HomeMy WebLinkAbout446-Plantation Lakes, Ltd.02/11/00 12:12 FAX ~ O1 GRANT OF EXCLUSIVE CiTY SERVICES EASEMENT (CORPORATE) INDENT,IRE, made this '~day of ~ . A.9. ~ between THIS whose address is ~l Cc~:r,~r'~r~"~,~,Jct~ !',l~J ) ~u~-- · County of ?~lw~ ~ , and State of F:I~-M~ , party of the first part. and the CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, which Is situated in the County of Seminole, the State of Florida, party of the second part; WITHESSETH, that party of the first part, far and in consideration of the sum of one dollar and other valuable cot~deration pa~d by party of the saoend purL, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, grants and conveys to party of the second part, its ~ feet of the property situated in or near the C~y of ~anford, Seminole County, Florida, more particularLy.described am (See Attached Exhibit "A" - Legal Description and bhibit "Jr' - Drawing} *Also known as LO~C~ ?~l',~n L~Y-P~ (_,~'c~. Sanford, Florida* PROPERTY ADDRESS (Seminole County Parcel IO No. ~.-R-~::)-~c(::)'6%1,0 -(::r..d~ ) for city services, including but not limited to, city ovmed utilities, hereafter on mid property, such easement to includ~Jhe ~ ~-~ of free ingress and egress over and across said property for the purposes of constructing, installing, and maintaining'laid facilities. ~ This Grant of Easement shall not be construed as a grant of figM of way and Is limited to a City Services Easement. The party bl~ the party of the second art for the purpo granted hereby. t~tf~v&r, ten~s ~s r.a~'C~h~t ,~YR~ C~'-t,l~ ,~-c~fa ~ Provided. however, that the party of the first pad shall not have the right to grant utility easements to ether parUes without the prior written consent ef the party of the second part. II the party of the second part disturbs any landscaping or Improvements within the easement area. the party of the second part shall restore such !andsoaping or Improvements. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties Of the first pad hereunto eel the h n s and seals on the day and year lirsl above wrltte~-T (Printed Name el Witness) STATE OF FLORIBA, EOUIITY OF HMINOLE ~lh~ )~,~ch The foregoing Innttumeut.s acknowted ed before me this 1~ day of J~L,r ~ . 2,,, A.D. by 5C o ~ ,the V'~ci ~/~r&~ of FJ.,J--k~L--I~ LJ-r_J. , { hYcc lspersonally lmown tome o~wl1~iiJ::a: provided' as identification. ~,/~ .~,~ ~-' 7 'd" ~ a- 5 T')C~ ? ::,~._< I)ocu~q~m~taD/Tax Pd. $ / ..... N $ . _ . ~ ~e Tax Pal. Idlr~maae ].~ 2000 Z].:].~ P~GE.E~I SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION SKETCH OF DESCRIPTTOIV dOB No. 97088.008 /(l O~A~ sY: o. ~SHU~V 8EAR8 RELD BY.' N/A COMPANY F~$.D eOO~N/A ~ F~,AGE: N/A 31~ !~ Ferncreek Avenue FIELD DATE: N/A DRAVANG DATE:11/04/g8 Orlando, Florida 32803 f407) 897-8220 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION FOR CITY OF SANFORD 15 FOOT WIDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT THAT PART OF THE WEST 1/2 OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 19 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST, LYING AND BEING IN SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE COMMENCE AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE WEST UNE OF SAID WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4. AND THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY UNE OF RINEHART ROAD; THENCE RUN S00'03'46"W ALONG SAID WEST LINE 12.84 FEET TO A POINT THAT IS 12.0 FEET SOUTHEASTERLY OF (AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO) THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF RINEHART ROAD AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE RUN N69'12'12"E PERPENDICULAR TO SAID SOUTHEAST RIGHT OF WAY UNE OF SAID RINEHART ROAD, 436.05 FEET TO THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY UNE OF HUGHY STREET; THENCE RUN N89'45'49"E ALONG SAID SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE, 41.79 FEET TO A POINT THAT IS 27.0 FEET SOUTHEASTERLY OF (AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO) THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY UNE OF RINEHART ROAD; THENCE RUN S69'12'12"W PERPENDICULAR TO SAID SOUTHEAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID RINEHART ROAD, 480.78 FEET TO THE WEST UNE OF SAID WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4; THENCE RUN NOO'O3°46"E ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 16.05 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINS 0.158 ACRES MORE OR LESS. SURVEYORS NOTES: 1. NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. 2. LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHTS OF WAY, EASEMENTS, OWNERSHIP, OR OTHER INSTRUMENTS OF RECORD, BY THIS FIRM. 4o BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING: WEST UNE OF THE W 1/2 OF THE SE 1/4 AS S00'03'46"W (ASSUMED). 5. THE DESCRIPTION SHOWN HEREON WAS PREPARED BY THE SURVEYOR. 6. THIS tS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. JOB NUMBER: 97088.008 DRAWING NAME: SANFORD-UTLDW'G SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS yBEARS 8URVEYINGI COMPANY 315 I( Ferr~eek Avenue Orlando,, Florida 32803 ~407) 897.8220