HomeMy WebLinkAbout454-2202-2220 French , THIS INDENTURE, a ' ' ' · , . ' · ~" ~ ~ ~ ~ whose address is and State of , pa~f the first pa~, and the CI~ OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a m~nlclpal corporation, which is situated in the Coun~ of Seminole, the State of Florida, pa~ of the second pa~; WITNESSETH, that par~ of the first pa~, for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar and other valuable consideration paid by pa~ of the second pa~, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, grants and conveys to pa~ of the second pa~, its successors, assigns, licensees, an exclusive p rpetual ease ent, s scribed and illustrated below, which is to be under, upon, and across th~~/ ~ ~(~~ feet of the prope~ situated in or near the Ci~ of Sanford, Seminole Coun MARYANNE MORSE (see Attached Exhibit "A" - Legal Description and Exhibit "B" - Drawing) CLERK 0F CIRCUIT COURT ~ ~ ~. SEMINOLE COUN~~ow. as J~ O~ '~ /O "~ ~ ~ D . Sanford, Florida* DEPU~ CLERK ~, ~ ~ _ r seduces, including but not limited to, ci~ owned Utilities, hereafter on said prope~, such easem~t to include the right of free ingress and egress over and across said prope~ for the purposes of constructing, installing, and maintaining said facilities. I I! This Grant of Easement shall not be construed as a grant of right of way and is limited to a City ~rv~ vided, however, that the pa~ of the firsl part shall not have the right to grant utili~ ease~nt~'~ Pro ~ other parties wilhout the prior wri~en consent of the par~ of lhe second pall. If lhe par~ of lh~ec~ part disturbs any landscaping or improvements within lhe easement area, the pa~ of the sec~d ~ shall restore such landscaping or improvements. ~ a~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties of the first part hereunto set their hands and seals on lhe day and year first above written. CO (Printed Name of Witness) (Printed Name of Witness) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE ~ ~ The foregoing inst;ument was acknowledged before me this/~'~tJ day of v/~/f~ ~//P A.D. by ~ ~, ~// ' ' ', who is personally known to me or who provided as identifi~tion. THIS I~TEUMENT P~AR~ B~,, ~ .... - ' ADDR. ~ ~ E F'~ ~' Printed Name: No~PuMic St~cofR~ ~ ~~d~ *~L ~Z~ B-4 ~ ~Comm~on~ir~J~24,~ "uah 31 ar,d Lhe rii~rt'. ~. feel ~',f '_c,t 32 and Lots 3') thrnu,qh '13 and the Nc, rth '1.:. feet f I i -'~4, L~$S r,.'.ad right-of-way and that ce.rta[a fc,rmer n lleyw3y vacated by f. he City of Sanford lyillg Fiast of the af~'resa id L. nts 27 thr~'uZ;h ~:! and the Nc~rth 4.5 feet of Lot 32 inclusive and lying 'west ,,f th~ af.,re~;~id Lr, ts :!~" thr.ough 43 and the North 4.~ feet ~',f I_ot 44; and the West -~ ~,f f. hat certain former alleyway vacated by the City cf Sar~f.-,rd lying Fast ,,f f. he aforesaid Lots 25 and 26, of B(N!',VFNTUFTE accord ng t,'. 'khe ~1 ,L t. nereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 85 of the [~ublic Records ,',f Seminole County, Florida. SUPVFYOR'S CEf;IlFtC~'F.r This is t~, certify that I have made a Surv~ f the above described property and the F la+ hereon is ,a correct re:s~reseatat i',n of the same. ..- 2 ~ j a .n 76 V. K. '~MITH, REG. L,'~ND SURVEYOr N . 1653 1807 French ~ve., Sanford, rl;~riJa .5~"AL : I"= I00' 76- 34B~