HomeMy WebLinkAbout072296 ws/rm min.E405354 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Work Sess.,.on July 22 183 1996 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in Work Session on Monday, July 22, 1996, at 5:00 o'clock P.M. in the City Manager's Conference Room, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Bettye D. Smith Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Robert B. Thomas, Jr. Commissioner Lon K. Howell Commissioner Kerry D. Lyons City Manager William A. Simmons City Clerk Janet R. Dougherty Absent: City Attorney William L. Colbert The Chairman called the meeting to order. Code Enforcement Report. City Manager Simmons requested City Commission comments and guidance regarding the overall Code Enforcement Program/Report, previously submitted and discussed at the June 24, 1996, Work Session. Mr. Simmons reported that the proposed FY 96/97 Budget, as presented at the Budget Work Session(s), may not adequately document expanding the existing half-time Secretary II position to a full-time status, that should this be the case, Staff will determine whether or not there are sufficient funds to support a full-time position, and report back to the Commission. COmmissioner Howell reported that code violations are more prevalent on Saturdays, and asked if an inspector will be available to monitor code enforcement activity on Saturdays. DirectOr of Community Development reported that work schedules can be adjusted to include alternating Saturdays. Commissioner Lyons asked if the additional personnel and computers will facilitate a more proactive approach to code enforcement. Director of Community Development reported that we do not have enough personnel to be proactive, that inspector generated cases in addition to citizen generated complaints would substantially increase the case load and response time, which is already one to two weeks. After discussion, the Commission concurred to continue discussion of code enforcement activity at the August 12, 1996, Work Session. Lot Mowing Ordinance. The City Manager reported that the proposed ordinance is an extension of the City's lot mowing program, that said ordinance will provide a higher degree of control and ability to deal with overgrowth and accumulation of trash on developed and undeveloped properties, that the procedure runs through Staff; not the Code Enforcement Board, but provides an appeal process whereby objeCtions to Staff and City Manager decisions go directly to the City Commission, and that he believes this ordinance is enforceable. The Commission concurred to consider first reading of the proposed Lot Mowing Ordinance at the August 12, 1996', Regular Meeting. Sanford Airport Authority Lease Agreement. The City Manager reported that the City Attorney has reviewed the Lease Agreement ("Agreement") and provided recommended language revisions, which have been addressed. Steve Cooke, Executive Director of Aviation, Sanford Airport Authority ("Authority"), reported that the Authority approved the Agreement for submittal to the City at its July 2, 1996 Meeting, that said Agreement is not meant to address any alleged interference on the part of the City Commission with the Authority, but rather to meet the needs of a growing environment at the Airport, and to create a greater certainty and 184 E405354 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Work Session ]lily ?? 19 96 stability on the part of the Authority. Further, the Agreement limits the City's liability, supports new legislation to enable a member of the City Commission to serve on the Authority, and does not affect the City's powers of appointment. Also, the Police Services Agreement has been incorporated into the Lease Agreement. Mr. Authority, City Commission approval of the proposed Agreement. Cooke requested, on behalf of the Sanford Airport Authority Lease (Commissioner Howell briefly left the meeting, then returned.) After discussion, the Commission concurred that Staff place the proposed Sanford Airport Authority Lease Agreement on the August 12, 1996, Regular Meeting Agenda, for City Commission consideration. Street sign replacements in the Historic District. On request of the City Manager, the Commission concurred to continue this item to the August 12, 1996, Work Session, pending receipt of signs. Municipal Stadium renovation and lighting. Commissioner Eckstein reported that the Memorial Stadium is in extreme disrepair, that the City has a great legacy in the Stadium, that we need to be proactive in research and development, that the Stadium is a resource that needs to be developed, and would bring people into the City with a focus on the positive things rather than the negative. Commissioner Eckstein requested that the City Commission agree to develop a three (3) or four (4) year renovation/reconstruction program, starting with new lights and restoration of the playing field using general fund reserves if necessary. Commissioner Howell reported that he does not disagree with renovating the Stadium, however, he does have a problem using reserves to fund same when Sanford children do not have a recreation facility. Commissioner Lyons reported that he agrees wit'h Commissioner Howell, and that before the City commits to funding these lights, we should pursue Seminole County support/funding. Commissioner Thomas reported that he is supportive of renovating the Stadium, but he too acknowledges the need for a recreation facility. After discussion, the 'Commission concurred that Staff obtain an engineering study to determine whether the Memorial Stadium is structurally sound before proceeding with installation of new lights and field restoration. Also, Staff to look into tourist development and recreational grant funding. Dedication of Cultural Arts Center. Commissioner Eckstein proposed that the Cultural Arts Center be named the Bettye Smith Cultural Arts Center, and that Mayor Smith plan the celebration as and when she desires. The Commission concurred wholeheartedly. Board appointments/re-appointments. The Commission discussed the appointment of Marveen Kelly to the Nuisance Abatement Board, and Central Examining Board term expirations of Larry Blair and Carol Dennison. Presentation of Proposal re: Courthouse Expansion. Commissioner Howell reported that Seminole County Commissioner McLain would like to present to the City Commission his proposal that Seminole County purchase and utilize City Hall for courthouse expansion. E405354 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford,' Florida ~'J0rk Ses$i0n 185 J[Jly 22 1996 A~ter discussion, the Commission concurred that the City Manager contact Commissioner McLain to see if he is interested in making a presentation, and apprise Chairman Van Der Weide of same. (The Chairman recessed the meeting for approximately 10 minutes, then reconvened the meeting.) Regular Agenda Items and other items. (Commissioners Howell and Thomas briefly left the meeting, then returned.) A. (1) FY 96/97 Dental Insurance/Indemnity Plan. Personnel Director Tim McCauley reported that the current provider "Denti-Care" has submitted two renewal proposals: (1) continuation of the existing indemnity .plan with a 30% premium increase, and (2) an alternative plan without orthodontic benefits and a lower premium. Further, the fourteen (14) individuals presently in the plan were polled and opted for the alternative plan. (2) Managed Care Contract. The Personnel Director reported that as a result of recent legislation, the City has been mandated, effective January 1, 1997, to enter into a managed worker compensation health care arrangement, that an RFP was sent out with three responses, that Staff and ISAAC have reviewed the proposals and recommend the contract be awarded to Corvell, and that he concurs with said recommendation. Further, the only fixed cost identified is $4,000.00 ($3,000.00 utilization review fee/S1,000.00 annual application fee). The Commission referred this item to tonight's Regular Meeting for City Commission consideration. B. 7th Street and Pine Avenue. The City Manager reported that he contracted W.W. Daniels, under emergency procurement procedures, to stabilize the situation caused by a significant blockage of an 84" storm drain pipe, and that he is awaiting a proposal for installation of up to eighty (80) feet of pipe across 7th Street, and necessary repair work. C. LIHEAP Agreement Modification 001. Director of Community Development Charles Rowe reported that Staff has prepared the necessary documentation to receive increased funding capabilities in amount of $34,884.00, and requested City Commission authorization to submit same to the State. On recommendation of the City Manager, the Commission referred this item to tonight's Regular Meeting, for action. (Commissioner Howell briefly left the meeting, then returned.) D. Bid Proposal re: City ~urchase of property located at 16th Street. Director of Community Development reported that the City was the successful bidder ($2,537.00) on this property, that said property will be used for Community Development demolition and relocation, and given the fact that no impact fees have to be paid, the property did not cost anything in terms of the Community Development Department's construction budget. E. Request from George Martin for a thirty (30) day extension to correct overgrown weeds and grass at 2750 West AirDort Boulevard. The City Manager reported that he concurs with the Building Official's recommendation to deny the requested thirty (30) day extension. This item was referred to tonight's Regular Meeting, for City Commission action. F. Request from Better Living for Seniors for City contribution. On recommendation of the City Manager, the Commission concurred not to provide funding, as in the past, and that the City Manager respond accordingly. 186 E405354 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Work Session July 22 19.96 G. Interlocal Agreement with Seminole County re: One Cent Sales Tax revenues for road improvements. The City Manager reported that Seminole County has submitted a proposal to increase the scope of projects under the Interlocal Agreement, for City Commission consideration at the August 12, 1996 Regular Meeting. Further, the "City Project", a four- lane divided highway along West 25th Street between 17-92 and Old Lake Mary Road is scheduled for design within the next two (2) years, that he does not believe this project is the best use of these funds, and will provide alternative uses for City Commission review and discussion at the August 12, 1996, Work Session. H. Request from Florida Army National Guard for utilization of City Hall and surrounding area for civil disturbance training exercise on August 4, 1996. The City Manager reported that he approved the use of City Hall and the surrounding area, as requested, and the Commission had no objection. I. City Hall Telephone System. City Manager Simmons reported that City Hall telephones have been down all day, that apparently the back-up batteries have a short or were severely discharged as a result of the power being off over the weekend, which caused the rectifier to overload and fail when the system was turned on. Further, a new rectifier will be installed, and the system should be up and running tomorrow. J. Meeting re: Property Owners' Protection Act. public forum he and Commissioner Eckstein at~ended. City Manager's report. None given. The City Manager reported on a There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Attest: ~/ city C16r'k ~ ~/' E405354 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida ReQular eet nQ 3uly 22 187 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in Regular Meeting of Monday, July 22, 1996, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. in the City Commission Room, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Bettye D. Smith Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Robert B. Thomas, Jr. Commissioner Lon K. Howell Commissioner Kerry D. Lyons City Attorney William L. Colbert City Manager William A. Simmons City Clerk Janet R. Dougherty The Chairman called the meeting to order. Public hearing to consider the second reading and adoption advertised in the Sanford Herald July 11, 1996. Ordinance No. 3300, entitled: of Ordina-ce No. 3300, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING SANFORD CITY CODE ARTICLE XIX, SECTION 2-335(B), VACANCIES IN THE CLASSIFIED SERVICE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. introduced and placed on first reading at meeting of July 8, 1996, was next placed on second reading. After being read by title, the Chairman announced that the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, the adoption of Ordinance No. 3300. No one appeared. Commissioner Howell moved on the second reading and adoption of said Ordinance No. 3300. Seconded by Commissioner Thomas and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstei~ Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Nay First reading of Ordinance No. 3301. On motion of Commissioner Lyons, seconded by Commissioner Howell and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Ordinance No. 3301, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CIT OF SANFORD, FLORIDA; AMENDING ARTICLE II, SECTION 2.01(C) AND ARTICLE VIII, SECTION 8.01 OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY, TO CHANGE THE ELECTION DATE FOR CITY COMMISSION MEMBERS FROM THE FIRST TUESDAY AFTER THE FIRST MONDAY IN DECEMBER OF EACH ELECTION YEAR TO THE FIRST TUESDAY AFTER THE FIRS MONDAY IN MARCH OF EACH ELECTION YEAR, EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 1997; AMENDING ARTICLE II, SECTION 2.01(C) OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY; TO CHANGE THE QUALIFYING PERIOD FOR CITY COMMISSION CANDIDATES FROM 56 DAYS TO 12 DAYS, EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 1997; AMENDING ARTICLE V, SECTION 5.01(C) AND (D) AND ARTICLE IV, SECTION 4.04(1) OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE ELECTORS THE CITY OF SANFORD, TO CHANGE THE PARTY AUTHORIZED TO HIRE AND SUPERVISE THE FIRE AND POLICE CHIEFS FROM THE CITY COMMISSION TO THE CITY MANAGER, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY UPON APPROVAL OF ELECTORS OF THE CIT OF SANFORD; PROVIDING FOR REFERENDUM ELECTION BY CITY ELECTORS ON NOVEMBER 5, 1996; PROVIDING BALLOT QUESTIONS;PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, AND EFFECTIVE DATES. was introduced and placed on first reading. First reading of Ordinance No. 3302. On motion of Commissioner HoWell, Commissioner Thomas and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows:: seconded by Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Ave 188 E405354 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Regular Meetinq July 22 1996 Commissioner Thomas Commissioner Howell Commissioner Lyons Aye Aye Aye Ordinance No. 3302, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, TO ANNEX WITHIN THE CORPORATE AREA OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, UPON ADOPTION OF SAID ORDINANCE, A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING BETWEEN NORTHWAY AND PINEWAY AND BETWEEN SANFORD AVENUE AND ELLONVILLE AVENUE EXTENDED NORTHERLY AND SOUTHERLY, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION PROVISIONS OF SECTION 171.044, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. was introduced and placed on first reading. FY 96/97 Budget and Millage. The Chairman announced that the current rolled back millage rate is 6.5415, that the the proposed millage rate is 6.8759, and the commission acknowledged same. Commissioner Howell moved to tentatively approve the proposed Budget for FY 1996/97. Seconded by Commissioner Thomas and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye The Chairman announced that the tentative budget hearing on the proposed Budget will be held at 7:00 o'clock P.M. on September 16, 1996 in the City Commission Room. Board appointments/re-appointments, as discussed at tonight's Work Session. Board of Adjustment: The City Clerk reported that the terms of Larry Blair and Carol Dennison expire September 2, 1996. Commissioner Howell moved to re-appoint Larry Blair and Carol Dennison to the Board of Adjustment. Seconded by Commissioner Thomas and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Bo Nuisance Abatement Board: The City Clerk reported that the Commission needs to appoint one (1) member, for a one-year initial term. Commissioner Lyons moved to appoint Marveen Kelly to the Nuisance Abatement Board. Seconded by Commissioner Howell and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Change Order 95 to contract with Cone Constructors, Inc. for Sanford Avenue Roaa Improvements. said Change Order in amount of $13,570.50 plus engineering and inspection fees, modification of the interlocal agreement to include said Change Order. Seconded Commissioner Thomas and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Howell moved to approve and by Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Consent Agenda. A. Requests for payment of statements'. (1) From Muller, Mintz, Kornreich, et al for professional services E405354 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Regular eeting 1.8 9 July 22 1996 (2) From City Attorney for professional services in June, 1996 (Invoic~-34,842) ............................................ $10,710.00 B. Approval of Minutes of June 10, 1996, Regular Meeting. On motion of Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Thomas and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: the Commission: A. B. Information Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Approved payment of statements (1) and (2). Approved Minutes of June 10, 1996, Regular Meeting. regarding invoices paid during the period for previously approved lump sum Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Commissioner Thomas and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: Managed Care Contract, as discussed at tonight's Work Session. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Howell moved to authorize execution of said Managed Care Contract with Carvell in an annual amount of $4,000.00, effective January 1, 1997. Seconded by Request from George Martin for a thirty (30) day time extension re: Lowing Mowing Citation with respect to property located at 2750 West ~irport Boulevard, as discussed at tonight's Work Session. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Howell moved to deny the requested thirty (30) day time extension. vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye Seconded by Commissioner Thomas and carried by the There being no further business, Attest: the meeting was a~djour~d. _ Mayor Smith Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Thomas Aye Commissioner Howell Aye Commissioner Lyons Aye contracts. The Commission acknowledged eight (8) invoices totalling $13,556.51. Sanford Memorial Stadium, as discussed at tonight's Work Session. Commissioner Eckstein commended the members of the Commission for supporting the renovation of the Stadium. Political Sign Ordinance. City Attorney William Colbert reported that he has reviewed the ordinance from an enforcement standpoint, as requested by the City Manager, and that he was prepared to discuss same. On request of Commissioner Howell, the Commission concurred to defer discussion of this item to the August 12, 1996, Work Session. LIHEAPAgreement Modification 001, as discussed at tonight's Work Session. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Thomas moved to approve said LIHEAP Agreement Modification 001, to increase programming capabilities by $34,884.00. Seconded by Commissioner Howell and carried by the vote of the Commission as follows: