HomeMy WebLinkAbout012290-Regular SessionMINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Session in the City Commission Room, City Hall, Sanford, Florida, on January 22, 1990 at 7:00 o'clock Po Mo Present: Mayor-Commissioner Bettye D. Smith Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Robert B. Thomas Commissioner A. A. McClanahan City Attorney William L. Colbert City Manager Frank A. Faison City Clerk Janet R. Donahoe Absent: Commissioner Lon Howell Mr. Tony Russi, 3355 South Mellonville Avenue, Sanford, plan whereby they would donate 20 Laurel Oak trees to help beautify appeared to propose a downtown Sanford. He reported they woUld raise the money to purchase the trees by obtaining the participation of Civic Clubs in Sanford, and could hold a fund raising event if additional funds were needed. Further, the Laurel Oak trees would replace the Crepe Myrtle trees in downtown Sanford, and the Crepe Myrtle trees could be used in another area of the City. Commissioner Thomas moved incorporating the Laurel Oak trees. vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Commissioner Eckstein Commissioner Thomas Commissioner McClanahan to approve the changed beautification plan Seconded by Commissioner Eckstein and carried by the Aye Aye Aye The next item of business was Continuation of a Public Hearing from the meeting of January 8, 1990, to consider adoption of the First Annual Amendment for 1990 to the Future Land Use Plan Element of the Comprehensive Plan, and continuation of the public hearing to consider the second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 2084, re: amending the Future Land Use Concept Map of the Future Land Use Plan Element of the Comprehensive Plan. The Chairman announced that the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, the.adoption of the proposed Amendment. Storm Richards appeared and stated he would like to have included in this First Annual Amendment for 1990, changing a portion of the "Sandefur" property off Country Club Road from Neighborhood designation to Community Commerce designation, as he submitted at meeting of January 8, 1990. The City Manager submitted a Memo from the City Planner, recommending said change. Memo also submitted from the City Planner, that the response from the Florida Department of Community Affairs regarding this First Annual Amendment for 1990 has not been received, and recommending that the public hearing be continued to February 12, 1990. Commissioner Eckstein moved to include the Community Commerce designation change for the "Sandefur" property, and to continue the public hearings to February 12, 1990. Seconded by Commissioner Thomas and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner McClanahan Aye On motion of Commissioner McClanahan, seconded by Commissioner Thomas and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner McClanahan Aye 548- MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 3anuary 22, Resolution No. 1577 was figures as follows: read in full and adopted. Said resolution RESOLUTION NO. 1577 being in words and A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, COMMENDING MELVIN SISKIND, BRAXTON L. PERKINS, JR., AND ELIZABETH S. GANAS FOR THEIR FAITHFUL SERVICE TO THE BOARD OF BOND TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF SANFORD,' FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Board of Bond Trustees of the City of Sanford, appointed by the City Commission as trustee of the sinking fund of bonds issued by the City for authorized Municipal purposes, was charged with management and control of the sinking funds created for the liquidation of such bonds, subject to the laws of the State and the Ordinances of the City; and WHEREAS, the Board members served without compensation in performance of their fiduciary duties; and WHEREAS, the Board rented a safe deposit box as the official designated depository of the City and kept all unissued bonds of the City and other securities of the City as needed; and WHEREAS, the City of Sanford has now refunded or defeased all such issues under the auspices of the Board and turned all remaining investments over to external custodians and trustees; and WHEREAS, Melvin Siskind served as Trustee from August 8, 1984 to January 22, 1990; and WHEREAS, Braxton L. Perkins, Jr. served as Trustee from September 10, 1984 to January 22, 1990; and WHEREAS, Elizabeth S. Ganas served as Trustee from October 14, 1985 to January 22, 1990. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, hereby acknowledges and commends Melvin Siskind, Braxton L. Perkins, Jr. and Elizabeth S. Ganas and hereby expresses its sincere gratitude unselfish service Florida. SECTION 2: presented to Melvin and appreciation for their devoted and to the citizens of the City of Sanford, That originals of this Resolution be Siskind, Braxton L. Perkins, Jr. and Elizabeth S. Ganas, and that a copy be entered in the minutes of the proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. A.D. 1990. MAYOR MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 3anuary 22, 549 1990 ATTEST: Aa the ~ity Co~ ission f' thk ~i~y of Sanford, Florida. The Commission requested that original copies of said resolution be sent to the members of the Board of Bond Trustees, with a letter, thanking them for their service to the City of Sanford. On motion of Commissioner McClanahan, seconded by Commissioner Thomas and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner McClanahan Aye Ordinance No. 2089, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, RESCINDING ORDINANCE NO. 444 WHICH CREATED THE BOARD OF BOND TRUSTEES AND PRESCRIBED ITS DUTIES AND POWERS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. was introduced and placed on first reading. The next item of business was consideration of appointments/re-appointments to boards as follows: ae Board of Adjustment & Appeals: The City Clerk reported the term of Gerald Gross expired January 8, 1990, and he has not replied to telephone message. The Commission asked that this be placed on the February 12, 1990 Agenda. Human Relations Advisory Board: The City.Clerk reported there is one vacancy. The Commission asked that this be placed on the February 12, 1990 Agenda. The Commission next considered items on the Consent Agenda, as follows: Requests from Conklin, Porter & Holmes for payment of statements for Professional & Consulting Engineering Services. (1) For Construction Services - Master Wastewater Pump Station ...................... $ 664.42 (2) For Construction Services Vacuum Sewer System-Contracts I, II & III ...... $ 10,691.69 550 MINU ,S ,, City Co~mission, Sanford, Florida 3an,Jary 22,19 90 (3) For Services during Construction - Addns to Main Water Treatment Plant ........ $ 1,496.06 (4) For Jewett Lane Sewer Improvements$ 2,294.19 (5) For Site 10 - Final Design ........ $ 35,374.39 (6) For Eff. Storage & Spray Irr. Systems- Contracts B, C & II ............... $ 8,691.23 (7) For Wastewater Eff. Spray Irr. Systems ....... ........... . ......................... $ 226.38 (8) For Mill Creek & Cloud Branch Preliminary Engineering Services .............. $ 5,494.86 (9) For Westerly Interceptor Final Design ........ .................................. $ 1,390.10 (10) For Water Quality Studies ......... $ 1,955.31 On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner McClanahan moved to approve payment of A. (1) through (10). Seconded by Commissioner Thomas and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner McClanahan Aye Mr. David Dryllie, Landscape Architect with Green Image Nurseries, appeared to present a plan for beautification of the medians on West S.R. 46, between Avocado Avenue and I-4, for a Highway Beautification Grant. He reported the Scenic Improvement Board would like to present this plan to the Florida Department of Transportation, to obtain some of their highway beautification grant monies. Mr. Dryllie further reported the proposed beautification plan utilizes wildflowers, native plants, such as Coontie, and other plants/shrubs/trees, such as Dwarf Yaupon Holly and Crepe Myrtles, which can survive on natural water supplies, and that it would be very difficult to provide irrigation to the medians. Also, maintenance requirements would be minimal: no bug spraying, no pruning. Further, a person sitting in a car would be able to see over or under the plants. He proposed May, 1991, as the best time to plant, with initial watering from a water truck until the plants become established, or the rainfall is sufficient for the plants to become established. Mr. Dr¥11ie also reported that the City would be responsible, through a Maintenance Agreement with DOT, for mowing any grass in the medians around the wildflowers, which would be the medians between the overpass and I-4, and that DOT would provide the funds to the City in the amount it has spent to mow said medians. Ms. Martha Yancey, Chairman, Scenic Improvement Board, appeared and reported the proposed grant is a $27,000.00 grant which would require matching funds in amount of $27,000.00, that there is $7,000.00 in the Scenic improvement Board budget for this project, and that she understood that the City would contribute $20,000.00 to the project. Further, the project wOuld be done over time, in three phases. Commissioner Thomas moved to approve the beautification plan for the medians between the railroad overpass and Avocado Avenue, the grant application, and adoption of Resolution 1578. Seconded Commission as follows: by Commissioner McClanahan and carried by the vote of the Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner McClanahan Aye MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida January 22, 551 1990 Said Resolution No. 1578 being in words 'and figures as follows: - RESOLUTION NO. 1578 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER AND HIS STAFF TO APPLY FOR A HIGHWAY BEAUTIFICATION GRANT MEMORANDUM IF AGREEMENT WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. WHEREAS, many median strips abutting Department of Transportation must be maintained and attractively landscaped; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission desire that the City of Sanford beautify and improve median areas within the City of Sanford by landscaping; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Sanford wish to authorize the City Manager and his staff to apply for a Highway Beautification Grant from the Plorida Department of TransportatiOn. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: The Mayor and City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby authorize the City Manager and his staff to apply for a Highway Beautification Grant from the State of Florida Department of Transportation. SECTION 2: The City Clerk of the City of Sanford is hereby directed to send copies of this Resolution to the Department of Transportation and all other persons as directed by the Mayor and City Council. SECTION 3: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of January, A.D. 1990. MAYOU ATTEST / ~-~ City~ission o'f' the City of Sanford, Florida. The Mayor thanked Mr. Dryllie and Mr. Mike Martin, Urban Forester, for their work on this project. The next item of business was consideration of a request from John Smith, regarding One Harbour Place, for help in obtaining new financing by providing the following: 552 MINUTES City Col'nmission, Sanford. Florida January 22, 1990 Evidence that all governmental zoning ordinances and restrictive covenants affecting this property have been complied with. Evidence of established legal ingress and egress from his property to a publicly dedicated road way. An "Estoppel and. Consent to mortgage" from the City along with the right to "notice of default, and right to cure" in favor of the new lender, Sun Bank N.A. In addition, the lender would want the right to assume his performance under the lease. The City Manager reported that Staff can handle the items requested in No. 1 and No. 2, above, and that Mr. Smith's attorney is to contact the City Attorney to see if the 3 above can be brought back business was needed information in No. Further, the request will be necessary. The next item of structures, as follows: handled under the present contract documents. to the Commission if Commission action is consideration of requests to demolish condemned Report #89-8 1109 Willow Avenue Report 989-20 1018 Jessamine Avenue Report 989-21 1206 Oleander Avenue Report 989-26 1809 West 15th Street The City Manager reported receipt of a request for a time extension for Report No. 89-8, 1109 Willow Avenue, and recommended a 60 day extension, with inspection and report to the City Commission in 30 days. The City Manager reported receipt of a request for a time extension for Report No. 89-27, 1118 West 14th Street, and recommended a 60 day extension, with inspection and report to the City Commission in 30 days. The City Manager reported that the owner of property at 1018 Jessamine Avenue, Report No. 89-20, has been accepted by the City's CDBG grant program, for funds to repair the structure. The City Manager recommended a 60 day extension, with inspection and report to the City Commission in 30 days. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Thomas moved to authorize the City to demolish, bill the owner, and levy a lien against the property if necessary for collection, for two properties as follows: Report 989-21 1206 Oleander Avenue Report 989-26 1809 West 15th Street and to authorize 60 day time extensions, with inspection and report to the City Commission in 30 days, for four properties as follows: Report ~89-8 1109 Willow Avenue Report 989-20 1018 Jessamine Avenue Report ~89-27 1118 West 14th Street Report $89-16 1104 Willow Avenue Seconded by Commissioner McClanahan and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner McClanahan Aye The Commission next considered appointments to boards as follows: MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida ._-lan,Jary 22, 553 1990 Planning and Zoning Commission: The City Clerk reported Oletta Yates resigned, effective when a replacement is appointed. The Chairman suggested Helen Stairs, 1301 East Seminole Boulevard, Sanford, be appointed to replace Ms. Yates. Commissioner McClanahan moved to accept Ms. Stairs to the Planning and Zoning Commission. by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner McClanahan Aye Yates' resignation and to appoint Ms. Helen Seconded by Commissioner Thomas and carried Seminole County CDBG Citizens AdVisory Committee: The Community Development Officer recommended appointment of Willie King. appoint Mr. Commissioner Commissioner Eckstein moved to Advisory Committee. Seconded by Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner McClanahan Aye King to the Seminole County CDBG Citizens Thomas and carried by the vote of the Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Nay Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner McClanahan Aye The next item of business was consideration of annexation of properties between I-4 and Oregon Avenue extended southerly and between C.R. 46A and Oregon Avenue extended westerly, Viola Kastner, owner, and City of Sanford, owner, (wellfield site.) Memo submitted from Director of Engineering and Planning, recommending authorization for the Mayor to execute a Petition for Annexation for the wellfield site, and authorization to proceed with annexation of both of these properties, with final annexation concurrent with the annexation of the Seminole Properties parcel. Bill Simmons, Director of Engineering and Planning, appeared and reported the proposed annexation of the Kastner and the City parcels, with the Seminole Properties parcel, will essentially reduce an enclave, since the wording in the Joint Agreement with Seminole County stated Seminole County felt"all property east of I-4 in that area is already an enclave. Commissioner Thomas moved to authorize the Mayor to execute the Petition for Annexation for the wellfield site, and to authorize Staff to proceed with annexation of both of these properties, with final annexation concurrent with the annexation of the Seminole Properties parcel. Seconded by Commissioner Eckstein and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner~ Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner McClanahan Aye The next item of business was consideration of request for payment of statement from City Attorney for Professional Services in October, 1989, with new rate schedule. Letter submitted from the City Attorney, reporting the need to increase rates to $90.00 per hour, effective October 1, 1989. Commissioner McClanahan moved to approve the new rate schedule, and to authorize ~payment of statement for Professional Services in October, 1989. Seconded by Commissioner Thomas and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: 554 MINUTES City Colnmission, Sanford, Florida aanuary ??~ Requests for payment of statements. (1) From Florida Power & Light Company for Underground Service to Reclaimed Water Pumping Station - Mayfair Country Club ................................. $ 2,387.00 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) From Jammal & Assoc. for Construction Materials Testing Services: Wastewater Treatment Plant & Reclaimed Water Dist. System .................................. $ 3,170.73 b. Vacuum Sewer Station (Contract II) ...... $ 3,758.53 c. Reclaimed Water Storage Tank Construction .... d. Jewett Lane Sewer Improvements ........... $ 864.00 758.51 From Lee Construction Co. for Additions to Main Water Treatment Plant, Pay App. 2 .................. $ 29,598.97 From Hoenco, Inc. for Jewett Lane Sewer System Improvements ............... · ................... $.16,058.00 From Sanford Irrigation, Inc. for City Parks Reuse Irrigation System - Contract C ............... $ 21,258.77 From Speegle Construction, Inc. for Golf Course Irrigation System, Contract B, Pay Application No. 5 .... ........ · ..................................... $142,471.20 Tabulations of Bids. (1) Bid 89/90-19, Two (2) Ambulance Rescue Vehicles, Memo and Bid Tab~l-=tiQn:..$.u~bmitted as follows: Office Memorandum To: From: Date: Subject City Manager~I/~/ Fire Chief 1/17/90 Bid 89/9.0-19 [Ambulance Rescue Vehicles] (Fire Department.) City of Sanford Fire Department The fire department recommends accepting the low bid meeting the specifications submitted by Aero Products of Longwood, Florida in the amount of $77,522.00. JTH:clh Office Memorandum To: City Manage~?~?~¢~'''j From: Fire Chief Date: 1/19/90 Subject Rescue Vehicle J.T. Hickson Fire Chief City of Sanford Fire Department MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 555 3anuary 22, 19 90 Mr. Faison, As you are aware the current year's 1989/90 budget includes the replacement of Rescue-9 (1980 Ford Rescue Truck) in the approximate amount of $75,000. In FY 1990/91 budget another $60 - 75,000.00 would be budgeted for #3 Station rescue. The fire department sent out RFP (Request For Proposal) that would include new chasis (1990 Ford) and would also consider reconditioned bodies not older than five years and having a ten year warranty. Proposals received show that we can purchase two (2) rescue trucks (replacement for R-9 and rescue for #3 Station) for the price of $77,522.00 thus negating the need for $60 - 75,000.00 in next years Capital Budget. The $2,522.00 over budget would come out of current budget. We consider this a considerable savings to the City of Sanford. Thank you for your support and help in this project. If you have any further questions please contact me at any time. J.~'. Hickson Fire Chief JTH:clh ID TITLE-Ambulance Rescue. Vehicles BID NUMBER 89/90-19 ,, , -- OPENING DATE-1/l°/9Q- TIME~ 2:00 __ ;, )STING TIME/DATE FROM: .- BIDDERS TERMS amount ro Products, Longwood 35,761. Southern Ambulance, LaGrange, Ga. 49,300, Fire Fighting Innovati 60,495. Port St, Lucie BID TABULATION 77,522. 90 days x 98,600. 60-90 day: 120,990. 90 days bon Road Rescue, , '9'0 days St. Paul, Minn. 60,495. 120,990. Code Red Fire Equip., NO BID Ocala Frontline, NO BID Pinellas Park OPENED BY: Walter Shearin TABULATED BY: Chief HickEon VERIFIED BY: .. PAGE, 1 OF 1 PAGE S) il:MARKS: C I.R'CLED PRICE 7004 REV. 11-5-85 INDICATES AWARD requests - 6 responses 556 MINU S City Co~nmission, Sanford, Florida January 22, 19 90 (2) Bid 89/90-23, Billiard Table, (Parks Dept., Sr. Center.) Tabulation submitted as follows: Memo and Bid CITY OF SANFORD PARKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: January 17, 1990 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Director of Parks~ City of 'Sanford-Bid 89/90 - 23 Senior Center Billiard Table Mr. Faison: Director of Parks recommends the purchase of one (1) Table from Whited Billiards of Florida, Inc. of 6338 W. Drive, Orlando, Florida 32818 in the amount of $995.00. Billiards was low bidder and met specification. Billiard Colonial Whited JRJ/yeh C~gP'~C-z~~" xc: Walter Shearin, Purchasing Agent E C P Billiard Table ID TITLE ~ , 89/90-23 D NUMBER , PENING DATE 1-16-90 TIME )STING TIME/DATE FROM: 2:00 BID TABULATION , ,/., , UNTIL , /,., OPENED BY: TABULATED BY.James VERIFIED BY' .PAGE_ OF ,,' Walt Shearin Jernigan PAGE Table BIDDERS TERMS Price delivery Altamonte Billiard . Longwood, FL $1,095.00 ( * [MARKS: C~[CLID ~RlCl ZNDZCATB8 AWARD Accoun~ # 001-5051-572-64=~~ requests - 2 responses MINUTE S 5 5 7 City Commission, Sanford, Florida January 22, 19 90 (3) Bid 89/90-15, Work Stations, (Utility Dept., Customer Service area.) Memo and Bid Tabulation submitted 'as follows: To: City Mana§er~2~ From: .Utility Director Re: Bid #89/90-15 Utility Office Work Stations Mr. Faison- Bids were opened on 01/11/90 for the purchase of office work stations for the Utility Customer Service area. These work stations will allow a more efficient use of the limited space for our customer service representatives. The type of work stations considered are similar to the ones installed in the Finance Department. Bid packages were mailed to fifteen (15) vendors with eight (8) responses. Three (3) of the responses were "no bid". The attached bid tabulation lists the various vendors with their associated unit prices. All bidders met the intent of the specifications. Some of the individual component sizes were slightly different, but all would perform satisfactorily. It is recommended that the bid be awarded to the low bidder.,. Sweeney's Office Supply, in the base bid amount of $3,200.60 plus $82.80 for an optional center drawer and $101.40 for an optional retractable keyboard shelf. Total cost will be $3,384.80. Funds for these materials are available under account number 451-4510-536-64-03. PM/dh Attachment Purchasing gA ent~--~z*~ XC : Utility Department BID TABULATION .... UTILITY OFFICE ~1 3 TITLE~, W,QRK STATIONS _ . rMUalI~,II~A~II:J~'wi~Itm~Z?II4:~III~:~JII~ OPENED BY: w~l,r al 3NUMBER a0/~0-~5 n~.^~. ~.,~__~,~,,.~,.~c;r~ 'TABULATED BY: glENING DATE o~/~/ooTINIE~ ~~~~~~ VERIFIED BY: . 12'~,u~l', , ' ,, P£STINGTIME/DATEFROM: ~,,~/ - UNTIL ,,, / PAGE 1 .. OF," ,,1 ..... PAGE(S) 1 ' 2a 2~ ~e' ~d . 2e ..... ' ..... Surface Surface S~face . Pedestal ~ ' BIDDERS TERMS Panels 24x72 24x~0' 20x42 Pm~etc C~b~ n~_~,~ ' :reative Business · ~ dtamonte Springs $2,374. $238. $188. $181. $322. . $160. $3,463. '.nterstate of Fl. !dtamonte .Springs No .Bid. ..... No Bid, No ,Bid No Bid . No. Bid No Bid. No Bid .... ( ~eeney's ' ~ ~nford ~ 2,260.80 226.20 179.45 155.40 226.35 152.40~ ~,.~. ~j - , ,,,t il, ......... ~ .. J~ , , hcmpson Interior ~lando 2,659.62 15~. 18 133.38 84.36.. 308.94 84.36 3,426.84 ~lando .. 4', 554. 370. 350. 300. 325.' 295. 6,194. ~nith-Wilson Co. ~lando 3,086.69 244.25 200.38 174.00 319.62 338.88 4,363.82 ~well' s Office Suppl~ ~nford : No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid' No Bid No Bid No Bid Let Street Stationers 5anford No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid 558 " MIN U'/?Es City Commission, Sanford, Florida 3anuary 22, 19 90 (Engineering & Planning Dept.) Memo and Bid Tabulation submitted as follows: January 18, 1990 MEMORANDUM TO: City Manager/.~~/ FROM: Director of Engineering and Planning SUBJECT: Engineering and Planning Department Technical Applications Data Processing Equipment Mr. Faison: The curren~ year Engineering and Planning Budget contains funds for procurement of a personal computer for Engineering and . . Planning technical applications. While this computer will be capable of "word processor" type functions and will be IBM compatible, its primary function will be in running technically oriented programs for Engineering and Planning purposes. Graphics presentation of the product of this system is unusually important, and for best utility, must be of a high quality such as that produced by a laser type printer. While most data processing equipment within City Hall is IBM, under a well founded standardization concept, I believe that the particular requirement for this hardware justifies acquisition of individually specified equipment. Specifications were prepared to suit the technical Engineering and Planning requirements. Bidding information was mailed or provided to 21 prospective vendors, including IBM. The attached bid tabulation displays bids received from three bidders. Alternative No. 1 includes a digi$izer which is particularly useful in technical data input/mapping applications. (We already have a digitized base map of Sanford prepared by Ivey, Bennett,.Harris and Walls several years ago which needs to be updated for further utilization.) Alternative No. 2 would provide a mouse instead of the digitizer, which, while useful does not nearly provide the capacity of the digitizer for mapping data input. The low bidder, Positech Systems, proposes to provide a system containing all Packard Bell equipment other than the digitizer. It is believed that this proposal fully meets City specifications. It is recommended that City Commission approve award of the procurement contract to Positech Systems in the amount of $4,150. BIO TABtJ LA'i"I O N ~ ,~,v-,a. ~ .;~ ~ ~ ~, ~ TABULATED BY: Jay Marder ' No. 1 . ~ ' No.~ g 1D D E fi $ TE fi 1%1S Computer D±g±t±zer Printer Total ~ Computer Mouse Printer Tota~ D~cision Data . Lon~wood NO BID itchell Weiss . Winf~r P~rk ..~1.~5 ...... 42~.00 1880.00 4,297.25" 1991.25 135.'00 1880.00 4,006.2~ ~)sitech Systems : W~gr park ! 2375..00 425.00 .... 1350.00 J ........... 2375.00 75.00 1350.00 3,800.00 :' S~ars Business · . .. ~l~mnn~ ~p~ng ..2~2~-00, · ~7~.00 _. 1485.00 .... 4.785,~0 .2995._00 105.00 1485.00 4.~15.00 : Office Equipment - dditional 001-1010-5 ::' ........ L9~64-03 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 3anua v 22, 559 C. Approval of Minutes of January 8, 1990 Regular Meeting. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Thomas moved as follows: A. To authorize payment of statements (1) through (6), B. (1) To accept low bid, Products in amount COP's proceeds. which met specifications, from Aero of $77,522.00, with payment from (2) To accept low bid, which met specifications, from Whited Billiards of Florida, Inc., in amount of $995.00. (3) To accept low bid, which met the intent of the specifications, from Sweene¥'s Office Supply in total amount of $3,384.80 ($3,200.60 base bid plus $184.20 options.) (4) To accept low bid, which met specifications, Positech Systems in amount of $4,150.00. from C. To approve Minutes of January 8, 1990. Seconded by Commissioner Eckstein and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner McClanahan Aye The next item of business was consideration of Corrected Recommendations from the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of January 18, 1990, as follows: CORRECTED COPY January 22, 1990 TO: FROM: MEMORANDUM Sity Clerk~'~/ Land Dove l~Pment ' Coordinator~ Re: Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Thursday, January 18, 1990 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford Florida RECOMMENDATIONS Unanimously approved the recommendation to rezone from AG, Agricultural, to RI-I, Restricted Industrial, that property located at the south side of 5th Street between Kennel Road and Meisch Road. Owner/representative: Howard Lay (CITY COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING 2-22-90) Unanimously recommended approval of the Final Plat for Exxon 4-0154, a 3 lot commercial subdivision located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Orlando Drive and Lake Mary Blvd. in a GC-2 zone. Owner: Exxon Company, U.S.A. Representative: John Sexton FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES e Unanimously tabled consideration of the Site Plan for Phase 2 of Lucky Auto Sales, a used automobile sales lot located at 417 E. 3rd Street in a GC-2 zone, due to lack of representation. Owner: Lucky Investments, Inc. Representative: Sadie M. Gazil Unanimously tabled consideration of the Site Plan for a detached sign for Park Avenue Promenade, a retail sales and service use located at 2465-2471 Park Avenue in a GC-2 zone, due to lack of representation. Owner/representative: Steve Hardin Unanimously aPProved a 6-month extension of the approval of the Site/Engineering Plan for Commerce Plaza, an office/warehouse use located at 1565-1599 Airport Boulevard in a RI-1 zone. 1990 56'0 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida January 22, 1990 Commissioner McClanahan moved to approve the Final Plat for Exxon 4-0154. Seconded by Commissioner Eckstein and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner McClanahan Aye On motion of Commissioner McClanahan, seconded by Commissioner Thomas and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner McClanahan Aye Ordinance No. 2077, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 6, BUILDINGS, SECTION 6-15, 6-16, 6-17, 6-18 AND 6-19 RELATING TO UNSAFE OR UNSANITARY BUILDINGS; TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONDEMNATION OF UNINHABITABLE STRUCTURES; CREATING SECTION 6-17 TO ESTABLISH A DEFINITION OF UNINHABITABLE STRUCTURES; PROVIDING CRITERIA FOR DETERMINATION OF CONDEMNATION; RENUMBERING SECTIONS 6-17, 6-18 AND 6- 19; CREATING SECTION 6-22 TO PROVIDE FOR APPEALS TO CIRCUIT COURT; DEFINING COSTS TO INCLUDE ADMINISTRATIVE COST; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. was introduced and placed on first reading. The Chairman reported receipt of a 'request from Altamonte Springs Mayor Dudley Bates, acting as Chairman of the Central Florida Commuter Rail Authority, for contributions to fund said Rail Authority. The Commission took no action. Request submitted from Sanford Aero Modelers to use part of Site 10, prior to completion of the City's plans for the site, and to sub-lease said property from the Lake Jessup Hunt Club. Commissioner Thomas moved to notify Sanford Aero Modelers that the City has no objection to them negotiating a lease with Lake Jessup Hunt Club, with a 30 day cancellation clause, and with a covenant that they would not interfere with the City's use of the property, and subject to approval by the City of Sanford. Seconded by Commissioner Eckstein and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner McClanahan Aye Commissioner Eckstein moved to designate the name of the new park in Groveview Subdivision "Groveview Park." Seconded by Commissioner Thomas and carried by the voue of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner McClanahan Aye The next item of business was consideration of a letter submitted from Nicholas J. Pope, as follows: LOWNDES, DROSD1CK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED PROF~'&~IONAL AB$OCIATIO N dO~h F, LQWLNEDC& VIA ~EI~X~OPY ATTORNEY~ AT LAW January 19, 1990 RECEIVED MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 561 3anaury 22, 19 o William A. Simmons, P.E. Director of Engineering & Planning City of Sanford 300 N. Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 32772 JAN 2, 2, '1990 ~lll OF SANFOR~O Re~ Chase Groves Utility Matters/Annexation Dear Bill: Since the City Commission meeting on December 18, 1989, our clients have weighed the pros and cons of annexation into the City of Sanford, as requested by the Commission. This has not been a simple issue for our clients. As I explained to the Commission, a number of complications had to be dealt with. A~nong others factors, the property is now held in multiple ownerships (four separate parties), with one owner residing in Europe, another owner.being an estate, and another owner being a trust. In addition, the plans for a major portion of the property that will be immediately developed have been prepared and submitted to the County for review and approval. Adaing to these complications are issues relating to impact fees, utility rates, ad valorem taxation and a host of other considerations. In view of the fo~egoing, our clients have concluded that they will be unable to annex the property into the City of Sanford at this time. We know that this will disappoint the City Commission, however, it should not surprise them. As you will recall, several years ago, prior to the time that the zoning and DRI for the property had been submitted, when the property was under only two, related ownerships, the former owners undertook very serious discussions with the City concerning the annexation of the property. At one time, the previous owners, who now only own a minor portion of the property ("Previous Owners"), had actually made the decision that it would be best to annex. Subsequently, however, as a result of conversations with the County and with the City, the Previous Owners and the City Staff became convinced that due to the County's opposition to an annexation, it was not possible to annex at the time, because of potential legal complications. This resulted in an abandonment of the plan to annex the property and the owners processed their development plans and DRI through the County. During the DRI review process, the City wrote a letter to the Regional 'Planning COuncil and insisted that the City was the appropriate party to supply sewer and water to the property, because of the proximity of the city's lines. This request by the City resulted in the Tri-Party Agreements that are i'n place today. I recite the foregoing history because I believe that it may be helpful in understanding how and why the Agreements came into existence. It was always the property owners' position that they would be pleased to accept utilities from either the City or the County and that continues to be the position of the current owners. It is our understanding that the City currently has a considerable amount of capacity available for sale. Although the Tri-Party Agreement does not require the City to "reserve" capacity for our property beyond the original one (1) year term (and the short extension recently granted), in view of the fact that the demand for the City's available capacity will not exceed its supply in the near future. We are unable to understand how the City would be disadvantaged by extending the property's "reservation" as we had originally requested. However, i~ an effort to cooperate with the City we would be willing to post a letter of credit in an amount of $205,939.00 in the manner specified under the Agreement, for 40,000 gallons per day-of sewer and 46,600 gallons per day of water capacity, which we would agree to take down and fully pay for within one (1) year. As I have explained to you and to the Commission, I believe that under the terms of the Agreement, although our "reservation" of capacity expires on January 23, 1990, if nothing else is done, the Agreement continues to obligate the City to provide the capacity after January 23 for approximately twenty-five years, 562 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 3anuary 22, even if we do not actually purchase capacity by that time. If the City does not 'wish to 'honor the Agreement, the Agreement indicates that the County will provide capacity and we understand that the County does have significant capacity available, in an amount upwards of 3.0 mgd. Our preference would be to put up the letter of credit and continue to obtain sewer and water capacity from the City under the existing Tri-Party Agreements. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in connection with this matter. Please let me.know whether you would like me to be present at the City Commission meeting next week in order to discuss this further. Yours very truly, Nicholas A. Pope NAP:yl 017256/24936 William Colbert, Esquire Mr. DOnald McIntosh Lake Mary Residential Joint Venture The Commission took no action. Commissioner Thomas asked Staff and City Attorney to draft an ordinance to prohibit persons from being in public parks after dark. Ms. Martha Yancey appeared to report Mr. Argenbright, 107 Shannon Drive, would like to donate a Phoenix Canariensis palm tree worth $2,500.00 to the City of Sanford, if the City will move the tree. Further, the cost to move the tree is $600.00, which could be taken from the Scenic Improvement Board's budget item for Civic Center beautification, and the tree could be planted at the Civic Center, at the southeast corner of Seminole Boulevard and Sanford Avenue. Also, the Scenic Improvement Board would like to combine Tree City USA Day and Arbor Day, and plant the tree on February 9th. Commissioner McClanahan moved to accept, move and re-plant said tree as Seconded by Commissioner Thomas and carried by the vote of the Commission as described. follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner McClanahan Aye There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. May'or fity Clerk