplated by the parties hereto, then and therefore, the parties agree that this matter can be reviewed by the Sanford City Commission at any of its regularly scheduled meetings for the purpose of determining the extent or nature of repair or maintenance to be - -3-- performed and the schedule to do so, for the benefit of the parties hereto. 9. This Lease shall not be assigned nor assumed nor any portion thereof without the express written consent of Lessor, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 10. Upon default hereof by Lessee, this Lease at the option of Lessor, shall be declared null and void and in addition thereto Lessor shall have all other rights and remedies afforded to it under the laws of the State of Florida including but not limited to the right to apply to a Court of competent jurisdiction for the appointment of a receiver and for all other remedies provided for by law and specifically including all set forth in Chapter 83 of the Florida Statutes. It is furthermore agreed that in the event during any two consecutive years of the term of this Lease Lessee shows no profit from its operation on the demised premises, Lessee may elect to terminate' this Lease without further liability, in which event all facilities and permanently affixed equipment shall enure to and become the property of Lessor. 11. Gross revenues hereinbefore specified shall be determined annually by a certified audit prepared by a licensed C.P.A. and shall be furnished to the City by Lessee at Lessee's sole expense. Said audit shall be delivered to the City within sixty (60) days of the anniversary date of this Lease and continue yearly thereafter for the entire term of this Lease or any extensions hereof. The books of Lessee shall be open for inspection and audit by Lessor at any reasonable time during normal business hours Monday through Friday. 12. A complete performance and completion bond shall be required on all construction initiated by Lessee. Lessee covenants to promptly pay all bills and satisfy any and all liens within thirty (30) days after the same become severally due on any construction; provided, however, in the event such lien should attach and Lessee desires to contest the same, then Lessee would within said thirty day period deposit with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Seminole County, - -4 -- Florida a sum of money sufficient to satisfy such lien or liens in the event the same are not successfully defended by Lessee. 13. Lessee covenants that it will not compete, nor permit its tenants, sublessees, assigns, or employees to compete with existing businesses located on the Riverfront Project owned by the City of Sanford. Specifically, Lessee shall not permit the operation of another motel, restaurant, lounge, marina, or business normally conducted by said entity on the premises. 14. Lessee shall be required at all times to provide on- site parking in accordance with existing City regulations. Parking spaces on other parcels of the Sanford Riverfront Project or public parking located nearby shall not be counted toward satisfying the on- site parking requirements of the City of Sanford. 15. Option. At the end of the term hereof, Lessee shall have first refusal of a renewal of this lease for forty -five (45) additional years. In this respect City shall six (6) months in advance of the term hereof provide to Lessee in writing the terms and conditions of such renewal and to that degree, within thirty (30) days thereafter Lessee must signify its acceptance or rejection of such terms. Failure of the Lessee to respond within thirty (30) days shall constitute rejection. In the event the same are rejected, this Lease will terminate and Lessee will forthwith deliver up the premises in good condition subject to reasonable wear and tear. All equipment permanently affixed to either the buildings located on the demised premises or anywhere within the demised premises shall remain upon the demised premises and become the property of City. By definition, permanently affixed means those items which cannot be removed without damage to the premises and shall specifically include but not be limited to all buildings, fixtures, structures, appliances, landscaping, walkways, awnings, utilities and signs. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals to this Lease on the day and year as above written. - -5 -- CITY OF SA ORD, FLORID ATTEST: By: . MAYOR Vitnes as to Lessee STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, duly authorized in the City and State aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared Bettye D. Smith, H. N. Tamm. Jr. and .joh Smith , who acknowledged that he signed the foregoing Lease for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official seal this 16t day of December , A. D. 1985. Notary Public State of Florida at Large _... .My Commission Expires: 6L/( ADDENDUM TO LEASE THIS ADDENDUM, made certain LEASE dated November 1985), by and between the CITY SMITH (LESSEE), establishing PROJECT as leasehold (herein LESSEE agree as follows: the 25, OF a po after date below recited, to that 1985 (executed December 16, SANFORD (LESSOR), and JOHN rtion of SANFORD RIVERFRONT called LEASE). LESSOR and W I T N E S S E T H: 1. That as of this date, LESSEE is not in default under any terms of the LEASE of the premises leased by LESSEE. 2. That in the event of any default under such LEASE, LESSOR will not terminate the LEASE or take any action to enforce any claim with respect thereto without giving to LENDER at least thirty (30) days' prior written notice and the right to cure such default within said period; and so long as the LENDER has not entered in possession of the premises leased in LEASE, it shall not be liable for rent or any other obligation of LESSEE pursuant to, or in connection with said LEASE, and LESSEE shall remain iable for all such rents and obligations. 3. That all other provisions of that certain LEASE ated November 25, 1985, entered into between the parties are atified and confirmed and shall remain in full force and effect. Signed, sealed and delivered this 3rd day of April , 1986. CITY OF SANFORD, FLO .IDA BY: (� ATTEST: MAYOR LEPX/ esses as to LESSEE LESSEE a A STATE OF FLORIDA 'OUNTY OF SEMINOLE BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, duly authorized n the City and State aforesaid to take acknowledgments, ersonally appeared Bettye D. Smith and H. N. Tamm, Jr. , who acknowledged that they igned the foregoing ADDENDUM TO LEASE for the purposes therein xpressed. _ WITNESS my hand and official seal this 3rd day of April 1986. Public U rn/ - — N otary ¢ State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires: Notary PubEc, State of Florida My Commission Expires Feb. 17 1990 Bondad Thru troy STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, duly authorized in the City and State aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared John Smith, who acknowledged that he signed the foregoing ADDENDUM TO LEASE for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my and official seal this Third day of �._ April, 1986. onJ Notary Public 4 State of Florida at Large My Commission expires; Notary Public, State of RO a _ MV Commission Expires Feb. 17, 1990 Bonded Thro Tror ro'o 'rj __2__ Stenstrom, McIntosh, Julian, Colbert & Whigham, P. A. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law Douglas Stenstrom Kenneth W. McIntosh Ned N. Julian, Jr. 'William L. Colbert Frank C. Whigham Clayton D. Simmons Thomas E. Whigham Robert K. McIntosh Suite 22 San Bank Post Office box 1330 Sanford, Florida 32722 -1330 (305) 322 -2171 April 24, 1986 Frank Faison, City Manager City of Sanford, Florida m, -•.. - ....,_ Sanford - ..ixy. :all Post Office 'Box 1778 Sanford, Florida 32772 -1778 Dear Frank: Enclosed please find a Second Addendum to Lease on the Lakefront Project. We have been contacted by the attorney for the lender who is making a construction loan to John Smith. They are concerned because North Palmetto Avenue as extended from its intersection with Seminole Boulevard is not a platted and dedicated street in the city limits of Sanford. They require some type of language in the lease to assure ingress and egress from the property leased by John Smith to the nearest platted public road which is apparently Seminole Boulevard. Therefore, we have prepared a Second Addendum to the Lease. The only change in the lease is contained in the last sentence of Paragraph 1 of the Addendum. We believe that this Addendum can be signed by the City without further action on the part of the City Commission for the following reasons: -- 1 The. City _intended to lease the property with access over North Palmetto Avenue extended because that is the "'o'nly means of access to the property; and 2. If access is not specifically shown on the Lease, it would be implied by law over the most direct route from the property to the nearest platted road, which happens to be North Palmetto Avenue extended. Ihave discussed this language with Lawrence Carroll, attorney for the lender, and he has approved the language and indicated this will solve the problem. Sincerely, STENSTROM, McINTOSH, JULIAN, COLBERT WHIGHAM, P. A. William L. Colbert —_ WLC /lss - Enclosure SECOND ADDENDUM TO LEASE THIS ADDENDUM, made the date below recited, to that certain LEASE dated November 25, 1985 (executed December 16, 1985), by and between the CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, (LESSOR), and JOHN SMITH (LESSEE), establishing a portion of SANFORD RIVERFRONT PROJECT as leasehold (hereinafter called LEASE), LESSOR AND LESSEE agree as follows: W I T N E S S E T H: 1. That Paragraph 1 of the LEASE recited above is amended to read as follows: "1. Upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth and in consideration of the payment from time to time of the rentals herein provided, Lessor does hereby lease and let unto Lessee and Lessee hereby does lease from Lessor that certain real property lying and being situate in Sanford, Seminole County, Florida, commonly known as the paved parking lot North of the dry storage building at _Ko.Tazo.e _,Haxbour JMarina,_more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 1, SANFORD RIVERFRONT PROJECT, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 14, Page 88, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, run N. 69 W., along the Northerly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 400.00 feet, thence run S. 41 W., 144.33 feet, thence run S. 69 E., 451.06 feet to the Easterly line of Lot 1, thence run N. 20 E., 135 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 1.2397 acres (54,000 square feet). Together with access for ingress and egress over the paved road known as North Palmetto Avenue extended from its intersection with Seminole Boulevard to the demised premises described herein." 2. That all other provisions of that certain LEASE dated November 25, 1985, and Addendum t0 Lease dated April 3, 1986, entered into between the parties are ratified and confirmed and shall remain in full force and effect. Signed, A. sealed and delivered ATTEST: CLE tfiesses as to LXSSEE STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE this c;? day of CITY OF SAANNDF,ORDD, FLORIDA By � ' /y ° 44� MAYOR BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, duly authorized in the City and State afo esaid to tak ackn ledgments, personally appeared �j Q, rruzk �ncE �gk � J �rctiA who acknowledged that they signed the foregoing SECOND ADDENDUM TO LEASE fo-r the, purposes, therein -e,xpres,sed_ WITNESS my hand and official seal this a8 day of A. D. 1986. Notary Public State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires: Notary Public, state of Florida My Commission Expires Feb. 1.7, 1990 Eood•d 7hru. Iron Fain: LIFmf In& __L__ APPROVED - BOARD SESSION - OCTOBER 2, 1974 S U B L E A S E 'PHIS SUBLEASE, made and entered into as of' Oct. 2, 1974, by the DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF SEMINOLE COUNTY„ FLORIDA, party of the first part, hereinafter called Sublessor, and the WES RINKER FLORIDA BASEBALL SCHOOL, party of the second part, hereinafter called Sublessee, WITNESSETH FOR and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) together with the covenants, agreements and benefits hereinafter contained, M Sublessor does lease and let unto Sublessee, and Sublessee does hire and rent from Sublessor the Property known as the Sanford sl. Stadium for and during a period annually to extend from Cr i - 197iio and including ✓H bEr for the purpose of 75 training and,offi.ce sites for the Wes Rinker Florida Baseball School. 4 4 This Sublease is made unon the following conditions: 1. The period of occupancy during each calendar year shall extend from C `AQr I to SgfiQ 6r 30 This sublease is for 1974 1975 a Period of one year, however, the same shall automatically renew itself -from ,year to year not to exceed 36 years, unless either party hereto serves written notice on the other terminating said lease, such notice to be delivered twelve months in advance of the effective termination date. 2,. Sublessee shall pay unto Sublessor as rental therefor the sum of one dollar (."1.00) annually, and in addition, thereto, Sublessee shall nay all operating, and maintenance expenses includ- Ing but not limited to electrical power, gas, water, fuel, fertiliz- er, grass and labor required during the period of occupancy and covenants that the aforesaid facility when delivered .back unto Sublessor shall be in the same condition as it was when received by Sublessee, 3. Sublessee further covenants that it shall be responsible for the repairs and /or replacement of any equipment or fixtures damaged, destroyed, or missing during the base Period and that at watered, and fertilized. 4. Sublessee shall provide for Seminole High School and other area schools a baseball field to be used by these schools in area competition or provide for a suitable baseball field for their practice sessions and games at no cost to District School Board of Seminole County, Florida. Said baseball field will be made available from Jigco2y /y( /y75 to 1711)} 17 1975 The transitions from football practice field to baseball field and vice versa will be at the expense of the lessee. Use of the baseball field and randstand�� during this neriod beainni.n ja- A(iemm � � /47.3 and ending / (_7 /973, will be under the control of the District School; Board of Seminole County, Florida. The District School Board of Seminole County, Florida, will be responsible for additional electrical expenses incurred during night games and policing of the grounds after baseball games and practice sessions. 5. Sublessee acknowledges a prior agreement, between Sub- lessor and Sanford Naval Academy and does by these premises assure said Sanford Naval Academy use of the stadium for its athletic functions on the same basis as other schools in the county that participate. 6. Sublessee at all times will indemnify and save Sublessor harmless from any and all fault, liability, damage, suits or other costs arising out of or in any way connected with the use or occu- pancy of the demised premises by Sublessee, and in connection therewith, will maintain in force during the lease term a policy or policies of insurance protecting Sublessor in a sum not less than ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000.00) for personal in- jury to any one person and THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($300,000.00) for personal injury from any one accident, and TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000.00) property damage. 7. Sublessee shall, during the term hereof, at its expense, perform all necessary maintenance and repair pertaining to the fences grounds, grandstands, bleachers and light structures and to deliver up the premises at the termination of this Sublease in the same condition as received, normal wear and tear excepted. Sublessor will coonerate in maintenance of the grounds by from time to time making available to Sublessee such eouinment as in the sole ,judgement and discretion of ?rovided, however, in the event such repairs are necessary as a result of Sublessee, Sublessee shall promptly as are required for such repair or r Sublessor Is available; eautpment i� furpIshed and the utilization thereof by upon demand nay such Burrs placement to Su'hlessor. Sublessee shall be responsible for all replacement; of 117hts and lighting fixtures. In any event., Sublessee shall at all times during its occupancy of the demised premises hold Sublessor harmless from any and all claims, remand, damage or liability resulting from such occupancy. CONS ENT The City of Sanford does hereby consent to the afore- said Sublease of the City's property, known as the Sanford Muni- cipal Stadium, by its Lessee, the District, School Board of Seminole County, 'Florida, to Wes Rinker Florida Baseball School. Witnesses: T City of Sanf By: — - — - y Attest: Mayor As to Sublessor R nit,y C rk DISTRICT SCHOOI, BOARD OTC' Sr "• "INOLF COUNTY, FLORIDA By: - Chairman Attest: Super int:en nt' As to Sublessee