HomeMy WebLinkAbout062590-Work Session'" MINUTES " .... ' City Cofnmission, Sanford, Florida 3une 25, 1990 The City Commission of the City of Sanford met in Work Session on Monday, June 25, 1990 at 5:00 P.M. in the City Manager's Conference Room~ City Hall, City of Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Bettye D. Smith Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Robert B. Thomas Commissioner A. A. McClanahan Commissioner Lon Howell City Attorney William L. Colbert City Manager Frank A. Faison City Clerk Janet R. Donahoe The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. Director of Recreation reported that Steve Alford has me~ with the Police and Fire Departments concerning the Fourth of July fireworks display, that everything is in order, that Vic Vickers will be sending in the insurance certificate this week, and that said event will take place as planned. The Commission next discussed Scenic Improvement Board's Tree Plan Project. Ray Sage and Martha Yancey appeared and reported that $5,700.00 remains in the Tree Plan Project account, which was previously approved for $10,000.00, that the Board would like to purchase inexpensive trees, which would be available to any homeowner desiring one, with the requirement that he/she provide the care and maintenance of said tree for the first six months, that the trees would be planted in right-of-ways, and that the City would decide what type of trees would be appropriate in said right-of-ways. Mr. Sage stated that Celeste white, Urban Horticulturalist, Seminole County Agriculture Department, has indicated that she is willing to provide Master Gardeners to help plant the trees, and that the Scenic Improvement Board will oversee the project. City Manager reported that funds in the Scenic Improvement Board's account have been frozen, as referenced in the Budget TranSmittal Letter, Attachment No. 4., and recommended that said funds remain frozen, pending budget review, for possible redistribution. The Commission next discussed Seminole Properties Mall Tax Increment Financing. City Manager introduced Tom Schneider and Marsha Oliver. Tom Schneider appeared and reported that after the last meeting, and subsequent meetings with the County, it was apparent that the County did not want to set precedent by using Tax Increment Financing as a basis for public financing for outside improvements; for this particular development, that they will be using Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement, which will allow some assistance for public improvements. Further, the contribution will be approximately $2.5 million, some of which will be provided by credit from collector fees, and from future collector fees generated by development; other northern district collector fees; as they become available, and local option gas tax; or other revenue sources that might be available in substitution for the local option gas tax. Payment would be over a ten (10) to twelve year (12) period, or a little longer, and whatever funds they are due will be redirected toward Tax Increment Financing. Also, Tax Increment Financing has been restructured under two alternatives, both of which are in a reduced dollar amount, and would continue to pay out in the fourteen (14) year projection period; somewhere between 37% and 40%, which would basically have the same economic impact to the City. Mr. Schneider also stated that the County's participation on outside improvements would be provided by virtue of the Road Impact Fee Agreement, that the roads will not be scaled back other than the fact that the Airport Connector and Wilson Avenue will not be done by the Tax Increment Financing, because of the close proximity to the proposed beltway interchange at Rhinehart Road, and MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 3une 25, 155 that the revised proposal will not cost ~he City any additional monies. Further, the bond documents provide certain ratios, percentages, and obligations, for example, 37% of the total ad valorem increment is to go to the district to retire the bonds, if there is any shortfall in the payment of said bonds, or in the generation of ad valorem taxes by the property, that will be between Seminole Properties and the bond holders. Also, the estimated taxes to be generated by the Seminole Mall were figured consistent with the basis for assessing the Altamonte Mall, the vacancy rate for malls throughout Central Florida is 2-3%, that a strip center is a convenience type shopping experience versus a comparative type shopping experience in a mall. Additionally, construction will start in May of 1991, or late fall 1990, with an estimated opening between August of 1992 and March of 1993, that commitments have been received from three major department stores, said stores to be announced in two (2) to three (3) weeks. Bruce Scott, Central Florida Legal Services, requested that if the Tax Increment Financing is considered, the issue of blighted and slum areas be addressed. City Manager recommended that the Commission approve the concept of Tax Increment Financing, and the resolution regarding same, at tonight's Regular Meeting. The next item of business was discussion of recommended changes to City's Sign Ordinance, tabled from June 11, 1990 Regular Meeting. City Manager reported that the City Manager's Office, the Building Official, Code Enforcement, and Staff have received complaints regarding citations for violations of said ordinance, that there are "grey areas" with respect to the ordinance, that perhaps special provisions could be made, and suggested that the matter be referred to Planning and Zoning for recommendations. The Commission authorized to discuss same at next meeting, and required another copy of the Memo regarding same. The next item of business was discussion of request to amend City Code Section 18- 71 (Peddler's License), tabled from June 11, 1990 Regular Meeting. Commissioner Eckstein suggested that non-profit organizations be granted a waiver regarding same. City Manager reported that an ordinance could be crafted exclusively for local civic organization. The next item of business was distribution of City Manager's Proposed FY 91 Budget and discussion of dates for review of same. The Commission concurred that Budget Work Sessions be held July 2, 3, 5, and 9, 1990, if needed, from 4:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. The Mayor reported that representatives from Seminole County School Board are available to meet either July 17 or July 31, 1990, at 4:00 P.M., to discuss after school recreation program. The Commission concurred that said meeting should be held on July 17, 1990 at 4:00 P.M, and instructed Staff to invite the School Board to meet with City commission at City Hall. City Manager reported that Director of Recreation has met with representatives of Seminole High School regarding after school programs, that an agreement has been reached whereby the principal will coordinate after school hours, the City will provide teach~rs and some equipment, and that a formal agreement is being crafted. !56 City Commission, Sanford, Florida 3 ne 25, 1990 Commissioner Eckstein requested that the Commission consider amending Monroe Harbor's lease as follows: Revert back to original term of 1967 lease, retroactive to January 1, 1990, at 2 1/2% of gross revenues, for a term of ten (10) years. The Commission concurred that consideration of same be discussed at Regular Meeting tonight. Mike Gray reported that there has been no contact with Mr. Bridges or Mr. Coover, subsequent to tabling the matter at June 11, 1990 Regular Meeting, that the Bankruptcy Court ~s signed the Order confirming lease arrangements with Holiday Inn, and that the next step is for the debtor to present a preliminary plan. City Attorney reported that if the consensus among the Commission is to amend the leases; the Commission has the authority to do so, that if the consensus is to approve the proposed 2 1/2%, for a term of ten (10) years, and that said ten (10) year term would be preferable, rather than the length of the current lease. Also, the City could not be compelled by Monroe Harbor and One Harbor Place lease holders to change leases, because there are three different leases, three different business entities, with three different terms. City Manager reported that the City Attorney is in the process of determining the extent of the City's liabilities with respect to the Sanford Gassification Plant, which was previously owned by the City of Sanford in the 1920's. City Attorney reported that a meeting has been scheduled for July 7, 1990, and that Staff will attend to discuss same. City Manager reported that two businessmen from New York and New Jersey have voiced an interest in providing affordable housing in the Geuka parcel, that they have picked up options from Lee P. Moore, and would like to meet with Staff to outline the project. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Attest: City Clerk