HomeMy WebLinkAbout012395-Work Session348 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Work Session January 23 19 95 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Work Session on Monday, January 23, 1995, at 5:00 o'clock P.M. in the City Manager's Conference Room, City Hall, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Bettye D. Smith Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Robert B. Thomas, Jr. Commissioner Lon K. Howell Commissioner Kerry D. Lyons City Manager William A. Simmons City Clerk Janet R. Dougherty Absent: City Attorney William L. Colbert The Chairman called the meeting to order. Establishment of Community Redevelopment Agency for Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Area. The City Manager reviewed an abbreviated version of the Community Development Agency document which will be presented to the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners tomorrow. Mr. Simmons reported that there is a great connectiveness between the waterfront and the downtown area, and the need for percentaging in the revitalization of both of those areas. Further, the Waterfront Master Plan Steering Committee recommended the creation of a CRA to cover the waterfront and downtown area to generate a dedicated funding source for both infrastructure capital improvements and to encourage private development within the district, and to provide planning and implementation costs. Further, the proposed redevelopment area would include both unincorporated and incorporated areas. (Mayor Smith briefly left the meeting, then returned.) Further, the Community Redevelopment Agency does not increase taxes, but dedicates any increases in taxes resulting from development or increased property values toward the implementation of the redevelopment plan within the district. Further, the City is seeking a commitment from the County Commission to delegate to the City, for the establishment of the CRA, and to commit the regular County. ad valorem tax increment within the district as well as City tax increment within the district, with the City Commission being designated as the CRA for the district, and Seminole County having significant input particularly with respect to setting priorities for redevelopment projects. Director of Planning and Development Jay Marder reviewed proposed milestones, and the steps to accomplish the establishment of the CRA and the Redevelopment Trust Fund, including a Resolution of the Seminole County Commission delegating redevelopment authority to the City of Sanford. City Manager recommended that the CRA be in effect for a period of twenty (20) to thirty (30) years; a minimum of twenty-five (25) years to allow the revenue streams to develop, and twenty (20) years to sell bonds to be paid by that revenue stream, for infrastructure. Further, he does not anticipate a problem with the County delegating authority to the City, and that one major potential benefit to the County is parking, which would serve a number of functions including the expanding County facilities. Requests from Conklin, Porter and Holmes for fee modifications. The City Manager reported that he concurs with both documents, and the Commission had no questions or comments. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Work Session 349 January 23 1995 Request from Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., for reimbursement of expenses incurred as a result of incident during their event at the Civic Center. After discussion, the Commission concurred to reimburse additional expenses for police officers in amount of $21.50, to further consider other expenses, upon receipt of requested documentation/verification, including extra time not contracted for actors ($400.00), and not to reimburse for improvements to the sound system/equipment, which was operating satisfactorily. Request from Commissioner Lyons for re-instatement of Youth Advisory Committee. After discussion, the Commission concurred to authorize Staff to move forward with framing re-activation of the Youth Advisory Committee on a trial basis for one year, as proposed/presented by Commissioner Lyons, with emphasis on education and government. Also, designated Tom Farnsworth, Recreation Superintendent, as Staff Liaison to said Committee. Request from Seminole County to adopt resolutions re: Gaming and Gambling Activities, and parte Con~nunications. The City Manager recommended that the City Commission strongly support the ex-parte communications clean-up issue, and to adopt a "wait and see" in the case of casino gambling. On recommendation of the City Manager, the Commission concurred to support the requested legislation regarding ex-parte communications, and to take no action regarding Gaming and Gambling Activities at this time. Florida Hotel. The City Manager reported that Staff will meet with the owners of the property, Mr. Miranda and Mr. Ingria, February 25, 1995, to review/discuss concerns regarding the Florida Hotel. Further, a fire and safety inspection was conducted Friday, January 20, 1995, as part of the occupational license renewal, which included public areas and rooms as accessible. Further, an individual who has occupied a dwelling for thirty (30) days or more is considered a permanent resident, that the property owners will be asked to handle these tenants/occupants by means of a lease, that said lease include permission from the tenant/occupant for inspection of the premises, and we may need to strengthen the resident manager program in conjunction with the lease. Further, the Police Chief has been requested to have uniformed officers regularly frequent the public areas within the establishment, which is in effect. Also, approximately six (6) years ago the City Commission granted a waiver of required paved parking, that the parking lot has not been maintained and does not meet standards, that the waiver can be immediately terminated and code enforcement action commenced, and recommended that this option be considered if the property owners do not cooperate. Commissioner Eckstein reported concern of City Manager's approach, and recommended that Staff check with the City Attorney, for comments/recommendations. Police Chief Russell reported that of the 11 calls receiVed last quarter regarding the Florida Hotel, five or so were theft problems called in by the tenants. Welcome Sign Displays. The Commission concurred with Welcome Sign Displays as outlined in memorandum dated January 10, 1995, from Recreation and Parks Director, including a message recognizing "American History Month" during one of the first two weeks. 35O MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Work Session January 23 19 95 State of Florida Centennial Celebration. The Commission concurred that the City Manager obtain information regarding local activities, as suggested by Commissioner Lyons. Regular Agenda Items and other items. A. Agenda Item No. 11; Appeal of Denial of Certificate of Appropriateness. The City Manager reported that the appellant has requested this item be continued for two weeks. Commissioner Howell reported that the Historic Preservation Board based its decision to deny the Certificate of Appropriateness on information presented/discussed at previous Historic Preservation Board Meetings, and requested that the City Commission receive a copy of same for review. The Commission concurred that the City Manager check with the City Attorney to determine whether this is an appropriate request. (The Chairman recessed the meeting for approximately 10 minutes, then reconvened.) B. Request from Shelly Baggs, for waiver of 2-hour moving requirement, for sale of valentine flowers February 12, 13, and 14, and utilization of one license for two non- contiguous locations - 2990 South Orlando Avenue and vacant land at 25th Street (Airport Boulevard) and 46A, next to 7-11. The City Manager reported that approval would set a precedent, and recommended denial of both requests. This item was referred to tonight's Regular Meeting for City Commission consideration. C. Request from Florida Department of Corrections, for free use of the Civic Center, for Black History Training Program and Luncheon on February 24, 1995. The City Manager recommended, in accordance with City policy, approval of the reduced rate (Class B) in amount of $145.00. This item was referred to tonight's Regular Meeting for City Commission consideration. D. Department of Co~m~mityAffairs Grant under the LIHEAP Program.. Director of Community Development Charles Rowe reported that the Department of Community Affairs has offered a grant in amount of $38,723.00 under the LIHEAP program, for low income emergency repairs for structures within Sanford and Seminole County, that Seminole County has agreed to provide required matching funds from SHIP dollars, that the City would be reimbursed after the work is completed, and recommended authorization to execute the Low Income Emergency Repair Agreement. This item was referred to tonight's Regular Meeting for City Commission consideration. E. Status Re~ort regarding the Holiday Inn proDerty. The City Manager reported that RTC did not include the Holiday Inn property in the group of properties sold to a minority business partner, and that the Holiday Inn property will be a single bid item to be sold by sealed bid on February 28, 1995. Further, he has asked the City Attorney to research the best method to hold an Executive Session on February 13, 1995, to discuss the City's offering price. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Attest: p~ City Clerk