HomeMy WebLinkAbout120991-Work Session212 MINUTES City Commission. Sanford, Florida 5:00 P. M. December 9 19 91 the cicZ Commission oi the City of Sanford, Florida met in Work Session on Monday, December 9, 1991 at 5:00 o'clock P.M. in the City Manager's Conference Room, City Hall, Mayor-Commissioner Bettye D. Smith Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Robert B. Thomas Commissioner Lon Howell City Manager~ William A. Simmons City Clerk Janet R. Donahoe Absent: City Attorney William L. Colbert Commissioner A. A. McClanahan The Chairman called the meeting to order. Request from, Tom Harb, HARBCO, for City Commission support, for waiver of pre-treatment retention pond as required by St. Johns River Water Management District, relative to K-Mart Ex~ansion/FoodLion Store project. After discussion, the Commission concurred to authorize the Mayor to execute letter dated December 9, 1991, in support of request for waiver of pre- treatment retention pond, as submitted by City Manager. Request for Staff to negotiate a proposed 5-year grove o~eration and maintenance contract with Faryna Grove Care and Harvesting, for "Site 10" Citrus Grove Develo~ent. City Manager recommended that the Commission authorize Staff to begin moving toward a grove operation and maintenance contract, for "Site 10" citrus grove development. He stated that "Site 10" was designated for crop production in the 201. Because it appeared to be suitable for citrus from a standpoint of soil types, and because the City's agricultural and engineering consultants believe the City would receive a greater return to partially offset the cost of development and operation of the reclaimed water disposal system, citrus is the preferred crop. Further, only one small grove operator indicated an interest in leasing 10 to 20 acres, and doing operation and maintenance on the remaining portion. Commissioner Eckstein reported that citrus is a risky business, that the City would be spending a lot of money with a risky return, and that he cannot support same. Commissioner Howell concurred. City Manager reported that the City is being forced into this situation by having to develop an agricultural site that will use reclaimed water, and produce a product that can be harvested. Further, the only reason citrus has been put forward is because it has a higher potential for cost off-setting. Also, if it is the consensus of the Commission not to pursue citrus, the City will have a great deal of expense for developing.a hay crop on this site. Also, the City must establish a crop on the property for it to be acceptable to DER, or it will be in violation of the consent order and the 201 plan. The Commission instructed Staff to pursue other crop alternatives and report back to the Commission. Renewal of contract with MetropOlitan Systems, Inc.t for Bus Stop Benches. Brent Adamson, President, Sanford/Seminole Jaycees, and Richard Kroesen, Metropolitan Systems, Inc. were present. City Manager recommended that the 1980 contract be extended for a period of two years. Further, Metropolitan Systems, Inc. has a separate contract with the Jaycees and the Junior Woman's Club. Also, the issue of lOcal "not for profit" is not included in this contract, and that he will review other formal contracts which include same. Commissioner Howell reported that he would support said contract renewal, with the condition that said agreement include a provision which requires Historical Preservation Sanford, Florida. Present: MINUTES 2 ! 3 City Commission, Sanford, Florida 5:00 P. M. December 9 1991 Board approval for desired changes to signs which are displayed on benches in the downtown at'ea. Richard Kroesen, Metropolitan Systems, Inc., appeared and reported that there are no plans to change signs or put additional benches in the downtown area. Further, paragraph five of the contract states that the City Commission has the authority to remove messages or signs, if it so desires. Commissioner Thomas asked if the City can build shelters over the benches. Mayor Smith reported that the City previously turned down a request for same because of advertising. The Commission instructed Staff to obtain additional information regarding the installation of shelters over benches, and report back to the Commission. Affordable Housing/WINS Demonstration Pro~ect "25". Director of Planning and Development reported that the 1988 "DemonStration Project 25" proposed the construction of 25 housing units in the Goldsboro area. Further, the City would provide building lots, with the City having the major responsibility of reviewing applicants, who would reside in the houses, and that the developer would coordinate construction with the builder. Further, there are questions which need to be answered such as how the City would transfer property to private individuals. Also, the Community Development Office has reviewed the proposal, and after discussing same with other departments in general, he recommended that the City look into this type of project, perhaps on a smaller scale. Further, CDBG monies can be used for such a project, but limited use of same is recommended. City Manager reported that Mr. Geuka's proposal is a good blending of several things that the City could and should be doing, and that each element carries a slightly different set of constraints. For instance, the WINS project does not deal with affordable housing, and utilization of CDBG monies would require looking more closely to insure that the ultimate buyers of property would meet the affordable housing criteria, whereas economic development using City lots would allow the City a free hand in determining a balance. Amefika Geuka appeared and reported that Del American Properties decided that they are no longer interested in pursuing the San Lanta affordable housing project, however, he has two other prospective companies that have indicated an interest. The Commission authorized Staff to work with Amefika Geuka to prepare a more complete proposal, and report back to the City Commission. StormwaterUtility System BillingImplementation. After discussion, the Commission concurred to authorize City Manager to develop and implement a stormwater utility billing system for properties which are developed, but vacant, as described in memo dated December 5, 1991, from City Manager. City Commission Organizational Meeting. The Commission concurred to hold the Organizational Meeting on Tuesday, January 7, 1992 at 7:00 P.M. Con~manity Swimming Pool/Sports COmPlex. Commissioner Thomas proposed that the City Coi, unission consider implementing a community project, to build a swimming pool/sports complex. 21 4 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 5:00 P. M. December 9 19 91 City Manager reported that utilization of Seminole High School land would require a joint building project, and that because of the joint connection, the ability to utilize in-kind labor and materials might be difficult. Mayor Smith reported that she will speak with COMSAC regarding the project. Agenda Item No. 24, first reading of Ordinance No. 3092 (Northgate) and Ordinance No. 3093 (Southridge). Director of Planning and Development reported that applic~t is agree~le with conditions/restrictiOns as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ~ ~-0 R Attest: