HomeMy WebLinkAbout071789-Workshop Session MINU ES .......... 2.3-0 ............................... City Commission, Sanford, Florida July 17 19 89 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Workshop Session in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 4:00 o'clock P.M. on July 17, 1989. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Bettye D. Smith Commissioner Whitey-Eckstein Commissioner Lon Howell Commissioner Robert Thomas City Manager Frank A. Faison Acting City Clerk Patricia A. Lee Absent: Commissioner A.A. McClanahan City Clerk Janet R. Donahoe City Attorney William L. Colbert The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. The Chairman thanked the Recreation' Department, especially Mike Kirby, for the excellent job done in planning and conducting the First Annual Soap Box Derby. The first item of business was a discussion concerning the Henry Shelton Sanford Memorial Library/Museum. The Chairman introduced- Library Board Members present as follows: Alfreda Wallace, Erma Dangleman, Ned Yancey, Tommy Peterson, Bunny Logan, Paul Bordenkircher, Museum Curator Alicia Clarke and Director of Parks and Recreation Jim Jernigan. Historic Preservation Board President Myra Sizemore Bales was also present. The Chairman stated that both Boards were asked to attend to clarify any questions they may have regarding their "roles" as Board members; and to inform them that $10,000 has been allocated in the 89-90 FY Budget for improvements to the Library/Museum. Alicia Clarke, Curator, distributed a brief history of the Museum, and stated that at this time, the Board is proposing to add a 2500 square foot addition, to house not only the 149 boxes of General Sanford's papers that are presently being stored at Sun Bank; and to display donated items being offered to the City. Bunny Logan asked if the Henry Shelton Sanford Memorial Library/Museum Board was a "not for profit" organization, and the Chairman stated this Board is an advisory board to the City, and as such, was in fact that. Commissioner Howell asked who Curator Alicia Clarke works for and whether or not she answers to the Board. The City Manager explained that she works as a Division Chief under the Parks and Recreations Department, under the guidance of Jim Jernigan and that her role with the Board is in the coordination aspect, the same as other staff acting as board liaisons to various City boards. Tommy Peterson stated he had written a letter to the City Commission because he felt the Curator's part was never a clear issue, and that the Board has no direct contact with Alicia Clarke other than that she is a party to their meetings. The Chairman stated that she sees the Board functioning as a "Friends of the Library" type of organization. Bunny Logan asked if the curator is not an appointed member of the Board of Trustees and does not participate in the discussions, should she be invited, for advice and to participate at meetings. The City Manager stated the curator could be invited to comment, and that her research and abilities should be solicited, even though she is not an active member of the Board. The Chairman stated she did not understand why the Curator would not be invited to participate freely, rather than when asked; and that the relationship should be very cooperative and close on every issue that would concern the MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida July 17 231 19 89 Library. The Chairman reported that bids must be. obtained in accordance with procedures and in accordance with Florida Statutes, for items of $200.00 or more in value. Myra Sizemore Bales, President of the Historic Preservation Society, stated they had passed a motion to set aside $7,000 for consultant fees for an architect, for the new addition. She further stated that City Attorney William cost exceeded $7500.00, they must go to bid. wishes to hire the Consultant on their own. The City Manager stated that Colbert had Further, sent a letter stating that if the the Historic Preservation Society the funds could be "ear-marked" for consulting/architectural purposes with a time limit included, and deposited in the City's General Fund. A request for a Board Member to sit on the seTection committee could also be forwarded to the City Manager at that time. The City Manager suggested a selection team consisting of a member of the trustees, the board, the City's liaison, and the City Engineer. Bunny Logan stated that their next request for the Tourist Council Grant must be made in April, 1990, and requested that the City move forward with requests for Architectural Proposals. She stated that the Tourist Council will not provide money for any of the planning, and that the application. The City Manager was it would be essential to have-the plans in place prior to instructed to place the item on the agenda for the next regular meeting, to ratify support and authorize staff to initiate the selection process for Architectural services. The City Enginee~r stated that a "Scope of Work" would be required before he could advertise for bids, in order to keep all contractors bidding along the same lines. Mr. Bordenkircher stated that they have this prepared, and was requested to bring it forward in rough draft form, for review. Ms. Clarke stated that she would like confirmation that the City Commission is looking favorably upon' the. expansion-. Ms. Clarke stated that the name for the museum is incredibly long and creates problems, and asked if the name could be shortened or covered under an umbrella name. The Chairman stated that the Board can propose the name change and submit it to the Commission for approval. Mr. Yancey asked if the City has an individual whose duties are to seek grants such as a lobbyist would do, and what the possibilities are of getting such a person. The Chairman stated that the City does not have such a person on staff, and that there is no money in the budget, to cover the salary, etc. The Chairman thanked all Board Members and staff for their input, and advised that should they have any further questions, the City Manager' would be glad to answer them. The next item of business was a request from Amefika. Geuka for the City to lend him $125,000, interest free, for funding of the OASIS Project, a low-income housing project proposed for construction on Brisson Avenue. Mr. Geuka distributed folders with attachments to the Commission, and gave a brief outline of each attachment. He further stated that there is an affordable housing crisis, and that the City needs to work together with him and his Project and cooperate to accomplish a solution to this need. Mr. Geuka ............. 2 32 .................................... MINIJ S City Commission, Sanford, Florida July 17 19 89_ stated he will appeal to Seminole County on Tuesday., July 25th, 1989, to request help in an equal amount of financing'. Mr. Geuka stated that in granting such a loan of $125,000, it would yield $30 million build-out. The City Manager reported that due to the manner in which Mr. Geuka is requesting the loan, it should be referred to the City Attorney. Commissioner Howell stated he has a hard builder. time lending $125,000 to a private Mr. Geuka stated he has spent the last 16 months working on this project, and the main reason was not for money', that this is not just another developer with another development. He further stated that he doubted the Commission knew what he-was up against. He had convinced people this administration was different, and has put together an excellent venture. The Chairman stated that when Mr. Geuka first approached the Commission, all he wanted was the rezoning, and that the rezoning was granted to enable his project to go forward. Mr. Geuka stated that he never said all 'he needed was the rezoning or that he would not request a grant from the City. Commissioner Thomas asked, regarding collateral, what would happen if the City loaned the money and the project went under? Mr. Geuka stated that the land would be the collateral, and that the City would not lose its investment. The Chairman asked if Mr. Geuka had closed on the property, and Mr. Geuka stated "no" he had not. The Chairman requested the item be put on the Agenda for the regularly scheduled meeting of July 24, 1989. A discussion concerning '87 BANS/'89 Bond Financing was the next item on the agenda. Commissioner Thomas asked if utility rates would be increased. The City Manager stated it was a reality, that they must go up. He further stated that he felt the City should go for state loans, grants, and bond money, and that the increase should not exceed 13%. Commissioner Eckstein stated he agreed the City should consider applying for two year needs, but that he was very concerned about the debt' service and sewer costs. A discussion concerning Investment Policy Changes/Arbitrage Yield Restrictions was held. The consensus of the Commission was to ask the City Attorney to prepare the proper change, and place this item on the agenda for the next regularly Resolution to allow the scheduled meeting. A review of the reorganization of the Recreation and Parks Department was next held. The Commission stated they had reviewed the information submitted from the City Manager to the City Attorney dated July 12, 1989, and that they had no questions. A discussion concerning various policy changes and new The Commission authorized the following items be placed regularly scheduled meeting: ordinances was next held. on the agenda for the next MINUTE S 2 3 3 City Commission, Sanford, Florida 3u]y ! 7 19 89 a) A policy change regarding abandoned properties which are being utilized for non- conforming uses, whereby an owner could voluntarily execute an relinquishing and cancelling ~ the occupational license.. b) A proposed ordinance change to allow keeping of exotic birds in residential areas. c) A proposed ordinance change to allow, keeping of inoperative vehicles, covered by a manufactured cover, in residential areas. d) A proposed ordinance regarding condemnation procedures involving lack of service. A discussion concerning the purchase of "School Board" property on French Avenue, across from Sanford Middle School, was next held. The Commission considered a purchase price submitted from John Sauls Agency in the amount of $615,000, covering the 67 platted lots containing approximately 10.0 acres of vacant land. The Chairman requested further discussion of this purchase be placed on the agenda for the meeting of July 24, 1989. The Commission reviewed the target dates for Civic Center Renovation, and requested that approval for the advertisement' of the construction contract be placed on the agenda for the meeting of July 24, 1989. There being no further business, the mee.ting was adjourned. Attest: ~ City Clerk