HomeMy WebLinkAbout050189-Workshop SessionMINU ES City Commission, Sanford, Florida The City the City Manager's Conference Room of the City 4:00 o'clock P.M. on May 1, 1989. Present: Hall in the City of Sanford, Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Workshop Session in Florida, at Mayor-Commissioner Bettye D. Smith Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Bob Thomas Commissioner A.A. McClanahan City Manager Frank A. Faison City Clerk Janet R. Donahoe Absent: City Attorney William L. Colbert The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. The Chairman introduced Dick Boyer, Seminole County Planner/Information Specialist. Mr. Boyer distributed a pamphlet entitled "Lake Mary Boulevard and the Gateway Corridor Concept", and explained that he had separated different aspects of the Lake Mary Beautification Project into four main topics: (A) Financial Costs; {B) Funding Proposals; {C) Lake Mary Boulevard Road Schedule; (D) Gateway Committees. Mr. Boyer gave a presentation covering the above categories, stating that they were able to save from 30% to 50% of various costs by careful scrutiny, such as purchasing a smaller caliper tree, in volume, would net a 30% savings, together with use of concrete place of concrete pavers would reduce Bill Simmons and City Planner Jay Marder bands and asphalt without coloring or scoring in intersection costs by 50%. Both City Engineer expressed concern over funding possibilities. Mr. Boyer also explained the various funding alternatives, should the recommended penny gas tax method fail, such as impact fees, gas tax revenue bonds, ad valorem/sales tax, auto license tax, and food and beverage tax. City Engineer Bill Simmons distributed a "City of Sanford Position Paper" outlining possible amendments to the proposed Lake Mary Boulevard Interlocal Agreement. Mr. Boyer outlined the road construction schedule, stating that the actual construction is anticipated in 1994 or 1995. Questions arose as to how the present Commission could delegate funding for a Commission in the future, not knowing where the funds would be generated from. Major concerns expressed were: 1. Funding 2. Sanford's actual costs: figures differ greatly 3. Whether or not Lake Mary Blvd. is a gateway to Sanford 4. Committing future Commission to the funding The Commission requested City Manager to draft proposed Interlocal Agreement, and to place the item on the Agenda for 5/08/89 regular meeting. City Engineer Bill Simmons distributed the following proposed alternatives to Minimum Square Footage Living Area Requirements. 19 89 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Mayl 19 89 lot Hiscusni0n Purposes Only D~P? AHEHDHHT TO SCHEDULE C · Alta AMD DIMIH$IO~ April 17, 1BBB AREA A~D tOglH$ OISTHICT ~P SYK~OL gRIT ,, ......... ,, ,, ,, ,' .... , ....... · ,' ....... ~AS~R~ SR*i~ SR"IA SR-I H-l MR-1 8R-2 lB-3 R~OI ~C-I GC-2 8C-$ 9I-I ~I-I AG. ~inimun Living Ira one-haily Duelling 1,500 (15) (lB] I00 ?00 ' N0 ?09 ?BO 700 100 iq. Fo. gwo-lamlly 0uellinq 700 700 700 700 700 100 ?00 ?00 Sq, It. [151 lhn minimum living area for a out-family d{nllieq shall be eon thousand two hundred {1,200{ square feet, provided honorer, that the llniuun livim~ area mny be reductd iu the following tabour: I. The developer shall conpiln nnd providt the relieving in[ormttion to thi Administrative official: i. Inventory of Base Livin9 Area in Inuediatn Area - The base living area shall be provided for each one-hail{ dwelling umlt located in an St-lA tonint 0istrict uithin two huudrld ii00} fiat of thi property line of the site lm question, The base livino area (~AS) shall bm ns defined by sad in the form provided by the Seminole Couu~y Property Appraiser. iici d~elling shall be clearly idtntlfied by lncattou, address, tax parcel and/or other manner acceptable to the Administrative Official, Inventoried dwellln~ units iud reipnctlvl lots eld parceh shall }e Identified cna scaled nap, ?ho uap shall identify the two hundrnd 1200} foot radius from thm property line of the subject property. 2, Averlgn Oa~e [ivlnq Aria - [or all gum-family d~ellimq units identified and inventoried in tho manner prescribed 1~ (IS)A,I,, immediately above, the average base living aria shall he calculated and provided in iollows: n} first, dehta the base lining areas of iht lnrgeat and the sualhnt dwelling unitn, b] ~econd, sun the bast livho arias of fha ranainin~ dwellings, then ¢) third, divide the mum b{ the number of deilling units sunned. B, The A0ninistrntive Official shall have the authority tn approve a riduotion iu the minimum living area for n nme-radii dwelling unit in tho fo!!~ing specified mauufr: 1, minimum Living Area - In no ;ash shall the minimum living aran bn reducet ~o lsnn than one thousand (I,~00] square ruer. 2. Reduction ~o One Thouslnd Omi Hundred (1,100[ ftuare Fame - Ii the average base li~iug area is less than one thousand two hundred {1,290[ square fiat, tho miniaun living ama redu'iremdt na~ bn ieduced to one thousand, gna hundred (1,1001 square ieee. 3. Reduction, , [o gna Thousand (1~000 Square,,.[met · If the average base livinq area is less th~u one thousand gui hundred (1,100{ squire fait, the minimum living area requirement ual hi furthnr reduced to gan thousand [1,9001 square ieee. O ~ndevelo~ed Areas - If there are one.lanai{ dwellieg uults within tag hundred (ID0} feet of the site in the minimum be reduced th¢usaud nnistinq question, llvlnq ama' to one {1,0bo{ iquurn fnmt. 5. Refnrrnl to city Couulssinn - If the Adninistrattvn Official datnrnlnas thor, upon revieu of information submitted ~y the applicant and based on general knowledge o! tho inaadiate aria in question, the a~proval of n reduced minlnum living area nay be incompatible with the enisttn9 character of the neighborhood, the ldniniitratlum Official shall have the lathcrity t~ refer auy such request fur same to thm City Couuission for final action, {161 !ncept as na~ he otherwise noted in this schedule, the uimiuum livint area requirement [or a one-family d~elllnq nhall be nine hundred {9001 square feet provided that the minimum living area requirement may be reduced in the relieving manner: Thn developir shll compile and provide the followini informatiol to tin Aduinistrativa Official: 1. Invnutory 9f Rase Living Area in Imdlntm Area - The base living ifil shill bi provided fur each Ona-fllil¥ dwellln{ unit located in au SR-I Zoning District withal tv: huudrat fae~ cf the property line of the site in question. The base llvin¢ nrem (BAS) shall bm ns defined by and In the form provided by the Seminole County Froptrty Appraiser. shall be clearly identified by locution, address, tax parcel and/or other manner acceptable 1o the Administrative Official. InVentoried dwelling unarm and rsspicuvt h:f shall ti identified gu s scaled nip. The lap shall identify the two hundred (2BO) foot radius iron the progerty line of the subject property. 2. Average Base Living Area o [or nil cum-family ~wellinq umits identified nnd inventoried in the manuer prescribed is (I$}A.I., immediately above, the avirlqi base livi~ aria shall calculgsd and provided ms follows: if first, delete the base livinq urals of the largest and the silliest d{nlling units, b) second, sun the base llvino areas of the dwellings, then c) third, di~idn tho sum by the number of dwelling units summed. Thn idnlnis~ra:lve Official shall harm thn authority to approve a reduction in the uininuu living irma for n cum-family dwelling unit in tho following s~eclfitd aamntr: 1. Rinlnu~ living Arno - in u~ case shall tho uiulmu living area be reduced to loss thau seven hundred {?00{ square feet. 2, Reduction,to ~iqht iuudred {}001Squnre feet - If the overage base living arei is less than nine hundred ({00{ square feet, the minimum living area rnquirlnent uny hi f::thar 1. ReducU~n ~n Seven Hundred (?00{ Square feet * If the average base livinq area is less than eiqht hundred (800) squnre feet, tho minimum livin~ area rsquiratnt mny he :il;cat huudrnd (700{ square feet, ~. ~ndevelo?ed Arnns - If there are nc existinq une-faull¥ dwelling umita vithia two hundred [200} font of the site io question, the minimum livin~ area any be ri~ucfd ~ ~e;eo (700) square feet. 5, RnfarrtI ~p City Cnnaisslon - If tho Administrative Official deteruinen that, upon review of informatio~ submitted by the npplicnnt and based on genern] kno~led;e cf rtl in qutstion, the approval o! a reduced miuinul living area nay be incompatible vith thm existing character of the neighborhood, the Adninistrn.ivn' Official thil] have t:e' refer any such requtst for sane to the city Comuission for finsl action. Commissioner McClanahan requested Julian Stenstrom, representative for ~t~nstrom/Stump Development and Construction Corp., to be recognized and be allowed to speak. ~r. Stenstrom stated that Stenstrom/Stump was very much in favor of this ~lan as proposed by the City Engineer, and felt it woul~ take all of the "emotionalism" out of the issue. After discussion concerning alternative methods of calculating square footage procedures, it was agreed that in item B (4) relating to Undeveloped Areas, a revision City Commission, Sanford, Florida May 1 19 89 would be necessary to read "within three hundred (300) feet of the site in question". The developer would be required to provide the requested information to the Administrative Official, who would have the authority for a one-family dwelling unit. If the review of information submitted by the to approve a reduction in the minimum living area Administrative Official determines that, upon applicant and based on general knowledge of the immediate area in incompatible with shall have the authority to refer final action. The Chairman reported question, the approval of a reduced minimum living area may be the existing character of the neighborhood, the Administrative Official any such request for same to the City Commission for that she received, on behalf of the City of Sanford, a State Attorney's Office Victim's Police Chief feels the wooded area between area. There are eleven (il) owners, who The City Manager stated he proceed more rapidly than Certificate of Appreciation for Sanford's part in the Witness Program. The Chairman introduced Audrey Williams, who addressed the Commission on behalf of the Park on Park Playground Committee. Mrs. Williams stated she was requesting permission to close Park Avenue between Eighth Street and Ninth Street on Saturday, May 6, 1989, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. for a Children's Festival. Mrs. Williams stated that Sun Hobbies would like to do a remote control display and needs a wide smooth street area for same. After input from the Police Chief, it was the concensus of the Commission to grant the request to close Park Avenue between Eighth and Ninth Street, provided Mrs. Williams submits a written request with all the pertinent information to the City Manager as soon as possible. The City Manager reported that the Sixth and Seventh Street is a hazardous cover have been cited in the past to mow and clean-up their property. instructed the Code Inspector to re-check this area, and to normal Code Board procedures to clean-up this area. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. A Y Attest: