HomeMy WebLinkAbout082492-Work Session376 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Work Ses$iDn 19 92_ The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in Work Session on Monday, August 24, 1992 at 5:00 o'clock P.M. in the City Manager's Conference Room, City Hall, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Bettye D. Smith Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Robert B. Thomas Commissioner A. A. McClanahan Commissioner Lon Howell City'Manager William A. Simmons City Clerk Janet R. Donahoe Absent: City Attorney William L. Colbert The Chairman called the meeting to order. Market On The Mall. Chris Cranias, President, Sanford Historic Downtown Waterfront Association ("S.H.D.W.A.") reported that the purpose of "Market on the Mall" is to attract new businesses and customers to the downtown historic district for the revitalization of same, that said program has been operating for some time, and requested that the Commission officially adopt "Market on the Mall". Mr. Cranias reviewed their proposal as follows: 1) Members of S.H.D.W.A. will be permitted to display and sell their products, 2) Non members may participate, with S.H.D.W.A. approval, for a $15.00 fee, which will be used for advertising/promoting "Market on the Mall", 3) S.H.D.W.A. shall have complete control of said operation, and 4) City occupational license fees to be waived. City Manager recommended approval of Market on the Mall as presented, and described in letter dated August 12, 1992, from Chris Cranias. The Commission referred this item to tonight's Regular Meeting for City Commission action. Mainstreet Program. Chris Cranias, President, S.H.D.W.A., reported that the Mainstreet Program is based on the networking of community organizations, which include Sanford Historic Trust, S.H.D.W.A., the Chamber of Commerce, Sanford Committee, the Preservation Board and the City of Sanford. Further, the goal of this program is to establish a welcome center, and to solicit and encourage new business, which will economically revitalize the downtown historic district. He requested that the City contribute $10,000.00, which will be matched by in-kind services such as 1) office space, 2) housing, 3) meals, and 4) transportation. Sue Olinger reported that the $10,000.00 will fund the salary of the individual who conducts the survey, which will determine whether such a program will work. Also, the estimated start up cost of this program is $35,000.00 to $75,000.00. The Commission referred this item, which will be treated separately from the "Market on the Mall" program, to tonight's Regular Meeting, for City Commission action. Bus Stop Shelters. The consensus of the Commission was not to pursue such a project at this time, and referred this item to tonight's Work Session for City Commission action. Short term rentals in residential districts and PUD developments. After discussion, the Commission instructed Staff to obtain copies of ordinances from other cities relative to weekly/short term rentals, for comparison, to determine whether the City's current ordinance regarding same should be revised, and report back to the Commission. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Work 'Session 377 August 24 19 92_ Personnel Matters: A) FY 92/93 Classification & Pay Plan. City Manager reported that this Plan needs to be approved for preparation of the proper ordinance. The Commission concurred. B) Proposed Policy for employee reimbursement for City property damage. city Manager reported that City Attorney has indicated that payroll deductions must be done on a voluntary basis, and recommends adoption of said policy, as described in letter dated July 13, 1992, from City Attorney. Police False Alarm Fee and Fire False Alarm and Inspection Fee Ordinances. Commissioner Howell reported that such fees may discourage people from installing alarms, that he has received several complaints regarding same, and requested that the Commission reconsider said fees. After discussion, the consensus of the Commission was to revise Ordinance No. 3124 and Ordinance No. 3125, by amending the schedule of fees to be charged for false alarms as follows: No fee for firSt, second and third responses within six (6) months; $35.00 fee for fourth response within six (6) months; $50.00 fee for fifth response within six (6) months, and $150.00 fee for any and all subsequent responses within a six (6) month period. Contract with Rollins Protective Servicesw Inc. w for emergency installatio~ of Alarm System at Public Works Complex. After discussion, the consensus of the CommisSion was to accept lowest quote from Rollins Protective Services, Inc., in amount of $9,543.00, for installation of alarm system at the Public Works Complex, with appropriate departments/divisions to pay pro rata share of said contract, and said item was referred to tonight's Regular Meeting for City Commission action. Transfer of Water and Sewer Utility Funds for Sewer Impact Fees; Agenda Item No. 24. On recommendation of City Manager, and Finance Director, the consensus of the Commission was to approve said transfer. Salvation Army Agreement. After discussion, the Commission concurred not to approve contract in amount of $24,000.00, for use of the Salvation Army gymnasium and facility. Also, City Manager to send a letter notifying the Salvation Army Advisory Board, that the City's budget has already been planned for FY 92/93, and to enlist their cooperation in jointly providing a very needed service to the community. Also, Director of Parks and Recreation to analyze the proposed lease and provide recommendation for counter offer at tonight's Regular Meeting. After School Programs. Director of Parks and Recreation reported that the YMCA has offered to provide after school programs at Goldsboro, Pinecrest, and Hamilton, for a minimal fee, and that no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Appeal of Denial of Conditional Use for sale of beer and wine (Class 5 Alcoholic Beverage Registration) at 1407 West 13th Street, Sydney Spence, owner; Agenda Item No. 8. City Manager briefly reviewed the procedures for tonight's public hearing. MINUTES · City Commission, Sanford, Florida work 19 92_ Appeal of Public service commission's decision regarding extended service calling area. city Manager reported that the Public Service commission has left the old balloting requirement in place, which requires that 51% of the ballots mailed out and returned be yes votes, that ballots not returned be counted as no votes, and did not approve the $.25 alternative. Further, the City of Lake Mary and Seminole County have requested that the City participate in the funding of an appeal of the PSC's decision, which is $6,000.00; the City's share $2,000.00. The Commission concurred to consider this item at the next Work Session. Request from R. Hardwick to continue public hearing; Agenda Item No. 6. City Manager reported that Mr. Hardwick has requested that tonight's public hearing be continued until September 14, 1992 Regular Meeting, to allow him time to meet with adjacent residents/property owners to discuss/address their concerns. Offer to Sell property to City of Sanford. City Manager reported that Richard Hardwick has submitted to the City an Offer to Sell the easterly two tiers of lots at $7,000.00 a piece. The Commission concurred that it was not appropriate to discuss the offer at this time. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ~ A/~O'R Attest: fi-city Clerk