HomeMy WebLinkAbout022894MINUTES 1 1 9 City Commission, Sanford, Florida WOrk Session FeDru rv 28 19 94 R_equest for Seminole cou.nt¥ ExDressway Authority to purchase land adjacent to Hidden Lake Villas. On recommendation of the City Manager, the Commission concurred not to request that the Expressway Authority purchase this parcel of land, as outlined by the City Manager in memorandum dated February 21, 1994. St.. Johns .Parkway (East) Developer's Agreement. The City Manager recommended approval of the Right-Of-Way Agreement, with Eoghan N. Kelley and Harold G. Hartsock, contingent upon immediate receipt of "right to access" the property by surveyors and the City's engineers. The Commission referred this item to tonight's Regular Meeting for City Commission action. Cloud Branch/Mill Creek drainage improvements land acquisition. The City Manager recommended acceptance of the five (5) counter offers, as described in memorandum dated February 18, 1994, from City Manager. The Commission referred this item to tonight's Regular Meeting for City Commission consideration. Wrecker Service in the City of Sanford. Police Chief Ralph Russell and Police Commander Doug Bishop reviewed and discussed results of the study conducted to determine whether the City should use a contract wrecker service or the current rotation wrecker service. After discussion, the consensus of the Commission was to adopt the Florida Highway Patrol ("FHP") "Wrecker Qualification and Allocation System" procedures, as described in memorandum dated January 18, 1994, from Police Chief, and referred this item to tonight's Regular Meeting for City Commission action. Welcome Sign DisDlays for Marcht 1994. The Commission concurred with Welcome Sign displays as reuommended in memorandum dated February 18, 1994, from Recreation and Parks Director. Also, Staff to contact the Florida Department of Transportation to determine w~at types of signs can be placed under City entrance signs. Choo Choo Car Wash - request for waiver to keeD a per~__~nent open canoDy tent. Louis Savard was present. City Manager reported that, if the Commission wishes to grant Mr. Savard some relief, he would ask that the tie-down aspect be firmly addressed, and that the structure not look like a tent. Also, he would support a conventional variance for a permanent structure at this location. The Commission concurred not to waive code requirements in order to allow the open canopy tent to remain at this location, and suggested that Mr. Savard meet with Director of Planning and Development Jay Marder to discuss options for building a permanent structure. City'~ Affordable Housing Strategy. The Commission did not discuss this item. Regular Agenda Items and Other Items. A. Request from Maranatha New Life Center, for waiver of occupational license fees and waiver of required off-duty police officers, for carnival. The City Manager reported that the City previously waived these fees in 1993. The Commission concurred not to waive occupational license fees in amount of $625.00 per week; totalling $1,250.00 or the required two off-duty police officers for this event. B. Access 94 Meetings. The Commission concurred to hold Access 93 meetings in each district in numerical order. 120 MINUTES City Commission. Sanford, Florida _Work Session Febru 8 C. Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program ("LIHEAP") Contract FY 94/95. The City Manager recommended approval of this contract. The Commission referred this item to tonight Regular Meeting for City Commission consideration. D. Fraternal Order of Police Union Status. The City Manager reviewed meetings held to date, and up and coming meetings including the need for an Executive Session of the City Commission. E. Seminole County Tourist Develo~mentFund Grant Application for Soap Box Derby. The consensus of the Commission was to authorize approve said Grant Application. The Commission concurred to authorize Staff to submit grant applications, in cases where there is no clear requirement for City commitment on the front end, with City Manager to inform the City Commission prior to submittal of said applications. F. Seminole Towne Center Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting. The City Manager reported that the City will be front-ending a portion of dollars that are incurred by engineers in moving forward this project. G. Discussion of appropriate dress code for City Department Heads. Discussed. H. Item 16~ Lease to Glen McCall of 400 feet of Old Seaboard Coastline Railroad right-of-way north of West 25th Street. Glen McCall was present. After discussion, the consensus of the Commission was to approve lease terms as proposed by Glen McCall, including: a five (5) year lease, with option to renew another five (5) years, with an annual rental payment of $500.00 retroactive to the end of the prior lease, with arrearage to be paid at $500.00 a year plus 8% interest until paid in full. The Commission referred this item to tonight's Regular Meeting for City Commission action. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ~_ Attest: ff ciky Cl[rk'~