HomeMy WebLinkAbout041392-Work SessionMINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida April 13, 297 19 92 April Sanford, Florida. Present: The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in Work Session on Monday, 13, 1992 at 5:00 o'clock P.M. in the City Manager's Conference Room, City Hall, Mayor-Commissioner Bettye D. Smith Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Robert B. Thomas Commissioner A. A. McClanahan Commissioner Lon Howell City Manager William A. Simmons City Clerk Janet R. Donahoe Absent: City Attorney William L. Colbert The Chairman called the meeting to order. Polling Places for City Elections. After discussion, the consensus of the CommiSsion was to designate the First Church of the Nazarene as the District 3 polling place, and Seminole County Health Department as the District 4 polling place. Also, to modify the district boundary lines between District 3 and District 4 to include the Seminole County Health Department in District 4, as recommended by City Manager. Code Enforcement Citation Program. City Manager reviewed a proposed resolution and information including a matrix indicating the departments, job titles i.e. inspectors/officers, and names of personnel currently in those positions, who would be authorized to issue citations. Also, the City's training program very closely parallels Seminole County's training program. Staff to keep the Commission posted on training. Designation of FY 92/93 Budget Work Session. The Commission concurred to begin FY 92/93 Budget Work Sessions on July 6, 1992, at 4:00 o'clock. P.M., and to continue each succeeding day as needed. City Manager reported that the Budget will be delivered to the Commission on June 29, 1992, to meet City Code requirements. Henry Shelton Sanford Library-Museum Expansion Project. City Manager reported that funds have been received from the Chase Family Estate, and that he has authorized the architect to proceed with preparation of final construction documents. Recreation/Parks Grounds Maintenance Crews. City Manager reported that he has approved flex time, commencing May 1, 1992, for the above-referenced City employees because of afternoon rain and heat during the summer months, and that such change will not affect programs. Presentation regarding community transportation. Jacob Stuart, Chairman of the Board, Tri County Transit, appeared and reported that Tri County Transit ("TCT") entered into an Interlocal Agreement with Orange County, Seminole County, the City of Orlando and Osceola County, and has 16 million dollar operating budget. Further, services are rendered on a pay as you go basis, that 120 buses carry over 25,000 people a day, and that ridership has increased 26% to 27% over a year ago. Further, services currently provided by "TCT" include: 1) "laser" - a local area shuttle for students, 2)"free bee" - services downtown Orlando; funded by parking revenues in downtown Orlando. (currently negotiating with Altamonte Springs for similar services), 3) "dime time" (kids in school program) - using existing bus routes, 1/2 million children are transported to and from school, work, and activities, for $.10 per ride, and 4) "van time". 2 9 8 MINUTE S City CommisSion, Sanford, Florida April 13, 19 92 Paul Skoutelas, Executive Director, Tri County Transit, appeared and reported that the tri-county area has a 1.2 million population base, which is anticipRted to double in the next 20 years. F~rther, last October "TCT" did market research to determine whether transit can work in the Central Florida area, such research included an Osceola County survey (although Osceola County currently does not have public transit service); interviews with community leaders; and a commuter survey with focus groups i.e. riders/potential riders. Mr. Skoutelas gave examples of statements/questions posed in the surveys and the results of same, as follows: 1) public transit is just for those who cannot afford a car or cannot drive (70% disagreed with statement), 2) public transportation is important to local economy (67% agreed with statement)-, 3) I do not use public transportation, and will always vote no for anything involving transit improvement (70% disagreed with statement), and 4) until greater Orlando area economy improves, I will not support new public services (70% disagreed with statement. (Assistant City Attorney Donna McIntosh joined the meeting.) Further, results from the interviews/surveys revealed: 1) that there is overwhelming support for public transit for all segments of the community, 2) public transportation is believed to be important to the economy, 3) public transit is perceived to be a viable alternative, 4) public transit, as it presently exists, is inadequate, 5) there is support for dedicated funding for public transit, and 6) community leaders see the need for public transit, but want a plan. Also, within the last six months, "TCT" has initiated a five-year plan, and views commuter rail as the Master Plan for the region, and is working very closely with the Commuter Rail Authority and Seminole County Planning Staff. 400 South Palmetto Avenue Administrative Appeal. Assistant City Attorney reviewed and discussed procedures to be followed at tonight's public hearing regarding the above-referenced appeal. She stated that the Commission will be required to make specific Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and enter a Final Order. Further, if the applicant is not satisfied with the Commission's decision, an appeal can be filed with the Circuit Court for review by Certiorari. First Annual Comprehensive Land Plan Amendment for 1992. Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development appeared, distributed Staff's Report dated April 10, 1992, which includes additional site information. He reviewed additional information and Sites in the Plan Amendment as follows: 1) "Site No. 1" - all lands at the edges of the City that were designated "general rural". City proposes to change from one dwelling unit per five acres to one dwelling unit per one acre, 2) "Site No. 6" - group of lots owned by Sam Gabbai, which is not proposed to be annexed at this time, but anticipated in the future. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Attest: City Clerk