HomeMy WebLinkAbout052693-Special Meeting MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Special Meeting &O'/ May 26 19 93 The ~ity Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Special Meeting at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on Wednesday, May 26, 1993, at the Westside Boys and Girls Club, 919 South Persimmon Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Bettye D. Smith Commissioner Robert B. Thomas, Jr. City Manager William A. Simmons City Clerk Janet R. Donahoe Absent: Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner A. A. McClanahan Commissioner Lon K. Howell City Attorney William L. Colbert Anthony Peoples, President, Westside Community Improvement Association, welcomed everyone and introduced Mayor Smith. Introduction of ACCESS 93 Pro,ram. Mayor Smith called the meeting to order at 7:00 o'clock P. M. and welcomed everyone and expressed her appreciation to everyone for attending. Remarks from District Co~issioner. Commissioner Thomas welcomed everyone and stated he welcomes this opportunitY, and told the citizens present that they are in an area that has been neglected since its inception. Further, this administration is committed to doing everything it can to make living in this area better, this is the only administration that has committed to the drainage system that will directly affect the lives of the citizens in this area, and the city will get to revitalizing this area. Remarks from Staff. William A. Simmons, City Manager, thanked everyone for coming and recognized Jay R. Marder, Sanford Director of Planning and Development, for his work to establish the Access 93 programs. Mr. Simmons briefly reviewed the information packets which were distributed at this meeting, including the City Hall directory, City Staff and Boards, City Commission district map, organizational chart, revenue and expenditures, number of employees, millage rates, planned developments, and Citizen Request Form. Vacant Lot Clean=up. Linda Gentry, Code EnforCement Inspector, reviewed the city's Code Enforcement Program, and the procedures and timeframes involved to obtain compliance. Ditch Maintenance and Drainage. Jerry Herman, Sanford Public Works Director, briefly reviewed the areas of work performed by the employees in the Public Works Department. He reported that some unpaved streets were not paved recently when other city streets were paved, because of upcoming drainage work. Mr. Herman reported that with the Stormwater Utility Program and fee, there is now a dedicated source of funding for drainage work. Also, in several areas of Cloud Branch/Mill Creek, the city has no access to the ditches other than over private property, and this makes it very difficult to get heavy equipment to the ditches to maintain them; in some places, it is heavily wooded right up to the ditch, and equipment can not be used, instead, the crews must perform the work by hand. Further, the city plans to acquire additional land around the ditches and widen/improve/re-route the channel and obtain maintenance easements. Overall costs to improve Cloud Branch/Mill Creek will be approximately twelve million dollars. The Stormwater Utility fees generate about $900,000.00 per year, about half of which is used to maintain ditches and drainage ways. The City plans to increase the storm water fee and issue bonds so that the work can be done sooner than waiting for the fees to accumulate. Loitering. Ralph Russell, Sanford Police Chief, reported that the loitering problem has grown, the city tried to address the problem by enacting an ordinance, but the courts have ruled the ordinance is too vague, and the city can not use it. Chief Russell reviewed the procedures the police must use to make a legal arrest for loitering on private or business MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Special Meeting May 26 19 93 property, and how business owners must post "No Loitering" signs before the police can enforce loitering laws. Stormwater Utility. City Manager Simmons reported that the Stormwater Utility Program is city-wide, but most of the improvements will be in Goldsboro. Questions/Answers of a ~eneral Nature. A. Anthony Peoples showed a short video tape of various ditches in the Goldsboro area. B. Lula Mae Jones, 1200 Golden Gate Circle, reported there is no drainage system in Golden Gate Circle. C. Mary Moore reported she has two homes in the Goldsboro area of Shepherd and 14th Street, she has called the city for over a year to get something done about 1114 West 14th Street, both houses were ruined by rain and the people had to leave, land on the side, back, and front needs to be cleaned, and the ditch in front needs to be cleaned. She reported she is always told the city is coming out and will do something, but nothing is done. D. A lady complained that the street lights cast a yellow light, the light on the ground is dull, and requested bright lights on Goldsboro streets. Rick Holloway, Sanford Civil Engineer, reported the city's standard for street light installation is no more than 300 feet apart, which usually means a street light at each intersection and one in the middle of the block. Jerry Herman reported the yellow lights are high pressure sodium vapor lights which Florida Power and Light uses because they use less energy and generate more light than the old mercury vapor lights; that 100 watt bulbs are now the city's minimum (upgraded from the old 70 watt minimum); and he will see if the bulbs in the Goldsboro area can be upgraded to 100 watt bulbs. E. John Holmes, 1902 West 10th Street, stated he is concerned about storm drainage. F. Alfreda Wallace, 1407 Southwest Road, reported the ditch on Persimmon Avenue is flat and isn't a ditch any more. She also reported that senior citizens can not pay their water bills before the cut-off because of when they receive their pension checks, and the city should remove the $4.00 cut-off fee. She requested more than just monthly grading and leveling of dirt streets. G. A lady reported ditches are not being cleaned as they are supposed to be. H. A lady requested specific information when the dirt street around Roundtree will be paved. Jerry Herman reported he will check and get back to her. I. Mr. Alexander, Sixth Street and Mulberry Avenue, complained about the phone at the Police Department ringing seven times before it was answered, it took 15 minutes before an officer responded, and the lack of adequate police officers on patrol at all times. He also complained about lack of code enforcement in his area. Linda Gentry reported inspections and citations she has made at specific locations in his area, and the time frame she must give the property owner to comply before the complaint can proceed to the Code Enforcement Board. Ralph Russell explained the actual number of police officers on patrol at a given time, and asked that citizens call him personally when they experience MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Special Meeting May 2_6 19 93 Je ~ problem with law enforcement. Mr. Alexander reported he is opposed to the city lowering the standards for Police Chief and then increasing the Police Chief's pay. Belle Walker, 906 Holly Avenue, stated she is concerned about the vacant lots at Ninth Street and Holly Avenue, she has requested many times for them to be cleaned, they are not cleaned. She filed a complaint in 1980, but nothing was done; something was finally done in 1984; she has been filing complaints since 1984 about heavy growth, transients, snakes, rats, overgrowth, building rubble, furniture, and garbage. City Manager Simmons reported that current City Code defines clearing land that has not previously been cleared as landclearing, and that current City Code does not give the city the authority to demand that an owner perform landclearing; further, city staff is preparing to recommend to the City Commission that this be changed to require that any vacant land of one acre or less in a residential area be cleared. Currently, if the city were to perform landclearing, the city would be trespassing, and would have no authority to charge the landowner the city's costs for the landclearing, instead, tax dollars would have to be used. Ms. Evan Peoples, Secretary of the Westside Community Improvement Association, inquired about the status of the Stormwater Drainage System; asked why so much money is being spent on the Police Department and how is it being spent; asked how does new commercial building directly affect the Goldsboro area in positive ways; stated she wants the city to consider other investigative ways, procedures, and follow-up in Code Enforcement; and asked why an entire ditch can't be cleaned when someone calls for cleaning of a specific part, instead of just the part complained about, and whey can't garbage on an entire street be picked up when someone calls for pickup at one location. City Manager Simmons reported that engineering contracts have been awarded for implementation of the first phase of the Stormwater Plan and design is underway, there are Real Estate brokers assisting us in land acquisition, we have a conceptual permit from St. Johns River Water Management District for the entire system, but we can not do any work without a permit from them, and we do not control them. City Manager Simmons reported that most of the Police Department's budget is used to pay personnel salaries. If the Police Department is to have more people "on the street" they will also need more people in the total Police Department, and he does not know of a place from which to take the additional funds in the existing budgeted revenues at the expense of other departments/services. City Manager Simmons reported that new commercial buildings increase the tax base and jobs while requiring fewer services, recreation programs/facilities, etc. The city does not own land or run businesses, but can encourage businesses to locate in the Goldsboro area, and the city is working to find ways to do this. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Speci al Meeting May 26 19 93 Ms. Peoples asked why the police do not enforce "no loitering" when businesses have the "no loitering" signs posted. Police Chief Russell reported that the loitering statute requires the police to first issue a trespassing warning to the individual, and if the individual moves to another location, the police can not arrest them because they have left the location where they were trespassing; also, even when an individual is arrested, there is not sufficient punishment to deter future loitering. Linda Gentry reported the status of Code Enforcement complaints regarding various properties cited this evening, and reiterated the Code Enforcement procedures and timeframes; she reported she works primarily on a complaint bases, but if she sees a violation when she is in the neighborhood, she will cite it. Public Works Director Jerry Herman reported he concurs it is best to clean complete segments of ditches when called to a specific location, not just the partial segment complained about, and he will check with the Superintendent on the procedures being used to clean ditches. A lady asked how long the drainage improvements will take to complete, and what will be done in the meantime. City Manager Simmons reported that the drainage improvements are basically a twelve year funding program; permits and design are also constraints at this time; the city is checking for possible federal funding; we have some plans and specifications that are close to being ready to meet their rule for construction within 90 days. Dr. Velma Williams asked if the city has a beautification budget (Public Works Director Herman replied $45,000.00), if so, how does the city determine where and what it will beautify (Public Works Director Herman replied the Scenic Improvement Board); does the city have a plan for dealing with affordable housing (City Manager Simmons replied yes); does the city have a substantive plan for affordable housing (City Manager Simmons replied that remains to be seen); does the city intend to create an affordable housing plan (City Manager Simmons replied that he does, and can recommend to the City Commission, but can not make the decision); has the city applied for state or federal funds for affordable housing (City Manager Simmons replied yes); has it been denied (City Manager Simmons replied that for the past six to seven years the city has been very active in the community development program, a number of grants have been obtained, we are competing to seek additional grants, we have not missed many opportunities 'to seek funds, but this doesn't instantaneously create affordable housing, and that is why he recommends working to create jobs by commercial construction, which in turn provides new businesses/jobs). Dr. Williams asked if Chief Russell could foresee a satellite station in Goldsboro (Chief Russell replied the city basically has a sub-station within the Housing Authority in Goldsboro, since the Community-Based Policing Team is located there; the city has a facility further west for a police substation, for use as the city develops more in that area. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Special Meetin§ May 26 1993 Ne Dr. Williams asked that the city operate the code enforcement program by aggressively searching for violations in addition to the present mostly complaint basis. City Manager Simmons reported that in the last year the City Commission declined to double the city's code enforcement capability, and that Code Inspector Gentry performs more daily code inspections than any other code official he is aware of; even if the city committed more funds to the code enforcement program, it still would not affect the rules, procedures, and time frames, which are set by state law and the courts; the city has authorized additional employees to issue code citations, under the Code Citation Program, which in effect creates many more people issuing citations, and will speed up the enforcement time frame. Dr. Williams requested that the city prepare an aggressive plan to provide Goldsboro youth recreation opportunities, including a facility in the Goldsboro area; and requested plans and funds spent in the last ten years for sidewalks, street paving, and piping ditches in the Goldsboro area. She stated the city was lucky the family of the boy who drowned in the Mulberry/Mill Creek canal did not sue the city, and if something happens again, the city will be sued. Further, three or more children have fallen or jumped into the canal since then and were rescued by nearby people; and children can't cross the bridge from the project to the Westside Boys and Girls Club when it rains and the canal fills. Director of Parks and Recreation Mike Kirby reported the city is aware of the need for recreation facilities, programs are growing very quickly, and the city is trying to work with organizations like the Westside Boys and Girls Club, YMCA, and school program, to provide recreation on a limited budget. City Manager Simmons reported that a couple of years ago the city held a Bond Referendum fOr a number of significant city recreation facilities and that referendum failed by ten to one; even worse, the voter turn out on that referendum was an even smaller percentage of the total registered voters. Funding from that two million dollar referendum would have provided a swimming pool, with the school board participating 50%; since we turned it down, that pool is now being built in Altamonte Springs. The voters also turned down an indoor recreation complex, and a new park with other facilities. Those types of things do not fit in any of the city's annual budgets. If major recreation facilities are wanted, the voters will have to support them at the ballot box. A lady reported that when the city sprays for mosquitos, it does not help 20 feet into her yard. A lady reported that behind Daniel's Filling Station on 13th Street there is a big open field where the city could get heavy equipment in to clean out the ditch, and asked if the city has tried to find out who the property owners are and get their permission, to go over their property to clean the ditch. Also, the city says it needs money to fix the problems, the citizens have paid money over the years and have not seen anything done; the city should take action to fix these problems. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Special Meeting M~y 76 19 93 City Manager Simmons reported that the city has put heavy equipment into the area in back of Daniel's Filling Station, but this is not the type of area he was referring to about needing access. The pipe at this location is undersized where it goes under the road, and it zig-zags as it goes northward toward Coastline Park; we have access, but we don't have the ability to install a large enough or efficient enough pipe to carry all the water in that particular location in case of a heavy flood. P. Mr. Sweet reported that the citizens are asking the city to change neglect of the drainage problems to action; also, it is extremely important to initiate some improvements as soon as possible so the citizens can see some demonstrated improvements in the stormwater management system. He further stated the Mayor and City Manager should be alarmed that nothing is done after receipt of notification; there is no excuse that the system is not maintained and that it exists in its present form. He requested that the city consider hiring from within, and provide opportunities for the people in the community, when considering who will do the work. Mr. Sweet suggested the city offer some tax exemptions to businesses to encourage them to locate in the Goldsboro area, and encourage area banks to make low cost loans to people willing to open business in the neighborhood. Q. Mr. Peoples asked who the St. Johns River Water Management Committee is, and if they are over the city. City Manager Simmons stated it is a regulatory agency created by Florida law, members are appointed by the Florida Governor, and are empowered to regulate things having to do with the water supply and with stormwater as it relates to construction or changes within this water management district. He further stated no members of that board are at this meeting tonight, he does not believe there are any members from Seminole County, this board covers a 1'2 or 14 county area going as far north as Jacksonville, their office is in Palatka, there may be a board member from Orange County, but members are appointed on a county by county basis. Closin~ Remarks: A. Commissioner Thomas reiterated that other administrations would not attempt to do anything like this meeting; this is the first administration to try to right what is wrong. Although we could control the budget, we do not have enough money to do all of these things, as we would like. B. Dr. Velma Williams reported that in all deference to City Manager Simmons, he has only been with the city for eight years, and he can not make the decisions to change things; he is one of the first City Managers she has dealt with who were open to talking and who appeared interested and concerned. The City Commission may not have made all the decisions it should have, but at least it has come up with a plan, even though it will take 12 years, which is better than not having any type of plan. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Special Meeting May 26 C, Mayor Smith thanked everyone for their input and for coming. She reported that everyone who works for the city does the very best he or she can with what they are given on that day to work with. She personally committed that the city will continue to do what it can with what it has, to the best of its ability. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 o'clock P. M. Attest: ~'eit~ Clerk 19 93