HomeMy WebLinkAbout101094-Work Session276 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Work Ses s i on October 10 19 94 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Work Session on Monday, October 10, 1994, at 4:30 o'clock P.M. in the City Manager's Conference Room, City Hall, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Bettye D. Smith Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Robert B. Thomas, Jr. Commissioner A. A. McClanahan Commissioner Lon K. Howell City Manager William A. Simmons City Clerk Janet R. Dougherty Absent: City Attorney William L. Colbert The Chairman called the meeting to order. Seminole Towne Center Police/CommunityRelations Substation. Tom Schneider, Bob Gorman and Tom Cernock were present. Tom Schneider, Vice-President, SIMON PROPERTY GROUP, reviewed/discussed the proposed police/community relations substation at Seminole Towne Center, and asked if a portion of the police impact fees could be aPplied toward the hard cost of constructing such a facility. Bob Gorman, Vice-President-Regional Director Property Management, SIMON, reviewed the benefits of an on-site facility, including: !) the police department can deal with the public in a comfortable/professional setting; 2) provides easy access to the public; 3) can operate crime watch/prevention and training programs. Commissioner McClanahan reported that he is opposed to waiving impact fees, that an on-site police sub-station is not needed at this time, that he would prefer spending money to hire two additional police officers and vehicles, and recommended that this issue be revisited after the mall is open for one year. Mr. Schneider stated that the projected impact fees generated by Phase 1 are $366,000.00, of which $284,000.00 will be received Ly the City within the next 30 days; approximately $175,000.00 has been paid to date. Furthe£, they are not suggesting that $366,000.00 in impact fees be waived, more alon~ the lines of $30,000.00, to cover the hard cost of constructing a community center. After discussion, the Commission concurred that Mayor Smith, City Manager Simmons, Police Chief Russell and Tom Schneider meet to further discuss the possibility of waiving up to $30,000.00 of impact fees, to be applied toward the construction of a community center, to be utilized by various agencies, including the City of Sanford, free of charge, with the exception of utilities, and report back to the Commission with comments/recommendations at the next Work Session. Waterfront Master Plan Steering Committee recommendation for a Community Redevelopment Agency. Director of Planning and Development Jay Marder reported that the Waterfront Master Plan Steering Committee views the establishment of a CRA essential to the revitalization of the waterfront area, and that the Committee did not want to provide a specific avenue of how to accomplish same. (City Attorney William Colbert joined the meeting at 5:10 P.M.) After discussion, the Commission concurred to have the City Manager contact the Seminole County Manager Ron Rabun, to seek County approval and participation. (Commissioner Howell absent from the meeting.) MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 277 Work Session October 10 1994 1 Code Enforcement Team Activities. The City Manager reported that since the recent code enforcement incident, he met with department representatives and the police commissioner, and determined that the best course of action was to continue working along 13th Streetwith a bi-racial inspection team, and to meet with representatives of the Goldsboro community, as requested, to discuss and determine what the residents want to achieve and how to. accomplish same. (Commissioner Howell present at the meeting.) Further, at the request of Joan Campbell, President, Academy Manor Association, a meeting with representatives of the Goldsboro community will be held in abeyance, until Ms. Campbell has had an opportunity to discuss the situation with the community to arrive at a consensus of how to proceed. In the meantime, the City will continue with police and code enforcement efforts. Commissioner Thomas reported that instead of vigorously enforcing the codes, the Commission should have directed the various departments to investigate violations; notify offenders, in writing, of the violation; provide ample time to correct/clear up said violation, followed by a citation with a penalty/fine. Further, police officers have been telling individuals in the area of 13th Street that Johnell Jackson was the cause of this incident. The City Manager reported that Mr. Jackson personally told him of the rumor, after which he directed the Acting Police Chief to inform the police officers that such communication/behavior was inappropriate. Johnell .Jackson reported that Police Chief Ralph Russell refused to take his statement. Police Chief Russell repOrted that Mr. Jackson's accusation was totally untrue, that the Deputy Police Chief informed Mr. Jackson that he needs to bring in the witness to give a statement, not Mr. Jackson give a statement. Regular Agenda Items and other items. A) Holiday Inn. Hank Fonde and Dr. Eric Coe were present. The City Manager reported that if agreement is reached on a lease with Dr. Coe, the City could approach RTC with a proposal to obtain title to the improvements on the property and sell same to Dr. Coe, with the City retaining the land under a long term lease. Hank Fonde, Receiver, Marina Inn (Holiday Inn), reported that Dr. Coe has the resources to acquire, renovate, and operate the hotel successfully, that he would like to be retained as management, and that Dr. Coe is in agreement. Further, the previously approved document, with minor changes, has been submitted for City Commission consideration. City Attorney William Colbert reported that he has no major problems with the lease s proposed. After discussion, the Commission concurred with the concept, and authorized Staff to continue working with Dr. Coe and Mr. Fonde to prepare a final lease proposal for City Commission consideration at the October 24, 1994 Meeting, with the City being an active participant in the negotiations with RTC. B. "City Government Week" - Welcome Sign Display. The Commission concurred to display a message in October, 1994, recognizing Ci%y Government Week. (Commissioner McClanahan absent frOm the meeting.)- 278 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Work Session October 10 19 94 C. Garnishment Legislation. Director of Finance Carolyn Small reviewed new legislation regarding garnishment of wages, as outlined in letter dated September 29, 1994, stating that the City now has exposure if no response is made within a twenty (20) day time frame. (Commissioner McClanahan present at meeting.) D. Internal Audit/Investigation of Licensing Division. The City Manager reported that Staff has been working with the Seminole County Sheriff's Office and the State Attorney's Office, that further analysis is required to determine precisely who is involved, and to begin fixing dollars associated with this relative the degree of felony involved in the apparent action, and requested authorization for additional funding up to $10,000.00, to pursue necessary audit work. Also, as a result of the on-going investigation, Julie Ellenburg was placed on administrative leave with pay on Friday, October 7, 1994. The two person liCensing division is "gone", the work load has been distributed to other departments, and Staff will review and report back to the Commission with alternatives/recommendations on how best to proceed with the operation of this department. E. 2533 E1 Capitan. The City Manager reported that Delores Burnett has requested permission to speak to the Commission, on behalf of her mother Wilmenia Jordan, regarding an insurance claim contending the City is liable for water damage caused by sewage overflow/backup, and that said claim was rejected by the City's insurance provider because the damage was not sewer related. Further, the check valve which was installed in 1984 following a sewer overflow that was covered by the City's insurance company, was recently dug up, to see if it is still working properly, and the City Manager circulated photographs of the check value and of the clean out near the house which is not only open, but broken. Also, the primary cause of the damage is stormwater, and the owner is requesting that the City pay the cost of raising the house, at an estimated cost of $15,000.00 to $30,000.00. F. Additional Consent Agenda Items. The City Manager reported four (4) additional consent agenda items, for City Commission consideration at tonight's Regular Meeting. G. Mill Creek drainage improvements. The City Manager reported that additional information was received and provided to the City Commission regarding the first contract for Mill Creek drainage improvements. H. Montezuma Hotel. The City Manager reported that, at the request of Commissioner McClanahan, Staff has determined the estimated cost for demolition of this structure is $29,412.00, and that the owner of record is Joseph Ingria, Trustee. I. Request from Seminole County Historical Society, for waiver of fees associated with their Special Event "Pioneer Days'n Ways and Craft Festival". The City Manager recommended waiver of fees this time only. J. Request from Community Improvement Association, for free use of Sanford Memorial Stadiumt for their Special Event "Festival of Music and Arts". The City Manager recommended approval of free use, with requestor to pay $54.00 to cover the City's out-of-pocket expenses. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. M'A ~/O R Attest: // Ci tv Clerk