HomeMy WebLinkAbout091195-Work Session~05354 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford,' Florida Work Session 697 SeDtember 11 19 95 The C~ty Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Work Session on Monday, September 11, 1995 at 5:00 o'clock P.M. in the City Manager's Conference Room, City Hall, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Bettye D. Smith Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Robert B. Thomas, Jr. Commissioner Lon K. Howell Commissioner Kerry D. Lyons City Manager William A. Simmons City Clerk Janet R. Dougherty Absent: City Attorney William L. Colbert The Chairman called the meeting to order. Revised Draft Ordinance for Economic Development. Director of Community Development Charles Rowe reported that the revised draft ordinance is a combination of ideas from the City and cOunty Commissions, that the Florida League of Cities has furnished information regarding how other cities provide incentives for community and economic development incentives, and that the ordinance has been sent to the City Attorney for comments. 'Further, the methodology for insuring re-payment of the incentive provided is through a lien and/or surety bond. Also, the City is looking at a return on the investment attached to the amount of ad valorem tax increase that occurs asa result of a specific development. City Manager reported that this ordinance is patterned afterthe affordable housing ordinance, that the funding source, should the Commission choose to provide incentives/assistance, which will be considered on a case-by-case basis, is general fund reserves, and that he hopes to have an ordinance ready for first reading at the next meeting. Revised Educational Assistance Program The Commission concurred with revisions/changes to the City's Educational Assistance Program as described in memorandum dated August 30, 1995, from Personnel Director. Request for purchase of Cisco Software-Advanced Com~uter Aided Dispatch System, required hardware, and Novell Netware, After discussion, the consensus of the Commission was t© approve the purchase of the Cisco Software-Advanced Computer Aided Dispatch System, required hardware, and Novell Netware in total amount of $57,588.00, as requested. Police Community Center at Seminole Towne Center Mall. After discussion, and on request of the City Manager, the Commission concurred to authorize execution of the Lease Agreement, subject to changes as presented, including insurance limits, and indemnification language, with the addition of revised Attachment "B", and City Attorney's and City Staff's approval. Fee for appraisal services for Golf Course proDert¥, After discussion, the consensus of the Commission was that Staff accept the proposal from John Sauls for appraisal services in amount of $3,500.00 regarding the above- referenced property. City's position regarding Billboards on the Greenewa¥. The Commission reviewed and concurred with draft letter dated September 6, 1995. Request from Human Services Council for City contribution. On recommendation of the City Manager, the Commission concurred to deny the requested contribution, and authorized the City Manager to send a letter to the Human Services Council advising that there are no funds available to support such a contribution. E405354 698 MINUTES City Connnission, Sanford, Florida Wr]rk Sess~.o[1 Se ,.embe 11 19 95 Quarterly board appointments/re-appointments. The Commission discussed board appointments/ re-appoints for the Historic Preservation Board and the Planning and Zoning Commission. Regular Agenda Items and other items. A. Closeout Audit of State Revolving Fund Loan Agreement CS12058621. The Commission referred this item to tonight's Regular Meeting for City Commission consideration. B. Request from Alex Serraes/Seminole Conmmunity College to close First Street between Park Avenue and Palmetto Avenue in con~unction with s~ecial event on September 15, 1995, from 4:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. The consensus of the Commission was to approve the street closure as requested. C. Bids for disposal of surplus fire equilament. The City Manager reported receipt of one bid, that Fire Chief Hickson recommends rejection of said bid, and that the manufacturer has offered to enter into an agreement to handle the disposition on a consignment basis. The Commission concurred to reject the bid, with Staff to provide an agreement for City Commission review and approval. D. Emergency Transportation (Ambulance) Services. Fire Chief Tom Hickson reported that several weeks ago the Seminole County Fire Chiefs met to discuss the possibility of taking over emergency patient transport services, that the Sanford Fire Department can provide these services at no increase in personnel, equipment or liability to the City, and at a reduced cost to the patient. After discussion, and on request of Fire Chief Hickson, the Commission concurred that Dr. Brown, EMS Coordinator for Seminole County, give a presentation at the next Work Session. (Commissioner Howell briefly left the meeting, then returned.) E. Wastewater infiltration/inflow study. The City Manager reported that as a result of the recent rains, the wastewater systems infiltration/inflow is up again, and that he has asked the Utility Director to obtain proposals for additional studies. F. School Board Property. City Manager Simmons reported that there have been no inquiries relative the school board property, that if the City Commission is serious about selling this property, consideration should be given to hiring a seller's agent. G. City Hall HAVC and roof repairs. City Manager Simmons reported that he expects to have a contract for City Hall heating, ventilation, air conditioning and roof repair for City Commission consideration at the next meeting. H. Lake Monroe Riverwalk Grant Application. On recommendation of the City Manager, the Commission concurred to authorize Staff to complete and submit said grant application, under the ISTEA program, to the Florida Department of Transportation. I. Q.U.A.D. Squad/Unit Update. Chief Ralph Russell reported that the quad unit confiscated and made an arrest on a crack cocaine trafficker as a result of an anonymous phone call. J. Request for Right of Way Use Agreement with Michael Monaco/Monaco Unlimited for installation of handicapped access ram~ at 200 Maple Avenue. City Manager Simmons recommended approval of the Right-Of-Way Use Agreement, to allow the owner to install a handicapped access ramp at the above-referenced location. E405354 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Work Session 699 September 11 19 95 K. Agenda Items ~11 and 24, alcoholic beverages ordinances. The City Clerk reported that there was incorrect information in the title of the ordinance as advertised for the above referenced items, that the City Attorney recon~ends the public hearing be held, and persons desiring to speak be allowed to do so, and then continue the public hearing to September 25, 1995, to allow for proper advertising. Further, the first reading of Ordinance No. 3271 also should be continued to September 25, 1995, since it needs to be adopted at the same. L. Code Enforcement Violations on 17-92. Commission Howell asked for the status of two violations he called in last week. Director of Community Development reported that these violations will be heard by the Code Enforcement Board. M. Little Red School House/Hol~er Academy. Commissioner Howell asked why the City accepted title on the Little Red School House, and not pass through immediately as with the Hopper Academy. The City Manager reported that in the case with the Hopper Academy, we knew in advance who the City was going to pass it on to, that it was in terrible condition and required Substantial work, and that the school is in "move in" condition. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. R Attest: