HomeMy WebLinkAbout022795-Regular Meeting428 MINUTE. S _ City Commission, Sanford, Florida Reqular Meeting February 27, 1995 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Meeting on Monday, February 27, 1995, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. in the City Commission Room, City Hall, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Bettye D. Smith Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Robert B. Thomas, Jr. Commissioner Lon K. Howell Commissioner Kerry D. Lyons City Attorney William L. Colbert City Manager William A. Simmons City Clerk Janet R. Dougherty The Chairman called the meeting to order. Presentation of Mayor's Role Model Award. Mayor Smith presented the first Mayor,s Role Model Award to Jeff Blake. Presentation of service weapon. Police Chief Ralph Russell presented retiring Police Sergeant Bill Dube with his service weapon. Public Hearing to consider second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3245, as advertised in the Sanford Herald on Februar~ 16, 1995. Ordinance No. 3245, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3230, AND ITS AMENDMENTS, AND ADOPTING AN AMENDED CLASSIFICATION AND PAY PLAN EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY TO ADD ONE (1) "POLICE OFFICER" POSITION TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS, AND EFFECTIVE DATE. introduced and placed on first reading at meeting of February 13, 1995, was next placed on second reading. After being read by title, the Chairman announced that the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, the adoption of Ordinance No. 3245. No one appeared. Commissioner Howell moved on the second reading and adoption of said Ordinance No. 3245. Seconded by Commissioner Eckstein and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Request from Ron Prevatt for Right-Of-Way Use Permit, to stabilize (gravel) a ~ortion of right-of-way of Countr~ Club Drive, fronting 122 Country Club Drive, for parking privately- owned vehicles. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Thomas moved to authorize the execution of a standard Right-Of-Way Use Permit/Agreement approving improvements, utilizing cross-section drawing prepared by the Engineering Department for installation as outlined in memorandum dated January 31, 1995, from the Civil Engineer. Seconded by Commissioner Howell and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Petition for Annexation of a portion of property'lying between Lake Mary Boulevard and Main Road extended easterly and between Hospital Road extended northerly and U.S. Highway 17-92. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Howell moved to authorize the City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to annex the property as requested. Seconded by Commissioner Thomas and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Regular Meeting 429 February 27, 19 95 Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Contract with North American Life Assurance Company, for group life/AD&D, and supplemental life insurance through FY 95/96. On recommendation of the City Manager, Con~issioner Thomas moved to extend said Contract with North American Life Assurance Company for group life/AD&D and supplemental life insurance through FY 95/96 at existing rates. Seconded by Commissioner Howell and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Contract with Personal Performance Consultants for Employees Assistance Program ("EAP"). On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Thomas moved to extend said Contract with Personal Performance Consultants for EAP services for the next three (3) years, as outlined in Option 1 of letter dated February 6, 1995, from Miriam Henry. Seconded by Commissioner Lyons and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Surplus City Property. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Eckstein moved to declare property, as identified in memorandum dated February 16, 1995, from Purchasing Agent, surplus and to authorize the sale of same at public auction on Saturday, March 11, 1995, with the Seminole County Humane Society to receive a list of said property. Seconded by Commissioner Thomas and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Request for utilization of Good Neighbor Utility Funds. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Howell moved to authorize assistance to Jose Rodriquez in amount of $90.91 with Good Neighbor Utility Funds. Seconded by Commissioner Thomas and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Recommendation from Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of Thursday, February 16, 1995, as described in memorandum dated February 17, 1995, from Land Development Coordinator. Commissioner Howell moved to acknowledge a 202 Lot Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Country Club Park located at 500 Upsala Road in a PD, Planned Development, Zoning District, subject to conditions as described in memorandum dated February 17, 1995, from Land Development Coordinator. Seconded by Commissioner Thomas and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye 430 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Regular Meeting February 27, 1~5 7% vs 10% Utility Tax on telecommunication services, as discussed at tonight's Work Session. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Thomas moved to switch from 10% of the recurring monthly (base) charge to 7% of the total charge for services with certain exclusions, subject to City Attorney comments/recommendations, and to authorize the City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to implement said change. Seconded by Commissioner Lyons and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Board appointments/resignation, as discussed at tonight's Work Session. Cemetery Advisory Board: The City Clerk reported that the term of William E. Welborn expires March 13, 1995, and that Mr. Welborn has served the maximum number of terms and cannot be re-appointed. The Commission took no action, and concurred to consider a replacement at the March 13, 1995 Regular Meeting. Be Planning and Zoning Commission: The City Clerk reported that Mike Davis has submitted his resignation from this board, effective February 16, 1995. The Commission took no action, and concurred to consider a replacement at the March 13, 1995 Regular Meeting. Consent Agenda. Request for payment of statement from Muller, Mintz, et al, for Professional Services from January 11 to January 16, 1995 in amount of $991.12. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Howell moved to approve the payment of statement in amount of $991.12. Seconded by Commissioner Thomas and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Information regarding invoices paid during the period for previously approved lum~ sum contracts. The Commission acknowledged thirteen (13) invoices totalling $372,634.91. Request from Central Florida Riders of Orlando, Inc. for street closures in con~unction with Special Event Application. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Thomas moved to approve closing Seminole Boulevard between San Juan Avenue and Sanford Avenue, and Sanford Avenue between Seminole Boulevard and Commercial Street on March 11, 1995 from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Seconded by Commissioner Howell and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye (Mayor Smith recess the Meeting at 7:15 P.M., then reconvened the Meeting at 7:20 P.M.) Tabulations of Bids #94/95-08 and #94/95-09, Landscaping/Sodding and Irrigation of Right-Of- Ways for Towne Center Mall (Recreation & Parks Department.) On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Howell moved to accept the lowest bid, which met specifications, from Dora Landscaping Company in amount of $241,019.39; reserving $12,570.00 for deducts three (3) and four (4) should the Gateway project, under separate contract, not be completed on schedule thereby requiring Dora Landscaping Company to finish the work. Seconded by Commissioner Thomas and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Regular Meet±rig 431 February 27, 1995 Request for sale of beer and wine for consumption on the premises in conjunction with "St Johns River Festival" S~ecial Event on March 4 and 5, 1995, as discussed at tonight's Work Session. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Howell moved to authorize the sale of beer and wine for consumption on the premises all day on Saturday, March 4, 1995, and on Sunday, March 5, 1995 beginning at 12:00 noon. Seconded by Commissioner Thomas and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Letters from Tom Schneider, Senior Vice-President, SIMON PROPERTY GROUP, regarding police facilities/substation at Seminole Towne Center Mall, as discussed at tonight's Work Session. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Thomas moved to authorize Staff to proceed with said police faCilities/substation as outlined in letter dated February 24, 1995, from Thomas J. Schneider. Seconded by Commissioner Eckstein and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye CommisSioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Florida Sesquicentennial Public Service Announcement, as discussed at tonight's Work Session. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Thomas moved to authorize $500.00 from the City Manager's Contingency fund, to jointly sponsor a "Moments in History" Public Service Announcement, in additional to background information/assistance from the Museum Curator Alicia Clark as described in memorandum dated February'21, 1995, from Sharon G. Berrian, Director of Public Information, Florida League of Cities, Inc. Seconded by Commissioner Lyons and carried by the vote of the CommissiWn as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Vacating of two unopened alleys at 1400 West Eighth Street and 410 Bay Avenue, as discussed at tonight's Work Session. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Howell moved to authorize Staff to proceed with the vacating of both alleys. Seconded by Commissioner Thomas and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye 432 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, FlOrida Regular Meet±hq February 27, 1995 Change Order to contract with Amick Construction, as discussed at tonight's Work Session. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Thomas moved to approve Change Orders with Amick Construction, for: (1) material in water main from South Rinehart Road, credit on additional underdrains which were bid and then determined not to be required, resolution of several underground utility conflicts, installation of irrigation sleeves in Towne Center Boulevard and St Johns Parkway associated with the irrigation project, and demucking overrun in a number of units estimated under the unit price contract, all for a net additional cost of $67,194.00; and (2) $90,270.00 for Gateway Center related work, reimbursable from the Gateway Developer, for road and utility modifications, pavement markings, irrigation sleeves and the addition of a sleeve for a sanitary sewer force main. Seconded by Commissioner Eckstein and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Appointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission, as discussed at.tonight's Work Session. Commissioner Lyons moved to appoint Mark Platts to the Planning and Zoning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Mike Davis. Seconded by Commissioner Howell and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Nay Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Nay Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye There being no further business, the Meeting was adjourned. ~-f4~-Y O R Attest: