HomeMy WebLinkAbout082691-Work Session09::'8:.. MINU S. _ ',:re.:.. · ...'.., City Commission. Sanlbrd. Flo'~ ..... · ' ' IST 26 ... ........ ~ ~,~- . ,, ;.::% ,V.,:' , ....... . ..... The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in Work Session on Monday, August 26, 1991 at 4:30 o'clock P.M. in the City Manager's Conference Room, City Hall, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Bettye D. Smith Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner A. A. McClanahan Commissioner Lon Howell City Manager William A. Simmons City Clerk Janet R. Donahoe Absent: Commissioner Robert B. Thomas City Attorney William L. Colbert The Chairman called the meeting to order. The first item of business was a joint meeting with the Sanford Airport Authority. Sanford Airport AuthOrity Members Present: Steve Cooke, Kay Shoemaker, Bill Bush, Bob Hattaway, Duke Adamson, and Joe Dennison. City Manager reported that relative to the $60,000.00 payment for City services rendered to the Airport Authority, which is included in the Airport's FY 91/92 Budget as well as the City's FY 91/92 Budget, Staff has been attempting to place a value on said services, what services the Airport will want for next year, and what the City should budget for next year regarding same. Bill Bush reported that two or three years ago the Airport Authority was approached by the City of Sanford which requested funds "in lieu of taxes", that legal counsel advised that the Airport could not make such an appropriation and satisfy the FAA, and that any appropriations made had to relate to specified goods or services. Further, Bill Suber, Seminole County Tax Assessor, is preparing to collect taxes on half of the Airport's tenants, and, in theory, those tenants would not require City services. Jim Young, Sanford Airport Authority, joined the meeting. City Manager reported that Mr. Suber has indicated estimated taxes to be billed next year is approximately $32,000.00, which is included in the City's present projected revenue. Commissioner Thomas joined the meeting. Mr. Young reported that said taxes should be credited against the $60,000.00 payment next year. Mr. Dennison concurred. Bob Hattaway stated that whether the payment for City Services is $32,000.00 or $60,000.00, the Airport is at a disadvantage to accomplish the things necessary to bring the Airport on line, because the Airport's budget is very small. Mr. Cooke reported that there will be more AIP monies available f~om the FAA in the coming year; approximately 1.2 million dollars in grant monies. Joe Dennison stated that the Airport Authority is required to put up 5% for each grant received. Steve Cooke reported that currently, the Airport Authority employs 3 1/2 police officers, that effective October 1, 1991, there will be only three officers, plus one certified police officer, who will be utilized as a maintenance man. Further, if the City does not provide any police services, the Airport could use a guard service, which would be sufficient unless an emergency situation arises. Also, a certified police officer is required to be present when Charter flights are boarding. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida AUGUST 26, Kay Shoemaker reported that the Airport Authority is being pressured to do things at the Airport, and that the Airport could not be in worse shape financially with the $275,000.00 it had to expend with the Environment Protection Agency. Further, an international arrivals building and a terminal building are needed to promote the AirPort, that Airport reserves are down, and unless the City is willing to help sponsor said projects, the Airport has no where else to turn. Further, it's not a matter of trying to avoid paying the City for services rendered, the Airport simply does not have the money. Also, Airport Authority tenants were billed taxes last year, which the City should have received. Further, the Airport needs all the help it can get to proceed on a program that will better the whole community and build the Sanford Airport. City Manager reported that Staff will attempt to verify whether taxes were billed last year. Finance Director Carolyn Small reported that she believes, by the time the court case was resolved, it was too late to bill taxes for 1990. City Manager reported that the Airport Authority Board voted to change the budget relative to the deletion of a COLA, which will generate some cost avoidance for next year. Also, the FAA will begin manning the control tower in January, 1992. Mr. Shoemaker stated that the Airport Authority has sufficient funds to satisfy the $60,000.00, however, said money is needed to continue operating the Airport. Further, the Airport lost one of its largest tenants "Cobia", that half of the building has been re-leased to another tenant, however, the first six month's rent will be used to make the building tenable. City Manager reported that Staff ran a check of City expenses vs revenues for FY to date, that it appears the City is underrunning revenues around $200,000.00, that said figure will be closer to $300,000.00 if the $60,000.00 projected income from the Airport Authority is dropped. The consensus of the City Commission was to credit ad valorem taxes received for FY 1991, against the $60,000.00 payment. The Commission concurred that should the opportunity arise for the Airport to obtain a grant that might make a major difference in the Airport, that the City would be willing to consider financial assistance to the Airport for matching funds for said grant. Mr. Shoemaker reported that the Airport has only two sources of revenue which includes: 1) rental fees from leased buildings, and 2) some income from the operation of the terminal and the sale of gas. Further, additional income will be generated when everything comes on line, however, money is needed to get everything in place. The next item of business was a presentation by Keith Reeves, Architect, regarding final concept for expansion of the Henry Shelton Sanford Library/Museum. Keith Reeves, Architects' Design Group, appeared and introduced Janice Barns, another architect with the firm. Mr. Reeves briefly reviewed the proposed additions. He stated that there will be very high spaces (16' to 18' ceilings) in the galleries, that the galleries have been expanded up for greater flexibility, that the reception area has been stepped down moving towards the downtown historic area. Further, the addition not only represents a museum for the City of Sanford, but includes a temporary exhibit area, which will attract different groups of people on an on-going basis, which may ultimately generate enough interest to have the museum open on Saturdays and Sundays. 099 19 91 City Manager reported that the model has been designed to include what the ultimate configuration would be given sufficient funds. The next item of business was a discussion regarding the October 8, 1991 Bond Referendum. City Manager reported that there are consideration that need to be made for Staff to begin moving forward with public information. He stated that Staff proposes to mail out brochures to in-city utility customers, that extra brochures will be made available through t~e speakers bureau, for coordination through recreation, and sports/athletic teams that will utilize the facilities. Further, the anticipated cost is $8,500, $5,500 of which is hard cost. Also, presently, Mike Kirby, Jim Jernigan, Mayor Smith and he will participate in the speakers bureau, and that other volunteers are welcome. The Commission authorized Staff to proceed with the printing of brochures and preparing for the mailouts. Also, Staff to obtain a list of registered voters. The Commission next discussed a request from Richard Casselberry, Trustee, for non- conforming Conditional Use Permit at 400 South Palmetto Avenue, for re-establishment of multiple-family use in a single-family zoning district. City Manager reported that pursuant to Assistant City Attorney's comments, which were received late this afternoon, the Commission has the latitude to take whatever action it wishes regarding said request. Bob Goff, representative for Richard Casselberry, appeared and reported that pursuant to the City Commission's request, he has provided more detailed information, that he used the Developer's Agreement for 606 Park Avenue, which the City Commission deemed acceptable, and made it more restrictive. Mr. Goff requested that the City Commission allow him to present his case before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Further, historic experts advise that 400 South Palmetto Avenue has always been the "Pray Boarding House" (4-unit apartment house). Also, although the property is not considered within the historic district, the Historic Preservation Board offered some suggestions regarding paint, and types of designs, which he has incorporated. Mayor Smith stated that a boarding house is not an apartment house, and that a boarding house provides meals and lodging. Mr. Goff stated that there is no indication that the building has been converted at any point in time within the last 50 years, and that the interior design of the house does not lend itself to single-family. He stated that Mr. Casselberry was aware that the property was'zoned single-family when he purchased. However, extensive renovations would be required on the exterior of the building to mold into a single-family residence, because there are three front doors sitting side-by-side, and there is no flow pattern from right to left on either floor. Mayor Smith reported that Alicia Clark, Museum/Library Curator, has researched the matter, and that she is very comfortable with the fact that 400 South Palmetto Avenue may have been a boarding house, but not an apartment house. The Commission discussed additional Regular Agenda Items as follows: Item No. 14, request for waiver of water and sewer deposit. The consensus of the Commission was to deny said request. Item No. 17 B(3), Bid 990/91-63, Sale of Mobile Home. After discussion the ~n~ ~ the eo~m~n w~ ~ ~ ~d ~.tem. ~endin~ re-examination of bids. 101 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida A~IGUST 1991 City Manager reported that Staff received a letter from the private industry counsel employees, which listed direct supervisory people the employees worked with, and that the employees chose City Hall as the most beneficial employment location in the summer program. Item No. 7. A & C, Second Reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3063, and Ordinance No. 3072, respectively. On recommendation of City Manager, the Commission concurred to continue public hearings regarding same, pending receipt of executed owners' agreements. City Clerk Janet Donahoe reported that according to Assistant City Attorney, there are no legal requirements pursuant to Florida Statutes, City Code or Charter, which dictate the inclusion of legal ads and bid tabs in their entirety in City Commission Minutes. She stated that due to the voluminous minutes, and length of preparation time, if the City Commission has no objections, only the action will appear in the Minutes, and that said records will be preserved and made available for viewing if necessary. The Commission had no objections. Mayor Smith announced that there will be a joint meeting with Seminole County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday, August 27, 1991 at 6:00 P.M. at County Services Building. The Commission confirmed receipt of Agenda regarding same. Police Chief Steve Harriett reported that a City police officer has offered to purchase a retiring police dog in amount of $300.00. The City Commission authorized the sale of said dog. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. M'AY~O R Attest: ~ City Clerk