HomeMy WebLinkAbout082189-WorkSessionMINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 283 19 89 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, City Manager's Conference Room in the City Hall in the o'clock P. M. on August 21, 1989. Florida, City of met in Work Session in the Sanford, Florida, at 4:00 Present: Mayor-Commission Bettye D. Smith Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Robert Thomas Commissioner Lon Howell Commissioner A.A. McClanahan City Manager Frank A. Faison City Clerk Janet R. Donahoe The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. The first item of business was discussion of Beachfront Enhancement Briggs, Chairman of the Tourism Committee of the Greater Sanford and Protection. Shaun Chamber of Commerce, appeared to speak on behalf of the Tourism Committee. Mr. Briggs reported that the Committee would like to attain a solution to stop the erosion of the beachfront, upgrade it and keep it from shifting into the channel that's in front of the Holiday Inn beachfront property. through the Wang. Mr. beachfront drawings. $10,000.00, drawings. He further stated that the committee's objective is to undertake a study University of Florida's Coastal Oceanographic Engineering Department by Dr. Briggs indicated that Dr. Wang is requesting $5185.00 for his study of the and Mr. and from that study, an engineering firm could produce detailed engineering Briggs reported that the drawings would cost between $5,000.00 and the Tourism Committee is requesting the City to fund the study and Memo submitted from Director of Engineering and Planning, as follows: July 17, 1989 TO: FROM: ~---- '- MEMORANDUM City Manager Director of Enginemqng and Planning SUBJECT: Stabilization of Beach at Lake Monroe Marina Mr. Faison: On July 14, 1989 I attended a meeting with Dr. Wang of the University of Florida Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering Department. This meeting had been set up by Mr. John Gardner and Dave Fart to explore various alternatives for stabilizing the beach to better support sailing activities while not contributing to siltation of the nearby dredged ship channel. A number of alternatives were discussed. Dr. Wang was of the opinion that a likely method of achieving the desired g0al was to create a "perched beach" by erecting a low berm of stable material such as rip-rap parallel to the beach some distance off the beach. In this case, the location of the channel would serve as a limit to the distance from berm to the beach since the berm must not conflict with the near edge of the ship channel. The purpose of the berm would be to provide a retaining structure behind which sand could remain stable at a shailo~ver depth than presently. This higher elevation of stable sand would in turn be manifest in a higher elevation of sand on the beach itself. This would allow the nourishment of the beach, as was previously done, without problems relating to siltation of the channel. Dr. Wang indicated that perhaps this off shore retaining structure should extend generally from the easterly to the westerly ends of the Marina Island in order to eventually provide enhanced beach over that entire distance. He noted that there was normally some "raveling" near the ends of the structure and this would have to be carefully studied since the access to the east and west Marina basins are located close to the proposed ends of the structure. .......... 284 City Commission, Sanford, Florida August 19 89 Dave Fart asked if it would be feasible to have any significant progress underway by December 1989, the time of the Citrus Bowl Regatta. Dr. Wang indicated he needed to study the problems in greater depth, and probably learn significantly more about the existing lake bottom, including gradient, nature of the lake bottom material, and the bearing capacity of the lake bottom to support the under water structure to be created. He gave no time table for any of this work and indicated he would be in touch with either me or Dave Fart. ' He stated he felt the need to study actual conditions during winter storms when much past erosion has occurred. Based on this factor, I would foresee no physical progress before December 1989. ~ ~~ WAS: mca The Chairman requested this item be placed on the Late Agenda for the next Regular Meeting on August 28, 1989. The next item of discussion was a request to renew Excess Worker's Compensation and Claim Handling. Memo submitted from the Personnel Director as follows: 0¢ ~'~ AUGUST 16. 1989 MEMORANDUM VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION REQUEST TO RENEW "EXCESS INSURANCE AND CLAIMS HANDLING WORKER' S COMPENSATION" The purpose of this memorandum is to provide basic information as to the City's current Worker's Compensation insurance and claims handling scenario vs. the proposal for renewal coverage, and to make recommendation regarding same. CURRENT EXCESS INSURANCE PROPOSED EXCESS INSURANCE PROVIDER: RETENTION: Employers Reinsurance Corp. (Ea. Accident or Disease): $175,000 PROVIDER: RETENTION: Florida League of Cities (Ea. Accident or Disease): $150,000 CIVIL SUITS: PREMIUM: (Ea. Accident or Disease): CIVIL A) Emp. Liab. - $ 100,000 SUITS: B) Umbrella Cov.- $5,000,000 $25,936 PREMIUM: (Ea. Accident or Disease): A) Emp. Liab. - $ 850,000 B) Umbrella Coy. - $ 10,000,000 $29,701 CURRENT CLAIMS HANDLING PROVIDER: Insurance Servicing.~ Adjustment Co. (ISAC) PREMIUM: $10,125 PROPOSED CLAIMS HANDLING ' PROVIDER: Insurance Servicing Adjusting Co. (ISAC) PREMIUM: $10,125 TOTAL CURRENT: $36,061 TOTAL PROPOSED: $39,826 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Aug~]~t 21 285 19 89 ~emorandum Excess Worker's Comp. Page 2 BACKGROUND: The City's current "Excess Worker's Compensation" insurance and claims handling portfolio has been in effect since October 1, 1988 and is due to expire September 30, 1989. In short, this insurance establishes a "ceiling" in terms of limits of liability exposure in the event of work-related illness or injury. EXAMPLES If an employee becomes ill or injured as a result of a work- related incident, the City is responsible for the first $175,000 (current) and is relieved of further exposure up to $5,000,000 (current). If the City were sued as a result of a work-related illness or injury, the City is responsible for the first $100,000 (Current) and is relieved of further exposure up to $5,000,000 (current). ANALYSIS: In terms of cost effectiveness, the current insurance coverage outlined previously has proven to pay for itself. If the City had been 100% self-insured as in prior years, liability to date would have exceeded $250,000 with an estimated $500,000 exposure by FY/89 end. Our insurance has effectively limited the City's liability to $175,000. The proposed scenario enhances our posture in a positive way at minimal cost increase. In example $1 above, the City liability exposure would be reduced from $175,000 to $150,000 effectively reducing our immediate exposure. It would also raise the limit of long-term exposure from $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 cap. In terms of the potential for lawsuit exposure, although the City's initial responsibility is increased from $100,000 to $850,000 the likelihood of occurrence is minimal per League of Cities data. "Suits of this nature are rare". RECOMMENDATION: In light of FY 88/89 experience, it is recommended that the City Commission approve the "Excess Worker's Compensation" insurance and claim handling as proposed and pre- sented in this memorandum. It is further recommended that the City Commission authorize the City Manager to execute this agreement to become effective October 1, 1989. TM/jr OC: Finance Director File The Commission requested further information regarding the proposed Employee Liability and Umbrella Coverage amounts, and requested this item be place on the Late Agenda for the next Regular Meeting on August 28, 1989. The next item on the agenda was consideration of renewal agreements for Health and Life Insurance for fiscal year 1989/90. Memo submitted from the Personnel Director as follows: 286 ..... M!NU S City Commission, Sanford, Florida __~Mj g'n s '1- 21 . 19 89 MEMORANDUM AUGUST 14~ 1989 ,r,,o,: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND The City's current insurance providers are Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Health Options both of which are due to expire on September 30, 1989. In order to obtain a divergence of opinion as to direction for FY 89/90 insurance programs, the Personnel Director formed an insurance committee comprised of the following: INSURANCE COMMITTEE Whitey Eckstein June Strine Herb Shea Tom Hickson Billy Magnet Rick Holloway Jim Jernigan Sybil Witliamson Jerry Herman Rosa Rotundo Elsie Marforio City Commission Benefits Technician Police Department Fire Department Utilities Department Engineering Department Parks & Recreation Department Finance & Admin. Svcs. Department Public Works Retiree Retiree The purpose of the committee was of a dual nature. The primary focus was to review and compare the City's existing coverage and rates with proposals from our current providers along with similar benefit plans offered by surrounding municipalities. The end result was to come to a group consensus and recommendation as to the best possible' course to take assuming the best possible coverage to employees and retirees at the most favorable rate structure. All data provided to the committee is attached for your information and review (See Attachment). The secondary role of the committee was to consider the ever increasing volume of existing and proposed Federal legislation; to evaluate impact on the employee and retiree population; and to consider possibilities of reducing future rates while providing the best coverage to all concerned. This phase of the committee is to be of a continuing nature and will provide input into future course of action and potential restructuring of employee and retiree benefits. PURPOSE - It is the purpose of this memorandum to provide 'information and make recommendation, based on the committee's analysis, as to the most favorable health and life insurance option available for implementation effective October 1, 1989. This option is as follows: MINUTES 2 8 7 City Commission, Sanford, Florida Auqust 21 19 89 RECOMMENDED OPTION (UNANIMOUS AGREEMENT) BLUE CROSS/BLUE 100 Deductible (Single) 200 Deductible (Family) 90/10 Network Reimbursement 80/20 Non-Network Reimbursement $1,000 Maximum (Out-of-Pocket) HEALTH OPTIONS No Deductible $ 5.00 Co-Payment $ 3.00 Generic Presc. Pay 100% Benefits/ (approved services) $25.00 Emergency Co-Pay PRESCRIPTION DRUG CARD $ 5.00 Brand Name $ 3.00 Generic HEALTH INSURANCE BLENDED RATES Single - $132.79 Dependent - $215.98 LIFE INSURANCE RATES .65 per $1,000 .07 per $1,000 (AD & D) * Life Insurance Rates were increased fro~ $ .57 per $1,000 and $.07 per $1,000 (AD & D) in previous year's agreement. RECOMMENDATION 1. It is the recommendation of the Insurance Committee and staff that the aforementioned health and life insurance scenario be approved by the City Commission for implementation effective October 1, 1989. 2. It is recommended that the City Commission authorize the City Manager to execute this agreement as appropriate. 3. It is recommended that the Insurance Committee continue in force and make periodic reports to the City Commission as to possible restructuring of future employee and retiree benefits. TM/jr Attachment cc: File The Commission commended the Personnel Director for forming the insurance committee, and authorized this item to be placed on the August 28, 1989 Late Agenda. The next item of business was a request for Mill Creek Drainage Basin Preliminary Engineering and for road improvements. Memo submitted from Director of Engineering and Planning as follows: 288 MINU S City Commission, Sanford, Florida August 21 19 89 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: City Manager~ Director of Engineering and Planning Cloud Branch - Mill Creek Drainage Basin Preliminary Engineering August 10, 1989 Mr. Faison: I requested $90,000.00 for complete preliminary engineering for necessary drainage improvements for the Cloud Branch and Mill Creek Drainage Basins as a part of my F/Y 89/90 budget. This amount is not presently included in the budget for next year. Jerry Herman has requested authorization for $91,827.00 of street milling, leveling, and overlay work under the present open end contract we have with Orlando Paving Company. I concur in the need for this work and note that it conflicts with no projected utility work. It is recommended that we proceed with this work under our present contract with Orlando Paving. His memo noted that current Gas Tax funds on hand equal $178,090.00. Additional funds are received periodically. (Account 131-0000-541-6305, LOGT Street Drainage also shows a balance of $765,969.96.) If City Commission authorizes the proposed road improvements, the balance of presently available Gas Tax funds will equal at least approximately $86,263.00. It is requested that City Commission commit these funds, as well as approximately $4,000.00 of additional Gas Tax funds from the next allocation received, to fund the preliminary engineering for corrections to Cloud Branch and Mill Creek Drainage Basins. As I have previously noted, it is highly desirable that this preliminary engineering be completed in its entirety in order that we may intelligently select options for longer term correction of overall deficiencies, as well as insuring that any near term improvements to drainage facilities within those two basins will be compatible with the overall requirements. WAS/yea cc: Public Works Director City Attorney Finance Director MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: VIA: August 8, 1989 City Manager ~/a~ Public Works Director City Engineer FROM: Assistant Public Works Director RE: Street Paving Mr. Faison, The attached list of streets had been left off of various paving schedules due to utility work to be done on them. Three of these streets were scheduled from the original 1985 Commission list, (3rd, 6th & 13th). After reviewing Utility work schedules, we find that it is clear to proceed with paving work on these street sections. The work will include milling, leveling, and overlaying as needed. Cost estimates are as follows: MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 289 19 oc~ STREET MILLING LEVELING OVERLAY TOTAL @$.80/YD @$58.00/TON @$1.40/YD W. 3rd St 8,300.00 19,638.00 19,638.00 $47,575.00 W. 6th St 3,513.00 8,343.00 8,343.00 20,199.00 W. 13th St 2,867.00 5,100.00 6,808.00 14,775.00 E. 2nd St -0- 3,550.00 5,727.00 / 9,277.00 $91,827.00 There is currently $178,090.79 available in Local Option Gas Tax Acct. 0131-0000-541-63-03, Paving & Materials, to cover the cost of this work. We recommend proceeding with this work as soon as possible so we can take advantage of Orlando Paving Co.'s extension of Bid 087/88-42 to 10/1/89 (copy attached) before it expires. This will save us from having to do another bid in the near future. STREET LIST FOR MILLING AND RESURFACING 8/8/89 STREET FROM TO LENGTH WIDTH RAD TOT YDS W. 3RD ST FRENCH AVE PERSIMMON AV 4404 21.0 59 10336 W. 6TH ST FRENCH AVE PECAN AV 1845 81.0 86 4391 W. 13TH ST MULBERRY AVE PERSIMMON AV 1075 30.0 0 3583 E. 8ND ST SAN JUAN AV MELLONVILLE AV 1166 23 AVG 30 3014 TOTALS 8490 N/A 175 21324 The City Manager reported that both projects could be funded from Motor Fuel Gas Tax monies. Further, the Director of Engineering and Planning will report back to the Commission with a preliminary engineering study for Mill Creek Drainage Basins. The next item was a request from Grand Romance to use Memorial Park as an alternative dock when (a) the water level in Monroe Harbour is of insufficient depth to operate the vessel, and (b) when the winds exceed 15 knots and the captain-in-charge percieves that it is unsage to enter the harbour. Shaun Briggs appeared to answer questions. The Commission authorized this item to be placed on the August 28, 1989 Late Agenda. The next item of business was a review of church exemptions from payment of the 10% Utility Tax. Memo submitted from the Utility Director as follows: 290 MINU S City Commission, Sanford, Florida August 21 MEMORANDUM August 9, 1989 To: City Manager From: Utility Director /~ Re: Utility Tax Exemption - Churches Mr. Faison: We have received the City Attorney's opinion concerning the exemption of the 10% utility tax on the sale of water to churches. In summary, the City Attorney states that purchases by churches are tax exempt when used exclusively for church purposes. Property used as a primary residence for clergy or members of a church would probably ~ot meet the requirement of being used exclusively for church purposes. The burden is placed on the church to bear the responsibility of establishing their right to the tax exemption. Each tax exemption must be determined on its own merits. The City has 91 utility accounts established by churches that are currently exempt from the 10% utility tax. Of the 91 accounts,~ we have determined that 10 should not be receiving the tax exemption. These accounts are being used as residences. With your approval, I plan on sending each of these 10 accounts a letter stating that their tax exemption will be removed un~ess additional information is submitted to validate the exemption. NAME 1) Christian Missionary Alliance 2) Church of God 3) Grace Methodist Church 4) New Tribes Mission 5) New Tribes Mission 6) New Tribes Mission 7) First Methodist Church 8) Church of God 9) St. Paul Baptist Church [0) First Penecostal Church USE Parsonage Parsonage Parsonage Residence Residence Residence Parsonage Residence Parsonage Parsonage ADDRESS 139 Pinecrest Dr. 911 W. 22nd St 2525 Oak Ay. 921E. 1st St. 1070 E. 1st St. 111 Lee Ave. 1818 Paloma Ave. 803 W. 22nd St., Apt.1 1104 Locust Ave. 1606 Palmetto Ave. ACCOUNT NO. 55815-55090 39335-28380 53735-67460 93435-69570 95165-69570 95095-69570 106475-105380 39025-38060 92265-91290 4935-4580 19 89 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 291 The City Manager stated that the bond covenants require the City to charge the tax on the sale of water to churches, except when the water is used exclusively for church purposes. Further, staff wanted to clarify the exemption requirements. The Commission indicated agreement of same. The next item of business was a request from the public road from Lake Mary Boulevard to US 17-92, Resolution submitted from City of Lake Mary, as follows: City of Lake Mary to support a along Hospital Road as extended. RESOLUTION NO. 328 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LAKE MARY, FLORIDA REQUESTING AND URGING THE BOARD OF COU1Ti~ COMMISSIONERS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO STUDY A~D CONSIDER THE FEASIBILITY AND ADVISABILITY OF ACQUIRING RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR THE DESIGN AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PUBLIC ROAD FROM LAKE MARY BOULEVARD TO US 17-92 RIGHT-OF-WAY AS EXTENDED OR AN ALTER~ATE NORTH/SOUTH ROUTE AS MAY BE FEASIBL~, PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Lake May, Florida has established a task force to study the problem created by increasing traffic on Broadmoor Avenue, Main Road and other affecte~ roads in the Southeast quadrant of Lake Mary, Florida, whose membership is composed of representatives of the affected neighborhoods, Seminole Community College, City of Sanford, Florida, Seminole County and others; and, WHEREAS, that task force has determined that the opening and construction of a road from US 17-92 to Lake Mary Boulevard following existing right-of-way of Hospital Road as extended or an alternate North/South right-of-way as may be feasible, appears to be the most appropriate and desirable solution to the problem of increasing traffic generated by Lake Mary, Florida, Seminole Community College and others; IT IS NOW THEREFORE RESOLVEDBYTHE CITY COMMISSION OF THB CITY OF LAKE MARY, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County, Florida recognize along with the City of Lake Mary, Florida, the City of Sanford, Seminole Community College and others, the need ~o provide an additional route for access to and egress fro~ Seminole Community College/Five Points County Complex for the purpose of relieving increasing through traffic on Broadmoor Avenue and Main Road generated by the continuing growth of Seminole Co,unity College, the City of Lake Mary, Florida, and Seminole County in general; 2. That the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County, Florida authorize' and direct its staff to study the feasibility and cost of acquiring necessary road right-of-way and construction of an appropriate public road from US 17-92 to Lake Mary Boulevard following existing right-of-way of Hospital Road as extended or such other North/South rou=e as may be feasible. 3. That the Clerk of the City of Lake.Mary, Florida forward a copy of this Resolution to the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County, Florida; the. Board of Trustees of Seminole Community College~ the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida~ and all other agencies and entities as deemed appropriate; and, 4. That the'City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida and the'Board of Trustees of Seminole College be urged to adopt Resolutions of like import ~rging and requesting the Board of commissioners of Seminole County, Florida authorize and direct its staff to study the feasibility and cost of acquiring necessary road right-of-way and construction of an appropriate' public road North from Seminole Community College/Five Points County Complex to Lake Mary Boulevard following existing right- of-way of ~ospital Road, as extended, or such other North/South route as may be feasible for the purpose of relieving increasing uhrough traffic on Broadmoor Avenue and Main Road generated by the continuing growth of Seminole Community College, the City of 292 ............ City Commission, Sanford, Florida August 21 19 89 5. That a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the public records of Lake Mary, Florida. 6. That all Resolutions or parts =hereof in conflict, herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed, to the extent of any conflict. 7~ That this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage and adoption. Date0 at Lake Mary, Florida =his 3 of August, A.D. 1989.- Carol A; Edwards, City Clerk CI F~ E MAR ~OR/~DA Approved as to form and sufficiency: Ned N. Julian, Jr., City Attorney The Director of Engineering and Planning reported the road could serve as a utility corridor for the City to reach the Seminole Community College more easily for reclaimed water service, which the College has previously requested. The Commission authorized this Agenda. item to be placed on the August 28, 1989 Late Letter submitted from Seminole County Community Development inviting the City to participate in the County's Community Development Block Grant Program for Fiscal Year 1990/91, as follows: PLANNING OFFICE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SECTION COUNTY OF SEMINOLE FLORIDA 1101 EAST FIRST STREET SANFORD FLORIDA 32771 PHONE: (305J 321-1130 Ext. 384 August 15, 1989 Honorable Bettye Smith City of Sanford P. O. Box 1778 Sanford, FL 32772-1778 Dear Mayor Smith: As you know, Seminole County was required to requalify last year as an "Urban County" under the Community Development Block Grant Program. The requalification process entitled Seminole County to receive annual CDBG funding through fiscal year 1991. At that time, your jurisdiction opted not to be included as part of the County's CDBG Program. That action has resulted in eliminating the opportunity for the City of Sanford to receive any portion of the County's grant. We have recently been authorized by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) to allow you the option to be included as part of Seminole County's Urban County CDBG entitlement program for fiscal years 1990 and 1991. This would allow you to participate in our citizen participation process in applying for funding and would al low us to increase our grant amount by including your 1988 population in our Urban County configuration. In addition, you would be allowed a representative for our Citizen Advisory Board. Please give this opportunity your fullest consideration. You have until 9/15/89 to notify both Seminole County and HUD (in writing) of your election to be included. Also, we have until 10/20/89 to submit to H~ a re~o~ution bv the c~tv =nd =~ ~v~,,~ ........ ~ MINUTES CitYCommission, Sanford, Florida August 21 293 19 89 Please note that the cooperation agreement, if you elect to participate, will be effective through 9/30/91, i.e., the last two years of the three-year Urban County qualification period. Also note that, if you elect to participate, you cannot terminate the agreement nor "opt out" for the remainder of the qualification period. Please contact me if you have any questions. what I can. Thanks. Since rely, Buddy_ Ba[agia, Principal Planner, Community Development BB:gn cc: Frank Faison Bill Simmons Charles Rowe I will be glad to do Charles Rowe, Sanford Community Development Specialist, reported that the invitation was only extended for one fiscal year which means the City would have to sit out one year, and that the City's prospects for receiving a small cities loan weren't very good. He further stated that the City has about 21% of total County low to moderate income population, and the County has been getting about 1.5 million a year from HUD, so the City's pro-rated share is about $313,000. The Director of Engineering and Planning reported he has prepared a letter to the County asking them to reconsider the $170,000 previously re-allocated from Sanford to Altamonte Springs, and the City could consider stating that if we rejoin we would get a fair share of the grant. Mr. Simmons stated that the County could get more money if they include Sanford, and an agreement could be drafted to provide a fair share to Sanford. The Commission authorized preparation of a modified interlocal agreement with the County, incorporating the City's requirements to join the County's Fiscal Year 1990 and 1991 Community Development Block Grant Program as described above. The next item on the agenda was discussion related to the use of the City's Reserve Funds. The City Manager reported (a) pending Workers Compensation Claim which will need to be funded, (b) that the Con%mission has talked about purchase of approximately 9.92 acres on 17-92 across from Sanford Middle School for a new Central Police and Fire Station, (c) about purchase of land for a regional park, but has not addressed the funding for same. Memos submitted from Personnel Director and Director of Engineering and Planning as follows: ............................. MINU $ City Commission, Sanford, Florida August 21 19 89 MEMORANDUM AUGUST 14, 1989 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION VIA: CITY MANAGER · 35{OM: PERSONNEL DI~CTOR SUBJECT: WORKER'S COMPENSATION LIABILITY ANALYSIS RE: GORDON REID BACKGROUND - On July 3, 1989, Officer Gordon Reid was involved in a work-related accident which resulted in serious injury. It appears at present that this injury can best be described as "long-term" with possible disabling consequences; To date, Officer Reid is still receiving intensive care treatment. PURPOSE - It is the purpose of this memorandum to provide information and assessment as to the probable City liability in terms of worker's compensation for both short and long-term potential. At present, the City's specific "Excess Worker's Compensation" policy provides for a liability retention of $175,000 for each claim. Simply put, the City is responsible for the first $175,000 per claim for worker's compensation accident or illness. Further, the City's liability again is reinstated if the illness or injury exceeds $5,000,000. The City purchased this "Excess Worker's CompensationS' insurance on October 1, 1988. Prior to that time the City was 100% self- insured. In analysis of the City's insurance policy as it relates to Officer Reid's situation, the following considerations are offered: The monetary claim to date, after 1½ months of care is estimated to be in the vicinity of $250,000. This has been verified through our insurance carrier and Orlando Regional Medical Center. The City is liable for $175,000 of that amount. The medical evaluation of Officer Reid's condition would suggest that the possibility of a short-term recovery is not likely. Assuming little or no change in Officer Reid"s medical situation it is estimated that the potential of reaching the $5,000,000 limit of insurance protection could be realized in twenty (20) months. RECOMMENDATIONS Realizing that the first $175,000 liability has already been reached, it is recommended that this amount be identified in FY 89/90 budget and "earmarked" as such for payment regarding this injury. Assuming that a "worsening" medical scenario may be realized, consideration should be given to long-term exposure in excess of the $5,000,000 protection described above. TM/jr cc: File MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida August 21 295 ]989 August 1, 1989 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: City Manag~7~ Director of Engineering and Planning School Board Property on French Avenue Mr. Faison: In follow-up to discussion at the last City Commission meeting, I contacted Seminole County School Board and have obtained copies of three appraisals of the 9.92 acre property which were obtained by the School Board, These appraisals have effective dates between March 30, 1988 and April 15, 1988. The appraisers, effective dates, and estimated values are as follows: Irwin, Tuck, Connor & Young 3/31/88 $765,000 Taylor Appraisal Company 3/30/88 $951,000 Cliff Jordan, Inc. 4/15/88 $540,000 AVERAGE $752,000 The asking price of this property, as indicated by the attached letter from John Sauls Agency is $615,000. This asking price is approximately 82% of the arithmetic average of the three appraisals. These appraisals are approximately 15-months old, and it would be reasonable to expect some possible escalation in estimated land value, simply by the operation of inflation. I would therefore expect a new appraisal, if commissioned by the City of Sanford, to show an estimated value, today, at least as high as the $615,000 asking price. The three appraisals together with the letter from John Sauls Agency, dated July 13, 1989 are attached for your review. WAS:mca MEMORANDUM TO: City Manage~7~/ FROM: Director of Engineering and Planning SUBJECT: August 17, 1989 Proposed Sports Complex - Land Requirements Mr. Faison: At my request, Jim Jernigan has prepared the attached memorandum which documents critical dimensions and overall acreage requirements for a sports complex such as might be built by City of Sanford. In considering various parcels of land as possible sites for a sports complex which is essentially a "community park", these factors are very important. Several potential sites have been discussed at various times. These include the School Board property on French Avenue, property west of Goldsboro School owned by a group of investors including Stan Sandefur, and property belonging to the ZOM Corporation immediately south of Hovnanian Park. Based on the attached memorandum, the School Board property on French Avenue contains less than half the necessary acreage to accommodate a sports complex. ............... MINU City Commission, Sanford, Florida August 21 19 89 The "Sandefur Property" west of Goldsboro School contains slightly over 65 acres. Although some is "wet" and would not be suitable for park land, I believe there is clearly sufficient acreage in this parcel to accommodate the sports complex, plus perhaps providing a site for consolidation of City shops presently scattered among a number of locations and storm drainage retention ponds for the Mill Creek system. Mr. Sandefur has indicated to the City Planner that "very favorable terms" could be arranged for purchase of the property. ¥ The "ZOM Property" Tract E contains approximately 32 grogs acres (25 net acres) at a probable price of between $30 and $35,000 per acre. Faced with the prospect of land purchase cost in the $1 million range, I have reviewed all City owned properties for possible suitability for development as a sports complex. The only undeveloped property of sufficient size which might be suitable is located at Sanford Airport. The area north and west of Golden Lake, including the present recreation site and the golf driving range could be utilized in conjunction with a new entrance off of Onora Road. The Airport Master Plan identifies this area for "future commercial/industrial and aviation related activities without Airport access". Additional information and details could be developed if desired. WAS:mca The Commission agreed with the use of reserve funds to back up (a) pending Worker's Compensation Claim, and for (b) "School board property, and for (c) regional park property, and authorized the City Manager to study alternatives, and report back to the Commission. Commissioner Howell suggested a joint venture with the County for a recreation center. The next item of business was a review of the fiscal year 89/90 Classification and Pay Plan. The Personnel Director submitted a plan including 3% COLA, presented in accordance with Budget deliberations, and to be adopted by Ordinance in September. Memo submitted from the Personnel Director as follows: AUGUST 8. 1989 MEMORANDUM VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION// REQUEST FOR APPROVAL - FY 89/90 "CLASSIFICATION AND PAY PLAN" BACKGROUND: Each year the City Commission is charged with the ~esponsibility of formally approving the "Classification and Pay Plan" for the upcoming fiscal year. This approval is routinely accomplished via Ordinance. Currently, Ordinance No. 1965, is in effect and will expire on September 30, 1989. The "Classification and Pay Plan" is that document which encompasses the following: MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 297 Au_~us t 21 19 89 The total complement of "authorized positions" by number and type as addressed in each Department's budgetary requests. The "Pay Plan Administration Guidelines" which outlines the rules for implementation and C.O.L.A. recommendation of 3%. The actual "Pay Plan Schedules" which assign appropriate classifications (job titles) to corresponding salary levels. The complete, unabridged "Occupational Index" which contains all "official" position descriptions for each classification. Ail changes (reclassifications, regrades, new positions) which are contained in the FY 89/90 Budget are specifically encompassed into the FY 89/90 "Classification and Pay Plan". PURPOSE: It is the purpose of this memorandum to request that the City Commission approve the "Classification and Pay Plan" for FY 89/90 implementation to become effective October 1, 1989. It is further requested that the City Commission authorize and direct the City Attorney to prepare the proper documents to effect said implementation to become effective October 1, 1989. TM/jr cc: File There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. CITY CLERK MAYOR